Village Fears

Chapter 5
~Fears come with shadows
In darkness of mind
Fear is a liar
Combat it with courage
And fear shall be confined~

The next day dawned bright, yet gloomy. The sky was overcast, ready to unleash a torrent of rain at any moment. Ravyn was the first to awaken from her restless slumber. She dreamed of dragons and demons. It was most concerning. Sitting up, she realized she had become entangled in Kaldin's cloak. Sighing she looked over at the sleeping form of the handsome dark haired man. He was sweet and kind. Like no male she had ever met before, not that she had met many males... at least not that she could remember. Last night the two had talked about Kaldin and Althair's journeys. She knew Kaldin was a gentleman, even more so when he offered his cloak to her to keep for as long as she needed. However, she realized that Kaldin had been a gentleman for a long time, far longer than their brief time together and his crude friend was a womanizer. Apparently ever since they were children they had both been this way.

Another soft sigh left her lips before she turned away from Kaldin's sleeping form. Her thoughts returned to the events from the day before. Althair's explanation didn't quite make sense to her for some reason. She felt like something was being withheld, but she couldn't be sure what. And the thing that saddened her the most was the fact that she felt even Kaldin was covering up for his friend. Clasping her hands over her chest as if to ward off any kind of evil, she wondered for the thousandth time what had really happened.

Many things actually didn't add up. Where had the monster gone? Did it really just burn into ash? The thing's hide had been unbearably tough, how did it just go up in flames to become ash? How did she get scorched by the creature to have her clothes become burned away but there was no mark on her flesh at all? Had it also burned her weapons to ash? All these thoughts were causing her head to ache. If only she had been awake. Why had Morthal left so suddenly before she had awakened? She had more questions for the elder dragon. If she didn't need to figure out about her missing self, she would have went back to the dragon enclave at Fangorn Castle.

Hearing someone shift, Ravyn turned to see Althair moving in his sleep. Her feral eyes watched the man carefully, irritation growing without check onto her face. The very sight of the man made her skin crawl. But wait... something was different. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. There was something different about Althair that she couldn't quite place. What was it? Her eyes scanned his sleeping form as if she were going to figure it out by how he slept. Nothing. Frowning, she bit her lower lip between fanged teeth in frustration. It was bothering her for some reason. What was it that was different about the man? As her eyes went back to his face, she saw that his startling blue eyes were now open and staring directly at her. His gaze made her feel like he could see directly through her cloak. Even worse he had that stupid crooked smile on his face. Ravyn pulled the cloak around her body more and then turned her gaze elsewhere... anywhere but at Althair.

"Like what you saw, beautiful?" Althair questioned, a jokingly satisfied tone in his voice. And she could almost envision him waggling those idiotic eyebrows at her.

"No, quite the opposite actually. You disgust me." Ravyn said with a roll of her eyes.

Althair just kept grinning, not bothered by her tone. "Uh-huh, sure. It's alright, Ravyn, you're warming up to me. I just know it." With that he winked and stood up stretching the kinks out of his neck and back.

"Keep dreaming, Althair." Replied the golden haired beauty nonchalantly. "That's all you have."

As his grin widened, Althair looked back at her, his blue eyes taking her beauty in. "I don't have to dream. You've stopped calling me names... it's a start." He winked again and headed toward the lake to freshen up not waiting for a reply from her.

Ravyn stopped and stared at his retreating figure. Unfortunately he had a point. Little did Althair know, she was doing it for Kaldin and not for the womanizing fool... wasn't she?

"What's a start?" Kaldin asked groggily, slowly waking up to the sound of their voices. He opened his eyes and smiled up at Ravyn. "Good morning." His eyes took in her glorious image before turning to the lake to find his friend walking to the edge of the water.

"Nothing..." Ravyn said her voice showing her irritation. "He's just being egotistical again."

Kaldin's eyes returned to Ravyn, knowing she wasn't saying everything. He sighed, sat up, and ran a hand through his messy hair. To his dismay, he thought he and Ravyn had made progress the night before, but now it seemed they were back to square one. Where had he gone wrong? Maybe he should be more forward like Althair?

Getting up, Kaldin brushed off the dirt from laying on the ground. "I guess..." He began, seeing Althair at the lake. "I'll go wash up to. Then we should probably be on our way."

Seeing her simple nod, Kaldin walked off, feeling completely lost and confused emotionally. His head hung down as he walked to the water where his friend was cleaning up.

"You look like your favorite pet just died." Althair sighed seeing his friend approach.

Lifting his head, Kaldin glared at Althair but didn't say a word. They were competing for Ravyn's attention, why should he give Althair the upper hand?

