07 • Dollface
Chapter 7-
"Debbie's my favourite, and now she's ruined."
Jane holds her pink dressed doll in her hand, the leg to the doll broken and bent at an odd angle.
"I'm sure I could fix her with some tape or something," Sarah says uneasily as she takes the blue-haired doll. Jane happily takes the doll back from Sarah and cuddles it.
"Then can we have a dance party?"
"Uh, sure!" Sarah says smiling, unsure how to say no to this kid.
"I mean," I chime in, "what else are we gonna do until your parents get home?"
After some time to think, I decided I'd start to go with Sarah to her babysitting job. Hanging out with Sarah and Ethan every Friday is an absolute thrill, and Benny rags along a lot so that's always a bonus.
Sarah's phone starts ringing from downstairs and Sarah excuses herself with a quick, "Be right back."
"Hey, sweetie. You don't mind if I check up on Ethan, do you?" I ask as politely as someone who doesn't want to be left alone with a child can.
She smiles wide, "Of course! I mean, he is technically meant to be getting babysat." I laugh at her comment as I make my way to Ethan's room.
A faint cry is called from inside the room, so I take that as the perfect time to knock,
"Ethan? You alright?"
The door opens and a completely different brunette is standing in the doorway. Benny stares down at me, eyes wide.
"Oh! Hey, Benny."
"Uh, hey. What're you doing here?"
Benny steps aside, letting me join the boys in Ethan's blue painted room. Ethan sits at his desk, playing around with what seems to be a taken apart computer.
"Abigail's been officially joining Sarah on babysitting duty. She gets bored at home." Ethan answer for me from his side of the room.
"What are you boys up to?"
"We were going to play Knights of Ninjitsu: IV. But my processor decided to give up on us..." Ethan grumbles in response as he unscrews a section of the computer, "but, I think if I can jump these cables... I can get it working."
"Or... we could just use a minor reparation spell. It can fix anything! It says so right here." Benny comments, tapping on the page of his spellbook.
Ethan, clearly ignoring him, continues to tinker with the processor until he throws his arms up with a cry of joy, "Booyah! We're back in business."
Benny steps forward to join Ethan but pauses, quickly turning to me and I shake my hand,
"Go on. Have fun. Sarah's be done in a second anyway."
Benny offers me a quick grin as he turns back to Ethan and takes the seat beside him. I take that as my cue to leave. Turning to the door, I notice that the door is shut...
I didn't shut the door...
Shrugging it off, I continue down the hall, bumping into Sarah in the process. Sarah eyes me and the door to Ethan's with a grin and, ignoring her, I open the door to Jane's room.
Jane stands on the other side of the room with Debbie Dazzle.
Wait a damn minute.
"Hey! Look what I made." Jane grins from ear the ear as she looks up to her... creation. Debbies perfect face turns to us with an equally wide grin,
"Hi! I'm Debbie Dazzle. Wanna play?"
... and that just fuelled a week worth of nightmares.
"Ethan. You're going to want to see this!"
The boys, taking their sweet time, eventually stumble into Janes purple painted room and gaps at the life-sized doll before them.
"What the heck is that?" Ethan asks from behind Jane, his eyes wide and his mouth agape.
"That is a life-sized Debbie Dazzle." Benny replies with a smirk, "I think I had a dream about this once." Benny adds, clearly amused.
"Really? Of all dolls and characters you could've dreamt about, you chose Debbie Dazzle?" I ask, ignoring the slight pang of jealousy.
"Hey," Benny shrugs, "I'm a simple man."
Simple-minded, maybe.
"Jane, can I talk to you for a minute?" Ethan asks as Debbie continues to wander around the room aimlessly.
Ethan pushes Jane to the side, Sarah following along to interrogate her about the now very much alive doll.
"This is just creepy..." I think aloud as the doll plays with her scarf in the vanity mirror. Benny snorts from beside me,
"What? You afraid of dolls?"
I offer him a growl and a glare in response, and his smirk vanishes from his cheeks.
