"How could they just disappear?" Erica questioned.
"Have you searched beside the tracks? Hermione has some workers out as well." Parker crossed her arms.
"We have people searching, I assure you." McGonagall told them.
"What about the Trolley Witch?" Parker asked.
"She didn't see anything." McGonagall shook her head.
"How didn't she? She's meant to see everything." Parker crossed her arms.
"There's only one person I know who saw anything." McGonagall sighed,"Come in, dear."
That's when they heard the doors open and Phoenix came in.
"Phoe?" Erica turned to her.
"Hi mum." Phoenix waved.
Erica sighed and bent down,"Where did they go, honey?"
"I don't know." Phoenix shrugged, "Albus told us about the Time Turner that Harry got. And then they disappeared."
"Were they planning anything?" Erica asked slowly.
"They were talking about it... Going to the Ministry." She shrugged.
"What could they possibly want there?" Erica sighed as she stood up.
"I'll send an owl to Harry." McGonagall nodded.
"Thank you, Professor." Erica nodded as an owl flew in.
"We'll find them, girls. I promise." McGonagall smiled softly.
Erica picked up the letter,"Since when does Amos write to anyone?"
"Amos?" Parker raised a brow.
"I'm scared." Erica sighed.
"Want me to open it?" Parker looked.
Parker sighed and took the note, reading it.
"What's it say?" Erica asked.
"It says..." Parker tilted her head at the writing.
"Says what?" Erica read it herself before stopping.
"Oh." Parker stopped.
"That... It should have been me." Erica looked away.
"Hey. Fuck him." Parker scrunched up the paper.
"I know, I know." Erica bit her lip.
"Ignore Amos." McGonagall sighed.
"I'll try." Erica nodded.
"He isn't worth it." Parker told her.
"He's not worth it." Erica shook her head.
"That's my girl." McGonagall smiled.
"Love you too, McGonagall." Erica giggled slightly.
"Once the kids are safe, I'll let you know. Phoenix, thank you for helping." McGonagall nodded.
"Anytime, Headmistress." Phoenix told her.
"They'll be okay." Parker assured Erica, "We raised them well."
"We did, didn't we?" Erica smiled.
"All by ourselves." Parker rubbed her back.
"Not for long." Erica sighed.
"Oh?" McGonagall leaned forward.
"Oh, nothing." Erica quickly shook her head.
"Girls." She tiled her head.
"Weasley's got a boyfriend." Parker pointed.
"Shh!" Erica quickly hushed her friend as the door was knocked.
"Headmistress?" Neville poked his head in.
"Ah, Longbottom." McGonagall nodded,"Is everything alright?"
"Yes... Just- Some trouble in the corridors." Neville shrugged, giving a wave to Erica.
"I can help." Erica raised her hand.
"Oh, Miss Weasley-" McGonagall began.
"No, it's fine." Neville hummed.
"It'll be easy." Erica assured her and walked out.
"What are you doing here?" Neville smiled.
"Kids are missing." Erica told him.
"Who?" Neville's smile dropped.
"Cedar, Matteo and Trixie." Erica sighed,"We think they'll be found soon, though."
"Is there any way I can help?" Neville raised a brow.
"I'm not sure." Erica shook her head,"Where's this trouble at, by the way?"
"Down the hall." Neville pointed.
"Right." Erica nodded and continued walking.
"Be careful." Neville nodded.
"I will." Erica called to him as she turned the corner.
When she turned, she saw Frank and another student fighting.
"Oi!" Erica shouted as she approached.
"Wh- What the hell are you doing here?" Frank scoffed.
"Stopping whatever the hell this is." Erica pointed.
"He stole my jotters!" The other student pointed.
"And?" Erica raised a brow.
"He won't give them back so Frank fought me for them." The boy pointed.
"Frank, this isn't how you were raised." Erica sighed.
"You're not my mum, you can't tell me what to do." Frank scoffed.
"Maybe not, but this isn't how you should behave in a corridor." Erica told him.
"So I can do it in a class?" He raised a brow.
"Don't get smart with me, kid." Erica crossed her arms.
"You said it, not me." Frank chuckled.
"Right, head to class or it's a detention." Erica nodded to him.
"You're not a teacher here." He shrugged.
"Frank. Now." Neville walked out.
"I think I found one." Erica smirked.
"But dad-" Frank began.
"But nothing." Neville shook his head.
"God, you're so annoying." Frank rolled his eyes and stormed off.
