15: There is No Time Limit on Learning

A/N: Enjoy a new chapter! The other reason for posting is to let you know that Book 2 of this series has been published in both e-book and paperback on Amazon! Find the link in my bio to purchase your copies!

Frank sat on the sofa, gazing at the freshly arrived wedding invitations that lay before him, a tangible embodiment of the approaching milestone. A soft knock on the doorframe caught his attention, and as he looked up, seeing Josh standing there with a warm smile spread across his face. Josh's presence alone brought a sense of reassurance to Frank's heart, and he offered a nod of acknowledgment before returning his gaze to the elegant black and navy invitation adorned with delicate silver stars.

With a casual grace, Josh wandered over and settled down beside Frank, his voice laced with curiosity as he inquired, "What's on your mind, babe?" Frank handed him the invitation, and Josh leaned in to examine the intricate details, his appreciation evident in his tone as he remarked, "Wow, this is beautiful. Did you design these yourself?"

Frank's fingers lightly traced the silver stars on the paper as he exhaled a quiet sigh, the reality of the approaching wedding date weighing heavily on him. Josh's arm found its way behind Frank, his touch gentle and comforting as he offered soothing strokes along his back. "Feeling nervous?" Josh asked, his voice a soothing balm. 

"It's just... it's only two months away," Frank confessed in a hushed tone.

With a reassuring squeeze, Josh continued to rub Frank's back, his expression filled with understanding as he delved deeper into the emotions at play. "Seems like you might be holding back from fully enjoying this process because of the fear of the unknown."

Frank shook his head, his voice soft and tinged with vulnerability. "It's not the unknown that scares me. It's what I do know. The reality is that marriages often don't last. Look at my mom. Look at Gerard's biological parents before his mom passed away. And for those who do stay together, they're often trapped in a cycle of misery. I don't want to jeopardize what we have just because we decide to get married. You and Ty don't wanna get married."

Josh's features softened, his eyes conveying both empathy and wisdom. "I get where you're coming from, but let me share a different perspective." He shifted, his arm still wrapped comfortingly around Frank. "Ty's reluctance towards marriage isn't about a lack of belief in our commitment. It's more about his aversion to handing over another piece of his identity to the government. He's not a fan of institutions like contracts and licenses, he's still annoyed that he needed a license to drive his own car. And as for me, my family's religious fervor tainted my view of marriage. But when it's with the right person, like you and Gerard, I think a ceremony shared with loved ones can be truly beautiful."

"But a ceremony and a wedding are different," Frank insisted, his voice carrying a hint of conviction and unease.

Josh's brows furrowed in curiosity. "How?"

As Frank carefully placed the blue invite back into its sleek black envelope, his hands trembled ever so slightly, betraying the calm facade he attempted to maintain. He set the invitation amidst the pile of others, but the thoughtful expression on his face hinted at a storm of emotions brewing beneath the surface.

Josh, perceptive as ever, noticed the tension in Frank's demeanor and leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "So, what's bothering you about the license itself?" he asked, his voice soft and understanding, as if he were treading carefully through a minefield of emotions.

Frank's fingers continued to toy with his engagement ring, a nervous tic that had become more pronounced in recent days. His gaze remained fixed on the salt and pepper stone nestled within the ring, a symbol of his commitment to Josh. He sighed, and his voice wavered with a mixture of uncertainty and unease as he attempted to articulate his feelings.

"It just... it feels so official," Frank replied, his words carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken fears. His voice quivered, revealing the vulnerability he had been reluctant to share. "I mean, it's not that I don't want to marry him, Josh. I do, more than anything. But this marriage license... it's like a contract, a binding agreement. What if something changes? What if we're not the same people in ten years? I don't want something legal to dictate our love."

Josh listened attentively, his heart aching for Frank's struggle. He reached out and gently touched Frank's hand, stilling the nervous movements of his fingers. "I understand, Frank," he said softly, his own emotions laid bare. "Marriage is a big step, and it's natural to have doubts. But remember, the license is just a piece of paper. Your love is what truly matters, and nothing can ever change that. We'll face whatever comes our way together, just like we always have. But, Frankie, think about it. A contract, like a bondage contract, is also pretty official," Josh pointed out.

Frank's brow creased as he considered the comparison. "Yeah, but somehow a contract like that doesn't scare me as much."

Josh leaned in, his curiosity unwavering. "So, what makes the idea of a wedding license so intimidating for you?"

Frank paused, his thoughts churning as he searched for an answer. "I don't... I don't really know," he admitted, his voice quivering slightly.

Sensing Frank's vulnerability, Josh sprang into action. "Hey, come on. How about I whip up some mac and cheese for you?" He stood up and effortlessly guided Frank to his feet, leading him into the kitchen and seating him at the counter. He began preparing a pot of water, his movements deliberate and comforting. As the water began to simmer, Josh probed gently, "Are you worried about messing things up with Gerard? Because if that's the concern, let me reassure you, I don't think that's even possible."

Frank couldn't help but crack a small smile through his emotions. "Easy for you to say. You're adorable," he teased, "Asshole."

"True, but nobody's asking to marry me," Josh quipped as he added a dash of salt to the water and ignited the gas burner. "And actually, I prefer that, so the comparison doesn't exactly work." Reaching out to touch Frank's cheek across the counter, Josh continued, "You know Gerard loves you more deeply than you can fathom."

Frank nodded, his emotions teetering on the edge. "I know. I've never doubted that. I mean, I even have his initial branded into my ass." Josh's reaction was a mixture of shudder and laughter, which prompted a weak chuckle from Frank. He wiped his eyes, composing himself before admitting, "It's just... I don't know if I'm cut out for marriage, Josh."

