Frank was seated at the kitchen table, wrapped in a Sherpa fleece blanket, and nursing a cup of coffee as he stared at the blank notebook. He had decided to begin wedding plans, but it took only a few seconds to realize he had no idea where to start. Gerard sat across from him, quiet anticipation etched into his stoic features as he waited for something - anything.
Frank let out a small groan, "I don't know what to do-o-o-o."
Gerard chuckled and stood up, "Just relax. Write down some of the things you already know you want. A start is a start, no matter how minuscule."
Frank watched his Master grab a bowl and walk into the pantry. The front door opened not a second later as Josh ambled into the kitchen, shaking snow from his faded pink hair. He gave Frank a kiss as he sat down, pulling the tips of his gloves with his teeth to aid in their removal.
"Where's Ty?"
"He's dropping off a table in San Fransisco and didn't want me going with." Josh huffed a little and then looked over at the blank page titled "Wedding Ideas". He looked at Frank, "Really good progress there, Party Planner Barbie."
"Shut your dick-hole," Frank grumbled as he fiddled with his pen.
Gerard returned a few moments later, the bowl filled with an assortment of mixed nuts. He sat down and slid the bowl over to his submissive as he always did, allowing the young boy the opportunity, this time, to focus on something other than his upcoming nuptials. Frank began sorting them out, taking out the almonds and cashews for his Master and putting them in their respective groups on the table for him. He smiled and grabbed the bowl, digging out all of the macadamias for himself, gnawing on one of them as he went. Josh took an almond, watching Frank curiously.
"You, uh, you really like macadamias, huh?" Josh raised an eyebrow, and Frank grinned, nodding as he ate another one.
"Oh, yeah. They're my favorite," He beamed proudly, "And it just so happens that Papa hates them so I eat them for him. Then he doesn't have to worry about eating one by accident."
Frank took the last few and set the bowl back in the middle of the table, counting them in his head and eating two to make everything even. Josh glanced at the small pile, at Frank, and then at Gerard, both eyebrows dangerously high on his forehead, "He hates them?"
"Yes." Gerard and Frank stated in unison, but in two completely different tones. Frank was happily looking at Josh, whereas the older man in the room had a pointed look; a look that Josh didn't quite understand.
"But... I thought macadamias were your favorite, sir?" Josh looked at Gerard with a frown, "They always were."
Frank slowly turned to look at Gerard, a furrow in his brows to match Josh, "What? You told me you didn't like them, sir."
Gerard finished chewing his almond quietly, his lips pursed, "That is what I said."
"Was it... Did you lie?"
Gerard sighed softly, "Only because they're your favorite and you seemed so happy when you thought you were doing me a favor. I didn't want to upset you, my sweet boy."
Frank stared at him, absolutely overwhelmed with so many emotions that flooded his system in too short of a span of time. He thought back to all of the times when he and Gerard would share their snacks and Frank would be handed all of the macadamias because he knew - or he thought- that Gerard hated them. Now... Now, he knew it to be untrue. Gerard did lie. But he lied because he wanted to keep Frank happy. So, maybe it wasn't so bad. It was a sweet gesture on his part. Frank blinked a few times, making sure he had processed the information, "You'd just... Give up your favorite snack? For me?"
"It made you happy." Gerard shrugged, "I'd give up food if it kept you happy."
"That is not healthy whatsoever." Frank chided, "Shame on you."
"You'd die." Josh pointed out.
Frank nodded, "Yeah, I don't want you to die. That wouldn't make me happy."
Gerard waved a dismissive hand, "Never-fucking-mind, you two. This is what I get for trying to be romantic. You just eat your snack."
Frank grinned brightly, "Aww, c'mon, papa. We're just worried. We love you."
Josh nodded this time, snacking on a cashew, "Totally. The light of our lives and shit."
"My Apollon." Frank touched his hand, "You'd be the light of my life in any and all universes."
Josh snorted sarcastically, "You're only supposed to write your vows a few months before, you sappy fuck."
Frank turned to give him the finger, "Eat it, Dun. I'm trying to be romantic, too. What do you have against love?"
Gerard tilted his head, "I can tell you've been spending way too much time with Ty."
Josh let out a small indignant huff, "I can be romantic with Ty."
"When have you ever, Joshy? That man has about as much romance in his blood as he does colonizer." Frank snorted, "Which is about half, I guess. But if he does, he doesn't show it."
"He does so show it," Josh pouted, "Just not, y'know, around other people."
Gerard tapped the notebook with his long index finger, "Come, boy. We need to have something to show Lindsey before this evening."
Josh's eyes lit up immediately, reminding Frank of a human puppy, "Lindsey? Is Lindsey coming?"