"Let's have ice cream and go to a roller disco dance party." Debbie turns, her smile never leaving her face even as she speaks.
Jane cheers from beside us, "I'm in!" Benny agrees to the offer and I groan in frustration.
Of course you are, Benny.
"No parties. We need to turn her back into a doll." Ethan states the obvious, but that was clearly a big no-no as Debbie's horrifying grin fades almost immediately.
"No." She states, "I don't want to go back. It's so boring. I want to have fun. I won't back. I won't!" Her voice is stern and cold.
"Don't worry, Debbie. I won't let them change you back. I promise." Jane promises as she walks to the life-sized doll.
She's gone to the dark side...
There's no saving her...
"Oh, goodie! Let's celebrate. Cupcake dance party!" Debbie says happily as she leads Jane toward the door. Benny jumps around excited and I smack his arm in response.
Benny stops, "Sorry..." he mumbles as he offers me a pout. I can't help but smile and roll my eyes, which makes Benny grin.
Debbie and Jane walk out and make their way down the hallway, but that's when I notice... Debbie has a limo to her step.
"Find a way to undo this. Now!" Sarah says, shoving the spellbook into Benny's check.
Benny groans, "It's not that simple. I think Jane used a different spell." He stops as he looks down at his book, "Or different words. I can't reverse it until I know the exact spell."
Debbies voice floats up from downstairs, "Kitchen party!"
Ethan hesitates but turns to leave, "Just... find the spell." And with that, he's gone.
"Oh, so you get to go to the party. That's fair!" Benny argues to Ethan's frame, but he's already halfway down the stairs.
Benny looks down at me, "Suppose you'll be on your way as well?" I shake my head,
"Nah. I'll help you out. I don't like being near that thing..."
I happily make my way over to Ethan's bed and plot myself down, patting the space beside me for Benny to come to sit. Benny looks down the hallway for a quick second, then makes his way over.
Benny opens the book and we start searching the best of our abilities, but I don't even know what I'm really looking for...
The room quiet save for the occasional turning page and the sound drifting up from the kitchen. I can't help but feel like I have to say something...
"Hey, Benny."
Benny offers me a sound in show that he's paying attention.
"About the other day... when you came in and I had that big headache." That clearly catches Benny's attention a lot more as he places the book to the side and turns to me.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry and you're right. I shouldn't have felt bad for crying..."
"Yeah, but Abi... that isn't exactly it. You were saying you were sorry for crying because you were feeling human. I just wanted to get the point across that it doesn't matter that you're meant to be this super-mega-amazing werewolf. You're still you. And you're allowed to feel like shit sometimes, and you're allowed to cry about it."
My fingers intertwine with themselves as I offer Benny a small nod in approval. There's a soft weight and warmth on my hand, and Benny's thumb rubs affectionately on my skin.
"Let's get back to searching, hm?"
It's not too long before Benny and I grow bored of screwing around with the ninja game and we join the others downstairs to a ruined kitchen.
"Wow... this is a cupcake party."
"Did you find anything?" Ethan asks, his hands covered in frosting.
Benny hesitates, but sighs, "We got some good news and some bad news..."
Oh, jeez...
"Bad news: We couldn't figure out the spell. Good news: I'm on level two of Knights of Ninjitsu: IV!"
God damn it, Benny.
"You've been up there for an hour!" Sarah screeches. Benny backs up with his head toward the ground, clearly embarrassed.
"It's a very hard game..." he mumbles.
"Mm!" Debbie holds up a yellow frosted treat, "Leon swirl?" Debbie offers, pointing the treat toward Sarah who backs away from it with a groan,
"No. Please, no more cupcakes!"
"Oo! I'll take a lemon swirl." Benny reaches forward and takes the treat as I offer him an eyebrow raise. He holds it before me, "Want some?"
I happily scrape some icing off of the top and stick it in my mouth as I turn back to the doll complaining about how dirty Jane is.
