Chance x Elliot ♡ A Quick Slice

Also I forgor the maps name but it be the one that has a building with stairs inside n outside if free space. Anyways yuh enjoy ur yaoi
Requested by picosslut
I have a lot of req btw so bear with me ;w;


This is annoying. How the hell did everyone in the round are now suddenly injured? It hasn't been a minute yet!

A long, hard sigh escaped from the pizza man's mouth. Currently, he was leaning against the while on the top end of the stairs. Elliot was in the building with a small porch that can help you see the whole view of the area.

He however made sure he was well hidden so the killer won't spot him and run up to the stairs. He knew jumping off from a height like that would feel scary..

Everyone was in the round, including Shledsky, Guest, Chance, Builderman, 007, Noob, and Twotime. They were all currently busy with their task they have to do. One was doing the generators, and second was running away from the killer.

The murderer for this round was Jason. So far he's injuring everyone pretty good, a couple of blood and scars were better to keep them injured for a while. It was a pain in the ass to deal with the injuries while also trying to flee from the killer.

A specific person only had one job he needed to do; heal his teammates. Who knew a slice of pizza can recover a broken bone in an instant? In this world of cat and mouse games anything is possible.

Elliot job was hard. He has to keep tracks of everyone health and try to keep them alive. Sometimes he often gets scolding for not being able to heal them in an instant. It's not his fault that he had a cooldown to work on making more pizzas.

Today he felt more exhausted than usual. He was stressed from all the work and always fighting the strength to stay alive. He thought that maybe hiding from the others would at least calm his nerves for a bit.

Elliot then sit down close to the corner and hugged his knees. He wished this round was already over with so he can relax in the cabin. Even if it meant him dying or surviving.

He knew the others were probably looking for him. All they ever wanted was his pizza and then they would get out of his ass. Maybe this time he can ignore them without a care in the world.

Then again he felt guilty for letting his teammates down. All he wanted to do was be helpful instead of being yelled at. How cruel can this world be...

It felt like time has passed by slowly. Elliot was still curled up against the wall waiting. Despite the screams in the distance, he felt at comfort. He was in his own little world without a voice telling him to be more useful.

He felt like cherishing this moment. He didn't need to worry about anything for once.

"E-Elliot! Hey!"

The smaller ones head perked up from a voice. In his view was a hunched over Chance, it seems like he was trying to catch his breath. His usual fancy clothes were torn and his fedora almost seems to be misplaced.

Judging by his appearance he was attacked by Jason. Messing around with that long machete was no joke. The tip of the blade is already harmful as it is.

Or maybe his gun exploded on him. Another possibility.

Elliot gave him a worried expression,"Oh Chance, are you okay? Here—" he begin to dig through his large red bag he carries and hold out a freshly made pizza. He's not sure himself how he can make it— but he can.

Chance drooled at the sight of the pizza. Only Elliot can make those godly cheesy food than anyone. Without a thought he grabbed the pizza and munch on it like an animal.

The other stare at him a bit taken back. It was either that he was hungry or he really needed that heal. As the gambler finished the whole slice he sighed,"Thanks Elli, you're a big life saver. What could we ever do without you?" He smiled.

Elliot went flustered after hearing the compliment. Usually no one really thanks him for helping out."A-ah...I-it's not problem at all heheh..." he reassured while scratching his neck.

Ah, there's that reaction. Chance enjoys seeing Elliot's small reactions to whatever he says. He's a really nice person who's willing to sacrifice himself for others. Sadly though no one appreciates him enough. It pissed Chance off a lot.

He then wiped his hands off and knelt down in front of the pizza man,"Mind if I join you?" Elliot stared at him for a moment but replied rather quick,"Oh uh, yeah sure.." he scooted over for him.

Chance smiled and sat down next to Elliot. The two sat there in silence. But in a comfortable way. Elliot doesn't want to question Chance on why he's not out there fighting against the killer.

Not to mention that Elliot felt uneasy. He sort of caught feelings with Chance but he did his very best to push that feelings deep down so no one could notice.

They get along very well though, Chance always makes sure to spend his free time with Elliot as much as he can. Running around with a gun all day was tiring for the gambler.

Sure there are teammates out there surviving their life but that's part of the game. They would be dead before they can even noticed where Chance and Elliot is.

Chance noticed how different Elliot was acting. He seems like he couldn't even held an eye contact anymore with him. Did he do something wrong?

He decided to call it out,"Hey alright? You seem bothered," he asked. The other flinch at the sudden question. In his head he was trying to figure out what to say in response. Yet words couldn't seem to come out in time, making his panic rise.