Gerard nodded as he continued snacking, watching Frank brainstorm. He leaned in, "If you continue thinking that intensely, I'm sure your brain would start forming diamonds, boy."
"Just... It's a process, okay?"
"Yeah, but these days, those processes aren't as slow as a computer from nineteen-ninety-three, Frank." Josh smiles as he stole another small handful of trail mix. Frank let out a groan and set the pen down, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes, letting himself be distracted by the fireworks of blue and red behind his eyelids.
He felt a hand squeeze his shoulder reassuringly, "Take a break, Frank. We haven't even set a proper date yet. There is absolutely no rush."
Frank sat back, instinctively leaning toward his Dominant for comfort. He closed his eyes, preening at the long fingers that brushed through his hair. Josh cleared his throat, "Sir? Have you told your parents yet?"
Gerard let out a small sigh, "I have."
"They made it very clear that they will not be in attendance, unfortunately."
Frank pouted, his stomach sinking, "My mama is definitely coming and some of my family on her side but, y'know, none of my dad's side. They haven't spoken to me since I started high school."
Gerard smiled warmly, "I would love to meet your mother and thank her for bringing you into my universe."
The sentiment had everyone else in the room turn a vivid shade of pink. Frank stared up at his Master while Josh looked away, allowing them their moment of peace. Frank leaned in to give Gerard a gentle kiss, he exhaled shakily against his Dominant's lips, the innocent action always made his heart race.
"What about a color scheme?" Gerard offered, "I assume black and something else?"
Frank nodded, "I chose black and probably white so you can pick a color, sir."
Gerard raised an eyebrow but smiled, "Blue or green?"
Frank thought back for a moment, trying to picture Gerard in either color, but he knew what the answer was before his brain could form a concise thought. He wrote it down, "Blue. Definitely. I get to see you in another blue suit? Fuck yeah."
"Black and blue, hmm?"
"Like bruises." Josh grinned brightly, "So, what, you and Ty in black, and me and Gerard in blue?"
Frank smiled brightly, "I love it."
"Who loves what?" Ty asked as he came in from the backyard sliding door, shaking snow from his fluffy hair. He took Jim's leash off and hung it on a hook by the door, removing his gloves from his now-tattooed fingers.
"Frank picked the color scheme for the wedding and for our suits, daddy."
Ty let out a loud, unhappy groan as he flopped into a chair, "Aw, what? Suits? What the fuck?"
"What exactly were you expecting us to wear to our own wedding, Ty?" Gerard turned to him as he sprinkled a handful of almonds into his mouth.
Ty shrugged unceremoniously and fidgeted with one of his rings, "I dunno, man. I was hoping you wouldn't try and stuff me into a stinkin' suit and tie. Not cool."
Gerard rolled his eyes "Well, get used to it. You're my best man because I don't have another brother within whom can fulfill this role, so suck it up, chief."
Ty gave him one hell of a side-eye but stayed silent, turning his attention to Josh instead. Frank was staring at one of the bulletpoints he had made, the bane of his existence - invitations and guest list. Inviting his father or anyone from that side of his family was already a moot point as he knew none of them would attend. He nibbled at the end of his pen, wracking his brain as he thought about the other half of his family. Some of them would rather be crucified than see him marry a man, some would be totally okay with it, but within that group, how many of them would fly across the country to see him marry? Not many, he surmised.
He sighed deeply and rubbed his eyes with his fingertips, the beginning bloom of a headache rumbled like low thunder at the top of his head, threatening to grow with his every-flowering stress. He took solace in the bright swirls behind his eyes, the mental break he needed more than he realized.
"Sir?" Frank eventually emerged from his hallucinations to look at his Dominant, "Do... Do we have to have the wedding here?"
"Where would you prefer?"
"It just doesn't make sense for everyone to travel out here when the four of us could just travel back to where all of our guests already are." Frank shrugged, "I guess."
"You want to marry in Jersey?"
"I mean, it is where we met. It holds a lot of... Sentimentality."
"He makes a point." Ty stated as he ran his fingers through Josh's faded pink hair.
Gerard smiled as he put an arm around Frank, "Whatever you want, I want twofold."
Ty glanced at them, "God, you guys are gross."
Frank was sprawled out on the big bed that evening, smiling as he went over his notes for the day, remembering the phone call he had made five minutes ago where he had surprised his mother with the news of his engagement. He grinned as he thought back to her excited shrieking and incessant questioning. He knew his mama would support him no matter what, but just hearing her overjoyed reaction made him even more excited for his big day.
The door opened and he looked over, smiling and idly kicking his feet as he watched Gerard walk toward the bathroom and shed his clothes for the day. He grinned, his eyes unwavering from his Dominant's pale skin as more and more of it was revealed.
