Chapter 7
What happened before: Heh?
'California! If you're moving to California I could move too' He began to say.
'What?!' was being yelled 'No, you are not going to California for gods sake!' began the tall brown-haired boy to state 'What about school? What about mom and dad? Are you really going to go to California for just one friend? You're not even old enough to drive a car Tim!' he ended his enraged monologue. I had pulled Tim behind me in the middle of his enraged shouting. A few of the other boys were also surprised by his small fit.
Just as it seemed that he was going to keep on speaking I held up my hand and showed that I needed a minute. It seemed as if he was going to start again, but before he could have, I already dragged Tim away from them, so that they couldn't hear us but still see us.
I turned to Tim 'You know I'd love that but, I couldn't just take you away from your family and friends.' Tim still had that look in his eyes 'But what if they come with me?' I pondered about it. 'Would they want to leave their home, just because you want to stay with me? They would also have to leave behind their friends. What would they even gain from moving to California? 'Tims face had dimmed a little when I mentioned how his family would have to leave their friends.' I know its selfish but I just don't want you to leave me, I don't want to be all alone again. And I don't want you to be all alone Sof. I cant imagine what would happen to you, if you're alone again, like 3 years ago...'
I started to tear up, but Tim saw that and began to hug me again, this time I was still tense at the beginning, but I ignored the pain and soaked up the feeling of familiarity I always got when we hugged.
' You know, three... But I am sure that Theodore is going to kill me if I took you with me' I spoke.
(A/N: you know three means..... read the story to find out. even though it's kinda obvious in this context,,)
Tim sighed as he nuzzled his head more into my neck 'You know three forever. You know I fear that that is true, if only there would be a situation that made moving more reasonable for my family, then I could stay with and wouldn't need to worry how you are doing, and could always give you a hug.
I wouldn't need to worry if your new family and birth father are treating you the way you deserve to be treated.
I wouldn't need to worry that you'd overwork yourself, since I would be by your side' While he started to ramble, a tear sneaked its way out of my eye and was now falling down my cheek.
We separated and I wiped of any evidence of the tear on my face and proceeded to do so to Tim, who's whole face looked as if he had cried buckets. I used my sleeves and wiped all of the salty liquid away. 'You know we can always call, video, call and send us stuff.' I tried to console us both. The reality that I would be away from my best friend now only setting in.
He only slightly nodded his head thoughtfully before, he had a wide smile on his face and looked as if he had found the solution to everlasting youth. I furrowed my brows.
What did he think of now?
Tim excitedly and proudly asked 'I think I know how we are going to reason my family with a move to California!' I quirked a brow at the word we. 'We?' questioned clarified 'Yes WE. What do you think would happen if my dad gets promoted to work in California? But he didn't get promoted? '
I didn't get it,how would that happen?
Tim gave me an incredulous look. He slapped his hand against his forehead and down his face. 'Are you really writing the exams so good, or do you have a cheat sheet? Because right now I don't get why you are called smart?'
My mouth was slightly ajar, and I made a hiumph sound as I said 'Well I am sorry that I can't read your thought oh so great Timothy-sensei' He let out a small laugh as he continued 'Well I just thought that his BOSS, could give him the promotion, and if his BOSS ordered it, he couldn't just say no' and it finally clicked. I looked wide eyed at Tim.
Not the shocked look I had when I heard about my birth father being my guardian, where I didn't show my shock, but an actual shocked look. 'You're a genius, why didn't I think of that?' I asked myself. 'Well for starters you're too nice, to use the power you have, secondly you don't have this mastermind that I have.' He exclaimed.
Before I could dwell on the idea I realized only now that it had been a while, since we separated from the group. 'Timster, you know that doesn't guarantee anything, ok? So, don't get your hopes up too fast. Also don't tell your brother, he'll have my neck if he knew the reason as to why he'd have to leave behind all of his friends.' I reasoned with him. 'Well, you could always offer more promotions or transfers, its not like you don't need it' He responded with a cheeky grin.
I defeatedly sighed and let his word hang in the air. I took his arm again and motioned for us to go back to the group. I had my back to the group so I had no idea what they did. It was rare I stood with my back towards anyone, especially when strangers are present but it's probably because of the situation and Tim. Only Tim. Not because of a good-looking brow- Okay let me stop you right there, we are not going to go down that road. Focus! Also there still are strangers, including especially Martino, in the presence. You cant let them see too much emotions.