"Oh come on, Kal what's wrong? Talk to me. I'm your friend ain't I?" When his friend still remained tight lipped, Althair arched an eyebrow and then laughed. "It's about Ravyn isn't it?" The look Kaldin gave him was deadpan and it only made him smile more. "Look Kal just because you like her and I want her doesn't mean we can't talk about her."

"I wish you wouldn't talk about her like she's an object or toy or something like that? She's so much more than that! You should treat her more like a woman, like a lady even and less like some girl you can get in bed and be your whore."

Althair sensed anger in his friend's words. Treat Ravyn like a lady? Wasn't he already? Lady Selena had been a royal lady and he had treated her well enough. He thought about Kaldin's words, why should Ravyn be any different than the rest? In his honest opinion she was more beautiful than any woman he had ever seen, but that's all. Well not entirely, she also rebuffed his every move and seemed to dislike him, but that was the only difference, wasn't it? Of course it was! She was still a woman, a woman he really would like to bed.

"And how is that working for you, Kal? Tell me, has she fallen for your gentlemanly-self? You treat her like a lady, yes? How is that working for you? You're no further than I am." Althair remarked. He knew he had made a point when he saw Kaldin's expression change.

"I thought it was until she gave me the cold shoulder this morning." Kaldin admitted softly, finally opening up a little.

Shaking his head, Althair actually felt sorry for his friend. "Maybe we should just forget her, who needs a woman like that?!" He couln't believe the words that just left his mouth, but at the same time, they resonated with him rather loudly.

Kaldin looked at Althair in surprise. "We can't... I can't... just abandon her. She doesn't even know who she is. Besides I'd like to think that we are at least friends."

With a roll of his eyes, Althair shook his head. "I'm not saying abandon her... I'm saying for you to not put that all too sensitive heart of yours out there. And I'll have to come to terms with the fact that I can't bed this woman, as irritating as it may be. I guess... we just be... friends with her." It was hard for Althair to say. Never before had he been friends with a woman. It seemed... weird to him.

"Friends is good, Althair." Kaldin said with a small smile beginning to form on his rugged face. "I'm fine with that." And then silently thought, 'for now.'

"Wash up, I want to get on our way." Althair said rinsing his face once more. Kaldin followed suit and both were done in minutes. They walked back to the camp to find Ravyn staring at the charcoal pit, where the fire had died down to mere smolders.

"You ok, Ravyn?" Kaldin asked in concern.

The two men watched her as she looked up, startled by their appearance. "Yeah... I'm fine." She replied, but her mind seemed elsewhere and her eyes weren't focusing on either of them.

"O-k, then..." Althair stated slowly, not sure whether he believed her or not. "Let's get going. We'll stop by the nearest town to get you clothes, Ravyn. Then we need to head to the capital."

Ravyn's eyes focused at that and she narrowed them at Althair. "Go to the capital? We don't need to go there. We need to go see Morthal's wizard friend."

"We need to go to the capital! We can find Morthal's friend after. We don't even know where he is or where to find him."

A frown lit Ravyn's face and she thought about the location Morthal had given her. How was she to show Althair and Kaldin? The map! She thought but sighed realizing it must have burnt up with her clothes. "Well unless one of you have a map... I would have to take the lead if so..."

Althair began to protest, when Kaldin rolled his eyes and pulled a map from his pack. "I have a map." He laid it out on the ground and Ravyn came over. She was careful to hold the cloak around her as she knelt down. Her eyes scanned the parchment placing the different locations from Morthal's vision.

"Here." She finally said placing a clawed finger on a wooded area with no map marker. "It's hidden here, in the forest."

Both men stared at the spot before Althair spoke up. "Well that's north of the capital. We can hit the capital on the way." The blue eyed man said with a satisfied smile.

Cursing under her breath, Ravyn stood. "Fine. Let's go." She stood up quickly and turned the cloak furling around her as she walked off without the two men.

With that the two men grabbed what little they had and set off through the forest toward where the map said was the closest town. They walked in silence for a while. Not one of them had anything to say to the either. It was nearly an hour and a half later before they started seeing signs of civilization. Small farms littered the land here and there. Another good twenty minutes down the road they were on, the town came into view. Ravyn stopped then.

"Why are you stopping?" Althair asked curiously.

"I'm not going into town like this. I have no clothes under this cloak remember?!" She replied sarcastically. "All I need is someone to bump into me..."

Althair couldn't help the smile that made its way across his face. He almost made a snarky comment, but refrained for once. "Very well then, we'll find you a place to wait and we'll go and get you some clothes."