"Hmm?" Gerard removed his pants and put them neatly in the hamper, looking at Frank in the mirror. It took Frank every ounce of self-control to look Gerard in the eye and not consistently stare at his bare ass. He grinned even more, biting on the end of his pen as a sheepish wave of school-girl-level shyness broke out in his chest.
He giggled, "Nothing, sir. You're just really pretty." Frank smiled, earning a playful rise in one of Gerard's perfect brows. Frank watched his Dominant wash his hands and face thoroughly, drying both on one of their mauve handtowels, before returning to their shared bedroom.
"You got a lot done today," Gerard sat on the bed beside Frank and lay a hand on his thigh, "I'm so very proud of you."
The touch of his papa's cold-touch fingertips on his thigh had a wave of goosebumps rise on his skin, and his stomach flip-flopped in the same fashion as an old ship in choppy waters. He glanced beside him and into the darkened green gaze of his Master, feeling the absurd warmth radiating in his chest - a warmth that had yet to subside even after almost a year.
"Thank you, sir." Frank whispered and closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling of Gerard's languid fingers massaging the back of his thigh. He felt the deep press of a hand slide right up to the top of his leg and he bit his lip, stifling a giggle, "Don't be such a tease, sir."
"You're one to talk," Gerard whispered as he traced his thumb across the very bottom hem of Frank's tiny red shorts.
"'M not doing anything, sir."
"Neither am I."
"Your hand practically Double-Dutching my balls says otherwise." Frank muttered as he tilted his head to get a proper look, only to find that Gerard was stroking himself slowly and idly. His eyes widened in surprise, a small help was strangled in his throat when Gerard gripped the back of his leg. He lay his head back down on his arms and just watched, the lotus flower of unbridled lust in his gut began to unfurl, taking its time as it tickled the inner walls of his sensitive organs.
It was at that moment that he knew that despite having a list of kinks long enough that it could choke a bear, his most integral desire would always be the man he loved. He toyed with his lip ring, instantly missing the weight of his Dominant's cock on his tongue. He wiggles his hips slowly, admiring Gerard's body in the dim warmth of the lamp on the nearby bedside table. He arched his back a fraction, lifting his ass into the air in the hopes that it would show papa what he wanted without saying the words.
Gerard held up a hand signal, his thumb and index finger forming an arch, and it took Frank's befuddled brain an extra-long second to realize that his Dominant wanted him to be bent down with his ass in the air. He obliged, hoisting himself up with a sloped arch to his spine. He closed his eyes, humming at the feel of both cool-touch hands on his tense thighs. But then he frowned, "P-Papa?"
"Do you, uh, are we having sex?" Frank whispered, and he felt Gerard's hands pause their gentle caress.
"If you want to."
"I-I do. But, uh... I just had dinner, like, an hour ago. So... Can you give me a few minutes?" Frank sat up on his knees and turned to look at Gerard, who leaned in to give him a kiss.
"Take all the time you need. I don't plan on going anywhere." His minty breath made Frank's brain run in dizzy circles; the feel of Gerard's lips just ghosting over his own only added to the haze. He gave papa one more kiss before he scrambled off the bed and scampered into the bathroom with giddy anticipation swirling through his veins.
After a good thirty minutes of soul-shattering clean out, Frank felt sufficiently confident in his internal hygiene. He washed his hands once in hot water, and once in icy cold, and peeked back out into the bedroom. Gerard lay on the bed with his ankles crossed and his hands steepled over his stomach. He hadn't preoccupied himself with his phone or the TV nearby, he just seemed to be enjoying the silence and his own thoughts - Frank could never.
He took his clothes off quickly and stood nearby, unsure of where Gerard wanted him. He stayed in his submissive stance, knowing that eyes were now on him, and he kept his gaze on the floor. Well, not the floor itself, but he was staring at his own toes and the fact that he needed to get his gel pedicure redone soon.
Gerard got up from the bed and Frank couldn't help but smile when he noticed that Gerard wasn't hard anymore - But he also knew that he could fix that easily. Call it a superpower. He felt the proximity of his Dominant behind him and it made him stifle a shiver.
"On your knees and chest at the edge of the bed."
Frank stepped forward to climb onto the mattress, kneeling with his feet off of the edge before he lay down with his stomach and chest flush with the navy sheets. He heard the small plastic clip behind him, the familiar sound of an opened bottle of lube. He smiled to himself and closed his eyes, relaxing his body from the core outward until he was as pliable as warm taffy.
He felt two fingers teasing his hole, slick and smelling of cherry Cola, which had increasingly become his favorite lube scent these last few weeks. He rolled his hips in silent plea, hoping that Gerard would stop teasing. He got his wish only a moment later as the stretch of two long fingers opened him up, the chilled press against his warmest insides, and sent a lascivious thrill up his spine.
