05 • The Little Crush

Note: This is completely a fan-made chapter, not based on an episode. I'm going to work on relationships in this one.

Chapter 5 -
The Little Crush

My eyes stare up at the clock, counting every tick as I wait for the bell to ring, signalling lunch.





The chime of the bell and I practically jump out of my seat. Unfortunately, none of my friends have been in my classes all day, but alas, it's finally lunch. Following lunch, I have Benny in my close which is then followed by a class with Sarah.

Mentally cheering.

I hardly wait for the teacher's dismissal as I grab my things and race through the doorway, down the hall and straight to the cafeteria.

The line for food was fairly short when I got there, but I ignored my rumbling stomach and grabbed a bottle of chocolate milk and made my way to our usual table.

"Hey," I announce as I sit beside Sarah.

"Hey," Sarah says, a smirk painted wide across her face.

I raise an eyebrow, "What?"

Sarah remains silent, her grin only growing into something that scientists would consider dangerous.

"Is something wrong? Something on my face?" I ask, touching my cheeks in an attempt to wipe anything off.

"Abigail," Sarah starts, "Erica and I have come up with a thought."

"A thought?"

"We think-" she pauses as her eyes focus on something behind me. I follow her eyesight and jump back into Sarah out of surprise as Benny looks down at me with a soft smile.

"Sorry 'bout that." Benny takes the seat beside me and I give him a soft smile to assure him it's fine. Ethan trials in, Rory beside him, and the two sit across from me, Benny and Sarah.

I turn back to Sarah as Erica hurries in and begrudgingly sits beside Ethan, "Hey, what were you going to say earlier?"

Sarah waves her hand, now focusing on the food in front of Ethan, "Don't worry about it."


"Anyone else think that it's a bit odd that it's been a few months since the last supernatural thing we've faced?" Benny speaks up once everyone's been settled.

I turn to him and shrug my shoulders as I play with the lid off of my bottle, "Yeah, it's a bit odd, but, honestly? I'm not complaining."

Benny raises an eyebrow, "You're kidding, right? As much as I hate almost dying, it's one of the funniest and coolest things!" He exclaims, awfully excited for someone who just mentioned the idea of death.

"Maybe for you, Ben, but I've done this stuff for a while." I mutter, Benny offers me a look of confusion, "Well more so ran from this stuff for a while..." I mumble, my words being drowned out by the bottle of milk pressed to my lips.

"What was that?" Rory asks, looking over from his animated conversation with Ethan.
I smile over to him and shake my hand,

"Nothing, it's fine."

The slight pains in my stomach force me to pull myself up from my seat,

"You getting food?" Sarah asks and I offer her a nod. She stands from her spot and follows me toward the still short line.

I turn to the brunette, "Sarah, what'd you wanna say earlier?" I ask. She looks over at me and looks around as if to look if anyone was listening. Once satisfied, she leans over slightly,

"Erica and I think you like Benny."


Warmth rushes to my cheeks as I step forward in line, "What? No!" I say as I shake my head. Sarah doesn't seem to believe me however as she gives me her best 'know you're lying' look and, unfortunately, I am.

I stupidly started to develop a crush for Benny ever since I met him and I assumed it was a slight attraction, obviously not.

I can't help but feel this... feeling when he meets my eyes. His gaze always feels like we've already met and have known each other for ages. Every smile he offers me makes my stomach feel like warm goo and it feels awfully like home.

And it's terrifying.

"Abi?" Sarah asks, shaking me from my thoughts, "So... do you?" She repeats herself, her grin making it's way back into her face.

I hesitate for a second, but ultimately the jig is up, "Don't tell anyone..." my voice is soft and quiet.

Unlike Sarah, who squeals, "I knew it! Wait I can tell Erica right?" The idea makes me slightly uncomfortable, but if she and Erica have been debating this anyway...


I make my way through the canteens line and grab a sandwich. I turn to Sarah and offer if she'd like anything, even as a snack, but she politely declines. Once paid, we make our way back to the table, food in hand.

I sit back into my original spot beside Benny and silently take my sandwich from its packaging as the boys go on about something in the Star Wars universe.

Before Sarah slots herself beside me, she leans down to whisper the new information to Erica, who then proceeds to so subtly whip her head around to me and give me the biggest smirk I've seen to date.

