13• One Word: Morons
Chapter 13-
One Word: Morons
Sarah and I meet up at Ethan's and ring the doorbell, tonight's Friday what means babysitting night, which means hanging out with friends time.
Jane answers, "Hey Sarah, Abigail. Ethan! Benny! Your girlfriends are here." Sarah and I laugh, "Hey guys." I say waving as the boys walk up to us.
"Hi..." Ethan mumbles. Sarah turns around and starts talking to Mr Morgan about the senior prom, I walk over and stand beside Ethan awkwardly.
Everyone's so lucky to have their parents or relatives going...
"Check out Miami Vice! Stylish." Benny says smiling, "Freeze, turkey." Mr Morgan says, adjusting his jacket. "Ha, ha, whoa! Look out!" Benny says awkwardly with his hands up.
"Ethan's mum thought it'd be fun if we wear the same thing we wore at our senior prom." Mr Morgan explains. Makes sense. "I think its really cool you two are chaperoning the senior citizens' prom." Sarah says, complimenting the Morgan's.
"Oh! Senior prom! I just got that." Benny says realising, I roll my eyes at him and sigh. "Hey, are your parents going, Abigail?" Mr Morgan asks, my eyes dart up to him,
"Uh... No! Um, they don't really... Like this kinda stuff..." I mumble, Benny frowns over at me, and Sarah smiles sympathetically.
Mr Morgan nods slowly, the door opens, revealing Evelyn, "So, who's ready to party?" She asks, excited. She looks really nice actually.
"Grandma, you look..." Benny gets cut off by Ethan, "Hot.". I cringe slightly, "Thank you, sweetie. You look a little surprised, dear." Evelyn says over to Benny, "Can't a grandma get her groove on?" She adds.
I smile at Evelyn, she's a wonderful woman, "I have no idea how to answer that." Benny answers.
Mrs Morgan comes walking down the stairs, "OK! So what do you think? This is the exact same dress I wore for my senior prom." She says smiling, "It's a little 1981, isn't it?" Evelyn asks. I bite my lip to hold in my laugh.
"Yes, I know. That's the... Point." Mrs Morgan says awkwardly, "Mum, I bet it looked great 30 years ago." Ethan says trying to help, "Yeah, grandma could lend you something out from her closet." Benny says, also trying to help.
I sigh, one word: morons.
"OK, maybe I should change." Mrs Morgan says, heading for the stairs. Evelyn and Mr Morgan try to stop her, "Oh no! I don't want to miss the vote for prom queen. I'm the 3 to 1 favourite." Evelyn says smiling, "Let's drop it like its hot!" She adds heading for the door.
"Yes, yes. Goodnight, have fun, guys!" Mr Morgan says waving and pushing his wife out the door.
"OK, the Jacuzzi Time Machine starts in t-minus 2 minutes." Ethan says heading for the TV.
"I'll get the drinks."
"I'll get the popcorn."
"And I'll just stand here, not knowing what to do.." I say awkwardly, Benny laughs and keeps walking. Jane runs up to me, "Can I stay up late tonight?" She asks, I bend down slightly, "If you promise not to tell your parents that were letting you watch Jacuzzi time machine."
"Deal!" She says running off.
After we get everything, I sit beside Jane on the ground, getting ready to watch the movie, I've never seen it before...
"Hey! That's my spot!" Sarah yells at Benny, "What? I always sit beside Ethan on movie night." Benny explains, Sarah pulls a face and then Benny looks in between he two, "Oh! I get it. You two want to, uh, canoodle."
I laugh, "No, we don't." Sarah says with a slight laugh, "As if." Ethan says, trying to disagree but failing. As he's saying all this stuff, Benny's just simply putting the drinks and cups on the table.
"Canoodling is the absolute last thing I wanna do." He adds, Sarah raises an eyebrow, "Well, you know, not like... The last thing in the world." Ethan says awkwardly.
I just laugh at the three, Benny looks down at me and smiles, I smile back. It's become a habit. Ethan nudges Benny, "All right!" Benny says standing up laughing, he then sits beside me.
80's rock music plays from the movie and I smile, getting excited. Then there's a thump from outside and the TV goes to static.
"No!" I yell, about to throw something at the TV. Everyone else around be starts screaming "No!" As well. Then there's another thump outside, and I frown as I hear the voice, "I've really got to work on my roof landings."
"Rory? Ugh..." I mumble.
We sit in the kitchen, eating pizza and the snacks we would've eaten while watching the movie, but no. Rory had to come in and ruin it...
"Cause we're 92 minutes in." Benny says, like everyone would understand, "He knows this movie off by heart." Ethan mumbles. I nod slowly, lucky him.
