Chapter 2 - Rumours and Romania

"Have you got all your things?" Parker helped Matteo put his bag on.

"Yes, mum." Matteo sighed,"Can I go now?"

"Give me a hug." Parker hummed.

Matteo rolled his eyes and hugged his mum.

"Atta boy." Parker kissed his cheek, "You trying out for the quidditch team like Rose?"

"Of course I am." Matteo nodded.

"Yeah? Don't get your ego up bud, Madam Hooch is a tough woman." Parker pointed.

"I won't, mum." Matteo rolled his eyes again and walked off.

"You all set, Trix?" Parker nodded as her daughter walked over.

"Yes, mum." Trixie smiled.

"Make sure Pheonix isn't alone on the train." Parker pointed and hugged her.

"I will!" Trixie nodded.

"Alright, I love you." Parker kissed her cheek.

"Love you too, mum." Trixie told her.

Parker hummed and gave her her bag before walking over to Erica and the Phoenix, Cedar joining up with the twins.

"So, how's things?" Erica asked her.

"Good. Matteo's starting out for quidditch. How are the girls?" Parker looked at the two.

"Cedar's excited as always and Phoe, well." Erica looked down at her.

"How are you feeling Phoe?" Parker crouched down.

Phoenix just held her mother's hand tight.

"You'll be okay. Hogwarts is scary at first, but you have all your cousins. Trixie is gonna be with you on the train as well." Parker assured her.

"So will your sister." Erica added.

"They won't leave you alone. It'll be our little trio, just like it was before school." Parker rubbed her arm.

"Thanks." Phoenix nodded slowly.

"You'll be great. What house do you hope to get?" Parker asked.

"I don't mind." Phoenix shook her head.

"Any house, it'll be okay." Parker got up.

"Mhm." Phoenix hummed.

"Right, give your mother a hug." Parker chuckled.

Phoenix gave Erica one last hug before running after Trixie and Cedar

"God, they're all growing so fast." Parker leaned her head on her best friends shoulder.

"Unlike you and Draco." Erica added.

"Huh?" Parker looked up at her.

"Nothing, nothing." Erica shook her head.

"I'm not immature or short." She crossed her arms.

"Of course you aren't." Erica looked at her friend.

"I'm not." Parker shook her head.

"I know." Erica patted her back as the others walked over.

"How's the others?" Parker turned.

"They'll do fine." Hermione nodded.

"How's Lily and Hugo feeling?" Parker asked.

"Oh, she's really excited." Ginny told her.

"I can tell." Draco nodded to the jumping Lily.

Ginny placed her hand on her head,"How about you go see Hugo?"

"Okay." Lily kissed her mother before she ran off.

Ginny sighed,"She hasn't stopped talking about it all night."

"She's definitely excited." Ron nodded.

"Same with Hugo." Hermione added.

"Hugo didn't sleep at all last night I don't think." Ron sighed.

"He gets it from me." Erica smirked.

"All the kids got something from you." Harry rolled his eyes.

"And I'm proud." Erica put her hands on her hips.

"Harry, Parker, can I talk to you?" Draco spoke after a minute.

"Oh, uh, sure." Harry nodded.

"What have you done?" Parker sighed and walked to the side with the two boys.

"Nothing." Harry shook his head.

"We need to talk about our sons." Draco sighed.

"What have they done already?" Parker sighed.

"Well..." Draco began.

"Well? Spit it out." Parker nudged him.

"They're are rumours that Scorpius and Matteo are... Voldemort's sons." Draco told them.

Parker raised a brow before she burst out laughing, stopping once she realised he was serious, "Huh?"

"Children at Hogwarts, their parents." Draco sighed.

"Oh, for fucks sake." Parker looked at some of the parents at the station.

"They can't be serious? They know you're his dad, don't they?" Harry raised a brow.

"Yeah, they do. Apparently Matteo looks like Tom Riddle when he was his age. And Scorpius... Because the Malfoys were a Death Eater family." Draco rolled his eyes.

"Arseholes." Harry muttered.

"If the boys get bother, I swear." Parker sighed, "I'll write to McGonagall. I'll get Erica to write to Neville, let him keep an eye on all of them."

"Maybe not Erica, she might... Take things a bit far with her approach." Draco told her.

"Harry, you write to him." She pointed.

"It'll be fine, trust me. If I know Neville and McGonagall, they'll be able to sort this out." Harry nodded

"They better." Parker warned.

"I know they will." Harry assured them.

"Come on, let's go Scarface, Casper." Parker nodded with a hum and walked.

"She's never gonna give that up, is she?" Harry sighed.

"Nope. It's better than Piggy. She called me that when my hair got died." Draco sighed as well.

"I bet it looked wonderful." Harry rolled his eyes and walked after Parker.

"Oh, totally." Draco muttered before he walked.


"Just tell me." Matteo nudged his cousin.

"Nu-uh." Cedar shook her head.

"Why not?" He asked.

"It's a secret.." Cedar told him.

