F-M!Elliot X Mafioso ♡ My bunny

I won't say this is a smut but it's HEAVILY suggestive.
Hey guys it seems like my 7 days and 20 hours and 58 minutes and 36 seconds playtime is at rest for now in Forsaken. I added my discord in case anyone wanna say hi! If it's a threat I'm blocking yer ass. Anyways I'm trying sum new with trans Elliot so yuh. Sorry if this one seems rushed.

Requested by a lot of people basically


A break was perfect from all of the chaos everyone has to go through. No more killing, no more bleeding, no more dying, just nothing.

At least for now.

A small sigh escaped from the pizza man's mouth. His eyes rested on the fresh grass with his mind drifting off to another place. What was he thinking? Someone he shouldn't care about.

It was difficult (to put the pieces together (Srry)) to get his head clear and focus on other things he cared about. Like his friends for example. Perhaps now he could have a chat with them and hangout.

Motivation wasn't active on his side. Standing outside the balcony was better to stick around for a while. It annoyed Elliot that he couldn't get this image off of his mind. Someone's face.

That damn Mafia.

Not too long ago, he was in a round with that man. Everyone was dead so there was no point of healing. Before he could die, Mafioso corned him pretty...seductive, if you can say.

His whole large body was pressing against the smaller one. His hand stuck to the wall so Elliot wouldn't escape from him. That shit smug look of his when he stares down at the other. God it was hot.

Thinking back at the moment made Elliot's face turn red again. He doesn't want to know or figure out why he longs to see him again. It's bad, yes, but he can't help it. His heart desires to see Mafioso again. He felt like a high school girl obsessing over their crush.

"Damn it.." Elliot mumbled out. His body leaned more with his arms resting on the wood. His hands ran through his hair before he properly stood up.

Elliot has been outside for who knows how long. He figured he should head back inside and socialize for a bit. With that idea in mind he turned around to walk back to the main cabin.



Elliot whipped his head around. He stood there and stared at the woods from afar. Did something...make a noise out there?

He could be thinking of things but he was sure his hearing was right. He silently stepped off the porch and observed his surroundings. It could just be the small critters running around in the grass.

It's been almost a minute standing there looking like a weirdo. It's probably best to brush it off. It was just a sound after all.



There it is again. It sounded louder this time. What the hell was making that noise? To his surprise, a small bunny came out from a bush. Its bushy tail twitched, the ears were raised high and alert.

Elliot was amazed to see a bunny out of nowhere. Its white soft coat was too irresistible to touch. He never touched bunnies before, so he was curious to see how they feel.

Before he could take a step, the small creature squeezed under the gate and hopped away. Elliot could feel his heart shatter. He was REALLY hoping to take a closer look at the animal.

Maybe he could though. There's nothing lurking out there besides harmless animals...right? Does he even want to enter the woods?

Well, it can't be THAT deep. Plus he can turn back anytime if he wants to. Elliot turns to the cabin before heading back to the woods. He put his leg over the wooden gate and put his other leg in.

He was now out of the border line. Never in his how many years he spent in this realm had ever stepped in the other side. There were no rules but everyone knew it's not safe to go across the boundaries.

Seems like Elliot was the first to break this imaginary rule. He doesn't get anything out of this, curiosity killed the cat.

Elliot walked down a visible path, it was dark as hell, he couldn't see crap besides the moon above him. He looked around at the tall bushes. His eyes were trying to spot a white fur popping out.

It shouldn't be that hard to find the bunny. It is possible it left far away, but Elliot feels like it's still around somewhere. So he decided to continue searching.

Minutes have passed by, no sign of that damn rabbit. An exhausted sigh released as Elliot grew tired. After searching and searching there was no sign of the animal. All he wanted was to see it again and pet it, if it lets him.

In his mind he was already scolding himself for coming out here. The path still kept going but Elliot decided to not go any further.

So he walked back in the opposite direction back at the cabin and his home. He lost track of the minutes he's been walking but he figured it wasn't that long.

There were no sounds but crickets chirping in the grass. Elliot walks down the path in silence. The sound of nature was calming, but being out here in the dark was terrifying for him. Even so he tries to ignore the fear.

Elliot stops his tracks when the same bunny comes out of nowhere to the side. It almost made him scream from the sudden surprise appearance but he resisted.

It's actually here! Elliot was excited to inspect the bunny more closely. Carefully, he crept closer to the smaller being in a steady manner. The bunny stayed still and glared at Elliot.

Elliot took a few steps closer to the animal before stopping. He then crouched down and observe the bunny in front of him. He finally gets to take a closer look at the animal, hooray!

"You're so cute!" Elliot awed. The bunny only sat there unbothered by the others presence and twitched its ear.