"U-uh...I-it's nothing! Don't worry about me," he laughed nervously, hoping Chance would just leave this behavior alone. Clearly Chance didn't buy it. He needed to know if his friend was doing okay.

He kept pressing,"You sure? Lying isn't gonna be the solution Elli," he leaned closer with a hard glance. Elliot held his breath with intense heat on his face. Chance was so close to him and he was freaking the hell out!

He didn't know what to say or do...should he lie to him again? He's not really the best it's probably useless. Maybe...he should just tell him how he feels?

It's been a long time since he has these feelings for Chance. Everything about him was just so...attractive. There were so many times he protects Elliot with all his life until he dies.

Elliot found it so sweet, it made him fall harder than before. No one treated him with kindness and respect like Chance does. So...maybe it's time to finally let it out. He couldn't handle this burden anymore.

He tried his best to speak but it felt like there was tape stuck on his mouth. Elliot was already fumbling and he doesn't even know where to start. Though there is another way to try...

With encouragement, he turns to the side and got on top of Chance with both of his knees on each side of the other's legs. His sweaty hands rested on his shoulders and tried his best to stop shaking.

He couldn't believe he was doing this. It was to the point that he wishes he was dead already so he could leave this round. But the killer was too busy chasing everyone else...

Chance watched in a staggered gaze. He too, felt his heart racing from this. He noticed Elliot struggling to say something so he waited patiently for him.

"I-I..." Elliot started, words were getting hard to come out. His brain was yelling at him, saying that he looks dumb and should just stop. He can't though, he's already making progress so far to tell Chance how he feels.

In seconds he was able to push out more,"I....Chance..." he breathed,"I like you— like like you...I-I know it's dumb for me to say that but I have been getting these feelings for you. It's not going away and I don't know what to do!"

"—and its so hard to talk to you everyday because I like you and I haven't told anyone because I thought they would make fun of me a-and—"

A pair of lips press against Elliot. His words were cut off mid sentence before he can even continue.

He.....kissed him.

Words cannot describe how stunned the pizza man was. He could feel his head start being more clear instead of overwhelming thoughts. All he can think of was him and Chance.

To think that his friend would kiss him without hesitation was the crazy part. He couldn't believe Chance would pull off something like THAT devilish. Then again, he doesn't feel like complaining.

Elliot didn't get the chance to kiss back before the other pulled away. Chance gave him a smile,"I love you too Elli," he said back.

The two could only stare at each other in a long gaze. Elliot was still processing on what just happened. Chance couldn't get rid of his grin because of his reactions. He hoped he wouldn't freak out too much.

Once Elliot finally connected the dots he starts to feel like he's going to explode. He couldn't stop thinking what Chance said, his 'I love you' words were dominating his head like a thunderstorm.

He actually likes him back!

It was great news for Elliot, he ACTUALLY okay with this? Does Chance want to be in a relationship in general? What if he eventually gets tired in the end?

Chance can tell already that Elliot was overthinking. Of course he wanted to be together him, everyday he hopes an opportunity to confess comes. He was just afraid that Elliot might not like him back.

Now it was his turn to propose,"Elliot...I want to ask, will you be my boyfriend?" Chance made sure his tone sounded confident, even if he was nervous.

Elliot sat there like a computer frozen. Eventually he was able to respond back with a head nod,"Yes...yes please!" He pleaded with excitement. He couldn't contain his happiness, it was the best feeling he could ever feel.

Chance smiled even more and pulled Elliot closer,"Hell yeah! You're finally mine!" He cheered as if he hit the lottery. He in fact did.

His arms wrapped around Elliot's hips as he hug him close. Elliot giggled and hugged back in return. It felt amazing hugging him, he enjoyed being close with him. Someone he liked admitted they felt the same news forever!

However, he felt a little pouty that he wasn't able to kiss Chance back. His dumb brain shut down on him to even do anything back.

He pulled away, causing Chance to look up in confusion. It seems like his face was red again for some reason. Was he going to ask something?

"I uh..." he gulped,"...can we kiss again?" Elliot had his eyes averted away from him. He was afraid to ask for a kiss again, though Chance didn't find it a big deal.

He let out a soft laugh and reach his hand out to pull his face towards him again. He really likes the flustered face Elliot was making,"Of course, babe~"

"B-babe?— MMF!" Chance lean in and gave Elliot another kiss he requested. The other was a blushing mess but he couldn't let the nervousness block his way. With his eyes closed he slowly kissed the gambler back.

Both of them were now enjoying each other's affection. It felt like sunshine and rainbows now that they were both together after a long time of waiting.

With them keeping each others company from now on, it will make their days feel a lot more better than just stress. Most importantly interesting as well. Wonder how the others would react?