"Who is it?" Matteo scrolled his arms, "I won't tell."

"You will, you always do." Cedar reminded him.

"I'm a ladies man, I probably don't even know the girl." He shrugged.

"You know all the girls." Cedar sighed.

"Please?" He begged.

"Fine." Cedar sighed,"Don't tell him I told you."

"I won't." He nodded.

'Its... Rose." Cedar told him.

"Rose?" Matteo blinked.

"Rose." She nodded.

"Our cousin." Matteo raised a brow.

"Our cousin." Cedar nodded again.

"Ron and Hermione's daughter?" Matteo held back a laugh.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you." Cedar nudged him.

Matteo looked at his feet before he burst out laughing.

"Stop laughing." Cedar tried to quieten him.

"I'm sorry- That's just-!" He continued laughing.

"This is why I never tell you the gossip." Cedar rolled her eyes.

"Okay, okay. I'm good." Matteo nodded.

"You sure?" Cedar asked slowly.

"I think." Matteo chuckled.

"Let's just get on the train." Cedar shook her head.

Matteo hummed as he got on. Phoenix ran to her sister, getting on the train with her.

"You feeling alright?" Cedar turned to Phoenix.

"Mhm." Phoenix nodded slowly.

"You'll be okay." Cedar rubbed her back, "Come on."

Phoenix smiled and followed her sister.

"Oh, look, it's the Cursed Children." A boy scoffed as the group of cousins walked past them.

"Wanna say that again?" Cedar turned sharply.

"Cedar." Rose whispered.

"Just because we're popular and you're not." Trixie hummed.

"I'm going to fight him." Cedar stepped forward.

"We'll be having none of that." Matteo pulled Cedar back, "Mason, right?"

"Aw, isn't that cute? You know my name." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, now do us all a favour and fuck off. You don't get to speak about our family." Matteo pointed.

"You hearing this Frank?" Mason turned to the boy next to him.

"Don't even open your trap, Frank. We both know it won't end well for you." Matteo warned.

Frank shrugged and glared at them, brushing his dusty hair to the side of his face.

"Come on." Matteo turned to his cousins and walked.

"Coward." Frank muttered.

"Say that again, I dare you Longbottom!" Rose turned this time.

Frank smirked,"Coward."

Matteo quickly went to go for Frank but was stopped.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The Trolley Witch asked.

"Oh, no thanks." Cedar smiled before turning to Frank and glaring.

"Right, back to your booths everyone, trains leaving." The Trolley Witch smiled.

Cedar nodded as the Trolley Lady walked off.

"See you at school, bitch." Cedar turned from him.

Frank rolled his eyes and leaned back.

"Hate him so much." Cedar muttered as they walked to their own booth.

"I know." Rose sighed.


"Charlie!" Erica called to him.

"Erica? Welcome back!" Charlie laughed and ran up to her.

"I missed you." Erica hugged him.

"Who wouldn't?" He shrugged and hugged back.

"Don't even get me started." Erica sighed as she heard a familiar voice from the distance,"Fuck.."

"Keith hasn't shut up about you." Charlie whispered.

"I know I'm hot but still." Erica rested her head on her brother's shoulder.

"My Erica~" Keith hummed and he walked up to them.

"Keith." Erica sighed.

"How was your trip home?" Keith asked.

"Just the same as usual." Erica nodded slowly.

"The kids? They good?" He hummed.

"They're fine." Erica sighed.

"You?" Keith raised a brow.

"I'm fine. Now, Charlie and I were busy with something." Erica told him.

"Yeah? What?" Keith crossed his arms.

"It's family stuff." Charlie shielded Erica with his arm.

"Charlie, I'm only trying to be nice to your sister." Keith sighed.

"She'd appreciate you leaving." Charlie stated.

"Erica?" He turned to her.

"Leave. That's an order." Erica told him

"Yes, boss." Keith sighed and walked off.

"And... My day is ruined." Erica sighed, resting her head on Charlie.

"He's an ass." Charlie shrugged.

"That's an understatement." Erica told him.

"How are my favourite nieces, by the way?" Charlie hummed.

"They're perfectly fine, Charles." Erica nodded.

"Miss me?" He smirked.

"How could I not?" Erica smiled.

"I missed you too, Er." Charlie ruffled her hair.

"Oi." Erica chuckled.

"Come on, Truman is waiting for you." Charlie nodded towards the friendly dragon.

"Still don't know why you called him that." Erica sighed and bent down.

"Because he's very much like a Truman." He shrugged.

"I see." Erica nodded slowly.

"Now, come on." Charlie nudged her.

"I'm coming." Erica told him as she started moving.


"Take the fairy wings off, Lily." Albus sighed as they sat on the Hogwarts Express.

"But-" Lily began.

"It's for the best." James told her, messing with his hair.

"She'll look ridiculous." Phoenix nudged her,"James already looks it."

"Shut up, Pheonix." James rolled his eyes.

"You could've asked me to fix it." She told him.

