"You are crazy, do you know that?"
It was the following Monday after school.
"Well, do you have a better idea to get close enough to switch the staffs?"
Emily shook her head.
"So then, I'm auditioning... Let's just hope it works."
"It will. You have an incredible voice," Isabelle said, squeezing her hand. "I'd audition with you, but I'm hopelessly tone deaf."
"And I can't sing. But you can." Emily added.
"... Fine. Come on." Andie sighed.
They made their way to the auditorium where the auditions were taking place. There was already quite a crowd. Some just here to laugh, some really hoping to succeed.
"Okay... I can do this... I did it once... I can do it again." Andie said.
"Sure, you can." Isabelle said.
After a few moments of noisy mess, the head of the drama club, who turned out to be the girl Andie had heard Nora and Ellie talking about, Judy, came onto the stage.
"Hello, everyone and thank you all for coming to this year's drama club auditions. Now, first, we'll let you sing a song of your choosing, and if you get through the first round, you'll be asked to sing a song in pairs to narrow down the more important parts. First up... Nelly Benson."
The first contestant was not very good. Her voice was shaky and she had trouble with the higher notes. The next was worse. She was one of those girls who was certain she had a great voice, but... didn't. Among the thirty or so that tried out, only half were decent, and half of them again were good.
"You're going to be fine," Emily said. "There's no way you won't get through. Unless you choke."
There was an ominous pause.
"Which I probably should not have said..."
"You think?" Andie asked in a tense voice.
Just then, the next candidate was announced.
"Vicki Chase, if you please."
Vicki, her long black glossy hair shining as she climbed onto the stage.
"Hello, there Vicki. What role are you auditioning for?"
"The lead, of course."
"Okay. Let's see what you can do."
There was no doubt they weren't expecting her to be bad. And sure enough, Vicki put on a very good performance. A powerful voice, enticing stage presence... she had more confidence Andie could ever have...
"There is more than one slot," Isabelle reminded Andie. "You don't have to have the lead, just a part. With your voice, you'll be fine."
Andie nodded. She listened to Vicki's cover of Avril Lavigne's What the Hell. It wasn't the easiest song, and she hit every note perfectly
"You can do even better," Isabelle assured.
"Yeah, but she is good..." Emily said.
New ominous glare from Isabelle.
"Not helping, Emily," she said shortly.
Vicki finished.
"And our last candidate... Andie Galestone..."
Andie couldn't help noticing the hint of surprise in her voice as she read Andie's name. Andie got to her feet and walked down to the stage.
"Hey, Andie. What role are you auditioning for?"
Andie wasn't sure. There was only one character she really could relate to.
"The lead," she finally said.
"Okay. Let's see what you can do."
The music began. Andie tapped her foot to the beat. And sang. Her song was Demi Lovato's Stop the World The nerves were still there, but she had a reason for being here that she hadn't last time. Someone she loved needed her help.. And that meant she couldn't give anything less than her all. So she concentrated on Bane, and how happy she would feel when he came back. When the song was finished, she found herself standing on the stage, the room bursting with the applause. Andie looked up.
"Wow, that was fantastic," Nora said.
She, Ellie and Judy were the judges.
"But Vicki was also really good... You'd both be awesome as the lead..."
Vicki came to the stage as the three girls huddled a few moments, then turned to the them again.
"... I'm afraid we can't decide," Ellie said. "So we're going to have you both perform again. Together."
"I'm sorry?"
"Yes. You both sing a song we chose, and we'll then pick the lead from there."
Vicki and Andie looked coldly at each other. Andie felt her desire to beat her burn stronger. She looked at the judges as they gave the title of the song. The music started. Vicki took the first verse and then Andie. They united at the chorus, and as much as she hated to admit it, their voices worked well together. The tension was clear between them, but it also pushed each of them to be the best they could. And Andie found herself singing notes she'd never even known she could. And she was slightly breathless by the time she and Vicki finished the song. The audience was stunned for a few seconds, then burst into a thunderous applause.
"Well... we haven't cast anyone for the villain," Ellie finally said. "Would either of you be interested?"
"Me. The villains are always more interesting anyway." Vicki said, casting a superior glance at Andie.
"Okay. Perfect. You will be Darla the Enchantress, and Andie you'll be princess Bellina."
Andie stared. That was the lead.
"Uh... okay." she said.
"The final cast list will be posted next Wednesday, first rehearsals on Thursday. Thank you all for trying out."
Slowly, people began pouring out of the auditorium. Andie climbed towards Emily and Isabelle who were waiting for her. By the time she got there, almost everyone had gone.
"I have known you six years and I have never never heard you sing like that!" Emily exclaimed.
"... I know, I was surprised myself at what I was doing." Andie said.
She was still a little winded.
"You were amazing!" Isabelle said.
"Andie?" called a voice.
It was Ellie.
"Hi, I wanted to say, I was really impressed with your voice."
"Thank you."
Then, an idea came to her.
"I was wondering, can I just have a peak at the prop room? Just to see what sort of things we'll be working with."