Elliot smiled and slowly forced his hand out. He waited to get a reaction from the animal but it didn't move. So he took the bigger step and gently petted its head.

The bunny melted into his touch and let him pet it. Elliot's mouth agape, he was petting it! The smooth coat felt like the angels kissing his skin, it was the softest thing he ever touched.

Elliot spent his time holding the bunny. He couldn't stop giving the animal affection, it was too adorable not to. The time walking into the woods paid after all.

"I believe you have something that's mine."


Elliot stopped what he was doing. His heart dropped, his body felt like a statue. That voice...it can't be.

He didn't want to believe it's...him. It can't be right? Killers can't be here, only survivors can be in this place. How can it be possible?

The pizza man was hesitant to look. But he can't stay there and not look forever. He needs to see for himself if what he's hearing is right. And most importantly, what he sees is right.

Elliot let out a small shaky breath before turning his body. His eyes widen at what's in front of him. Mafioso...he was actually here in front of him.

How is that even possible? Did he somehow manage to teleport here in this realm? Where are the god damn answers to this?

Elliot's arms were shaking, he didn't even notice the bunny hopping off of his arms to scurry away. Mafioso look towards the bunny leaving before back at him,"You scared my pet away.." he commented.

The other blinked. That was his pet? He should've noticed that sooner. Though he noticed Mafioso sounded a little bit sinister with that tone. He stuttered,"O-oh that was uh yours? I-I'm sorry I didn't know!"

He was extra cautious with his cards. He wasn't sure if it's possible to get hurt here, or worse, die. One way or another, he didn't want to be the first to find out.

The taller analyzes the other in silence. He wasn't mad at all, but rather curious. He himself knew that there would be the survivors' base at the other side, but he didn't dare to visit over there.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. Elliot flinched at his words. He tried to find another excuse but couldn't,"I-I happen to see the bunny and...happen to chase after it.." he answered with his eyes averted away.

Mafioso hummed. He can't lie, but it felt good to see the pizza man again. After the last round with him he was craving to see him again. Never have he ever found someone so...intriguing. And also cute.

Elliot was shaking under his presence. How many times has he put himself in crazy situations like this? Too much. He wasn't sure if he should run for it— no, he needs to think this through.

The two stare at each other in silence. It felt awkward for the smaller one since he doesn't know what he should do next. He didn't need to plan anything before Mafioso broke the quiet.

"Are you..scared of me?"

Elliot was taken back from that question. He forced a small smile,"Er no..?" The word 'yes' wanted to escape from his mouth so badly. But he didn't want to upset him.

Mafioso on the other hand let out a small chuckle at his response. He knows he's lying, but maybe a small tease won't hurt.

"Are you sure? You aren't lying to me now...are you? Elliot?" He took a step. Elliot was quick to step back. His heart was beating like a drum. He wasn't sure if he should keep going.

Elliot shook his head,"N-no I swear! I'm not lying!" The words were only speaking false. It should be obvious that Elliot wasn't the best at lying while under pressure.

Mafioso kept getting closer. Elliot only takes a few step backs, nearly falling. His soul almost left his body when he felt his back hit against the tree. You're kidding right?

He couldn't help but get deja vu. This position EXACTLY felt like last round. All cornered again. Classic Elliot.

Mafioso loomed over him. He was enjoying seeing Elliot shudder in fear. It was delicious, but he wanted something more. He didn't want to hear those small sounds of pain anymore. He wanted to hear more of him.

And with that, he needed to take a bigger leap. Mafioso rested his hand against the other cheek. Elliot took this by surprise, not expecting this sort of action at all.

But eventually he leaned into it. Something about his hand was comforting. Despite that he uses it to choke people to death or snap their necks, it wasn't entirely that bad.

They both look into each other's eyes. There were so many hints they could tell on what's going on. It was obvious, they both wanted each other. They wanted to feel each other's comforts and warmth, they were dying to get this type of attention.

And now with no rounds or people in the way, they were able to spend some time together. But this feels different in a way.

"Elliot.." Mafioso started,"Do you need me?" He asked. Elliot held his breath. Was he...asking for him to..? He couldn't believe it all. He never thought this would happen, let alone a dangerous man he's with right now.

He knew he shouldn't be here with him. What would the others think? Would they treat him like shit from now on? It's only bad if they find out.

But...how would they find out? They are both in the middle of the woods with no one near their area. Maybe he should take this advantage. If he's honest right now, he's starting to feel a little hot from all of this.

Not the type of humid, but hot for this man. Feeling his touch right now made him crave for more. He wanted to feel his skin run through his body all over him.

It's never too late to try anything new. Elliot then answered with a nod,"Yes.." he breathed. Mafioso grinned at his answers. He didn't need to be told twice before he picked the other up.

