|| Ten ||

A/n: Didn't plan for this chapter to be 3,000 words since my target for each chapter is at least 2,500. I couldn't find a good place to end it and that's why this part is longer than other chapters. Hope you all enjoy! Love you all!!!

Aranea runs off out of sight while Prompto and (Y/n) continue to stare in horror at the immense machine. "So that's the "new model"... And that means... he must be inside that thing," the boy mumbled, taking a few steps back. The snow crunches under his boots as he moved to stand beside Famine.

Then, Aranea pulls up beside the couple on a snowmobile. Unlike the one she drove to the complex, this one was mounted with a large machine gun on the back. "Hop on!"

(Y/n) promptly summoned Limos and mounted her, riding alongside the snowmobile. Prompto hops on as Aranea drives them away from the research facility with the Godslayer in hot pursuit. "Ready for round two?" The ex-mercenary questioned.

Prompto grabs hold of the gun's firing mechanism. "You bet!"

The Horseman maneuvers her body until she's standing on Limos' back. "Let's take this thing down!" (Y/n) easily kept her balance as her steed kept pace with the snowmobile.

When Prompto saw her position, he stared in amazement. "How're you doing that?!"

"Eighty years of practice!" She replied with a smirk. "Now focus on the target!"


Verstael speaks from within Immortalis as he pursues Prompto, (Y/n), and Aranea. "Long have I waited to smite the world that denied me the glory I rightly deserve-and now, all shall tremble before me, man and maker alike!"

"If that's really him..." Prompto began, resting his hands on the trigger of the machine gun.

"That maniac's taken "biological warfare" to the next level," Aranea finished.

"Then I want to be the one to take him down," Prompto declared.

"I'm right beside you, Chocobutt!" She yelled back with a giggle.

"Wha-not you, too!" He wailed at hearing the teasing nickname.

"Let's take down this oversized trash can!"

Prompto nodded, pushing the nickname to the back of his mind. "Let's do this!" He immediately began unloading bullets into the Godslayer, aiming for its core.

(Y/n) held out both hands, rotating them in a circle and creating a large fireball. She tossed it towards the machine, earning a bulls-eye. She mentally cheered but deflated when the machine disappeared underground. "Are you serious? Is it an earthworm?"

"Certainly looks like one," Aranea commented.

Suddenly, they felt the ground shake underneath them. (Y/n) squatted down to brace herself in order to prevent from falling off Limos. She glanced behind them just as the machine bursted from the ground. The Horseman returned to her normal height and prepared another fireball, listening to the rattling of the machine gun. Instead of the center, she aimed it at one of the seven drills encircling the core.

Prompto aimed at the drill she targeted and fired, destroying it and watching the small pieces crash into the snow. "Alright!" He cheered. "One down, six to go!"

"If we take out the components, it won't be able to burrow underground," (Y/n) spoke. Seeing as it would take too much mana to keep using her fire spell over and over again, she summoned her sword and mounted Limos properly. "Hope you're ready for some jumping, girl. We're taking the fight to that tin can."

Limos neighed and immediately turned around, charging at Immortalis. "(Y/n)!" She heard Prompto yell, but ignored his worried cry. With her blade at the ready, she placed all her trust in Limos' skills and allowed the horse to carry her towards the machine and find the perfect opening. Verstael, the ghost in the machine, switches its attention from the snowmobile to the horse. "Fall to your knees before me, Horseman! You are no match for my godly powers!"

"All I see is a can that needs to be kicked!" (Y/n) shouted back with a chortle. "I know humans who're ten times stronger than you! You're a parasite compared to them! And you know what the best kind of parasite there is? A dead one!"

Limos leapt into the air as the enormous machine dove towards them, dodging the six remaining drilling components. The steed jumped onto its back, running across the hardware. As she ran, lightning resonated from her hooves and roasted whatever it could. The simple shockwave through the system was enough the stutter the entire machine for a few seconds, allowing (Y/n) to impale her sword into it. She held the hilt of the sword tightly as Limos ran along the machine's back, creating a long and deep gash in the hardware.

