08 • Blue Haired Barbie

Chapter 8 -
Blue haired barbie

Sarah and I walk up to Erica who stands at her locker, applying sunscreen, "Well, if it isn't the two Super Nanny's."

Alright... she's mad.

"I'm sorry about last night, and we promise we'll go dancing soon but..." Sarah trails off as she looks over to me.

"We have a small favour to ask..."

Erica inhales and exhales deeply as she turns around, "What?"

"We need you to flirt
With Rory so he'll leave Debbie's side, which will give us enough time to turn her back into a doll."

Erica's lips part as she stares into my eyes... more like into my soul...

Erica shakes her head with a laugh, "No way." Sarah immediately brings to plead,

"Please! You're the only one with enough confidence to do it."

That seems to have done something as Erica's sigh is a lot softer as she looks up at us. Her eyes are uneasy as she thinks the best way to shut us down, but even she can't say no to her best friends.


"Still no contact with Erica?" Ethan asks as Sarah and I make our way over to Ethan, "I guess she bailed on us. Great"

I shake my head, "No way. Erica may be self-absorbed, but she always comes through for us."

Ethan looks up as a blonde makes his way down the hall, "Hey, where's Debbie?" Rory shakes his head as he stops by us,

"Beats me. She went looking for the one who made her'?" He replies, clearly confused and unsure, "You guys were right. The girl is whack."

"The one who made her? Who..." Benny trials off as Rory takes his leave,

"Jane!" Ethan exclaims, "She's looking for Jane. I'm supposed to pick her up after school."

Sarah groans, "Give me the keys. I'll pick her up and meet you there." Ethan reaches through his pocket and hands Sarah his house keys and leaving through the school's door with super speed.

It takes some effort, especially with the boys being slow but we make it to Ethan's house with Debbie Dazzle laying headless in his downstairs hallway.

"Whoa! You pretzeled her good!" Benny compliments Sarah's skills and damn, I have to agree!

"Sarah, you ok?" Ethan asks, obviously focusing his attention to Sarah.

It's cute.

"I'm ok," Sarah replies, still slightly out of breath which is... concerning...

Ethan picks up the dolls head, "Ethan, what are you doing?" I ask backing up with Benny.

"Scare Finder Rule Number 10:" Ethan starts, "Nothing can do anything without a head."

And because nothing goes well for us, Debbies body begins to twist and turn, reaching up and taking her disembodied head from Ethan's grade and pulling it back on.

With a screech, the boys and I flee upstairs to join Sarah.

"Sarah, where's Jane?" Ethan asks, as Debbie's eyes open to smile at us.

"She's in her hiding spot." Sarah replies, "You guys go and I'll hold her off as long as I can."

"What? No. I should stay-"

My words are cut off with a stern glare from
Sarah, "Go."

With a quick nod, the boys and I flee upstairs.

"I'm gonna go find out how she read that spell." Benny states, "What are you two gonna do?"

"Help you."

What the hell else is there to do?

"I'm gonna buy us some time..." Ethan replies, trailing off as he makes his way to Jane's bedroom.


Benny grabs my wrist and pulls me into Ethan's room, quickly shutting the door behind us and making his way to the closet with a small knock,

"Jane. We know you're in there. You always hide in there. I know how your brain works."

"Sweetie," I speak up, "we need to know how you said the fix-it spell."

No answer.

Benny tries to open the door but it doesn't budge. With a sigh, I cross my arms. Little shit...

"What's your price?" Benny asks sighing and too easily, Jane opens the door and looks up at him.

"I have some ideas."

After way too much negotiating, Benny and I end up giving her $10 each, making it $20. Some time through the bargain, Ethan runs in with a very shiny costume on and tells us to hide in the closet. So, reluctantly, the three of us force ourselves into the closet.

But the thing is, Jane apparently doesn't want to share the space and is pushing me into Benny.

It's silent, but I can still make out Benny's and heartbeat which is increasing rapidly. Jane decides now is a great time to push Benny, which causes him to fall into me, which then leads to me being pressed into the wall.

This is just awkward.

Music starts playing.

I raise an eyebrow and look over to Benny to crack a silent joke, but his head is turned away and facing the door. It's dark but I can still make out the soft hue on his cheeks.

"Oh, Debbie!" Ethan calls and there's two Faust sound of feet as Debbie enters the room,

"Dazzle Dan? What are you doing here?"

"Become a doll with me again, Debbie." Ethan - sorry... Dazzle Dan asks.

"No. I don't want to go back. I'm alive now."

"Debbie, this world is boring. Do you want to have to work at a job?"

Well... he's not wrong.

"No. Not really." Debbies cheerful voice has shifted, it's working!

"Then let's be dolls again. You can come with me and we can have a dance party on my... speedboat."

There's a pause.

"Dazzle Dan doesn't have a speedboat."

Oh, shit.

"He has a hover yacht." Debbie corrects, her voice cold and hard again, "You are a fake." Debbie spits over what sounds like Ethan choking.


Ethan chocking!

Jane quickly opens the closet door, Benny's spellbook in hand and Benny pulls me from the closet.

"Onomonabeana!" Jane chants with her hand pointed at Debbie. There's a sudden light and a whooshing sound, which results in Debbie disappearing and becoming a blue-haired barbie.

I sigh in relief as Janes runs to Ethan to comfort him. I look up to Benny who's watching Ethan concerned, but his eyes wander down to me and we start for a second. Then look away, a soft link dusting my cheeks.

Sarah walks through the door as she rubs the back of her neck, "What happened to me?" She spots Ethan, "What happened to you?"

"Nice hair, man." Benny comments, trying his best to hold back a laugh. I whined, don't care, as I let out a chuckle.

Ethan rolls his eyes, as he turns toward his bed where his parents lay now in human form. Ethan's dad groans as the two wake up,

"Why are we in our clothes?"

"Why are we in Ethan's bed?" Ethan's mum asks as she looks around the room. The twos eyes spot up and they shout in surprise.


"So your parents don't remember anything?" I ask Ethan over the red solo cup at my lips.

"Nope. As far as they know, they came home and crashed for the whole day. We're off the hook." Ethan replies with a smirk.

"Less talking; more dancing!" Jane orders as she puts the joe fixed Debbie doll on a nearby dresser.

"Come on guys, we promised," Sarah says, the fake flowers around her neck flying around with her erratic movements.

"Party at the disco beach!"

The boys sigh as Ethan reluctantly joins the two girls. Benny starts bobbing his head to the beat and walks in grinning. I smile as I watch the two dance around and get into the music.

Benny dances in my direction and holds out his hand in an offer. I roll my eyes and take it, allowing myself to be forced into the dance party.

To be honest? Benny is an atrocious dancer, but it makes his whole experience even better and I laugh at him and he laughs with me.

"Come on, Erica!" Sarah calls to the blonde sitting on the other side of the room, "You said you wanted to go dancing."

"Yeah! Don't be such a party pooper." Benny adds with a smile, which provokes Erica and gets him a snarl.

"Or... Poop. Poop away." Benny mumbles, turning back toward me with his eyes widened, "She scares me..."

Benny and I start dancing with Jane by the time Erica starts nodding her head to the beat and gets up to join us.

The 6 of us dance together in Ethan's room and this is, hands down, the most fun I have ever had.

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