Josh turned to gather the additional ingredients for their pasta dish, his hands moving with familiarity as he rummaged through the contents of the fridge. "Well, that's your opinion," he remarked thoughtfully. "Because in Gerard's eyes, you're soulmate material. And honestly, soulmate trumps marriage any day."

A wave of warmth surged through Frank's cheeks and neck, and the soft laughter that escaped Josh's lips hinted that he was experiencing a similar blush. Frank was about to respond when the sound of the front door opening stole their attention. Both of them looked up eagerly, like meerkats, and they swiftly abandoned their tasks to welcome their shared Dominant. Gerard's appearance in his blue suit rendered him incredibly handsome. With practiced efficiency, Josh relieved Gerard of his briefcase while Frank knelt down to assist him with his boots.

In a light, amused tone, Gerard greeted, "Well, good afternoon to you two."

Josh's smile radiated respect as he bowed his head, addressing Gerard, "Hello, sir."

After placing Gerard's boots by the coat rack, Frank rose to his feet and was rewarded with a gentle caress on his cheek following Josh's playful tousling of his curls. They trailed behind Gerard like devoted puppies, their steps synchronized, as they entered the kitchen with a shared look of admiration and adoration directed at their Dominant. Leaning against the counter next to the fridge, Gerard sipped on a fruit juice, his relaxed posture belying the authority he commanded. "How was your day?" he inquired casually.

Josh nudged Frank, granting him permission to speak first, but Frank hesitated momentarily. Offering Gerard a bright smile, Josh responded, "It was good, sir."

Frank nodded in agreement. "Yes, sir. Good."

Gerard's lips curved into a warm smile. "Joshua, your Dom will be home soon. He mentioned that I should let you know, so you can arrange takeout for dinner in advance. He couldn't get hold of you on your phone."

A look of realization crossed Josh's face, followed by a sudden sense of panic. "Oh, God." With that, he swiftly departed, dashing upstairs and crossing from one dwelling to the other in search of his phone. Gerard's amused chuckle filled the room, a warm and comforting sound that seemed to dispel some of the tension in the air. His attention shifted to Frank, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding as he observed his submissive.

"You seem a bit tired, boy," Gerard noted, his voice tinged with concern.

Frank couldn't help but pout slightly, his hand instinctively rubbing against his face in a gesture of weariness. "Do I?" he replied, his fatigue evident in the lines etched on his face.

Gerard's gaze softened as he regarded Frank with a mixture of affection and worry. "Would you like to try a rundown of your day again?" he offered, his voice carrying a reassuring tone.

Frank hesitated for a moment, his thoughts swirling with the events of the day. "It was a bit stressful," he finally admitted, his voice revealing the weight of the challenges he had faced.

Gerard's response was gentle, as he sought to create a safe space for Frank to open up. "Would you care to tell me more about it, or are you not quite ready for that yet?"

"I just had a... a bit of an anxious episode earlier," Frank confessed, his vulnerability laid bare before his Dominant. "But Joshy helped a lot," he added, his gratitude evident in his words.

Gerard's eyes held a soft understanding as he replied, "I'm glad Joshua was able to offer you comfort. He's quite skilled at that."

Frank's smile in response was genuine, a testament to the bond he shared with Joshua. "He really is."

Gerard then gently inquired, "Are you okay, or would you like to discuss anything? I'm leaving the floor open to you, my boy."

Frank's unease resurfaced at the prospect of delving deeper into his anxieties, especially with Gerard watching him so closely. He shifted his weight, a sign of his internal struggle, before finally answering, "Oh, no, sir. It's absolutely fine. Josh really did help. If I feel I need to tell you, I promise I will." It was a promise of trust, an acknowledgment that he had someone to turn to when he was ready to share his innermost thoughts and fears.

Observing the time on his watch, Gerard mentioned, "It's a Friday evening. Do we have any plans with our neighbors, or is it just the two of us?"

"Just us, sir. I believe Josh mentioned he and Ty were heading into town to watch a fight or something."

"In that case, would you be interested in having dinner with me?"

Frank's smile widened, warmth radiating from his expression. "Of course, papa. We always do."

Gerard's next suggestion caught Frank off guard, and his reaction was a mix of surprise and disbelief. "How about... dinner somewhere else? Perhaps at a restaurant."

"R-Really?" Frank stammered, clearly taken aback.

Gerard's nod conveyed understanding and a warmth that enveloped Frank like a protective embrace. "It's technically our anniversary today. We signed our contract on the 25th of January last year," he revealed, his voice carrying a mix of nostalgia and affection.

Realization washed over Frank, a sudden pang of heartbreak and genuine guilt crossing his features. He hadn't even remembered their anniversary amidst the stress of the day. But before he could dwell on his lapse, Gerard quickly reassured him, his tone kind and forgiving. "Don't worry, boy. I understand it's been a busy day."

As Gerard retrieved his phone, his unwavering focus remained on Frank, a silent reassurance that they were in this together. "Would you do me the tremendous honor of joining me for dinner this evening?" he asked, his invitation laced with both vulnerability and desire.

"Yes, sir," Frank responded, his voice a soft whisper, filled with gratitude and a renewed sense of connection. In that moment, despite the challenges of the day, he knew that their bond was as strong as ever, and their love transcended any calendar date.

With a snap of his fingers, Gerard directed Frank to take action. "Well, hurry up and shower. I'll see if I can book a table at a nice restaurant. Should I surprise you, or do you have any preferences?"

"Surprise me," Frank replied, his anticipation building. "And what should I wear, sir?"

Gerard held the phone to his ear as it began to ring. "Wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Something with green, perhaps. You look exquisite in green."