Elliot wrap his arms around his neck to lean in closer. Their kiss deepened, it feels like they shouldn't let go of each other. They were craving for a touch like this.

Chance formed a sly smile and did one tiny thing. Elliot almost squeaked when he could feel Chances tongue trying to slip in. Elliot wasn't sure what to do but he was curious on what could Chance do.

He then gave access for Chance to slide in without a problem. Their tongues were at a war for dominance, going all over the place with rough movements.

Elliot doesn't have enough strength to keep holding on and eventually gave up. Chance took this opportunity to explore his mouth as much as he could. He was enjoying the taste of Elliot, it was always hard to not devour him sometimes.

A few grunts were muffled from the intense tongue attack. Elliot was trying his best to not let out any sounds in front of Chance. It feels humiliating if he did heard his pleased sounds.

Chance doesn't give a fuck. He wanted to hear Elliot make a sound or else he would go crazy. His hand went trail down to his ass, giving it a soft squeeze.

Elliot let out a moan. His face was cherry red and his whole body now felt sensitive. He could feel himself getting hot, maybe it's just body heat.

After a long make out, they pulled away in heavy breaths. Both of their tongues were hanging out with long trail of saliva connected together. It was slowly dripping down on their clothes.

Their eyes look at each other with a hint of secret they both had. In those eyes were lust. Elliot didn't think things could turn out this way. Still he was hoping for something like this to happen.

Something underneath was hitting him. A confused look appeared on his face before he looked down to see what it is.

His jaw dropped. His pants had...a pretty big tent. Yet he was still sitting on it like it's no biggie. Elliot raise his head back up to see Chance head turned to the side with a flushed face.

He was trying not to get too much excitement but the feelings became too strong to hold onto. Great, he just got a boyfriend and now he's already having a hard on. How embarrassing.

It was honestly cute for Elliot to see Chance look shy in front of him. It was like discovering a new animal species in the wild. But for the truth to be told, he wanted this more than Chance. He wants his touch all over him, he wants his body close against his, he wants to feel everything of him.

Now that they were on the same page Elliot decided to be brave and gently grind himself against Chance. A wave of electricity run through Chances body at the sudden movement.

He didn't think Elliot would be comfortable doing this but supposedly he doesn't know his not so innocent side. Elliot continued to rub against his crouch while watching Chance groan.

It only tempted Chance more to just eat him right then and there. He was teasing him, and he knew it. It felt like torture to just sit there and let his boyfriend play around with fire.

Elliot was secretly enjoying this. It felt like sweet revenge from all that teasing Chance has did to him. Now he's just watching his lover  suffer in front of him. It almost made him giggle.

Chance had enough. He didn't want to edge himself any longer as he swiftly pinned Elliot to the ground against the corner. Elliot look up at him with a nervous glance. He knew he was going to be destroyed.

"C-chance?" He whispered out. His heart rate was speeding up from the position they were in. Chance breaths were heavy and low. He can't resist himself anymore. He NEEDED him.

" you mind if I..?" He says, his hands went to Elliot's pants and gave it a small tug. The other immediately got the hint. A rush of excitement went through him. He felt a little mousy but he was eager to have this moment with Chance.

He gave Chance a slight nod for him to continue. The gambler took the answer and starts to take his pants off. He took his time to take the clothes off each by hand as he unbuttoned his collared shirt.

Now Elliot was exposed beside his boxers. He as well was getting hard from Chances touching. A form of embarrassment showed on Elliot's face to be this exposed to someone.

Chance was quick to reassure him by giving him a quick kiss on the lips,"Don't be afraid baby, if you want me to stop I can," he whispered.

Elliot's heart melted. He was so grateful that Chance cared for him and wants him to feel comfortable. He knew he fall for the right guy.

The pizza man smiled,"Don't, please...keep going." Elliot begged for him to continue. He wanted this, he wants to feel more closer to his new boyfriend. It was all he could ask for.

Chance smiled and pulled away before taking one last piece off. He gently pulled his boxers down, exposing his member. Elliot face heat up but tried his hardest to not panic.

Chance looked down at Elliot's body in hunger. He can feel himself get harder and it hurts. His eyes trailed every inch of his skin and it looked beautiful. His boyfriend was so pretty.

"D-don't just sit there!" Elliot's words interrupted Chances gaze and thoughts. He shook his head and chuckled,"Sorry," he apologized and gave him a quick kiss on the lips again.

Elliot could only pout at him in return. It was now Chances turn to get naked. He took his coat off along with his white collard shirt. He removed his bottom half of clothes until he was in his boxers.

The other could only just watch with an astonish look. His body was in a perfect form, his bare hairy chest looks too difficult to not put hands on. He was smoking hot as well for a gambler.

