23 - I Don't Understand But I Love You

•Serenity HQ•

Seungkwan and Vernon were busy with their work, as always. But the dynamics between them had worsened after their last confrontation.

Seungkwan wasn't talking to Vernon, of course. They were avoiding each other at all costs. The only difference was that Seungkwan was literally avoiding Vernon while Vernon was finding ways to apologise to him.

"I'm ordering coffee, do you want some?" Vernon asked, as politely as he could.

"One iced americano." Seungkwan replied without looking at him.

This. This was what Vernon was hating with all his might. Seungkwan was neither talking to him like he was talking to everybody else nor he was treating him with ignorance. Short, to the point replies and he would be done for the day.

Vernon would have not cared about it, probably but he knew that this bitterness was the outcome of his very own fault so of course he had to make it right.

"You haven't fixed the border lines accurately." Vernon intentionally pointed out a wrong mistake, "On the large scale, the two lines are not overlapping. You need to fix the code."

Seungkwan looked at Vernon's laptop. Without saying a word, he fixed the fault which wasn't even a fault at the first place.

Vernon was expecting Seungkwan to at least give him a pathetic glare but all he received was the former's silence. No sarcastic comments, no boring holes into his soul, all Seungkwan offered was cold treatment.

And what frustrated him more was the fact that he had already kissed Seungkwan and he didn't even know. Great.

Seungkwan stood up to get some files from the shelf. He returned as he placed them on the table but his leg stumbled against the chair. Fortunately, Vernon was quick to catch him as his hands wrapped around Seungkwan's waist.

Even if you don't understand, you can understand
The language barrier is just a bubble
You know me too, don't believe me

And it was when Seungkwan's wide eyes met Vernon's guilty ones.

Seungkwan quickly cleared his throat as he backed away, "I'm sorry."

"Seungkwan why are you behaving like this?" Vernon stood up, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for whatever I've done and said previously. Can't we just get back to normal?"

"Normal?" Seungkwan scrunched his brows, "What do you mean by that?"

"Just talk to me like you talk to everybody else." Vernon's voice softened.

"You hate that." Seungkwan chuckled bitterly, "I don't want to make you uncomfortable with my nonsense."

"That's what I'm saying, I'm sorry for all of it. I didn't realise that my words were coming out to be that harsh." Vernon stated, "This is the first and last time Seungkwan, just forgive me once."

"It's fine Vernon, you don't need to pretend." Seungkwan scoffed, "I'm not upset. I'm doing what suits you better. If you don't like talking to me, it's not your problem. I should stay quiet and speak less around you."

"There's nothing-"

"Stop, please. I don't want to discuss it anymore, it's of no use." Seungkwan sat down.

Vernon took his seat as well. His first attempt to apologise had clearly failed. Now he was back to where he had started from, zero progress.

With the growing waveform of emotions
You know there are more important things between us than words

"Let's go." Hoshi stood up.

"Where?" Woozi asked.

"To Mr. Cha Jaewook's cabin. We have to discuss this with the civil department." Hoshi stated.

"Can you go alone?"

"No." Hoshi sternly replied, "Stop bringing our personal issues-"

"I'm not declining because of that."


"He proposed to me the day before yesterday. I said no to him twice but he's so stubborn." Woozi sighed, "I'm this close to snapping his neck."

"Sure." Hoshi laughed, "Attempt a murder, go to jail and grant me some freedom."

"Yeah? Should I just snap your neck as well? You'll get freedom from your whole life." Woozi retorted.

"Stop overreacting and let's just go." Hoshi walked out.

Woozi scoffed as he followed. Soon enough, they reached Cha Jaewook's cabin.

"Good morning sir." Jaewook greeted both of them.

"I hope the file is ready Mr. Cha." Hoshi stated but Jaewook was too busy staring at Woozi, "MR. CHA?"

"Oh yes sir, it's done." Jaewook got embarrassed.

They began to discuss their work. Hoshi noticed that Woozi was keeping his distance from Jaewook while he was taking subtle glances at Woozi. It was pretty uncomfortable and Hoshi didn't like it.

As they were at the end of the small discussion, Hoshi got a call, "Excuse me."

