Yandere!John Doe x F!Reader 𖢻 Only Mine

THIS IS A SMUT SO SKIP IF U DON'T LIKE!!! 🍋 Female reader btw srry!
I love making yandere stories mweheheh. This will be in first pov bc I haven't write that in a while. Also should I make the stories kinda shorter? I make it too long and I apologize for that ^^,
Requested by TheSleepyCat13 (btw requesters, if u see me follow and unfollowing, the @ doesn't work well for me so sorry ab that!)


Something feels...


Like...it didn't feel like a normal round. There was something hidden behind that.

Or maybe I'm already going crazy. Yeah..that could be it. I'm just crazy...I'm already tired enough to just die already.

"Y/N? You okay?"

My eyes blinked from a voice. My hands pulled away from the generator I was working on. Next beside me to my right was Builderman, looking at me with a concerned face. 

I look at the machine in front of me and then back at him. Right...I was working on a generator.

I was also outside in a small field. I didn't notice I was too deep into my thoughts apparently. I must look like a weirdo..

Builderman was still waiting for an answer. I changed my mood,"Oh uh sorry, I'm just feeling tired right now." I answered honestly. Or maybe it was an excuse?

The other didn't believe me,"You sure? Ever since this whole round started you've been acting different." Ah, he got me right there. I wasn't acting myself like I usually do.

But if I tell him...would he believe me? This little...secret I have been holding onto for a while. In this round, it was John Doe we had to go against.

Seems normal, right? Well, not for me at least. Every time I go against him, I can't help but get this eerie feeling about him. It's almost as if he's....


I could be just paranoid, sure, but it's not gonna stop me from having a different perspective about him. What else can I do anyway? My job right now is to get these dumb machines done and survive as long as I can.

I need to focus on the objective more than thinking about something else. I forced a smile,"I'm alright, promise," I spoke in a soft tone. The other stared down at me, he was trying his best to believe in my words. Eventually he sighed,"Okay..well let me know if anything. I'll let you finish this one."

Builderman got up from his kneeling position and gave me a comforting touch on my shoulder with his hand. He then walked away to find a new generator. I watched him disappear to a corner and huffed. To be honest, I didn't want to be alone. I want to stick close to someone until the end of the round. But noooo, I was too stubborn to say anything. Typical me...

I turned my head back to the generator and continued to fix it. These puzzles get easier and easier the more I complete them. I wonder if I should record my time on how fast I can finish them. For funsies.

Just before I could get up and leave, a wave of paranoia hit me. My body was frozen and tense, the back of my hair strands were getting chills. Oh no, this feeling...it can't be.

I am being watched.

I know I am, how else could I not stop this nagging feeling? It's not one of my friends..so it has to be HIM. But I'm too scared to look, I don't even want to see or know. However, if I didn't it would never confirm my suspicions.

I can feel a lump in my throat and swallow. My hands were trembling and sweaty. As if my body moved by itself, my head turned to the corner.

My eyes caught it. Caught HIM. He was there, his body was half shown behind the wall he was peeking from. He looks like one of those creepy stalkers from that one movie, what was it called again?

Focus Y/N He is literally staring down into your soul! You needed to leave the park area and find a way to lose him before he catches me. If I'm lucky enough, I should be able to find Guest around to help me.

My legs slowly rise after feeling like being on the ground for too long. I still kept my eyes on him and he still had his trained on me. It felt like a long stare down between us. I need to figure out a way to get out of here.

My body nearly stumbled when John turned around and left. I still stare at the spot he was at. He....left?

Maybe it's too good to be true that he's gone but I'm not sure. My heart was slowly becoming less tense and so was my body. That encounter was..something.

Questions were filling in my head again; why didn't he attack me? Why was he stalking me? And most importantly, is he saving me for last to end me?

This is probably the third time this happened. I know I should probably get use to his weird behavior but I'm still scared of him.

I manage to survive against him a lot of times for some reason. I can't pinpoint why, but I needed answers. And if I need answers...I'll have to confront him. Whether I like it or not.

Right..I need to work on another machine. I walk to a different location and peek around. I was in the theatre hallway but there was nothing to work on yet.

I decided to check on the ballpit and went inside the big playtime room. I hope the others are doing okay so far. Only Elliot and Chance have died so far.

Entering, I heard a sound of grunts coming from the middle area. I quickly hid behind the tall blue walls and peek through carefully. Please don't tell me it's...

Builderman was being raised high in the air. His face shows discomfort and pain from the chokehold. His hands were fumbling around, trying to break loose.