"He doesn't mean that." Erica assured him.
"I know." Neville sighed, "He's just angry about the whole Hannah situation."
"Does he not know how bad it was?" Erica asked quietly.
Neville shook his head, "We... Never really showed it around him."
"Look at me, okay?" Erica put a hand on his cheek,"We'll sort it out together, alright?"
"I know. Thank you." Neville smiled.
"I love you." Erica rested her head on his shoulder.
"I love you too." He gently kissed her head, "Now, you go find the kids."
"I will." Erica smiled.
Neville gave her a quick kiss before he went back into his classroom.
"And you're sure it's in there?" Matteo pointed
"Definitely sure." Delphi nodded.
That's when a guard walked by so Trixie spoke.
"Yes, Minister, I definitely think this is a matter for the Ministry to ponder at length, yes." She acted.
"Let us ponder together." Delphi played along.
The man nodded to 'Hermione' then walked away.
"It was my uncle's idea to use the Veritaserum so we slipped it into a visiting Ministry official's drink. He told us that the Time-Turner had been kept and even told us where, the office of the Minister for Magic herself." Delphi explained.
"Harry... We should talk about it." The others heard Hermione's voice.
"There's nothing to talk about." Harry sighed.
"Uh oh." Cedar muttered.
"Okay. Hiding places. No hiding places. Anyone know any Invisibility Charms?" Trixie panicked.
"Do we go... In her office?" Delphi asked.
"There's nowhere else." Delphi shook her head as she tried to open the door.
"If you don't talk to me or Ginny about it.." Hermione got closer.
"Right, stand back. Alohamora!" Cedar aimed her wand at the door.
The door then swung open and the girls walked inside.
"Matteo, block her. It has to be you." Trixie pointed.
"What? Why me?" He questioned.
"Well, it can't be us, can it?" Delphi pointed to the girls.
"Pretty sure Parker and Erica may be here and I'm Hermione, who's out there." Delphi pointed to the door.
"Fine." Matteo groaned, adjusting his hair.
That's when Hermione and Harry turned the corner, "Ron?"
"Ah, 'Mione." Matteo nodded quickly.
"What are you doing here?" Hermione blinked.
"Just thought I'd come surprise you." Matteo smiled.
"I... Should go." Harry nodded slowly.
"Harry, what Draco said, what you said to Albus, I don't think it'll do us any good to-"
"Oh, you're talking about how Harry said sometimes he wished Albus weren't his son?" Matteo raised a brow.
"Ron!" Hermione nudged him.
"Better out than in, that's what I say." Matteo shrugged.
"He'll know... We all say thing's we don't mean." Hermione sighed.
"But what if sometimes we say stuff we do mean ... What then?" Ron raised a brow.
"Ron, now's not the time." Hermione nudged him.
"Of course it isn't. Bye bye darling." Matteo waved.
"'Mione, let's talk... In my office." Harry nodded.
Matteo turned to the two, looking at them, his smile slowly dropping, "Oh- Oh my god."
"Matteo." Cedar muttered, gesturing for him to hurry up and come inside.
"Sorry- I gotta go." Matteo coughed.
"What?" She raised a brow.
"Yeah, I gotta go. 'Mione, you.. can't come in here." Matteo panicked.
"What?" Why?" Hermione asked.
"Because I'm asking nicely." Matteo nodded.
"Alright." Hermione sighed.
"I'll see you later honey, okay?" Matteo smiled.
"Of course." Hermione smiled, walking towards Harry's office.
Matteo quickly turned and closed the door, looking at the girls.
"What's the matter?" Cedar asked.
"I- Saw some things." He shrugged.
"No!" Trixie gasped, covering her mouth.
"Tell me." Cedar crossed her arms.
"No." Trixie shook her head.
"Trixie." Cedar lowered her eyes.
"Something bad happened." Trixie bit her lip.
"Could you get more vague? Just tell me." Cedar sighed.
Trixie turned and leaned towards Cedar, whispering something.
Cedar's eyes widened and she looked at Trixie,"No."
Trixie nodded along with Matteo.
"What?' Delphi blinked.
"I'm gonna kill them." Cedar shook her head.
"What's happened?" Delphi sighed.
"Harry and Hermione are having an affair." Cedar spat.
"Oh?" Delphi raised a brow, turning away with a small smirk, "Oh, guys...I'm so sorry."