"Well, I can't see why not. Follow me."
"Can we come?" Isabelle asked.
Ellie hesitated.
"Well... it's supposed to be drama club members only..."
"We won't touch anything, promise! Just a tiny peak?" Emily asked, playing along.
"... Oh, why not." Ellie smiled.
They walked back down the stairs and to the side of the auditorium. The prop room was bigger than Andie had imagined. But then, there were a lot of props. Clothes, shoes, accessories, stage props like a table, painted walls, a bench, and a huge chest of all kinds of other objects. Andie looked around, pretending to admire it while really searching for the staff.
"So, there we have the Romeo and Juliet costumes from last year..."
"Yes, I saw that, it was great," Andie said, more to make conversation than much else.
"Why didn't you audition last year?"
"Oh, I was very different, last year," Andie said. "Nothing like the person I am now."
"I see. Well, that's good news for us," Ellie smiled. "Here are the costumes we're going to use."
She indicated another rack with medieval like clothes and a splendid pale purple dress with a pearls and embroidery all over the skirt.
"That one is yours," Ellie added, following her gaze.
"What if it doesn't fit?"
"Oh, it's elastic. It'll be fine."
"It's beautiful..." Andie whispered.
"It's already been used, I'm afraid, we played Cinderella two years ago, and that was her dress."
"Oh, that's okay." Andie said.
She turned away and looked around again. Just then, among the swords and walking sticks, she saw a long wooden staff with a golden ball on the top and a little point.
"Wow, what's that?" She asked innocently.
"It's... a King's staff. We use it a lot," Ellie said, but Andie noted her hesitation.
Bingo! She told the others. Now... if I can just touch it, we should be able to tell if it's what we're after or not...
She reached out, as if to look more closely at it, and picked it up gently, praying it didn't vanish in her hands. But it seemed to like being in her hand. It seemed to thrum gently in her fingers. And it felt warm. Andie looked triumphantly at her friends.
We've found it!
They soon took their leave after that and left the auditorium as calmly as possible. The moment they were out of earshot and alone, they looked at each other.
"The staff is in there, why didn't we just take it?!" Emily asked.
"I was tempted," Andie admitted. "But we should make a copy. People will think it's weird if it appears out of nowhere and disappears the same way. And I managed to snag a picture while Isabelle was distracting Ellie, so I can replicate it. Well, with my dad's help."
She showed it to them on her phone.
"I got a good feel of the staff." Andie said. "It's mainly wood. We just need as exact a copy as possible, and I can exchange them on Thursday at the rehearsal."
"Yes, that's all great, but you're forgetting one thing," Isabelle reminded. "How are you going to sneak the real staff out? Or the fake one in?"
Andie had to admit she hadn't thought of that. But the idea soon came to her.
"... I can hide it in my guitar case, it's about the same length." she said. "I'll say I have a guitar lesson just after rehearsal and am bringing it with me to save time. I can put it in the prop room at the beginning of rehearsal and switch the staffs."
"That could work," Isabelle agreed.
"But what will we do if Zarias comes after you again?"
"He won't if there are other people around, they're not supposed to know demons exist," Emily reminded.
"Yeah, but what about when she's on her own? Then, what?"
They were now in the empty parking lot.
"I'm not sure, but I have a good feeling about it," Andie said confidently. "Come on, let's get out of here. I want to get to the mall before it closes."
Andie smiled mischievously.
"I'm making a scepter, aren't I?"
Just then, a voice called them urgently.
"Andie, Isabelle! Emily, thank goodness I found you!"
Terra had appeared, looking very distressed.
"Terra?!" Andie exclaimed. "What is it?"
"It's... Jessica, she's in danger."
"She went to Chambers Lake Park to think and got ambushed by demons! You have to hurry, I don't know how much longer she can hold them off!"
Andie, Isabelle and Emily didn't hesitate. Fight or no fight, Jessica was still their friend, and still important to them.
"Lead the way, Terra", Andie said.
Terra turned and floated away. Andie and her friends hurried after her.
"No time to get your cars, we'll take mine, it's closer!" Isabelle said, leading them to her Volvo.
"Okay," Emily said.
They climbed in, buckled their seat belts as fast as they could and Isabelle took off.
"What was Jessica thinking, going over there alone?!" Isabelle asked. "That's where we were most often attacked!"
"I know," Terra said. "I tried to tell her not to go, but she wouldn't listen..."
There was a general groan of frustration.
"Why does she have to be so darn stubborn...?" Emily sighed.
"Because she was a mule in a past life," Isabelle said through gritted teeth as she turned up a street.
In other circumstances, Andie would have laughed. For some reason, she didn't feel like it right now. They waited as Isabelle made her way towards the park as fast as she could. At last, they came in view of the park. Isabelle stopped in the middle of the parking lot.
"Go, I'll catch up," she said.
Andie nodded. She and Emily hurried out of the car.
"Where is Jessica?" Emily asked Terra.
"This way," she answered.
They ran after her. It was cold and it burned their lungs, but they pushed on.