John Doe was staring up at him with an intense smile on his face. His grip on Buildermans neck tightened more until his skin started to get red. The other let out a gag, his oxygen was running out of time. His legs were flailing around in an attempt to kick John.

But that didn't work at all. John raises his pointy stone hands close to his stomach. No..

The blade entered the poor man's stomach. Builderman coughed out blood as his eyes widened from the horrible stab. He stopped struggling, his arms and legs slumped down. Those eyes were still open but...he wasn't there anymore.

Builderman died.

My eyes widened at this sight. I feel disgusted just by watching the scene play out. My friend was obliterated in front of me.

A small acid formed up to my throat, but I covered my mouth to resist the liquid I was going to spill. My head felt dizzy and my legs felt weak. How these monsters killing us was sickening. I can never get used to my friends being murdered.

The blade twisted deeply through Builderman before it pulled out. John then threw his body to the ground as if he was nothing. He stood there for a moment, and his head turn to my direction.

My body reacted fast to whip my head away and stay behind the wall. I still have my hand covering my mouth, who knows if he can hear me breath from far away.

I know he's looking my way. I know he is. Please please leave please leave I beg of you please..

My eyes shut tight. In my head I was repeating the same words one hundred times. I was begging to anything, anyone, to hope that damn killer didn't see me.

What felt like hours passing by, nothing happened. Or at least I think.

I went very slow to take a peek again. My eyes met nothing. No John at all. A heavy breath released I didn't realize I was holding in. It seems like the time is still not close to ending yet. How awesome....

It took me forever to start walking again. I wasn't sure where to go this time..so maybe it's safe to go back to where I was before. I wanted to find at least a bloxy cola if it's around.

I left the playground and headed to the theatre hallway again. My head keeps replaying the image of Buildermans lifeless body...oh how much I wanted to say I'm sorry.

He was one of my closest friends too, I felt bad for not telling him what's truly going on between me and John. It's as if he has this weird obsession with me..could it be? If so, then why specifically me? What did I do?

Obviously I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything to get this lunatic to stalk me. It's all so confusing, for once I thought he was nice when he let me live...

I mean it WAS nice for me, but it seems very unfair that others get to die and I don't. I hate carrying that burden.

Again I'll have to talk to him about this problem soon. I presume it's not going to end well though. As I entered the glitchy room, a hand made contact with my shoulders.

I nearly jumped and turned to see Two Time beside me. My body tensed down to realize it was just them,"What the heck? You nearly scared my ass off!" You said in annoyance.

Two Time rolled their eyes,"Don't be dramatic. Do you realize it's just us two now?" Hold on..just us?

I frown,"You're kidding right? What about Shled?" Two Time shook their head,"Gone too. Listen, we need to be careful when walking. He can see us through the walls."

They spoke in a serious tone, clearly they didn't want to be ripped into parts so quickly. I nod,"Right...we'll, if you see a bloxy cola let me know please." I pleaded.

Two Time gave me a thumbs up. We both left the room and stood by the park. My eyes searched around for a specific item but sadly I couldn't find it. I REALLY need that drink if I'm ever in trouble...

No luck sadly. Though Two Time spoke up,"I think I spotted the drink at the kitchen actually..stay put, I'll be right back."

They left the park area to go to the kitchen. "Hey wait—!" I tried to stop them, but they had already left. Damn it, why am I alone again...

Surely they will be fine...if anything they have a second life, I like to think they are pretty good at escaping the killers. Almost a minute has passed by, I stood there at my spot a bit uneasy. I wasn't sure if I should check on Two Time or stay like they asked.

But I seriously should check though..it shouldn't take long to find a bloxy cola. One step at a time I made my way to the kitchen. I was starting to get nauseous for some reason, but I shook it off and kept going.

I entered the room and looked around. Two Time was nowhere to be found. Odd...perhaps they are looking in a different place? I really hope that maniac haven't found them.

I decided to look in the long hallway with a 'entrance' door. Why add an exit if there is no way of escaping this hell hole? The atmosphere in the hotel was heavily silent. Floors were painted with leftover blood, even some of them were stuck on the wall. Gross...

My anxiety was rising again, it became hard to take each step knowing something could pop out of nowhere.

Still I need to maintain my composure and keep looking. Time was already halfway through...if only this stupid imaginary time went faster.

"Damnit where are you?" I grumbled under my breath. I was almost getting desperate to find Two Time, they didn't necessarily do anything wrong but I wanted to strangle them for leaving. IF we both manage to somehow survive, I will do what I promise after we teleport back to the lobby.