Verstael growled and shook the Horseman and her steed off Immortalis' back. The machine dove underground, concealing itself once again. They could still feel its presence as the ground continued to shake. (Y/n) dug her heels into Limos' side and commanded her to return to Prompto and Aranea. She easily caught up with the snowmobile, Famine dispelling her blade. "Aranea, ride between the two peaks!"

"What's your plan?" She asked, keeping her eyes on the snowy trail in front of her.

"We're gonna lure him into a landslide!"

"Won't we get caught in it, too?" Prompto asked.

(Y/n) shook her head. "I'll make sure the only victim will be that damned machine. When its pinned underneath the rubble, shoot at the drilling components."

"Got it!" Prompto assured his girlfriend.

Famine threaded her fingers through Limos' mane and leaned forward. "Let's kick it into high-gear, Li-Li!" In the blink of an eye, the Horseman and her steed vanished out of sight and reappeared at the top of one of the twin peaks. Her eyes fell upon the machine as it emerged from the ground and pursued Aranea and Prompto exactly where she hoped it would. Summoning her sword, she charged it with lightning and aimed it at the adjacent mountain peak. Limos scraped her hooves against the rock, manifesting her own lightning.

"Once its right under us, let loose," (Y/n) spoke to her loyal steed. Limos neighed in response and watched the adversary with her crimson eyes. A few seconds passed and the Godslayer slithered between the two mountains. The Horseman and horse released their waves of lightning, bringing both peaks crumbling down on top of the machine. Limos jumped to safety before she and her rider became victims of the man-made landslide.

With the heavy stone being enough to pin the machine for a few minutes, Prompto aimed the machine gun and took out three more drills. (Y/n) heard him cheer as she and Limos returned to her companions.

Aranea maneuvered the snowmobile through a couple of trees before glancing behind her. "Nice work! But that's not gonna hold it for long!" As those words slipped from her lips, the Godslayer broke free from the rocks and continued its pursuit. Energy begins building at the tips of the remaining drill-like components. "Incoming-look out!" The ex-mercenary shouted as the machine started firing at them.

Prompto takes aim at the firing components and takes them out with the machine gun. "Sharp shooting, kid. Keep it up!" Aranea praised.

With help from (Y/n), Prompto disables all but the last of Immortalis' components. "This ends now." He delivers what appears to be the finishing blow to the last drill-like component, causing a violent explosion to erupt from the Godslayer. It lifts high into the air before crumpling across the snowy landscape in a mangled heap.

"Is it over?" (Y/n) questioned, eyes glued to the smoking machine.

Prompto's eyes narrowed when the core of Immortalis begins to glow red from within. The drill-like components become illuminated as well. "Not yet!"

Verstael's voice drips out of the machine as Immortalis rises and takes up the pursuit once more. "How can this be? I will not allow it!"

Prompto continues firing away at the Godslayer as it begins charging enormous amounts of energy to fire at the three of them. Combining his bullets with her magic, Prompto and (Y/n) were able to keep the machine away from them and take down all the components. With only the core left, the couple aimed their projectiles at it.

"This is it!" Prompto yelled.

With the killing blow, explosions rock the Godslayer and Verstael roars as his creation comes crashing to the ground in shambles. Aranea drives herself and Prompto away from the machine's ruin alongside (Y/n).


Some time later, the trio stand in the snow looking out over the remains of the magitek colossus. Aranea glanced in Prompto's direction. "You alright?"

Prompto nodded. "Yeah. This is what I wanted."

"Then say it like you mean it. You did good, kid."

Prompto takes up a whimsical pose, and with an equally whimsical voice points at Aranea and (Y/n) while saying his next line. "Couldn't have done it without you, gurls!"

Aranea and (Y/n) exchanged glances before looking back at the blonde. He takes back up a normal stance and sober voice. "Seriously, though. Well, we'd better catch up with Noct and the guys. He's got a lot on his plate, and I figure he could probably use our help taking back the Crystal and all that. And who knows? Maybe we'll take it back before he does!"

(Y/n) smiled and crossed her arms. "Finally back to normal, huh?"

"'Bout damn time," Aranea scoffed. Prompto runs over to Limos and stands by the horse. The older woman walks over to him. "Don't get ahead of yourself."