"Such a good boy," Gerard whispered as he slid his fingers in slowly, "And good boys deserve a reward, hmm?"
Frank felt his eyes roll back into his head as his mouth fell open. His one hand curled into the sheets as the other hand copied the motion, not in linen, but with his own hair. He tugged slowly, fingers curled at the scalp, his hand moving in the same deliberate and measured speed. The moans falling from his parted lips were breathy and desperate, each one punctuated by a gasp as Gerard's fingers brushed against his innermost spot.
He pushed back, rolling his hips, and let out a sob when he felt Gerard adding a third finger to stretch him out. He reached a hand out behind him, resting it on his lower back, waving his fingers pathetically in the hopes that Gerard would take it. Instead, he was flipped onto his stomach rather roughly, the sudden movement surprised him, and he was all the more staggered when he was lifted up into a sitting position. Gerard leaned down to kiss him passionately, his hands slipping under Frank's thighs to keep him close as they embraced.
"Please," Frank whispered in between panted breaths, "Please, please, please."
He felt Gerard's hands slide up under him and he was slowly pushed into, his body convulsing with the sharp ache and dull fullness at the same time. His toes curled and then splayed out, threatening to cramp as the oxygen was forced out of his lungs. He cried out, his nails digging into Gerard's forearm as they both languished in the proximity and shared bond.
It wasn't until his Master was fully sheathed so deep inside that they both finally decided to move. But it wasn't the movement that Frank expected. Gerard didn't start thrusting into him immediately, instead, he brought his arms under Frank's knees and around his hips to lift him up off of the bed, holding him up. He found himself often surprised by Gerard's strength, as his toned body never hinted at the level of power it held. He rolled his hips apprehensively, making sure that his movements wouldn't topple them both. When he was finally assured that they wouldn't fall over, he began moving on Gerard's dick.
He kissed him messily, hands knotted at the nape of his Master's neck, his core muscles burning hotter and hotter after every minute. It didn't take him very long to pick up a pace that seemed to send them both into a hungered frenzy. So much so that Frank didn't last in Gerard's arms for longer than five minutes before he was thrown onto the bed again.
He pulled Gerard closer, clinging to him and pawing at his skin in the hopes that it would bring him impossibly close. He ached in more ways than one, half because it still hurt to filled to breaking point, but the other half was an ache that he was so sure could never be sated. He lifted his hips up, wrapping his arms and legs around Gerard's torso as he was pounded into roughly.
The sound of skin-on-skin and the enrapture of every single one of Frank's senses was enough to double-dip and deep-fry his brain, sending him into his subspace quicker than he had ever expected. He babbled plea after plea, begging his Dominant to take him higher, to send him flying and plummeting at the same time, in the way only he knew how. He watched in his daze as Gerard stood up, panting softly, and took ahold of Frank's legs, holding the backs of his knees as leverage to keep going. He pushed Frank's legs apart and spat down on his dick, adding some sordid lubrication in the process.
Minutes melted into hours, or was it hours into minutes, Frank didn't know. He also didn't care. He never wanted it to end. And for some reason, it wasn't coming to a finish, he wasn't reaching his climax. For some reason, he felt a small tangle of guilt hitting his stomach when he realized just how close Gerard was, and how his own climax seemed to be fading.
He let out a small whine, wiping the sweat from his brow. He looked at his Dominant and rolled his hips slowly, watching the way it made Gerard moan quietly. But he slowed his onslaught down to a bare pace and leaned down to give Frank a kiss. He brushed his hair back, "Is something on your mind, boy?"
Frank blinked as he tried to form words, his tongue heavy in his mouth. It finally took a moment of slow neuro-treacle but he looked up at his lover and exhales shakily, "I wanna come but... I can't."
"You can't?"
"It just isn't happening." He whispered, "It's like my brain won't shut up and my body can't let go."
Gerard smiled softly, "Didn't your psychiatrist say that it could happen?"
Frank let out an annoyed whine, "I don't wanna be neurodivergent. I didn't know it would affect my orgasms, man."
"So, we fix it." Gerard sat up, "If we can't get the brain to work, we bypass it before you get bored."
Frank frowned at him curiously, pouting as he pulled out. He sat up on his elbow and watched as Gerard reached into the drawer, pulling out a simple black silicone vibrator. Frank blinked and swallows, "What's that gonna do?"
"You're going to come whether you like it or not." Gerard said so simply, slicking the toy up with more sweet-scented lubricant. Frank fell back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as he wrapped his arms around his legs and pulled them to his chest, letting his Dominant take control and set him free.
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