"You should be sorry for them." Cedar told her,"Once my mum finds out then they're done for."
"I'm sorry for all of you." Delphi sighed, "Maybe... We can see what happens when we get the time turner."
"Yes." Cedar nodded quickly.
"Come on." Delphi nodded.
"Where could it be?" Cedar began looking around.
"She will be back soon, so we need to hurry." Trixie sighed.
"Hm.." Cedar eventually stopped at the bookshelf.
"Theres some serious books here. Banned books... Cursed books." Trixie looked at the bookshelf as well.
"Oh, what's this?" Cedar pulled out a book,"Divination? A book by Syball Trelawney. Doesn't Hermione hate Divination?"
That's when the book almost jumped out her hand.
"The first is the fourth, a disappointing mark.
You'll find it in parked but not in park." It spoke.
"What?" Cedar raised a brow.
"Oh great, a talking book." Matteo rolled his eyes.
"The second is less fair of those who walk on two legs.
Grubby, hairy, a disease of the egg .
And the third is both a mountain and a route to take." The book continued.
"It's a riddle. It's giving us a riddle." Trixie pointed.
"A turn in the city, a glide in the lake" The book finished.
"What have you done?" Delphi asked.
"Uh, opened a book?" Cedar admitted.
The book then snapped at Cedar.
"She's weaponized it . She's weaponized her library. This is where the Time Turner will be. Solve the riddle and we'll find it." Trixie nodded.
Cedar kicked the book,"Let's hurry!"
"The first one is ed." Matteo nodded as the book tried to grab Delphi.
"The second is the disease of the egg, less fair of those that walk on two legs." Cedar spoke, trying to evade the book
"Men! De-Men... Tors! Find a book on dementors." Trixie jumped.
"Uh huh.." Cedar nodded, getting close to the bookshelf.
"Here. Dominating Dementors: A True History of Azkaban." Matteo quickly held it up.
"Gre-" Cedar began before being nabbed by the bookcase.
"Cedar." Trixie turned, going to grab her.
"Open the book!" Delphi ordered.
Matteo quickly opened the book as he was told.
"I was born in a cage
But smashed it with rage
The Gaunt inside me
Riddled me free
Of that which would stop me to be."
"What could that mean?" Delphine bit her lip.
"Voldemort." Trixie realised.
"Work faster!" Cedar told them, as she was shot out as herself.
"She just became herself again, did you notice?" Matteo looked.
"Did I?" Cedar looked at herself before being pulled in again.
Trixie picked up a book, "The Heir of Slytherin, do you think?"
"That sounds like it." Delphi nodded.
Trixie opened it up, only to be consumed by the bookcase as well.
"Trixie? Trixie!?" Matteo shouted.
It was no use, Trixie was already gone.
Matteo was really beginning to panic now, he picked up another book, "Marvolo: The Truth. This must be it."
"Quickly." Delphi urged him.
Matteo quickly opened the book, a light coming out of it.
"I am the creature you haven't seen,
I am you. I am me. The echo unforeseen.
Sometimes in front, sometimes behind,
A constant companion, since we are entwined." The book spoke.
"Think!" He heard his sister shout.
"I-I can't!" Matteo stammered.
Only.. the book pulled him in. What were they gonna do? All he could do was try his best to think as the bookcase spat him out. Quick. He didn't have much time!
"No! You don't! Sybill Trelawney... No! This is all wrong. Trixie, Cedar? Can you hear me? All this for a frigging TimebTurner. Think, Theo. Think." Matteo looked around.
Delphi was then pulled in. Fuck! What could he do? He was alone..
"A constant companion. Sometimes behind. Sometimes in front. Hang on... I've missed it. Shadow. You're a shadow. Shadows and Spirits. It must be-" Matteo climbed up the bookshelf, grabbing a book and held it to his chest.
That's when the room went silent. Everything stopped. That's when the girls all fell out the bookshelf.
"Is that-" Delphi pointed to the book.
"You did it, Theo!" Cedar smiled.
Matteo panted with a small smile as he opened the book, holding up the time turner.
"I never thought we'd get this far." He admitted.
"Well, we did." Cedar pulled herself to her feet,"Should we... Try it?"
"Not yet. We need to get to an area first." Delphi nodded, "Quickly."
"Yeah, maybe we should." Cedar nodded as footsteps grew closer.
Everyone held each others hands before Delphi held them. The next thing they knew, the were on the edge of the forbidden forest.
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