Suddenly, a large spike cut me off in front of me. I nearly stumbled but kept myself on foot, it was one of John's deadly spikes. I wasn't sure how I got lucky to miss that attack. If I took another step it would have stabbed me instantly.

There were other different sizes of spikes filling around the ominous hallway. Seems like where I am at it did not reach any further. Then this could mean one thing...

I didn't waste time and ran over to the direction where the spike was. I take a peek over the corner to see the playground area again. My eyes caught Two Time running for their life from the menace chasing behind them.

I noticed they were holding their right arm with a scrunched-up face. They were bleeding severely, and they might be almost on their last lives. There were no wings or halo so I assume they were close to being one last hit.

Shit, Two Time is in big trouble. I have no idea what to do though...I'm not as useful as any others are! I was tired of seeing all of my friends die before me. I wanted them to live on and be safe while I'll be the one to make a sacrifice. Fuck im running out of time! John Doe was getting near to Two Time. His sharp infected blade was ready to strike down on their back.

I was still standing still to debate on what to do. I am NOT letting anyone die on me again. Then, an idea entered its way to my head. Though it was a horrible idea...never in my life I would ever have to think about this scenario.

I might have to seduce John.

This is INCREDIBLY stupid to plan, yes, but it won't hurt to try...I think. I was never the type to act very sexual. If anything, I'm rather awkward at most times with people. I struggle trying to socialize so I can feel a bit included in society. I still don't.

Well...here we go. Just as I see Two Time about to run to my direction I quickly step out when they are behind me now. Two Time stopped their tracks and turned to me with a confused eyes,"Y/N? What are you doing here? Run!!" they yelled.

I however still didn't move,"Go, find a medkit while I distract the killer." I command with a stern face. They hesitated to bulge,"But what abo-"

"JUST GO!" I snap at them. I was never the one to snap, but at this moment I had to. Using my soft voice won't work to get them to leave. Two Time was silent from my bark, then they made their way to leave the area. Their blood spilled on the floor with small tiny drops.

I watch them leave before turning to see John already in front of me. I flinched at the sudden close appearance but remained still. I kept an unfazed face, trying to not show any fear.

The taller one stared down at me with his one glowing eye. His gaze was terrifying...but I was already used to the stares he countlessly gave me. His chest rises up and down from the chase he had with Two Time earlier. That smile still remains on his face.

I kicked fear in the ass and spoke,"John..." I cleared the silence. The killer responded by tilting his head to the side like a clueless dog. What an odd body language.

"...I, I-I want to make a deal with you. It involves leaving Two Time staying alive." I made sure my voice sounds demanding and dominant.

A small growl came from John, meaning he wasn't pleased with this idea. Of course he wouldn't be happy to not kill someone. I cut him off,"--But, in return...i'll let you do whatever you want with me.." I spoke with my eyes averted away from him.

I felt sheepish to speak the words out, it wasn't everyday to tell someone you want them to do something to you. John stopped his growls. He was really interested in the offer he was given. I knew this weird obsession he had with me wasn't just for fun and giggles no, he wanted to devour me under his teeth.

I'm afraid to admit this but...it seems sort of, comforting? Well not everything about him was normal, he's scary as hell. But I never knew someone could be THIS interested in me. I never really had this type of attention before..so it's new for me. I know it's bad, yes but what else can I do in this world I'm stuck in? I don't think I can see my friends or family again anytime soon...

John scanned my body with his eye. It wasn't much to see, all I was wearing was a hoodie with black tights. He took a step closer to me. His hand slowly reached out and made contact with my skin.

I shivered at his cold touch. His fingers softly caress my cheek in a gentle manner. It seems like he was enjoying touching me. Well that's one way to start I guess. Hopefully this guy just wants to cuddle and talk about our own feelings and thoughts...

That was a mistake to think of.

Not even a minute, I was roughly pinned against the wall. It created a loud slam when my body was put in place into the wallpaper. A small gasp escaped my throat at the sudden impact, I didn't even think before it happened. I picked my head up and my heart dropped.

The man in front of me was incredibly close, his body was clinging against mine. My face was close to his chest..any more closer I just might suffocate in them. I didn't want to experience that. I can hear him breathing heavily for some reason, almost as if in a pant. I still kept my gaze at him. Afraid that if I look away, he might get angry.

So I still kept eye contact. I swallowed a large lump in my throat and waited patiently for his next move. There is NO way out of this...even if I try to escape I was stuck like a mouse stuck in a trap.

John kept his pointy blade to the wall while his other hand was soothing my skin. He was touched starved, he's been needing to feel every part of me as much as he could. He never got the chance to be this close to me..but here we are now I guess.