He left the cabin to attend the call. When he returned, he saw both the males having a conversation.

"Please Jihoon, give me a chance. I'll be a good partner to you." Jaewook insisted politely, "I swear I'm a nice person."

"First of all, it's Mr. Lee to you." Woozi stepped back, "And you being a nice person doesn't mean that I've to like you in a romantic way. No means no."

"But one-"

"Sorry to disappoint you Mr. Cha." Hoshi intervened as he stood beside Woozi, holding his waist, "But he's already committed."

Woozi snapped his head towards Hoshi, totally in disbelief, 'What the fuck is he talking about?'

"What?" Jaewook asked.

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend." Hoshi chuckled.

'Is he high on weed?!' Woozi choked on air as he coughed.

"What happened babe?" Hoshi caressed his back while overdoing his concern.

"I'm fine." Woozi muttered.

"You should've told me Mr. Lee, I would have never asked you again. I'm sorry." Jaewook stated.

"He didn't want to tell you, simple as that." Hoshi glared at Jaewook, "But if he said no once, you don't need to bother him again. He doesn't owe you an explanation for saying no."

"I'm sorry sir." Jaewook looked down.

"Let's go." Hoshi looked at Woozi, never leaving his waist. Both of them got out of the cabin and went straight into the elevator after which Hoshi retracted his arm.

Waves in a deep forest
You're unique to me
Guitar melody
To make what I desperately want, bloom again

"Uh thanks." Woozi tried to look away.

"He didn't misbehave with you right?" Hoshi asked.


"Did he misbehave with you?" Hoshi repeated.

"No! I would have taught him a lesson if he would have tried anything." Woozi scoffed, "He was asking nicely that's why I wasn't being tough."

"I was just asking." Hoshi shrugged as the elevator doors opened, "Let's just keep this lie between us. Whenever he'll be around you, we can just pretend to be together."

"I don't think he'll try anymore." Woozi scoffed as both of them got back into the cabin.

"I mean- don't tell anyone among our friends that I made such a lie." Hoshi stated, "Or they'll tease us like Wonwoo Mingyu for no reason."

"That's the last thing I want." Woozi rolled his eyes, "Fine, deal closed."

"Break time, finally!" Jeonghan sighed in relief.

"Let's go." Seungcheol stood up.

"Where? They'll send us our food, don't worry." Jeonghan nodded.

"No! We're going to a restaurant." Seungcheol grinned.


"Yes. Come I'll show you a good place, you'll love it." Seungcheol stated.

"Hello? Mr. Choi? How do you know that I'll love it?" Jeonghan raised a brow.

'You already love that place.' Seungcheol pretended to think hard, "Since you liked the beach, I assume we've a similar taste so you must like this place too. Although I don't know if it's the same as it used to be but whatever."

"It's just a restaurant, why do you have an explanation for everything?" Jeonghan laughed as he stood up.

"That's a good thing, isn't it?"

"No that's pretty suspicious." Jeonghan stated as both of them walked out, "You have answers to every possible questions I may ask which means you're way too prepared for it."

"Wh- what are you talking about?" Seungcheol nervously chuckled.

Jeonghan patted his shoulder while laughing, "I was just messing with you."

Seungcheol sighed in relief. How could he forget that he was dealing with such a witty person?

Both of them reached the parking lot. Seungcheol asked the driver to stay out.

He opened the passenger's seat's door for Jeonghan, "Here."

"Uh thanks." Jeonghan smiled as he got in after which Seungcheol walked around and took the driver's seat.

Seungcheol started driving amidst the busy route. Jeonghan couldn't understand why his heart was fluttering for literally nothing.

Seungcheol knew Jeonghan was staring at him without any pause and he was absolutely enjoying it. Being under Jeonghan's constant gaze was one of his favourite things.

'A single look of yours over me and I'm back to life.' Seungcheol chuckled to himself.

When I saw you, the space had stopped
Sensitive senses
When I only see you
My heart and even my eyes are jealous

Jeonghan saw the faint smile on Seungcheol's lips and he unconsciously grinned as well. It was like he was getting hypnotized. The more he would look up to Seungcheol, the more his heart would race.

Because even if Jeonghan didn't know, the sense of familiarity was inevitable. His heart was Seungcheol's, since the beginning.