"Honestly, I don't know for sure if they're going to accept me for who I really am. But I'll never know if I don't speak up, so I'm gonna tell 'em. And if they don't..." His cerulean eyes trailed over to Famine, smiling sweetly at her. "I won't be alone. I've got (Y/n) and she's all that I need."

Aranea smirked as she looked at the golden-haired girl. "The boy has become a man thanks to you." She reverted her eyes back to the boy. "Anyway, Gralea's straight ahead."

Prompto climbs onto Limos' back, running his fingers across her black and white hair. (Y/n) stood beside her steed, staring up at Prompto. It confused him as to why she was looking at him like that. "What?"

"You plan on steering?" She asked, smirking.

"Uh, no..." He scooted back and gave her enough room to sit in front of him. "I've no clue how to guide a horse without reins. I can barely do it with a chocobo..."

"Maybe I'll teach you sometime," (Y/n) commented as she mounted the horse.

"Really?" He gasped.

"If you really want to learn. Limos likes you. That'll make teaching you easier." Famine places her hands at the base of the horses neck, moving her hands up to tangle her fingers into her course mane. "Ready, girl?"

Limos neighed and bobbed her head a few times. Prompto wrapped his arms around the girl in front of him and pulled her body slightly back against his chest. Before they took off for the capital of the empire, the blonde shouted towards the ex-mercenary. "Aranea!"

She smiles at him. "Yeah?"

He smiled back. "Thanks!"

She shook her head and gestures to Famine. "Don't thank me. She's the one who you should be thanking. Turns out I was the tagalong the entire time."

Prompto's smile widens as he snuggles closer to (Y/n), tightening his arms around her waist. He leaned his head against hers, mentally thanking the Astrals for placing her in the middle of his path and allowing him to love her and to be loved.

"Hope to see you again, Aranea. It was a nice change of pace with you around," (Y/n) stated.

Aranea nodded in agreement. "Likewise. Take care of him."

"I always do," she smirked before tapping her heels against Limos' side and taking off across the snow-covered landscape.


A day has passed since their departure from Aranea. Out of the snow and into a much warmer climate, the couple found themselves in the ruins of a town, staring at the clearly identifiable burn marks on the skeletal remains of the buildings. They hopped off Limos and examined the lifeless town.

"Do you think...?" Prompto's voice trailed off in sorrow.

(Y/n) sighed dejectedly. "Daemon attack. But, there aren't any bodies or blood among the wreckage. Maybe everyone made it out before the attack or this place was abandoned years before being attacked."

Prompto grabbed his crownsguard fatigues as he yanked the beanie off his head. "Whew, it's hot here."

"That's only because of what you're wearing," Famine snorted with laughter. "Go find a place to change. Unless... you need help," she teased with a wide smirk, her back facing Prompto.

The boy's cheeks ignited a deep red, going unnoticed by the Horseman. He hid his face with his clothes and shouted into them. "I-I can change on my own!"

(Y/n) spun around while laughing. "I know. I know. I just wanted to tease you a little. You're adorable when you blush. Also, you're fun to tease and make it quite easy." Prompto lowered his clothes only to reveal his eyes. Even though he was hiding his cheeks, she could tell they were blistering red by the tint of his ears. With a grin, she sauntered over to him with a small sway in her hips. She reached out and tugged on one of his ears gingerly. "You're too good for this world."

"I-I-I'm gonna go change!" Prompto dashed off in a desperate attempt to hide every inch of his embarrassment.

(Y/n) crossed her arms, satisfied with how much she could rouse him by simple words. "I'm a lucky girl, aren't I?" Limos neighed and scuffed a hoof into the dirt. The Horseman glanced over her shoulder and smiled at her steed. "Glad you agree, Li-Li."

While waiting for the sharpshooter, Famine explores the ruins of the once prosperous town. She could still smell the smoke that rose from the burnt wood. In the skeletal structure of one of the many houses, she stepped around a few piles of ashes and discovered small objects that remained untouched from the flames that consumed all. Bending down, she discoverer it was a pair of silver rings. Inspecting the jewelry, she found writing along the inside of both rings.