"Green," Frank echoed, his mind already racing with thoughts as he headed upstairs to shower. The contrast between how Gerard and Ryan handled dinner dates was already evident to him, and he couldn't help but feel a growing excitement about the new experience that awaited him. A sense of nervousness fluttered within him; after a year together, he was about to embark on his and Gerard's first genuine date.

Frank indulged in a refreshing shower, meticulously cleansing and caring for his skin before proceeding to apply makeup. With precision, he filled in his brows and added a subtle touch of smokey eyeliner, enhancing his features. A clear lip oil completed the understated yet alluring look. Glancing into the mirror, he felt a surge of self-assurance, the reflection before him embodying a blend of elegance and confidence.

Rummaging through his closet, he came across a dark green turtleneck and considered its fit. An inward struggle emerged as he confronted the changes in his physique, particularly his shoulders which had broadened due to his fitness regimen. He sighed, setting the turtleneck aside, and continued his search for the perfect outfit. His gaze landed on a pair of teal pants adorned with delicate baby's breath and pink flowers. Pleased with his choice, he laid them out, intending to pair them with a matching button-up blouse.

As he got dressed, Frank allowed himself to marvel at the thought of turning even a potential pajama set into a stylish ensemble. Confidence swelled within him; he was determined to make the teal floral pantsuit work. A simple pair of black panties was followed by the blouse, leaving the top buttons undone, revealing glimpses of his chest tattoos. His metal day collar remained a constant around his neck, but he adorned it with a mixture of gold and silver chains for an added touch of elegance. His engagement ring remained, complemented by a few more rings that adorned his fingers.

Gazing at his reflection, he brushed his hair, choosing to let it fall naturally around his shoulders. He draped a black trench coat over his arm and turned his attention to his choice of footwear. His usual boots seemed too casual for the occasion, so he opted for the platform heels that Josh had gifted him for Christmas.

Exiting his bedroom, he noticed the main bedroom door slightly ajar, and curiosity got the better of him. Peeking inside, he spotted Gerard in the process of changing from his work suit into a different ensemble. Gerard's deep brown suit was complemented by matching boots and belt, while a rich plum shirt perfectly matched his tie adorned with purple and gold accents. Their eyes met in the mirror, and Frank's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Gerard's gaze fixed on him.

Closing the distance between them, Frank reached up to adjust Gerard's tie. It was a gesture that felt both traditional and affectionate, filling him with warmth and a slight blush. Gerard turned to face him, and Frank found himself captivated by the warmth of his Dominant's smile. "You look wonderful," Gerard complimented.

Frank glanced down at his own attire, a hint of uncertainty in his expression. "You think so? It's not too much?"

Gerard's reassurance was swift and sincere. "Never." He tenderly tilted Frank's chin with a finger, their proximity evoking an unexpected tenderness. A smile tugged at Frank's lips, butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Gerard's thumb brushed over Frank's pierced lip, the touch electric and intimate. "Are you ready to go?" he asked, his voice soft yet full of anticipation.

"Yes, sir," Frank replied, his readiness evident in his tone.

"I have a gift for you."

Frank's surprise was evident, and he immediately protested, "Oh? Sir, I didn't get you anything."

Gerard's reassuring smile accompanied his explanation as he retrieved a small black box from his closet. "No need to worry about that. This isn't for our anniversary; it's just because I thought you'd appreciate it."

Curiosity piqued, Frank accepted the box from Gerard's hand, opening it to reveal a stunning perfume bottle. A smile graced his lips as he sprayed a sample onto his wrist, taking a tentative sniff.

"It's a blend of jasmine and amber," Gerard explained, his own smile warm. "I thought you might like a signature fragrance for special occasions - just as I do. And I chose something very neutral, not leaning overly masculine or feminine."

Frank's smile widened, genuinely pleased. He sprayed a bit on his neck, wrists, and even his ankles, the last of which earned a chuckle from Gerard. Placing the bottle on his bedside table, Frank followed Gerard to the car. He settled into the driver's seat and took off his shoes, placing them on Gerard's lap for safekeeping. As they drove off after the garage door closed, Frank navigated with the GPS Gerard had set up. As the highway stretched out before them, Gerard initiated a conversation. "Do you plan on having a few drinks tonight, boy?"

Frank considered for a moment before responding. "Maybe a little, sir. If it's alright with you."

Gerard's nod conveyed his agreement. "That's fine. I'll handle the driving back." He looked out of the window, then turned to Frank once more. "Do you have an interest in having sex tonight?"

Frank's blush was immediate, but he nodded eagerly. Gerard's open communication about their desires and boundaries was something Frank deeply appreciated. "Yes, sir," he admitted, feeling a mixture of shyness and anticipation.

Gerard's smile held a hint of satisfaction. "Excellent. It's good to know in advance if you plan on drinking."

A warm smile crossed Frank's lips as he affectionately addressed Gerard. "You're such a good Dom, papa."

Gerard's response was a simple but heartfelt smile, conveying a depth of understanding and care that words couldn't fully capture.

They arrived in town and parked outside an upscale restaurant, its illuminated sign boasting a cursive font that radiated warmth with white LEDs. Frank slipped his shoes back on and exited the car, quickly moving around to open Gerard's door. There was a momentary pause as Gerard hesitated before stepping out, a subtle shift that Frank couldn't help but notice. Locking the car and stowing the keys in his bag, Frank walked a step behind Gerard, their traditional public stance masking his yearning to hold his Dominant's hand.

Inside the restaurant, they were promptly seated by a window, each handed menus along with a wine menu for the table. A waiter appeared shortly after, and Gerard ordered a bottle of champagne for both of them to share. He then requested Frank's usual whiskey and ginger. Leaning in as the waiter departed, Frank asked in a hushed tone, "Sir, are you sure you can have alcohol?"