"That's really pathetic." Sarah says unimpressed, "I'm so bored!" Rory says as he lays on the bench, "Hey! If you hadn't knocked the satellite dish, we'd all be enjoying Jacuzzi Time Machine right now." Benny says, anger filled with his words.
I nod in agreement, "Think grandma is making out with her boyfriend right now?" Jane asks, I gag at the thought. We all grunt in disgust.
"Don't you have some cards?" I ask, "My parents might have some old board games in the basement." Ethan replies.
And with that, we all get up and head downstairs.
"OK, we got math-a-lot village." Sarah suggests, I cringe, "Too much math." I say annoyed. "Word strike?" She suggests again, "Requires spelling." Benny replies, "you got anything in a nice non-educational flavour?" Benny asks.
"Oh! Check this out! Spirt speaker. 'Host a séance and make contact with the spirit world'." Ethan says, blowing on the box causing dust to go everywhere, I cough, trying to breathe.
"Now we're talking. Let's meet up with some honeys from the other side." Benny says, I ignore the pain in my gut, "what's a séance?" Rory asks, "It's like a ritual conducted to make contact with spirits." I reply.
"Dead spirits!" Sarah exclaims, "Those things give me the creeps. I thought they were banned from toy stores." Sarah states, "This one looks seriously old." Ethan replies.
"I don't think we should mess with it, guys." Sarah says honestly, I nod, not trusting it one bit. "What's the big deal? It's just a board game." Benny says,
"Its what it does that's horrifying, Benny." I say, crossing my arms over my chest. Ethan sighs, "Oh, come on! Just one little game?" He asks. "Unless you're scared." Ethan says, trying to tempt Sarah.
"Yeah, I'm a chicken. Back-back! Jane and I are gonna go play dress up." Sarah says heading for the stairs, "Coming Abi?" She asks, I sigh shaking my head, "I'm staying to make sure these dim wits don't do anything bad."
She nods and walks upstairs with Jane.
"Man! She has got to loosen up. Well, what do you say, girls, up for a little supernatural action?" Benny asks, I roll my eyes as I follow the boys.
As the boys get candles and dish towels for 'effect', I look out the window and smile. It's a full moon, I can still feel it, but I have my anchor. So I'm good...
Also, finally, last week Evelyn, Benny and I found the wolfs bane and got rid of it, so my ability's aren't at risk anymore!
I sit down with the boys, Benny offers me a dish towel but I refuse, "OK. Did this at a sleepover once. Everybody. Two fingers on their respective corners. Now, all we have to do is just summon a spirit and ask it questions." Benny explains,
"Maybe Sarah was right," Ethan starts, yes, she was, "I don't think we should mess with this thing. We dont know who or what is out there in the ether." He finishes, "Look, we're hanging out with vampires and a werewolf. We've taken down zombies. We pruned a haunted tree last month." Benny says, yeah that was one of the weirdest days...
"What's a little voice from beyond?" Benny finishes, "Point taken, but were reading the rules first." Ethan claims. He begins reading the rules and I listen closely.
"Got it?" Ethan asks, finishing, I nod. "Sweet! All right, I'll st-" I cut Benny off, "Actually... Could I start? I wanna see if my mother or father is there..." I mumble, Benny smiles and nods.
We place our fingers on the board, "Uh, oh great séance board, is Martha or Kevin Chase, the parents of I, Abigail Chase, there?" I ask, we look into the glass thing, and a green light shines with the word
I smile, "Mum, or dad?" I ask it,
It replies, I look up at the boys and smile at them, "Well, I know Benny is eager to use the board so I'll be quick, is there... Anything you had to tell me, anything important? You know... Before you... Left..." I ask.
'Yes' shows up.
'We love you. Stay strong, and stay brave.' Comes up. I smile and I can feel tears coming, "All right, good bye, love you." I say, 'Goodbye.' Comes on the board and I take off my fingers.
"You ok?" Benny asks? I nod, wiping my tears, "Y-Yeah! I'm ok." I say smiling. "Your go Benny." I say placing my fingers back on the board.
"All right, Oh, great séance board! Are there any friendly, gentle, preferably hot... Spirits who would like to hang with us dudes?" He asks, as Rory is basically squealing like a girl.
I cough, "Oh! And Abigail of course." Benny says smiling, I roll my eyes, ignoring the pain in my chest. Again.
'Yes' comes up on the board, "Yes! Sweet!" Benny exclaims, and the boys laugh, "Now what?" He asks, "Ask it a question." I reply with a raised eyebrow.
"Right. Uhh... Are you a chick spirit?" He asks.
"Yes! Oh, a chick! Right on!" Benny says happily, then he clears his throat, "Will the world end in the year 2012 as the Mayans predicted?" He asks.
(That moment when it's 2016)
"Oh, no! Darn it! Then we have to study for my final exams." Benny says annoyed, I laugh, "At least we get to grow up!" I state.