"I know just what we should play next. Debbie Dazzle fashion show."
Janes giggles as she turns for the stairs. Debbie goes to follows but doubles over in pain, reaching for Ethan's arm for support. The two pause as Ethan's eyes glaze over.
Debbie lets go of his arm and stands up straight, "I'm fine. Great in fact." She gives Ethan a quick smile and goes to follow Jane, "Let's go have some fashion fun."
Let's not.
Ethan turns to us but stumbles into the counter. I jump forward to stable him,
"Whoa. What happened?" Benny asks, looking back to the staircase where Jane and Debbie exited.
"I had a vision. Debbie needs life energy to stay in human form. She absorbs it through contact." Ethan explains, clinging to my arm.
"If... if we..." Ethan falls into the bench, holding onto it for dear life.
"Whoa! Easy, buddy." Benny helps Ethan up, "She must've drained you a little.
"Wait! Maybe if we keep her away from people, she'll turn back into a doll." Ethan mumbles, holding onto Benny and me.
Let's hope...
The bell rings, causing all of us to give each other looks. We wander over toward the door and open it uneasily, but there stands Rory.
"Yeah! The fun starts now." Rory says excited, though I have no idea what he's going on about.
"Rory, Miss not the best time," Ethan says, trying his best to be kind.
"Wait, you're not gonna invite me in?"
"Sorry... the fun can start later," Benny replies, closing the door in Rory's heartbroken face.
We all turn to head up the stairs and to Janes room. Jane and Debbie sit on the bed as they tear up clothing and fabric.
"Is this what girls do with their dolls?" Benny asks from the doorway, and I grin,
"Isn't this what you do with yours?"
"Those are action figures." Benny defends himself, sticking his tongue out in protest.
"We have to get her alone," Sarah whispers, he eyes trained on the blue doll.
"Hey, Debbie. Guess what? I just found a bunch of..." Ethan pauses, "... uh... things that girls say go with shoes!"
"Oo! I love accessorising."
Debbie jumps up from the bed and follows Ethan out into the hallway, Benny hurrying after the two. Jane stands to join but Sarah stands in her way,
With some coaxing and bribing,
Jane eventually ends up in bed with two more cupcakes. We say our goodnights and leave the room, turning the light off and shutting the door.
Sarah and I make our way downstairs where the boys have started to clean up the kitchen's mess.
"Jane's out like a light," Sarah says, stretching her arms over her head with a pleasing pop.
"Great. Now we just have to convince her she dreamed the whole thing." Ethan mumbles, trying his absolute best to scrub at the dried mixture.
"Hello! We're home." Ethan's dad calls from the doorway, and Ethan's eye bulge, "Hello?"
"My parents! Can you go stall them? Now." Ethan asks, pushing Sarah toward the hallway, who with a quick nod, runs to stop the Morgans.
I have never cleaned a kitchen so fast in all of my life.
"Well! I should be heading off. Sarah's probably outside waiting." I speak up once I finish washing the plates as thoroughly as I could.
I turn to head out but Ethan wanders over and buts his arms around me, "Thanks so much for helping out." He says quickly, as he lets go and backs away.
"Of course!" I reply, ignoring the heat rushing to my cheeks from the sign of affection, "I'm apart of your cooky group now. Gotta help when I can."
With one last smile, Ethan turns away and continues wrapping leftover cupcakes up to put them in the fridge. Benny wanders over toward me with a lopsided grin,
"Have a nice night, Miss Chase."
I smile up to him, "You too Mr Weir."
I happily walk beside Sarah to school as she's on the phone with Ethan. "Any luck?" She asks into the cell.
"We didn't find Debbie either, and we covered a lot of ground - gotta love super speed!" Sarah replies to Ethan's comment, offering me a quick wink.
"All good. See you!" Sarah hangs your her cell and throws it onto her bag. "No luck on his end either."
"Damn it."
The trip to school is fairly uneventful and mostly consists of Sarah and I's opinions on what could happen with a doll on the loose, which then formed into what would we do if we were a doll.