Gerard's response was a reassuring smile. "I can enjoy a glass of champagne. By the time we're ready to leave, and after having some food, I'll be sober."

Concern for Gerard's well-being prompted Frank's next inquiry. "And your sugar levels?"

"I'm doing fine, dear boy," Gerard assured him, his expression gentle. His hand moved as if to reach across the table, but he hesitated, clenching slightly before retreating beneath the table. Gerard's gaze shifted to the window, giving Frank a brief moment to appreciate just how handsome his Master was, feeling immensely fortunate to be sharing this moment with him. The candlelight danced in Gerard's green eyes, creating a shimmer that stirred butterflies within Frank's stomach.

His attention momentarily drawn to the passing street, Frank tensed when he felt Gerard's hand inch towards his own. The unexpected touch took him by surprise, especially in a public setting where Gerard typically refrained from such gestures. Yet the moment was fleeting, as Gerard's hand withdrew just as the waiter arrived with their drinks. Engaging in small talk, the waiter opened the champagne bottle and poured the bubbly into two flutes.

Turning to them, the waiter inquired, "Do you have your meal selections in mind?"

Gerard took the lead in ordering, his choices precise and specific. "We'll start with the bruschetta platter to share. I'll have the grilled cauliflower with winter pesto and a side of mushroom risotto. For him, the ratatouille with a side of dirty rice. Please ensure that his meal doesn't come into contact with cucumber or meat."

As the waiter jotted down their order and retreated to the kitchen, Frank's attention remained on Gerard's hand, where a pale ring of skin marked the absence of his wedding band, which he had worn for months now. A poignant realization lingered in the air - soon, that void would be filled by a different ring, making their bond even more profound.

Gerard raised his champagne flute, a toast to their first year. "To our first year."

Frank matched the gesture with a warm smile, raising his own glass. "And to many more to come."

"I'm sure there will be many more occasions wherein you will come, as it were." Gerard eyed him with a devilish glint in his eye that made Frank turn pink and sputter into his own glass, avoiding eye contact as his insides squirmed.

As they both took a sip, a subtle shift occurred. Gerard finally reached across the table, his fingers interlocking with Frank's. Together, they stared at their joined hands, the contrast in their skin tones and the delicate tattoos adorning Frank's fingers capturing Gerard's attention. Frank's smile only grew as he looked up at Gerard, his grip on the Dominant's hand gentle yet reassuring.

After another sip of champagne, Gerard broached an important topic. "Would you like to sign your new contract this evening?"

Frank's excitement was palpable, his response instantaneous. "Yes, sir."

Gerard nodded, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "The structure is similar to the previous one, but now that it's not a newbie contract, it doesn't include the glossary. However, it does incorporate the amendments we've made throughout the year."

"No more green markers for me, then. Damn." Frank eyed Gerard as he sipped on his champagne.

"Unless you feel you need them. There is no time limit on learning." Gerard offered.

"Thank you, sir, but I believe I'm alright by now. I still have the book you provided for further studying. Is there anything you'd like to add to the contract now that we're renewing it?"

"No additional clauses spring to mind at the moment," Gerard replied, observing Frank's fingers dancing over his own. He took another sip of champagne. "I'm only having one glass myself, but you're free to indulge as long as you don't end up blacking out on me."

Frank couldn't suppress his laughter at the prospect. "Sounds like fun. I haven't had a drink in a while."

Their shared starter arrived, and they each received plates adorned with six pieces of bruschetta. Frank waited for Gerard to select a slice with tomato before taking his own, following the unspoken protocol. They savored the flavors in silence, fully immersed in the culinary experience. It wasn't until Gerard was midway through a piece topped with olive tapenade that Frank broke the quietude.

"Sir?" Frank's voice held a hint of inquiry.

Gerard looked up, attentive. "Yes?"

Frank initiated a proposal. "Would you be interested in playing the question game?"

Curiosity piqued, Gerard inquired, "How does one play such a game?"

Frank explained with a smile, "It's not truly a game; it's simply called a game to create a casual atmosphere for asking personal questions."

Gerard understood the intention behind it. "I see. You can start then. Ask away."

Frank mulled over his question as he chewed, his mind reflecting on the past year. "What would you say is your favorite memory from the past year?" he finally asked.

"The day you came back," Gerard answered without hesitation, his response catching Frank slightly off guard. A tinge of sadness flickered in Frank's eyes, and he realized he hadn't considered that particular memory. Gerard's smile remained genuine despite the unexpected reaction. "It was the day I realized I never wanted anyone else but you in my life, at least not in the same way. No one could ever replace you."

A lump formed in Frank's throat as he swallowed hard, his voice betraying his emotions. "Oh, wow. Okay."

Gerard's sincerity was unwavering. "I'm being completely honest, Frank."

Prompted by his own question, Frank shared his own cherished moments. "I have two, I think. When you proposed, and our first Christmas with Ty and Josh."

Gerard cleaned his mouth with his napkin and leaned back, his gaze focused on Frank. "I'm surprised."

Frank took a sip of his drink, curious. "Why, sir?"

Gerard's response was candid, though it held a hint of concern. "If I'm honest, your engagement hasn't seemed like a significant event to you lately. It almost came across as a casual indifference. So, I find it unexpected that a simple kitchen proposal could rank alongside other experiences we've shared."

Frank's eyes dropped to his plate, a wave of frustration washing over him that Gerard couldn't fully perceive his true feelings. Gerard's tone shifted as he tilted his head, "Is everything alright?"