My body almost jerked when he raised his large hand at the bottom of my hoodie. He gave it a small tug and stared at it for a few seconds. Out of nowhere he slid his corrupted handy weapon under my hoodie and ripped it apart as if it was nothing.

I gasped as my skin was exposed to the cold air. My curves and figure were now revealed instead of the baggie material covering it. I can feel my face flushed. It felt humiliating, especially since I never show my body figure as much.

But that didn't stop. The blade then reached to my tights and ripped apart like a piece of paper. It was so outrageous, he did that like it was a piece of cake! I'm grateful that it didn't cut me as well. Or at least— he didn't want to hurt me along the process.

I was wearing nothing but my bra and underwear. I was already feeling the cold temperature swarming around me. My face felt hot though, I kept my thighs shut tight and my arms hidden behind my back. I can't believe I'm doing this...

His eyes inspected my whole half naked form in hunger, his hand slightly trembled, almost as if he was restraining himself. He pressed his whole body closer. I could almost hear his heartbeat beating.

Something poke me from underneath. I frown at the touch and look down to see what it was. That's when my jaw almost dropped, he...had a huge boner bulging in his pants.

I could feel my abdomen pulse, I felt a little ashamed. This overwhelming feeling was starting to hit. Our clothed bodies connected was enough to turn me on. I shouldn't like this, but I do. It's been a long while since I had this moment with someone.

I didn't know what to do besides standing there and taking it. Besides, we did make a DEAL after all..

John took out his attached spike again. I stayed stiff as the blade went behind my back underneath my clip. With one slice it effectively causes my bra to fall on the ground. I nearly whined, it was my favorite one too..

The taller one then cupped my right breast and gave it a soft squeeze. My head raises with a groan coming out. His touch was making me feel sensitive, his fingers then pressed on my hard nipples. I flinched at the satisfying feeling. Electricity was running through my body, wanting more.

He repeated the same process with the other side. Rubbing, squeezing, pinching, it was all so much. The more it continued on the more my underwear started to soak. I was vulnerable and trapped underneath him. He was the hungry wolf, and I was the helpless red riding hood.

My mind drifted off to Two Time. I really hope they are okay, a medkit should've been found by now. If anything, they better stay far away. I don't want them to tell the others what's going to happen..

I yelped in surprise when I was thrown over John's shoulders. I turn my head to see him taking me to another room. He then knocked over the displayed (hopefully) skull on the table and placed me down. The table wasn't too high or short, but I still needed to look up at John.

John took a close step to my personal space. My legs were spread aside by his hips, my hands grip at the edge of the wooden table. I was nervous, yet I was prepared at the same time. I couldn't bear to hide my excitement since I'm already wet for this man. Maybe he knows how to be gentle?

Again, how wrong can I fucking be.

Instead of ripping this time John pulled my panties down in a swift. He then held a grip on me and turned me around. I gasp and squirmed, my whole back was now facing him instead of my front.

Heavy heat spread over my face. I was already breathless, I tried to move but my struggle underneath his grip was pointless. I wanted to see what was going on but I'm only facing the blank wall.

The sound of a zipper causes my body to stop moving. My skin prickled with goosebumps, a small form of sweat dripping down from my forehead. I hated feeling this submissive...I don't usually obey like a damn dog.

Again I tried to move my body to turn around instead of laying on my stomach. I was doing my best with the strength I have left before a loud yelp left out of my mouth.

Something big entered inside of me, causing me to stay still in my position. My teeth gritted from the painful sensation. I didn't have the time to adjust before it started moving again.

My head lowered down on the cold wood, my hands were gripping tight on the edge. It stings really bad, I could only let out soft whimpers and grunts from the fire feeling. But the pain didn't last long. With the help from the wet fluids I formed earlier it made it slip more easily.

Pain soon turned into satisfaction, I picked my head up and mewl. He was slow, enjoying the process of it. He was enjoying feeling every inch of inside of me, never wanting to pull away. Butterflies swarmed inside my stomach. I was already getting to my limit pathetically.

His hand rested on my ass, giving it a soft yet hard squeeze before speeding up. I couldn't hold it in anymore, the feeling was too much to handle. Not even in a minute I was already a moaning mess. It felt like I was going to explode any second now.

Tears pricked my eyes from the satisfying pain. It was stretching me a lot but I'm loving it. Hunger was overtaking me, I wanted to feel every inch of him inside of me. I don't want him to stop until he breaks me apart.

He pounded into me as if it was the last time we would do this again. Which is a maybe. I could faintly hear his heavy breaths over the sound of our bare skin smacking against each other. God I wish I could hear more of him.