As we arrive, I give Sarah my quick goodbye as she leaves to find Erica, and I head too to find the nerd duo by their usual spot at the lockers.
"Hey! Any luck?" I ask as I wander up to them,
"I'm 99.9% sure I found the correct spell, I'm just not sure how Jane pronounced it. She has to do the reversal spell. Once she does that, everything should go back to normal." Benny offers, his eyes hooded with dark bags beneath them.
"Have you talked to Rory?" Ethan asks, giving the hallway a quick look for the blonde-haired vampire.
"Yeah, he sent me a text saying he was busy hanging out with his new girlfriend," Benny replies, clearly in disbelief.
Ethan sighs, "He's mad that we didn't let him in." I offer the two a shrug,
"Or... he actually has a girlfriend."
The three of us burst out into laughter.
"Hey, Rory," Ethan starts as we make our way out of the classroom, "we know you're mad about last night, but-"
Rory cuts Ethan off with a laugh, "Mad? How could I be mad? Last night was awesome! It's not every day you get to rescue a fair maiden from your clutches. Especially one who's so into me."
The boys and I look at each other with the same level of confusion, "Wait, what?" I offer.
"You let Debbie out?" Ethan adds, disbelief framing his words. Rory happily nods, "Why would you do that?"
"Because she's hot?"
"Dude. She's a doll." Benny states and Rory gives him an eyebrow raise in response, "I mean literally a doll."
"As in made of plastic," I grunt.
"Yeah, all the hottest girls are. Except for you, hot stuff." Rory winks in my direction and I roll my eyes at the flattery.
"Rory, get this through your thick vampire skull: she's not human!" Ethan exclaims. A sudden chill passes through the air as the hair on the back on my neck rises,
"Are you guys talking about me?"
Oh, look! It's Debbie.
"There's my girl! How'd it go with Principal Hicks?"
"Oh, him? He was such a doll." Debbie replies, her uneasy grin forming on her face again, "Hi guys!" She steps forward, causing the boys to jump behind Rory and me.
"Jumpy much?"
"Flesh, blood, more than eight points of articulation- all things I intend to keep, thank you," Benny says from behind me, a soft glare directed to Debbie.
"Your coming with us, Debbie," Ethan says, attempting to walk toward her.
"Over my undead body!" Rory states, jumping between Ethan and Debbie to protect her. It was sweet that he's so protective, but I wanna hit him over the back of the head for being an idiot.
"Dude, listen - she's dangerous," Benny says, trying his best to keep his composure.
"Yeah well... So am I!" Rory snarls at the three of us, "So back off!"
The three of us share looks as Rory puts his arms about Debbie's shoulders and starts walking away, Debbie offering us waves.
Ethan and Benny look down to me and I sigh, "If I'm doing anything - I'm doing it with Sarah. ."
"So it's settled. You two will kick Debbie's sorry, plastic butt."
"What?" Sarah scoffs toward Benny, "No. I never said that! Can't Abigail do it?"
I laugh, "I'm not doing that shit alone." I cross my arms as I add, "Especially with a creepy-ass doll."
"Come on!" Ethan starts, "She's got Rory wrapped around her little finger."
"I can't believe he got a girlfriend before me," Benny mumbles and I feel obliged to give him a reassuring pat to the back.
"Well, we have to find a way to split them up." Ethan mumbles, waiting a moment before he looks to Benny, "Or... Someone."
"Okay, Dumb and Dumber, wanna fill us in on this little mind meld?" I ask them and they both grin at each other.
[2990 Words]
(Original) Authors Note:
here ya go! And a little jealousy too! I also wanna mention, next chapter will be a bit shorter because I wrote most of the episode in this chapter... Stay tuned!
(New) Authors Note:
So,, I've been re-reading this whole story and I'd like to make a public PSA.
I'm so sorry for young author and how insensitive she was to certain topics because holy cOw,, I'm needing to edit some of these plot lines
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