Just as Frank began to answer, two waiters arrived, their main courses in hand. The bruschetta plate was whisked away, and the waiters departed, leaving them in a renewed silence as they regarded each other.

"Would you like to share what's on your mind, Frank?" Gerard's concern was evident.

Frank's voice quivered as he confessed, "It's just... I'm not indifferent. I'm just... scared."

Gerard leaned in, an expression of understanding etched on his face. "Scared of what?"

Frank's admission held a tremor, "Scared of messing it up again."

Gerard's hand found Frank's once more, offering comfort. "I won't let you do that, Frank."

The response, while reassuring, still triggered Frank's internal struggle. "But that shouldn't be your responsibility," he responded, looking into Gerard's eyes. "I should be able to trust myself not to ruin everything, but I don't... because I can't."

Gerard's brows lifted, his insight poignant. "Have you ever considered that this fear is not within your control due to your mental illness? And that I'm more than willing to support you when you need it?"

Frank's gaze met Gerard's, and a mix of vulnerability and relief washed over him. It was as if Gerard had offered him a new perspective, allowing him to view his struggles with a different lens.

Frank's gaze remained fixed on Gerard, his thoughts processing the new perspective he had just been offered. He hadn't considered that his fears and struggles could be a result of his mental illness. Gerard continued to eat his rice in a seemingly casual manner, as if he had just shared a commonplace observation. Frank's throat tightened as he swallowed, the implications of Gerard's words sinking in. "Really?" he managed to voice his surprise. Frank looked at Gerard, his gratitude evident. "Thank you."

Gerard's response was deeply earnest, his commitment to Frank's well-being unwavering. "Of course. Just as you assist me in managing stress, I aim to help you navigate the challenges that arise from your unique experiences."

Frank's fingers continued their gentle massage of his temple as he let out another sigh, the weariness of his day evident in his posture and expression. "It would be incredible to experience a day with a 'normal' brain," he admitted, his voice tinged with a longing for simplicity.

Gerard's voice held empathy, his understanding of Frank's struggles clear as he replied, "Regrettably, that's not something I can provide. However, I can certainly strive to make your journey easier."

"You already do, sir," Frank confessed, his words filled with a profound sense of gratitude and comfort. In Gerard, he had found a partner who not only accepted him but was willing to walk alongside him on this challenging path.

The weight of unexpressed emotions seemed to lift from Frank's shoulders as he continued, his honesty a form of catharsis. "I apologize for not displaying excitement about everything. It's similar to what I talked to Josh about earlier."

Gerard's response was gentle, his actions speaking volumes as he pressed a tender kiss to Frank's hand, a silent reassurance that Frank's feelings were valid and understood.

A sigh of relief escaped Frank, the burden he had been carrying lightened by his honest conversation with Gerard. He met Gerard's gaze, his eyes filled with gratitude and affection. "Thank you," he whispered, knowing that in Gerard, he had not only a Dominant but a confidant and a source of unwavering support.

With a change of topic, Gerard questioned, "Shall I pose a question now?" He gestured to Frank's mostly untouched meal as an invitation to eat.

Frank nodded in agreement, signaling his readiness. "Go ahead. Ask away."

Gerard's inquisitive nature led to his question. "What's your most enjoyable memory?"

A mischievous glint appeared in Frank's eyes as he contemplated the answer. "Oh, that's a tough one. The day both Ty and Josh slipped and fell in Jim's pee? That was absolutely hysterical. Or maybe when I accidentally washed your sweater on the wrong cycle and it shrunk? Watching you deny it and trying to squeeze into it was quite amusing, although I felt guilty about ruining the sweater."

Gerard's response was a huff, accompanied by a fond smile. "For me, it would definitely be the first day of your dare war with Ty."

Frank playfully eyed Gerard. "That's only because I was running around naked in the snow, you pervert."

Gerard's laughter mingled with Frank's as they recalled the various escapades that had brought them joy. "No, all of it. Even the waxing," Gerard chuckled, his amusement evident. "It was all highly amusing."

Frank grinned in agreement. "That was a lot of fun."

Their conversation turned reflective, and Gerard prompted Frank to share another memory. "Any other memory you'd like to share? Happy, sad, or anything in between?"

Frank leaned back, sipping his whiskey thoughtfully. "I remember us lying in your bed, working on the contract together. You took the markers for me, and I came up with ridiculous names for all the colors and stuff," he reminisced with a smile. The warmth of the alcohol was evident in his voice. "It was so exciting."

Gerard nodded in affirmation, his memory matching Frank's recollection. He reached under the table, rubbing Frank's ankle with the toe of his boot. "You were quite clingy that day."

As Frank transitioned to asking a question, Gerard's attention shifted. "What's your biggest wish for the upcoming year?"

Gerard contemplated for a moment, his thoughts aligning with the question. He paused to swallow a bite of his meal before responding. "I wish for things to remain unchanged. No more unexpected twists and turns. I want us to continue being happy, comfortable, and settled in our new life."

Frank nodded in agreement. "I feel the same way."

After their dinner came to a close, Gerard handled the payment while Frank took care to ensure a generous tip was left. They left the restaurant, with Gerard assisting Frank to his feet and guiding him toward the exit. The unexpected closeness of Gerard's arm around his waist sent a surge of warmth through Frank, coloring his cheeks. He found himself enjoying the proximity, both in public and private settings.

As they stepped outside, Gerard offered Frank a supportive arm, helping him settle into the passenger seat of the Mercedes. As Gerard made his way around to the driver's side, Frank found himself seated in the car, captivated by the surroundings. It struck him as somewhat ironic that he felt awe in this familiar vehicle he drove almost every day.