Elliot let out a yelp. He panicked a little but stopped when Mafioso took his place and sat down. He then plopped Elliot down on his lap. The other was facing forward as his back rested against his chest.

A small heat spread on his cheeks like wildfire. The other hand secured his waist while the other hand did the work.

What type of work? Why, taking his pants off of course. Elliot could only watch Mafioso take it off with embarrassment. It was all moving so fast, but he wasn't complaining about it.

He managed to slip it off along with his shoes only to see his underwear left. He then used his finger to press on his clothed cunt to find out it was already getting soggy.

Mafioso chuckle,"Already getting wet hm?" He teases. Elliot was flushed, he hated that Mafaiso always found a way to make him feel embarrassed. He was an asshole that's for sure.

Elliot didn't respond and looked away. Clearly too shy to speak. Mafioso didn't mind his stubbornness, he knew later Elliot wouldn't be so quiet after this.

His hands carefully slip off his underwear, exposing his whole bottom form. Mafioso lean in to gently plant kisses on the others neck in reassurance. Elliot was nervous as hell but he wanted him so badly.

He desires more of him, they both do. It's like they were waiting for this moment to happen. Maybe a special day would happen at another time.

But for now, he needed to please his little pizza boy. Mafioso fingers finally made contact, making Elliot jump from his touch. He bit back a sound as his fingers started to swirl his abdomen. The motions were gentle and careful, for now.

Those hands could really do something else besides killing. Elliot leans against Mafioso, his thighs spread apart to give him more space to do his magic.

The fingers moved in a circle motion, feeling Elliots pussy starting to leak. Mafioso used his other finger to tease the hole, the moisture on his hands made him speed up.

Elliot let out a pleased moan. He quivered against his godly touch, he felt more sensitive the more he played with him.

"Tell me, are you enjoying this?" Mafioso grin. Elliot shook his head yes but let out a squeak when he felt him squeeze his bare ass with his other hand,"Use words."

"Y-yes.." Elliot manages to make out. The mafia was pleased to hear those words. He stopped for a second before adding two fingers into his wet pussy.

Elliot jerked up from the electrifying feeling. His fingers slip in and out without any trouble due to the help of the moist. His hands were already big enough to please Elliot entirely. He wonders if something else was also big enough...

"Look at you...squirming around like a helpless little bunny," Mafioso breathed out close to the others' necks. He was enjoying seeing his new obsession plea for more.

The smaller moaned a mess. His body was shivering, his hair was already all over the place. Each thrust felt like he was going to explode in a second. He can already tell this won't be the first time anymore.

He continued,"So obedient...were you hoping this could happen?" Elliot didn't answer immediately, he was struggling to make out words,"F-fuck— yes!" He gasped.

Mafioso let out a small laugh,"You fucking whore." Just before he knew it, Mafioso fingered Elliot like there's no tomorrow. Elliot cried out in pleasure, his finger hitting his core perfectly. He pumped in and out of him, abusing the oh so sweet innocence of his.

"Oh gosh! Mafioso, please—" he can feel himself getting closer. His breathing picked up, a force of pressure was near. Mafioso continued his work. His eyes couldn't take off Elliot, not even a second.

He broke loose. Without a warning he came on his fingers. Elliot had a long pause before he slumped in exhaustion. Mafioso pulled out, he observed the substance on the tip. It was a reminder that he was the one who caused this.

Elliot can feel his arousal dripping down from his legs. His breaths were slowing down as some time passed by. He can already feel himself passing out. He doesn't care anymore.

Mafioso noticed the others tiredness so he grabbed his clothes back and helped him put it back on. He did his best to wipe the mess he made so Elliot would be comfortable. His buttons were loose but it was alright, he was already scooping Elliot into his arms.

Elliot didn't have strength but he was able to cuddle into his chest. Satisfaction loomed over him, he was happy Mafioso was still here with him.

The two sat there in silence. They were loving the comforts and warmth they were sharing. Mafioso lay his chin under Elliot's head and rested there the whole time.

Elliot can feel himself drifting off to slumber, but it was interrupted by a movement, causing the two to take a look. The same bunny from before was looking at the two of them for comforts as well.

They exchanged glances before laughing,"Welcome back little one," Mafioso said before picking up the animal with his other arm. He placed the animal on his shoulder as the bunny nuzzled his neck.

Elliot found this cute. Outside he might be crazy as hell, but deep down he has a soft soul. Of course his friend won't believe him at all. All killers are ruthless and never to be trusted. Well maybe he could trust this one?

Too much thinking, he just wanted to sleep. He got himself comfortable against Mafioso and embraced the darkness. Mafioso hold him dearly for life. They didn't mind that they were literally outside of the woods in the dark. This was worth it in the end.

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