I could see how part of the group have also started to smoke, and had small conversations with each other, while I saw how the brown-haired boy, was talking to my br-Martino while they were focusing on us. I turned to Tim, just as he turned to me with an alarmed look, we both turned back, looking to the front while I said 'Plan Theta'. He nodded and we had arrived the group.
(A/N:Want to know what plan theta is? it is a plan the evil author made to trick the reader into keep reading this book, which coincidentally also appears in the book)
'Finished talking huh? What took you so long?' asked the blond-haired boy, if it wasn't for him being the best friend of the tall brown-haired god and his ,sadly, satisfying work, I would have already punched the shit out of him.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and let Tim answer 'Yup, she talked me out of running away from home to go live with her'. As soon as he said that all of the guys looked wide eyed and unbelieving to Tim. Me included. I didn't know Tim planned to do something like that. 'You wanted to do what ?!'exclaimed the voice of the brown-haired go-nope boy, just mortal angry boy.
'We will talk about this' I whispered to Tim as I stepped in front of him again 'He did, emphasize on the did, so past tense, part. HE realized that he couldn't just leave everything back, right Timothy?' 'yes' responded Tim intimidated and embarrassed. He knew that whenever I use his whole name with my voice like this, that he'd get an earful later.
He still didn't seem satisfied. I turned to Tim and gestured to my wrist in question. He understanding my gesture looked at his watch and said Just 20 minutes before schools over. I let out a small sigh and closed my eyes while doing so.
I turned to Martino' Found hotel?' I know, not really grammatically correct but cut me some slack. Tim sensing my fatigue and exhaustion, took a granola bar from his bag, broke it into two halfs and wordlessly handed it to me. I gratefully nodded and started to eat it, while Tim was trying to hide behind me, from his brothers wrath.
'Ehm, I'm not sure. My secretary was supposed to reserve a room for me.' Martino answered unsurely. Feeling already energised by the bite I had, I began to state 'Make sure to reserve before 5. 30PM. Since at 6PM the tourists normally stop here to rest.' He nodded, gesturing to his mobile 'I'll ask her right away, Excuse me. '
Now it was the bad boys, Tim and me. 'Don't think you're off the hook, just because you're hiding behind a chick. As soon as were home mom and dad, will talk to you about your ex-plans' warned the brown-haired boy Tim. Tim was starting to laugh nervously and tried to change the topic by saying
'Sof-ia you definitely have to come over and say goodbye to mom and dad! I don't think they'd appreciate it, if they're favorite daughter, wouldn't say goodbye to them!
'That's not going to work Tim, you know it, I know it, who are you trying to fool? You can't fool me I think I will visit you tomorrow or the day after. Since I'll have to clear up a lot of things.'
I mentioned to him. Noting that he almost said my nickname in public, I gave him a small warning glance, which to be fair wasn't really one. I could never be too stern on him. I still had my expressionless face and cold voice on, as there were far too many strangers around. A few of them did look surprised at our conversation or the fact that I had spoken so much. I have never talked so much in front of other students if I could help it. It was even rare that I had talked to anybody besides Tim, so me talking so much in their presence to different people definitely surprised them.
'Ok, so the rooms booked, the hotel is about 15 minutes away from here.' declared Martino. Just as he was about to continue, my mobile rung. I took it out and saw an unfamiliar number. I was confused but didn't show it. Tim was still trying to avoid his brothers hard glares and wrath, the rest beside Martino were entertaining themselves or watching in amusement how the brown-haired boy shot glares at Tim and Tim would always react with a jump or something like that. Though Martino gave me an questioning look.
I answered the call, but had yet to speak up. It was still on the line till
'Hello? Am I speaking with Miss...
Heyo !
here's a longer chapter but try to divide a chapter that has more than 3000words, but still makes sense. So this was the best I came up with.
Maybe you've noticed but I love cliffhangers. The next chapter is already finished writing but still needs a bit of editing.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please leave comments!
Yours ReareShootingstar ⭐❤️🌠
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