In his slightly tipsy state, Frank maintained a cheerful grin directed at Gerard, his dominant partner. He brushed aside the slight dizziness caused by the bubbles in his system and continued to bask in the moment. Gerard securely fastened his seatbelt, initiated the car's engine, and then asked, "Did you enjoy yourself?"

Frank reclined in his seat, kicking off his heels with a contented hum, "So good, papa. I had the best time." He relaxed against the luxurious leather, allowing his hand to venture onto Gerard's lap, idly tracing his thigh as they embarked on their journey home.

Several minutes later, Frank's gaze once again found Gerard, and he was astounded by how his partner's attractiveness seemed to have escalated within the past half-hour. A warmth crept up Frank's neck, prompting him to tug at his collar with a shaky exhale. Gerard seemed to catch the tremor in his breath and glanced at him, asking, "Feeling alright? Not getting queasy?"

Frank shook his head briskly, his voice eager to reassure,, "Not at all, sir."

Halting at a red light, Frank seized the opportunity, leaning over to plant a quick kiss on Gerard's cheek. He savored the scent of Gerard's distinct mint cologne as he pulled away, earning a smile from Gerard, who teased, "Someone's feeling quite adventurous." Giggles escaped Frank's lips, a sudden shyness gripping him while excitement bubbled beneath the surface. Gerard regarded him with a hint of concern, his voice gentle but probing, "Has the champagne gone to your head, boy?"

A mischievous twinkle danced in Frank's eyes as he breathed out, "I have no idea what you mean, sir." Gerard's expression revealed his apprehension, yet Frank's grin remained unshaken.

"What is it, boy?" Gerard inquired, his tone growing firmer, an edge of impatience sneaking in as he navigated the road.

A soft whine slipped past Frank's lips, "I want you, sir."

"We'll be home in ten minutes."

Frank's whine heightened, his craving intensifying as he protested, "That's too lo-o-o-ong."

"You need to behave yourself whilst I drive, boy. I don't want to cause an accident because you can't control your hormones."

"Then park the car." Frank leaned in, his breath a whisper as his nails grazed Gerard's thigh. However, all he received in response was a stern look and a serious gaze. Frank rarely challenged his Master's authority so brazenly, but the alcohol emboldened him beyond his usual limits. He felt like a simmering bundle of desire, just waiting to erupt.

"You'll wait until we get home."

"No-o-o." Frank pouted, then shifted onto his knees in the seat, fixing Gerard with an intense stare. Unfortunately, Gerard seemed adept at ignoring his attempts. Frank knew that if he was to attain what he craved, he'd need to dial up his brattiness from a five to at least an eight. He took a sharp inhale and held his breath, signaling to Gerard that he meant business as he crossed his arms.

As Gerard continued to drive and Frank maintained his deadpan gaze, a minute passed. Gradually, Frank's face turned blue, his lungs began to ache, and his lips throbbed from the effort of keeping them sealed. Finally, Gerard cast a quick glance at him just as they entered their neighborhood, and he swore under his breath. Succumbing to Frank's persistence, Gerard pulled over into a dimly lit bus lane flanked by trees. By then, Frank was even clutching his mouth and nose with his hands to emphasize his resolve.

Gerard turned to Frank, his glare sharp, and Frank returned it unflinchingly. Gerard seized Frank's wrists, carefully prying his hands away from his face with a strained effort, "Stop trying to kill yourself."

Gasping for air, Frank coughed gently as his lungs filled with much-needed oxygen. "I'm just so needy, papa," he confessed with a breathless exhale.

"Then you can masturbate. Must it always involve me? I'm well aware of the time you spend satisfying yourself. You don't always require me, do you? Besides, I'm not inclined to assist you when your attitude is less than appealing."

Frank widened his eyes, turning on the puppy-dog gaze, "But I want to be with you, papa. Please?"

Gerard sighed, glancing at his gold watch, "Can't you hold out until we're home?"

Frank's gaze dropped to his hands, a hint of melancholy shading his expression, "Fine."

With a decisive movement, Gerard pushed Frank's seat as far back as it would go, effectively transforming it into a makeshift bed against the backseat. Frank blinked, taken aback, and then sputtered as he watched Gerard unfasten his own seatbelt and exit the car. Frank let out a squeal and managed to quickly shuck out of his coat, throwing it in the backseat before he pulled his pants down and threw them back into the pile.

Gerard opened Frank's door and removed his jacket, unceremoniously throwing it at him. He leaned into the car with a hand on the doorframe far too casually, the demeanor made Frank's insides twist with unbridled desire, "If we get into trouble, I am holding you personally responsible."

"Okay, sir."

Gerard moved with a fluid grace as he climbed into the car, positioning himself with one knee on the seat between Frank's thighs, the other resting on the middle console. His movements were purposeful, and the car's interior was plunged into darkness as he locked the doors and turned off the internal lights. The silence that enveloped them was filled with anticipation. Frank craned his neck, a desire burning in his eyes as he reached out to kiss his Dominant with a passion that was almost desperate. Their lips met in a messy, urgent collision, the intensity of their connection palpable. As they kissed, the world outside the car seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their private cocoon.

Gerard responded with equal fervor, his lips and tongue dancing with Frank's in a symphony of desire. He could feel Frank's need, his longing, and it ignited a fire within him that matched his submissive's intensity. With a deliberate movement, Gerard sank down into the footwell, both knees finding a place there, and he pushed the backrest of Frank's seat into a reclined position. The car's interior became their playground, a space where their desires and passions could unfold freely, guided by the unspoken bond between Dominant and submissive.