Chance was now in his boxers. But it won't be staying on for longer. He took the last piece off as his hard member sprang up. Elliot stared at it for almost a minute. That thing was going to tear his ass apart.

The gambler position himself on top of Elliot with a smile. His hand rest on Elliot's face as his thumb caress his cheek,"Are you ready?" He asked in a soothing tone.

Upon those words Elliot was excited yet nervous still. He knew it was really dangerous to do it here and now in public, but it's not like the other survivors were gonna live any longer anyway.

They were already too far deep in the rabbit hole, it was too late to turn around now. With a nod he smiled,"Mhm.."

Chance let out one last breath before he slowly entered inside of him. Elliot's body shiver and arch his back. He let out a quiet groan at the pain he was feeling at the moment. Chance was whispering soothing compliments of how well he was handling it.

It hurts like hell so he would have to wait for a bit. He adjusted the size as much as he could. God why is it so big. The pain eventually subsides and he could now give Chance a signal to keep going by moving his hips a little.

Chance got the message and moved in a slow pace. Elliot turn his head to the side with a shaky breath. His mouth sealed shut in order to cancel out the sounds that was about to come out.

It felt so amazing. It's been so long since he had sex with someone. He couldn't even remember how many years has it been. Not to mention it applies to having a partner as well.

And now he was lucky to have someone sweet and caring like Chance. He couldn't ask for a better boyfriend than him, he was so handsome and perfect.

A whine of whimpers hummed in his mouth as Chance quicken the pace. The gambler was enjoying being this close to Elliot. He knew his wet dreams of them would come true someday.

His thrust was becoming easier to dig in deeper with the help of wetness inside of Elliot. He hunched over Elliot's smaller form and lean close with a grunt. His hot breath hit against the others skin as he continued to ram into him.

Elliot was enjoying the pleasure rushing through his body. It was getting too good to the point he couldn't contain his moans anymore. His half lidded eyes look up at Chances face who was also enjoying this much more than him.

He wrap his arms around Chances neck to pull him closer. His hard cock slam into his core without stopping, the sounds of their body smacking together became more intense.

"C-Chance~! O-oh fuck!" Elliot moaned out half breathless. He wants his lover to rip him apart until he couldn't move anymore. He wants him to show no mercy.

The gambler grunts and look down at the messy boyfriend with a grin,"What? You want more?" He taunted. Elliot finds it so fucking hot the way Chance speaks.

He nods,"Yes p-please! I need you s-so badly~!" Elliot was practically begging at this point. He wants to head straight into pound town.

Chance loves seeing Elliot act like a good boy than he already is. He did what he's told to do and slam himself against his boyfriend with force. Elliot let out a cry of moan at the sudden impact. His body was trembling yet it feels so addicting.

Each thrust was intense moans and whimpers from Elliot. He couldn't bear with the overwhelming pleasure that was attacking him. A hand wrapped around his mouth to cut off his noises,"Keep it don't want us to get caught, do you?" Chance spoke low in a husky voice.

As much as Chance loves to hear his beautiful moans, he wouldn't want to risk getting noticed by someone. He didn't want to explain what happened between him and Elliot.

Elliot shook his head as Chance put his hand down and keep ramming into him. Eventfully Chance could feel himself getting closer. His breaths were picking up fast and so was Elliot.

The two were nearly to the end. It was a teasing feeling and Chance wanted Elliot to be all his alone. With a couple of good minutes Chance gave one deep thrust before releasing into his lover. Elliot let out a long mew before cumming onto Chances stomach.

Their bodies were at pause to take a few breaths after the last touch. A lot of sweat and juice were dripping down from their skins. It was silence of pants before Chance pulled away.

Elliot layed there breathless more than his boyfriend. His body was aching, but in the end it was worth it instead of nothing. He could feel the fluids drop down from his hole he was pounded into.

Boy he was exhausted. He didn't even felt like moving or opening his eyes. He was already too tired to do anything. Chance rub the remains off his chest and lean down to the side to cuddle with Elliot.

Elliot snuggle his chest and purred quietly. He was drained but used the left of his energy to cuddle his boyfriend. Chance pet his soft hair and admired him with awe. Never in his life he felt truly happy with someone.

It was almost insane to think that you'll end up in this situation with someone you use to be friends with. Oh how things can change quickly.

Chance kisses Elliot's head and pulled away,"I love you so much my love," he whispered with a smile. Elliot formed a smile and giggled. He look up to kiss back as well,"Love you too honey."

Chance awed. He already wants to squeeze him until he pops. He is perfect, and no one could ever take him away. They love each other dearly, their bonds were forever in place.

" know we should put our clothes back on."

"Mm...maybe later.."

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