"Jeonghan?" Seungcheol made his voice extra sweet and charming, "Can I drive? Please?"

"You're already driving?" Jeonghan scrunched his brows.

"But you're distracting me." Seungcheol chuckled, "You can stare at me all you want after we reach the restaurant, I'm not going anywhere."

Jeonghan quickly averted his gaze. He didn't realise that he had made it so obvious, "I'm sorry."

"No why would you say sorry?" Seungcheol cleared it up, "You not looking at me would be something you'll need to apologise for."

"What?" Jeonghan felt giddy, "Are you literally asking me to look at you 24/7?"

"Is it too much to ask?" Seungcheol focused on the road, "I'm handsome enough that you won't get bored while staring at me."

"It counts as flirting, Mr. Choi." Jeonghan grinned.

"You staring at me without any pause or me asking you to continue it?" Seungcheol teased, "Which one, Mr. Yoon?"

Different languages and different times
A password shared secretly between the two of us, opens us both

"When are we reaching the destination?" Jeonghan quickly changed the topic.

"Soon." Seungcheol laughed.

And as said, they finally reached the restaurant. Seungcheol parked the car after which he got out and opened the door for Jeonghan.

But Jeonghan hesitated. He still remembered how his identity was no more hidden. Everyone knew that he was the CEO of Serenity and he had got numerous offers for a proper interview.

But he had denied them all and asked all the sources to keep him away from the media. Still, no one can stop the public, right?

"Jeonghan, come out?" Seungcheol offered him his hand.

Jeonghan fiddled with his fingers, not feeling very good.

Seungcheol held his hand, "I know what you're thinking about. Don't worry, I've reserved a vip cabin."

"But still-" Jeonghan contemplated, "I don't know."

Seungcheol leaned in a bit, "Don't you trust me? I'll not let a single person come near you, I promise. No one will bother you, just come with me."

Jeonghan looked at the older as he felt the comfort radiating through his eyes but still he wasn't really sure. He averted his gaze to make a decision.

Seungcheol opened the door more to face the younger. He was holding Jeonghan's hand with one of his hands as he placed his other arm over the younger's shoulder.

"Look at me." Seungcheol whispered, "Do you trust me or not?"

"I do." Jeonghan mumbled.

"So? What's wrong when I'm saying that everything will be fine?"

"You can't control the general public, Seungcheol." Jeonghan reasoned, "Don't you remember that mob? How hard it was to come out of it even though the other members and guards were there too?"

"I can do anything to make sure you're fine, don't underestimate me." Seungcheol stated.

Jeonghan registered those words in his brain. Was he for real?

All the words that exist in the world
It's enough for just two of us to know each other

"Let's go." Seungcheol insisted again.

Jeonghan nodded as he came out of the car. He inhaled a deep breath as he wore a mask.

Seungcheol intertwined the younger's hand with his own, "Don't worry, okay?"

Both of them walked into the restaurant. Seungcheol made sure that they would quickly reach their booked cabin so that Jeonghan wouldn't feel uncomfortable under everyone's gaze.

"We're here." Seungcheol dragged the chair for Jeonghan to sit.

"Thankyou." Jeonghan chuckled as the older took a seat as well, "This is beautiful."

Jeonghan admired the view of a lake and greenery that was visible through the huge window. They were sitting right beside the serene view which was nothing less than a blessing.

"See, I told you that you'll like it." Seungcheol proudly stated.

"How do you still remember these places even when you didn't visit Busan for six whole years?" Jeonghan kept looking outside the window.

Seungcheol didn't have any answer for that. It's true that he had abandoned that city for years but he treasured every single moment he had spent there with Jeonghan,"I just do."

"What will you like to eat?" Seungcheol asked, flipping the subject of their conversation.

"Anything." Jeonghan shrugged.

Seungcheol nodded as he looked through the menu while Jeonghan kept admiring the view outside and captured it on his phone.

"Do you want me to click your pictures?" Seungcheol asked.

"No it's fine!" Jeonghan smiled.

"How about a selca?"

"Umm sure!"

Seungcheol pulled out his phone as he clicked pictures of them together after which he placed their order and waited for it to arrive.