Her eyes leave mine and land on Benny's face, then slide back to mine as she gives me a wink, and oh my, I'll kill these two if these idiots pick up what Erica's putting down.

"Is there something we're missing?" Ethan asks, breaking away from the nerd conversation to look between the girls and I. My eyes fall back down to my sandwich,

"It's nothing!" I answer, attempting to reassure him. If Ethan is still suspicious, he doesn't say anything as he goes back into conversation with the boys.


One thing leads to another and the conversation flows from Star Wars to Star Trek to Harry Potter than finally the supernatural in general.

Which then causes Rory to ask about me.

I can't help but shift uncomfortably in my seat as everyone's eyes land onto me, "Oh! Well, uh... I was a werewolf since I was born and I lived in this town was Beacon Hills. My mother was a human and my father was a werewolf. In theory, everything was great but unfortunately, my father was in this pack who had an Alpha with the whole mindset of old rules. No sexual relationships between human and wolf. The Alpha found out about what my father did and..."

My words trail off as I thread my fingers together, "He killed them. A pack member alerted my father beforehand so they gave me to a family friend but... it wasn't long before we were found and..."

The table goes quiet.

"I ended up living by myself for a while in an attempt to protect myself and others. I was able to live off of my parents saving because, thank the heavens, they were loaded. I ended up coming here, to Whitechapel, and that's when I met Erica and Sarah. But, I couldn't stay for long as the Alpha caught up to me and I hurried back to Beacon Hills to make sure anyone I knew here was safe."

Sarah gives my hand a squeeze.

"Long story short, I ran into this new pack and they helped me kill him. I ended up coming back here to keep my distance from Beacon Hills."

The table sits in silence for a moment. Not surprised, I pretty much just admitted everyone around me dies.
There's a warmth placed upon my hand and I look up meeting Benny's eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that."

I shrug, "Eh, nothing I can do to change it. I'm fine now, thanks though." Benny gives my hand one last squeeze before taking his hand away altogether. I don't have time to miss the warmth as Sarah wraps her arms around me.

"I'm fine." I laugh, tapping her arm as she lets me go, "Really."

"So, what was this new pack like?" Ethan speaks up, trying to make the mood a tad lighter.

"Oh, it was amazing! Before I only assumed it was a werewolf thing but they had a banshee, a human, even a hunter in their group." I answer, excitement lacing my words as I continue to expand on the people I had met and the people that had saved my life.

At some point, we got lost in the idea of all kinds of creatures and ended up being interrupted by the bell. I say my goodbyes and make my way toward math with Benny.

The two of us walk in silence, but Benny practically stinks of curiosity so I sigh, "What is it?"

"How did you not go insane by going through all that?" He asks softly, clearly unsure how to word his question.

I shrug, "I don't know... It was hard, but I really didn't think about it that much."

Benny offers me a small nod as his eyes meet the floor, clearly stuck in thought. I leave the brunette to think as we reach the classroom.
Inside, the board is painted with algebra.


How about alge-nah.

I attempt to walk myself back out of the door but Benny has decided to choose a bad time to get out of his thoughts and grips my shoulders, pushing me back into the room.


My betrayer ignores my cries of disagreement as he pushes me to my chair and sits me down. Once certain I'm not going to move, he places his things on the table beside me.

Now, listen.

Usually, I'm good at math. Pretty standard! But algebra? No. Not good. Not good at all!

The basics, I can understand, but this is some high-level stuff!

Nevertheless, I slide my hand into my bag and take out my book. I copy off the board and attempt to understand as our teacher marks attendance.

"Abigail Chase?" A soft voice calls out. I look up from the mess on my page and raise my hand with a soft reply.

She nods as she meets my eyes and goes back to marking her list. I look down to the page and back to the board... then back to my page... x does what?

"Benny Weir?"

There's no reply.

I look back up, confused and realise that a certain brunette is no longer next to me. I see how it is... he can leave but not me.

"Abigail, honey. Do you know where Benny is?"

I shake my head, "Not sure, sorry. Maybe ran off to the toilet?" I offer and she nods.

"Well, I'll have to mark him ab-"

The said boy opens the door and offers her a large, 'please don't kill me' smile. The teacher sighs,

"Just in time... take your seat."