"I'm a great hairdresser." James shrugged.

"No." Phoenix shook her head.

"You need hair spray." Matteo hummed as he checked the mirror.

"And the right colour. " Phoenix pointed out.

"You shouldn't piss me off." Matteo shrugged.

"That was a dumb decision on your part." Phoenix nodded.

"Well, you shouldn't of stolen my girlfriend in the first place." James muttered.

"She's in my year, not yours." Matteo pointed.

"Matteo stealing girls already?" Phoenix raised a brow.

"What can I say?" Matteo hummed.

"Cedar's gonna be jealous." Phoenix muttered and took out her book.

"Hm?" Matteo turned.

"What?" Phoenix raised a brow.

"What did you say?" He questioned.

"She's one of Cedar's friends, she'll be jealous about you spending time with her." Phoenix shrugged.

"Right." He nodded slowly.

"You think too much, Theo." Phoenix told her.

"You think too much." Matteo shrugged.

"James doesn't think enough." Phoenix nodded.

"Hey!" James looked at them.

"What?" She raised a brow.

"I think plenty, thank you." James defended.

"Yeah, totally." Phoenix rolled her eyes.


"Oh, this is big." Lily gasped.

"I know, I read about it in Hogwarts: A History." Phoenix nodded slowly.

"My mom read that." Hugo pointed.

"Huh, interesting." Phoenix smiled.

Thats when McGonagall began calling out names,"Lily Potter."

"Oh, oh, that's me." Lily smiled, walking forward.

"Come on up, honey." McGonagall smiled.

Lily sat on the chair and the Sorting Hat was soon placed on her head.

"Hm... This is very different. One we've not had yet... Ravenclaw!" The Sorting Hat yelled.

"OoO" Phoenix nodded as Lily jogged over to the Ravenclaw table.

"That's new." Hugo whispered.

"Quite a lot of things are." Phoenix whispered back.

"Hugo Granger-Weasley!" McGonagall called.

"Right." Hugo nodded as he went and sat down.

"Another Weasley? There's one of you everywhere... I know where to put you young man... Gryffindor!" The Sorting Hat announced.

"Yes!" Hugo cheered before going and sitting beside his sister.

"Hi Hugo." Rose nodded.

"Phoenix Weasley!" McGonagall called out.

Phoenix took a breath before sitting down as well.

"Hm... I hope I'm finished with you lot after you... I know exactly where you should go. Hufflepuff!" The Sorting Hat shouted.

Phoenix smiled before walking over and sitting beside Trixie.

"Yes, please." Phoenix nodded.

Trixie smiled before she handed one over.

"Can I have one?" Asked a familiar male voice.

Trixie turned to the male to see who it was. Frank. Wait, Frank?!

"No, you don't deserve a cookie." Trixie pulled them to her.

"Just give me a cookie and I'll leave you alone for now." He sighed.

"Key word: For now." Trixie rasied a brow.

"Well, yeah." Frank nodded before turning to Phoenix,"Hey, small fry. Can I have a cookie?"

Trixie turned to Phoenix, "He's a bully."

"We met on the train." Phoenix nodded before stopping,"Listen, we could make a deal here."

"A deal?" Frank asked.

"I give you a cookie, you don't bother me." Phoenix told him.

"How long were you planning?" Phoenix asked.

"A day or two. I got others to annoy." Frank shrugged.

"Fair enough." Phoenix held a cookie to him.

"Pleasure doing business with you girls." He nodded, taking it and turned around.

"Have a nice day." She sighed.

"Students, I have an announcement!" McGonagall cheered.

"Sounds great." Phoenix turned.

"I'm proud to announce, we have our new Gryffindor Chaser and Slytherin Seeker." McGonagall looked around.

"I wonder who it is." Phoenix nodded

"For our Chaser... Miss Rose Granger-Weasley!" McGonagall clapped.

Cedar patted Rose's back,"No surprises there."

"Dad taught me." Rose hummed.

"Very well, apparently." James nodded.

"Plus, Uncle George helped." Rose nodded.

"Why are you clapping? She's a different house." Albus muttered to Scorpius.

"Be nice." Matteo patted his hand.

"She's still your cousin." Scorpius sighed.

"Mhm." Matteo hummed, trying not to laugh as he remembered what Cedar told him.

"Do you think she'd clap for me?" Albus scoffed.

"Why wouldn't she?" Matteo asked.

"They had an argument... Well, I think she's brilliant." Scorpius shrugged.

"And I know why~" Matteo teased as McGonagall spoke again.

"And for our Slytherin seeker... Mr Matteo Black!" McGonagall clapped.

"Nice one!" Scorpius clapped

"Whoa!' Trixie smiled.

Matteo smirked and nodded.

"Maybe I should try out for the Quidditch Team next year." Scorpius hummed.

"Yeah, maybe." Matteo nodded, "You ain't being a seeker."

"No, thanks." He shook his head quickly,"I couldn't handle that pressure."

Matteo nodded and ate a chicken leg.

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