"You must be very hungry." Seungcheol saw Jeonghan chewing on his lips, "Don't do that, it might hurt."

"Oh yeah." Jeonghan chuckled in embarassment.

Jeonghan's gaze fell on Seungcheol's slender hands after which he looked at his own palms. He was amazed by the size difference. Soon enough, he recalled all those times when his hands were in Seungcheol's tender hold.

'Why do these stupid things come to my mind these days?' Jeonghan scrunched his brows.

Seungcheol was well aware of Jeonghan's subtle gaze on him and he was very much fine with it. After all, that's what he wanted, right?

You trusted me, I'm only in you
I don't understand but I love you, I love you

"Excuse me." Seungcheol stood up, "I'll go use the restroom and come back."

As Seungcheol left, Jeonghan took a deep breath to calm himself. Soon enough, Seungcheol's phone that was kept on the table, ringed.

Jeonghan looked at the caller ID which said 'Mom'.

"His mom is calling." Jeonghan mumbled to himself, "He'll come back and talk."

But Jeonghan got worried when his mom called him twice. So when the phone rang for the third time, he decided to pick it up.

He cleared his throat and picked it up, "Hello, good afternoon ma'am."

"Uh good afternoon. Seungcheol?"

"Seungcheol is in the washroom, ma'am. I'm his friend, we were out to have lunch, he'll be here in a minute or so."

"Okay! May I know your name gentleman?"

"Yes ma'am. I'm Yoon Jeonghan."

"W-wh- what?"

"Uh Yoon Jeong-"

"Jeonghan?" Seungcheol called from behind.

"Oh he's here." Jeonghan informed after which he offered the phone to the older, "Your mom was calling continuously so I decided to pick it up."

"Mom?" Seungcheol stumbled on himself.

It was true that none of the Rose Quartz member's had the courage to reveal the truth to their respective families after talking to Jeonghan's family.

Jeonghan was as dear to their parents as he was to his own. So they had collectively decided to hide the truth until Jeonghan would heal completely.

"Yeah, take it." Jeonghan handed the phone to Seungcheol, completely missing the cries that left Mrs. Choi's mouth.

"H-ello? Mom?" Seungcheol hesitantly stated.

"Seungcheol? Where are you? Jeonghan? Am I listening things? That friend of yours said his name is Yoon Jeonghan?"

"Mom? Hello? Hello?!" Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan, "I think there's some network problem here. I'll talk outside and come back quickly."

"It's okay, take your time." Jeonghan chuckled as the older left.

"Mom please calm down." Seungcheol muttered over the call.

"No how am I supposed to calm down? What was it? Jeonghan is-?"

"Alive. Yes."


"Mom hear me out, I can't talk right now. Please try to understand."

"No what are you saying? You have to tell me what's happening."

Seungcheol sighed as he made sure he wasn't getting caught, "Just give me 5 minutes! Only 5!"

"Only 5 minutes."

"Yeah." Seungcheol hung up the call as he made another, "Hello, Jun? Can you talk to my mom right now?"

"What happened hyung?"

"Even I don't know what exactly happened. I came out to have lunch with Jeonghan. I was in the washroom when my mom must be calling continuously so Jeonghan picked up the call and they talked. I think he told her his name but gladly I came back on time. She's freaking out right now, so just tell her everything."

"Okay hyung don't worry, I'll manage."

"Thank you." Seungcheol hung up the call and went in.

"Is everything alright?" Jeonghan asked.

"Yeah." Seungcheol took a seat.

"Seungcheol, you can go home alone today." Jeonghan stated.

"Why?" Seungcheol asked.

"I'll go to the orphanage today, before going home." Jeonghan informed, "Don't worry, I'll be there before dinner."

"So I'll come with you to the orphanage." Seungcheol offered.

"No it's alright, I'll take you there another time. Today I want to spend time with the kids alone." Jeonghan chuckled.

It was his way of clearing his mind. Whenever he would feel that a lot was going on in his life, he would just visit the orphanage all alone and play with the kids.


"Don't worry Seungcheol, it's not a big deal." Jeonghan assured.


A/n : I can't believe we're already at 20+ chapters lmao.

Anyways, take care everyone!

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