"Is there intelligent life on other planets?" Ethan asks,
'I don't know'
"Ah, she doesn't know. Does she know what 'the force' is? Has she transcended the space-time continuum? Has she ever met a Borg?" Rory keeps asking, I roll my eyes.
"Are you four geeks?" Ethan reads the board, "Hmm, pretty much, yeah." Ethan answers honestly, "But their more geeky." I state.
The truth is, I'm quite a huge geek, but not as much as these three.
"I've got one!" Benny says, "Will we be cool?" He asks, I laugh,
"Not even in college?" Benny asks, hoping,
"Tsk! Ever?" Ethan asks,
"OK, this is lame." Benny says annoyed, "Im sure you were a hottie back when you had legs. But you are officially dismissed, Chiquita! Goodbye!" Benny basically yells at the board.
We take off our fingers, "The board wasn't too bad..." I mumble, referring to my parents. "Let's go get a snack." Ethan offers, I nod in agreement, and Benny, Ethan and I get up.
The boys taking off their dish towels in the process, "Wait, guys! Come back! We haven't talked to any Babylonian babes yet." I hear Rory say as we leave.
The room strangely gets cold after maybe 30 seconds, somethings off...
We quickly run into the lounge room once things start moving.
"Rory, what did you do?" I ask, trying to be calm. "Guys! What are you doing down there?" Sarah asks from upstairs. "Nothing!" We all yell.
"Tell me you did not play alone." Benny says annoyed, "are you nuts?" Ethan also asks, then the TV turns off, then on, "I think there's somebody here..." Rory says looking around. The chandelier then starts rocking back and forth.
"Are you the hot, but brutally honest ghost babe we recently conversed with?" Benny asks the board.
"Didn't think so..." I mumble. "Ok, it's getting weird..." Ethan mumbles, "uh, guys? I think it's trying to tell us something." Rory states, I look down and it's flashing random symbols.
"But I don't know what. It may be another language." Rory finishes. "Yeah! Like evil speak." Ethan says horrified. "OK, I know it's not cool for a dude to be freaked out, but I am a freaked-out dude right now!" Benny exclaims.
I laugh slightly, "You played alone." Ethan says with a high pitched tone. "Rory it's the number one rule! Never play alone!" Ethan yells, "OK! Ok! What do we do?" I ask the boys. "I don't know it's going crazy!" Rory yells.
"OK. Ok. Let's all just put our hands on the board." Ethan suggests, I nod doing so. Everything then comes crashing down, we sigh in relief, "I think it worked." Ethan smiles.
Then the board starts glowing again, "Or we just really ticked it off." Benny says. "It's trying to spell something. Look." Ethan says.
'Hands off'
"Hands off what? The board?" Benny asks.
"Yes! Yes, yes, it said yes!" Ethan says freaking out, "What do we do?" Rory asks, "Well not take our hands off the-" I get cut off by Benny, "Take your hands off the board!"
The boys do so but I don't, the board starts making slight sounds then,
Shows up again, in red, obviously, me being me, keeps my hand on the board. I then remove my hand and squeal as the board gives me an electric shock. "Ow!" I yell, "You ok?" Benny asks, I nod. The knocking and growling grows louder and the light of The board flashes.
"That's the number two rule: do not take your hands off the board unless the ghost says goodbye, or it can escape the spirt realm." Ethan says realising, I face palm, already knowing.
Once again, one word: morons.
The boys start fighting about the ghost but I'm too busy looking at the light, then a huge gust of wind comes out and im guessing the ghost was just released.
"Ghosts in your bodies?" Benny asks, I shake my head, we all claim we don't have it, "Maybe it never left the Board. Grab that." Ethan says, taking the lid from Benny, I shake my head in disbelief.
It definitely left... I can feel it...
"No more séances. Ever!" Ethan claims, I nod getting up, "Got no problem with tha... Whoa!" Benny says looking behind me, I turn around and see Sarah coming down the stairs.
But that's definitely not Sarah... "Hey... Sarah..." Benny says awkwardly. "I don't what your babysitter's done to herself, but I like it." I roll my eyes and slap Benny's arm.
"Does anyone else think that Sarah seems a little.... Different?" Ethan asks, "Like possessed by the ghost? Yes. Yes I do." I state awkwardly.
Sarah then points her hand at a shelf and all the books come flying off. Then she starts messing with the TV and starts flying into the kitchen.
"Nah." Benny states. Was that sarcastic?
{ 2559 Words }
A/N: I'd like to say that, I won't be updating the next chapter tomorrow/today, (It's 1:42 am) because it's actually Mother's day tomorrow/today for me so I won't be here. But I'll update when i get back, and write the chapter!
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