"There!" Emily suddenly said, pointing.
Looking too, Andie gasped.
Jessica was pinned to the floor by a demon while a dozen more surrounded her.
Hearing Andie's voice, she looked round.
"Guys! Help!" she called.
Isabelle came running up behind them.
Raising her hands, she shouted:
"Power of water!"
Water shot out of her hands and knocked the demon off Jessica. But that was all it did. And she was still surrounded.
"Isabelle, Emily, get back." Andie told them. "Water and air won't do much. It's time to heat things up."
Andie raised her own hands and said;
"Blaze of fire!"
A circle of flames appeared around Jessica, repelling the demons around her.
"Breath of air!"
Gusts of wind knocked more away. Isabelle whacked more away with a large branch. But she hadn't seen one come up behind her.
"Isabelle, look out!" Emily called.
But it was too late. The demon pounced... and hit a wall of stone. Andie looked at Jessica, who had placed her hand on the ground and raised a wall to protect Isabelle.
"Nice going, Jess!" Emily said.
Eventually, they got rid of them. Andie then turned to Jess and helped her up.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"Now, I am... I'm so sorry about what I said earlier... I was mean... I didn't mean any of it, you know that, don't you?"
"Of course I do," Andie said, and pulled her into a hug.
And the cold wind around them was nothing compared to their warm embrace.
"You what?!"
They had gone to the Soda Fountain for hot chocolate to both celebrate their reconciliation and recover from the day's events. And they were now filling Jessica in on what they'd found out.
"Yes. And it's definitely the staff."
"Wow, that's amazing!" Jessica said excitedly. "So, what's the plan?"
Andie explained about the play and how they were going to make a copy and switch them during the first rehearsal. Jessica was astonished.
"You mean you actually auditioned?"
"Yeah, and she was amazing," Emily said.
"But why?" Jessica asked. "Why not just sneak in and switch them?"
"... I wanted to do it the right way, this time." Andie said. "And... because it was the only way to get the staff and the Caduceus."
There was a pause.
"... You really love him that much...?" She asked.
"More," Andie answered.
"Speaking of Bane, is there any update on his condition?" Emily asked.
"No..." Andie said, shaking her head.
"I am so sorry, Andie... I was really out of line."
Andie shook her head and squeezed her hand.
"You weren't entirely wrong," she said. "It was a crazy idea."
"Well, anyway, it's over now." Isabelle said. "The past is the past."
"Right." Emily agreed, biting her muffin. "So, now what?"
"We go to the mall to get the supplies..." Andie said.
Jessica thought for a moment.
"I think I have a better idea."
They went to Jessica's house. Her parents weren't home yet.
"So, what are you thinking?" Isabelle asked.
"Well, the elements are the basis of everything, right?"
"I guess," Isabelle agreed.
"And our powers are based on the elements, right? So maybe we can use them to make the scepter."
"You mean like alchemy?"
"Something like that." Jessica nodded.
Andie turned to Aera, who was the only one there, as the rest were watching Bane.
"What do you think?"
"Well... we've never tried that, but it could work. I'm not sure."
"We can try, and if that doesn't work, we'll just do it the old-fashioned way." Jessica said.
The other girls looked at each other.
"Okay, then."
Jessica set down a stick and a tennis ball on the floor.
"Okay... so... you said you have a picture of the staff?"
"Yes, on my phone," Andie said, holding it out.
"Okay... you all got it in mind? Good. Then, if we all call out our power, it should combine and transform the stick and ball."
"Or blow us sky high," Emily said. "Are you sure?"
"We might need this power, I say we should know if we can do it or not," Jessica replied.
They sat down in a circle around the ball and stick.
"Keep it low. I don't know what this could do," Aera advised.
Isabelle nodded. They closed their eyes and concentrated on the staff they wanted to create. They held their hands above the objects on the floor and waited. But nothing happened.
"... Hm, maybe we need an incantation or something, like when Bane and I used the Blaze of light." Andie said.
"Oh, of course! But what should it be...? We can't just list all the elements..."
"Element creation," Isabelle said. "That's what it is, right?"
Now that she mentioned it, that was pretty accurate.
"Fine with me," Emily said.
"Same here," Andie and Jessica said together.
They got into position again, and all said:
"Element creation!"
A bright light shone in the middle of their circle. After a moment, it faded and revealed a perfect copy of the staff in the prop room of Olympia High.
"Wow... we actually did it...!" Emily said.
"Okay... now I'm going to need some food, or I'll pass out..." Jessica said.
"Me too." the other girls agreed.
"It's nearly dinner time. How does a double cheeseburger sound?"
"Make it triple," Emily laughed.
The girls laughed too and they walked out together.
Double Whoop! Andie and Jess are friends again, and they have discovered a new power! Yay! Let's show them how happy we are with the votes!
Don't you hate fighting with your friends? What do you do when it happens? Tell us all in the comments!
Will Andie and the girls get to the staff before Zarias? Will they discover more new powers? Let's find out in the next chapter!
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