Gerard was always so tall but it was moments like this that really showed it. He was kneeling in the footwell but was still long enough that he could still lean over Frank's face to look at him darkly. Gerard kissed his submissive passionately as he pushed his slacks down far enough and began stroking himself with his skilled hand. Frank tried to help, pushing Gerard's boxers down with his feet before he tried to take off his own panties, giving up to allow Gerard to assist him. He pulled Gerard closer by his shirt until they were both hard and leaking and so needy for one another. The older Dominant nestled his face in Frank's neck, kissing and leaving marks on his olive skin as he teased his submissive's hole with two fingers. Frank let out a gasp and lifted his knees, panting as he stared at the dark expanse of the car roof.

Gerard paused and sat up a bit to look at him, "I don't have any lube in the car, surprisingly. I should, in hindsight, but this experience is new for me."

"I don't care," Frank panted, "You've branded me before, dry sex is fine."

"No, I'm not risking it." Gerard shook his head and reached for Frank's purse, rifling through it until he found the small bottle of lube Frank had knowingly packed a few hours prior. "I should have known a little whore like you would be so prepared for the off chance of getting fucked."

Frank stared up at his Master, the words seemed to innocuous in comparison to some of the things Frank had heard from Gerard's mouth, but something about the emphasis on 'fucked' made it sound more sordid than it should have been. Frank knew that it was just car sex, but this was a giant step for them both. They had never so much as kissed outside of safe walls and now here they were, about to fuck in a car in the middle of a public street - nighttime or not. The mere thought of their impending dalliance made his insides coil with fervent desire, which led to his toes curling and his skin crawling with the sweaty heat of painful goosebumps.

Gerard lubed himself up sufficiently, despite Frank's desperate attempts to get him to ignore lube altogether. He sat up and pulled Frank's hips flush with the edge of the car seat, lifting one of Frank's legs up so his perfectly pedicured toes touched the leathery ceiling, and kept his submissive in place with a firm hand on his chest. Frank held his breath as he felt the initial burning stretch of his Master finally pushing in, their shared panted breaths fogging up the car windows. If anyone walked by, it would be abundantly clear as to what was occurring within the confines of the black Mercedes, but luckily, no one was out in the middle of January at 9pm.

Frank cried out, stifling himself with a fist between his teeth because this was exactly what he wanted, and yet it was so much better than expected. The feeling of being so full, the exquisite ache of being wrapped so snugly around his Dominant, and the culmination of every heightened sensation was enough to make his self-control crack at the edges. He could feel Gerard's hips rocking against him, edging himself further and further inside the warmth of a subservient hole.

Gerard barely gave Frank enough time to get used to feeling so pliant and blissed out before he held him down against the seat to fuck him hard and deep, the sound of skin on skin punctuated in between their shallow moans and sharp breaths. Frank knew the sounds he was making were loud and guttural, but he didn't care. He was sprawled out beneath his Master, fully submitted to his role as a messy fuck. The steadily growing mountain that was his own climax seemed both so close and so far, as if a cliff in the distance was shrouded in fog, hiding the trail that needed to be forged.

As if on instinct, Gerard took Frank's hand on his and wrapped it around his leaking length that curved toward one of the little tattoos on his hip. Frank stroked himself in the same pace, or close enough, as Gerard's thrusts, grunting when he felt a firm hand on his chest that slid further and further up toward the base of his neck. His eyes crossed as he begged with whoever would hear his subconscious thoughts, pleading wordlessly that his Dominant would give him just that extra push, the extra burst of energy, the second wind needed to climb up the steep hill toward his own orgasm.

And Gerard knew. He knew exactly what was missing. After a year of being entangled with his current lover, he knew what he had to do to assist in leading the way. He continued to pound into Frank roughly, a hand firmly placed around his throat with his index and middle fingers in Frank's mouth, choking and gagging him simultaneously as Frank drooled down his own jaw and into his hair.

"That's it, boy, you can do it. Show me what a good little hole you can be." He whispered as he tightened his grip on Frank's jaw, urging and forcing a slew of moans from the submissive who had officially melted into a thin subspace already. He whimpered, choking on his saliva, but Gerard didn't seem to care. He slowed down to grind into Frank slowly, intentionally pressing against his prostate as he whispered, "Oh, you sound so pathetic when you're trying not to come. Aren't you lucky no one else can hear?"

Frank let out a small sob, his vision blurring around the edges as he arched his back as much as possible, rutting his hips as he tried to get his Dominant to move faster and fuck him harder once again. He didn't want slow grinding, he didn't want deep intensity. He just wanted to hurt and to get off. He whined weakly, sighing against Gerard's fingers weighing on his tongue, relieved when Gerard finally got the message and picked up his pace.

This continued until Frank got permission to come, making a mess of himself and his pretty floral blouse with a soft shudder and a barely audible plea to go faster. His insides squirmed and convulsed as his muscles tensed and released in concatenation. But he didn't care, not when he knew Gerard was almost as close. Frank was heedlessly begging for his Master to mark him; he wasn't like Ty and Josh who had the incessant need to breed, but what he did enjoy most of all, was the feeling of his Dominant showering him with come, warm and plenty.

And he got exactly what he wanted a moment later, basking in the beauty of Gerard's parted lips and soft moans as he stroked himself, coming all over his submissive from belly to cheek. He looked Frank in the eye, his pupils so dilated that his eyes looked black. Frank begged quietly as a mess was made of his skin and clothes, thanking his Dominant for giving him such a physical affection. His submissive brain was thrumming, so proud that his Master still wanted to mark him as his own.

Gerard collapsed a second later, his body yielding to the waves of pleasure that had overtaken him. His head found a comfortable resting place in the dip of Frank's sternum, and he panted roughly, his chest heaving as he shuddered. It was a breathtaking release that left him feeling simultaneously drained and elated. The intimacy of the moment was overwhelming, and he clung to Frank as if afraid to let go.