Benny does as asked and makes his way back toward me. I wait for him to sit back down until I turn to him,

"Where'd you go?"

Benny looks over toward the teacher who has moved onto writing more things up o the board, then over to me.


I nod slowly, a tad lost with the simple response but accept it nonetheless. My eyes trials back to my paper and I attempt to answer what I can, but most are answered with a lot of question marks.

Eventually, the questions are finished. Wrong and I'm definitely in need to help. But finished.

I reach down and take out my sketchbook. My pen meets paper as my eyes look upon the teachers face. I start with basic shapes, following through with larger shapes and details to make out who it is. The hairs on my neck rise and I turn to see Benny leaning over toward me, making me slam the book shut.

I ignore the looks from other students as I softly glare at Benny, "Why'd you shut it?" He asks, his voice in a whisper.

I shuffle uncomfortably in my chair, "I don't know... I don't really like showing my art..."

"How come?"

"I... I kind of started when I was younger in a way to take my mind off of things and - I don't know... I've never really shown anyone... It's probably bad anyway so-"

"Can I have a look? I'm sure it's better than you make it out to be." His eyes are soft and patient, matching the smooth and calming nature of his voice.

With a sigh, I push the book into his hands, praying he doesn't find the countless sketches of him and my friends weird.

I allow myself to focus on other aspects of the room. The walls are a murky green, marched with a soft blue ceiling. The light from the large windows is soft but strong. There also seems to be a faint smell of dust fused with caramel.

Benny places the book back onto my desk, his grin reaching ear to ear, "They're really good."

I nod and intertwine my fingers together, "Thank you. Glad you liked them."

"Man," Benny starts with a groan, "I wish I could be as talented as you."

I laugh softly, "You're very talented, Benny. In your own way."

Benny's hazel eyes meet mine and he pauses for a second as if searching for something. I study his cheeks and can't help but notice the spray of soft freckles upon his cheeks.

Confessing to Benny would be somewhat of a weight lifted off of my shoulders, but it feels as if it would be a date with disaster. Benny flirts with more girls than I can count and confusing that half-hearted flirting with genuine flirting would just be a mess.

Benny's eyes leave mine and I continue the lesson silently burying myself into my sketchbook.

The bell chimes and I push my things back into my bag, joining Benny in making our way into the hall.

"What do you have next?"

"P.E," I reply, thanking whatever God that is out there that today's lesson is focused on sport.

"What about you?" I ask. Benny sighs, his mood dampening,

"English. We're still working on our Shakespeare assignments."

I pat his arm softly as I mutter out a goodbye and make my way through the crowded halls to find Sarah.


I stand around the groaning and tired classmates. Our teacher had some bright and genius plan that before we got to playing hockey, we'd warm up with some laps of the field.

Three laps later and you have this.

Exhausted teenagers, struggling to stay up.

Sarah makes her way toward me, no sweat seen on her undead face, "So... you and Benny."

"Sarah," I sigh, "Could you drop it? We're not dating and we won't date. The guy doesn't like me that way."

"You're joking, right?"

"No. I'm not. He's really friendly, sure, but he's like that with everyone. Besides, his heartbeat never goes up when he's around me and that's usually a telltale sign."

"Abigail. A heartbeat doesn't signify someone feelings for you." Sarah states, crossing her arms as she gives me a look.

I shrug my shoulders, "Look, you and Erica can tease me all you want about it but don't get your hopes up."

"We don't have our hopes up, sweetie. We are just clearly more attentive than you."


Standing at the bus stop and waiting is typically calm and quiet, but no, not today.


I turn to see a mop of brown hair making his way over to me and I tilt my head, "What'cha doing over here, Benny?"

"We had a study planned today, remember?"

Oh, crap.

I forgot about that.

"Oh, right! Uhh... just a warning. I don't live in a house."

"You mentioned a motel, right?" Benny asks, leaning against the fence behind us. I offer him a nod as I look across the road and focus on strangers.


A whole afternoon with Benny Weir.

My crush.

[2688 Words]

(Original) Authors Note:
The next chapter will be the second part to this, then I'll be back to the episodes!

(New) Authors Note:
when were you guys going to tell young me i was using "they're, their and there" wrong?

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