I'm His

I'm Hers

(Y/n) felt her heart ache reading the engravings. Deep down, she had always wanted to get married. Now that she has become a Horseman, she feared her dream would be impossible. She finally has the love she's dreamt of, but she wanted more than just a boyfriend. She wanted someone to devote her entire life to, but with being immortal, such a wish could never come true. For now, all she could ever want was to be with Prompto as long as possible.

Glancing between the two promise rings, the Horseman ignited a flame in her hand and melted the two silver bands. When they combined to make one puddle, she used a smidgen of ice to cool the metal and make it malleable enough to morph with her fingers. She remembers another thing Prompto dearly loves and transforms the former rings into a chocobo.

While adding small details, Famine was given a heart attack and nearly dropped the silver chocobo when Prompto screamed a loud "boo!" and frightened her. She placed a hand over her racing heart and hid the chocobo trinket behind her back, the present being unfinished. "Dear Six, Prom... You gave me a heart attack!"

The blonde boy offered an innocent smile as he rocked back and forth on his heels. "Sorry, but I couldn't resist!" He tried to peer behind her back, but she danced circles around him. "Whatcha got behind your back?"

"If you give me a few more moments, I'll show you," she smiles, turning her back and returning to adding the final details on the chocobo. Once adding the wings and the outline of the beak, she was done. Clamping it in her hands, she used more ice mana to harden the metal. Turning back around, she opened her palm and revealed what she had been hiding. "I made it for you, Prom. I remember when we were riding the gondola in Altissia, you said you love chocobos."

Prompto's eyes widen and glisten in adoration. He took the trinket and admired it. "I... I don't know what to say, (Y/n)." He placed it in his pocket and pulled her into a warm, tight embrace. "I love it!"

She wound her arms around his neck and hugged him back. "It was really in the spur of the moment. I'm glad you love it."

"I still love you a thousand times more than any chocobo, real or fake." He nuzzled his nose against hers, eyes sealed shut.

(Y/n) smiled gently and threaded one of her hands through his soft hair. "I love you, Prompto."

When Prompto went to reciprocate his feelings with a kiss, their happy moment was trampled when they heard the low roaring of engines above. Glancing up, they spotted three imperial drop ships hovering above their heads. "At a time like this?" Prompto murmured in cynicism.

"Maybe we can-"

A barrage of bullets tore through the air, silencing Famine. Prompto immediately dove to the floorboards with (Y/n) to take cover. MTs and soldiers hopped from the airships, weapons raised and beginning their search. Among them, they spotted the chancellor.

Ardyn sauntered through the middle of town, eyeing the ruins around him. He stuck his hands out, spinning in a circle slowly. "I know you're here with your bewitching Horseman, dear Prompto."

The young boy froze, his grip on (Y/n) still tight. She tried to break out of his hold and attack the man, but the sharpshooter snapped out of the paralysis and shook his head. She understood and lowered her hand, returning it to grasp onto his arm.

As they heard MTs and soldiers prowling the area, Prompto glanced down at (Y/n) as he hovered over her body. He stared into her (e/c) eyes as he moved one of his hands to her cheek, brushing his fingers across her skin. "I love you," he whispered before stealing a kiss and rushing out of the destroyed house.

Paralyzed, (Y/n) listened as he was captured with horror-filled eyes. She couldn't budge an inch as she heard Ardyn taunting the love of her life.

"You won't be needing this for I know she will follow shortly." The chancellor took the summoning orb form Prompto's pocket and placed it in his own. The blonde gritted his teeth as the soldiers pulled him aboard one of the drop ships.

Ardyn stepped aboard, staring down at the ruins and recited a haunting poem as the hatch sealed, which made Prompto's blood run cold.

Blasting Earth with scorching breath,
acid rain falls from smoldering clouds,
Beaten and lacerated with toxic skin,
running and screaming are the crowds

Suns of deep crimson, gales of ice,
Ripping our flesh, bewildering minds.
Hair melting into molten mass,
Eyeballs singeing, going blind.

The alluring stench of death,
is floating aimlessly in the air.
Not a single living thing is left,
disfigured corpses are everywhere.

Four horsemen of the Apocalypse,
War, Famine, Pestilence and Death.
Are on the last hillside preparing,
to watch mankind take its final breath.

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