"F-fuckk," I moaned out, a drip of saliva hanging from my mouth. I was enjoying the way his hands dug into my skin, telling me I was his and only forever. I know he wasn't holding back either.

His hard cock was deep inside of me, hitting in rhythmic movements. I endlessly moaned out his name. It was all I could think of, only him. God he was so fucking hot, who knew he can fuck this good?

My eyes widened when I felt him hit my g-spot. It felt like a critical hit when he finally found my weak spot. "J-John!" I cried in gratification. I could hardly control myself anymore, it was all too overstimulating. My legs were quivering, the wet juices made the movements more sloppier.

A sharp crust blade held over my neck, making me sit up a bit more. John leaned close to my neck, his growls and warm breath hit my collarbone. Each pound was one message I could make out; 'your mine'.

My head tilts to the side when John starts to make love bites all over my neck. The biting was like needles stabbing into my skin. He was marking me as his, he wanted his scent all over me. I knew he was crazy but not this crazy. I never thought a man like him would ever want me this badly. He was needy.

Whines and moans were all I could make out. The combination of his cock and his sharp teeth deep into my skin was overwhelming. He wants to ruin me, something tells me that was his plan in the first place.

A knot formed in my stomach, it was warning me that I was getting close. I wanted to come so badly, but John still didn't stop. He pumped in and out of me recklessly, I trembled from the pleasuring thrust.

"J-John! I-I'm so close—!" I warned. I can feel myself getting closer, it was impossible to hold on any longer. John kept going in inhuman speed, hitting my sensitive spot more deeper.

His intense panting was a sign that he was getting close as well. His teeth sinked into my skin without pulling out, I could feel his hand tightly groping my boobs. My eyes rolled back, feeling the drool splat on the table.

This continued on for almost a minute, before I couldn't hold it anymore. I burst while he was inside, my long cries were enough to show that I finished. My body was shaking, my hands let loose from the edge.

My form was pushed over when John did one last deep thrust before releasing inside of me. The hot burst inside, I can feel it. I let out a whimper at the small feeling. God that felt amazing.

The both of us stayed in this position for a few seconds before John pulled away and stopped abusing my neck. With his other arm away I flopped on the table out of breath. My ass was already aching, but it was worth it though.

I could feel the fluids dripping down to my thighs. I felt exhausted, I could barely move a muscle as soreness took over me. Still, I felt satisfied and fulfilled.

A large hand held my hips before flipping me over. I was now on my back, my face was facing in front of John glancing down at me. Before I could do anything he placed himself on top of me and rested his head on my chest.

He snuggles close to me as if he's never going to let go. He nuzzled the crook of my neck with soft...purring?

I'm not gonna question that, but it was overall cute if I'll be honest. Even if I was tired and sore, I reached my hand up and placed it on his head.

John made a pleased sound and leaned into my hand. He was enjoying the attention I was giving to him. Strange but adorable at the same time. I couldn't move due to his bigger form holding me down.

I let out a sigh and ruffled his hair. This is probably one of the most strangest rounds I ever had compared to others. However, it wasn't that bad though. In the end things didn't go too much of a disaster. Plus, I was able to save Two Time! I had to sacrifice myself in a..different way but at least I still feel proud of myself.

The two of us layed there comfortably on the table. Even if I tried to move it's either he won't let me or my body doesn't want to cooperate. There was no way out on this one.

Suddenly, my vision blacked out. My eyes then slowly opened, regaining my vision for a second. I looked around to see I was back at my cabin. I have completely forgotten the round was almost over.

I felt cold though. I looked down at my body to see I was still naked, plus the fluids still on me. A blush formed around my cheeks as I quickly changed into my usual attire and wipe the mess off of me. Fuck my ass hurts a lot though..I don't think I want to meet up with the others.

Two knocks stopped me from laying on my bed. I mentally groaned and walked my way to the door with each wobbly step.

I hold the handle and open the entrance to see Two Time in front of me. I grew nervous at the sight of them, wondering if they knew what happened.

"Y/N! You did it! You managed to distract the asshole! Thank you, really, for helping me out," they said in a grateful voice. You let out a small sigh of relief. So they didn't know..

I smiled,"It's alright really, just glad that you made it out alive." Two Time smiled and nod. I was happy that I managed to keep at least one person alive for once. It wasn't me this time that lived.

"So how did you do it? Loop the killer?" They questioned. I turned to a statue at their question, but kept a smile so I wouldn't look suspicious. I tried to think of an excuse as quickly as I could. I was never the one to really loop the enemies.

"Uh...I tired him out I guess."

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