Frank, still riding the emotional high of their shared experience, tenderly played with his Master's orange locks. His fingers wove through the sweat-damp hair near Gerard's crown, twirling it gently as he savored the post-ecstasy bliss. His heart rate, initially racing, slowly returned to a regular pulse, but his smile remained as radiant as ever. In Gerard's presence, he felt a profound sense of contentment and fulfillment.

Yet, there was a nagging feeling in the back of Frank's mind, a reminder that he was still somewhat intoxicated, teetering on the edge of inebriation. He tried to push the thought aside, not wanting to taint this beautiful moment with worries about his physical state.

"These car floors are not meant for knees long-term," Gerard whispered, his voice laced with a playful, affectionate tone. He leaned up slightly to make eye contact with Frank, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Frank struggled to form coherent words, his brain still muddled from the alcohol and the intense experience they had just shared. He managed to croak out a question, his voice husky with desire, "Home?"

Gerard sat up slowly, his movements graceful despite the intoxication that still lingered. He fastened his slacks and cast a contemplative gaze out of the foggy window beside them. Raindrops raced down the glass, creating an abstract dance of water and light that mirrored the emotions swirling between them. Frank glanced at the misted glass and let out a weak chuckle. Gerard opened the door, drawing a crude and obscene penis in the fog before he got out. Frank's jaw dropped in utter surprise, his eyes widening as he tried to process the surprisingly immature display from the least likely person in the car. He was so taken aback that he didn't even notice the car door closing, nor did he realize that Gerard had already circled around to the driver's side until the door on that side opened.

Gerard slipped into the driver's seat with a sly, almost mischievous smile playing on his lips. He started the car with a casual flick of his wrist, and Frank finally turned to look at him with wide, incredulous eyes.

"What?" Gerard asked innocently, his voice tinged with amusement, as he popped a mint into his mouth and continued driving down the road.

Frank couldn't believe the audacity of the situation. He sputtered, struggling to find his words. "You know what. Look what you did to my window, you pervert."

Gerard's laughter filled the car, a rich, throaty sound that only deepened Frank's bewilderment. He couldn't decide whether to be irritated or amused by Gerard's antics, but one thing was certain – this unexpected twist in their journey had injected a vibrant dose of unpredictability into the night. "I haven't the foggiest idea what you're on about, boy."

As they pulled into the driveway and parked in the garage, Frank and Gerard shared a surprisingly intimate moment. Their cheeks nuzzled gently against each other, creating a connection that made Frank yearn to stay in that embrace forever. However, the need to go inside eventually pulled them apart.

Exiting the car, they made their way into the kitchen from the spacious double carport, flicking on the overhead light. Frank's heart leaped in his chest when he caught sight of a mysterious figure rummaging through their refrigerator.

With a start, Ty swiveled around to face them, his hand overflowing with an abundant mound of shredded cheese. Nonchalantly, he stuffed a sprinkling of cheddar into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully as he observed the unexpected arrival of his brother and his secondary submissive. Tilting his head slightly and squinting, he tried to decipher the atmosphere between them, "Where did you two go?"

"Just out for dinner." Gerard smiled as he shed his coat and lay it on the back of his chair.

Ty looked between them as a smug expression pulled at his lips, "You fucked in the car."

Frank's voice faltered, and he shifted his gaze downward, a rush of embarrassment surging through him like a tidal wave. His ears burned with heat, and he struggled to find the right words. Gerard, ever understanding, waved a hand dismissively. "Well, it's not as big a deal as it might seem."

"Easy for you to say," Ty chimed in, a mischievous glint in his eye as he continued to sprinkle cheese into his mouth, washing it down with a generous gulp of his favorite zero-sugar energy drink. "So, pixie, did you two have fun?"

Frank nodded, his cheeks now a shade deeper in red. "Yes, sir."

Ty's gaze softened as he leaned closer, "Good to hear." Then, addressing Gerard, he adopted a more serious tone. "Mon frère?"

Gerard, ever the protective and supportive older brother, regarded Ty with a knowing look. He had always been aware of Ty's unresolved past trauma and the struggles he had faced. With genuine concern in his eyes, he asked, "Ty, is there something on your mind?"

Ty hesitated for a moment, his fingers absently tapping the side of his energy drink can. Finally, he spoke, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I've made a decision, and I'm going to start therapy."

Gerard nodded understandingly, respecting their shared boundaries. "That's a significant step, Ty," he said with warmth in his voice. "I support your decision fully, and I'm here for you."

Frank's eyes widened with surprise and concern, his empathy for Ty surging. He had heard snippets of Ty's painful past, the abuse he had endured from his mother as a child, and the challenges he faced being undiagnosed autistic. Frank knew that therapy would be a significant step for Ty, a journey filled with both healing and self-discovery - as was his own journey when he had begun seeing his psychiatrist at the end of last year.

"I think it's a good idea," Frank whispered, feeling the gaze of both Dominants on him. He knew he had spoken out of turn, but in a moment like this, he was sure that neither would mind. Not when he was showing support for his secondary who had taken a surprisingly large step toward healing himself and his inner child. Frank glanced at Ty and swallowed, his dark predatory gaze still soft but the undertone of intimidation never went away no matter what the situation.

"Thank you, pixie."

"To bed now, boy. You have a long day tomorrow." Gerard whispered as he touched Frank's lower back, guiding him in the direction of the stairs. Frank took his shoes and hung them from two fingers as he padded across the kitchen, his high slowly waning as his thoughts began to sober. 

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