The woman looked at the blue eyed man with a skeptical frown. Could she trust him to get her 'decent' clothes? "Fine." She said reluctantly. After all, she would have to trust the men since she didn't want to go into town herself. "Just don't get me anything stupid... or provocative."

Chuckling, Althair nodded and headed toward a secluded spot in the woods. "Just stay here. Kal and I will be back before you know it... and please, just relax, alright? Trust us!" He added with a wink.

Kaldin rolled his eyes and glared at Althair, before turning to Ravyn. "Ignore him. It'll be fine." He gave her a reassuring smile before both of them turned and headed towards the town.

Ravyn sighed. Why did she have a feeling relaxing wasn't going to happen? Pushing the feeling aside, the golden haired woman watched the two men disappear behind the trees that obscured her from the town. Hopefully they would hurry, she was getting a ominous feeling from the town.

A short time later, Althair and Kaldin entered the small town. Not many townsfolk were about, but those that were stared at the two newcomers, suspicion deep in their eyes. The town was run down and appeared disheveled and dirty. The few men that were out doing chores, noticeably gripped whatever they were holding as if they were ready to fight the two newcomers.

"Why are they looking at us like we committed some sort of crime or something..." Kaldin whispered to Althair.

The lighter haired companion, shrugged. "Maybe they don't get newcomers often?" Althair guessed. Seeing an elderly man filling his wooden cart with feed for his animals, the blue eyed man approached. "Excuse me, is there a place we can acquire some extra clothes."

The old man looked at the two with a scowl on his face. "We ain't got no place for that. I suggest you be on your way."

A frown appeared on Kaldin's face. "We have a friend who is in need of some garments. Please, as soon as we get what we have come for, we shall be on our way."

The weathered old man glared at the two. "I don't care what yer friend needs. We don't need any more dumbasses around here. More damn adventurers. Why can't y'all leave our little town be. We got enough problems to be caring about yer troubles too."

Surprised by the outburst, Althair stared at the small old man. "Problems? Maybe we can help."

"No! No more help! The last times we had help our elder nearly was killed. Get! We don't wantcha!"

"You sir are incredibly rude." Kaldin remarked irritably. "All we needed was some clothes for our female companion..."

"Female!?" The old man gasped, fear now gripping his features. He looked around carefully and then jumped up and smacked Kaldin on the back of the head. "You fool! Don't say that word!"

"What word? Female?" Althair questioned, confusion and curiosity mixing in his expression.

"No! Don't say that!"

"What about woman?"

"Not that neither!"

"Girl?" Althair continued to ask, so confused.

"Definitely not ya stupid oaf!"


"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" The old man hissed and looked around once more. "Keep it up. You'll die like the rest." With that he wheeled his cart swiftly away.

Both men now looked around and saw that the road through town had emptied of people. "Why is saying any of those words forbidden?" Kaldin asked curiously, but Althair only shrugged.

"Let's see if we can get some answers." Althair moved deeper into town before glancing back at Kaldin, "And clothes, of course." He added with a wink. Not a soul lingered about. All windows and flaps, and doors were shut tight. "Eerie." Althair finally said after they checked around town. "There were people out and about not even five minutes ago."

"Althair..." Kaldin began as he suddenly dawned on something of great importance. "Have you seen any women or even young girls since we've been here?"

The almost blonde haired man stopped to think. No, actually he hadn't. Not one female came up to him throwing themselves at him – that was what normally happened in any town he entered. "No... but why? Could they be... eunuchs?" Althair queried with a disgusted frown. He hoped none of the males would try and come on to him if so. To each their own, but he didn't swing that way. "It would explain why that old codger didn't want us saying women."

"Pssst..." Came a whispered sound to their left.

The two turned to look, but there was nothing and no one there. Shaking their heads they began to walk away. "Pssst." It came again and the two paused once more. A shadow in the alleyway moved and a hand appeared from the darkness and motioned for them to come over. "Come." Came a dry scratchy voice from the shadow. Both Althair and Kaldin placed a wary hand on the hilts of their weapons, unsure of what to expect. Slowly they moved towards the shadow.

A craggily creature, ruined beyond repair came into view from the darkness. This creature had been the one that had been motioning for them to approach. The man, for it was a man and not simply a mangled creature, was broken and battered beyond any recognition. His humanity was barely visible, he hobbled to a door and disappeared inside. "Come. Safe." Said the voice and then added. "Answers."

Now completely curious, the friends followed the deformed man through the narrow door. Once inside, he held some clothes out to them. "For your female... friend." His voice was warbled and it sounded as if it pained him to talk.

"Let me guess, you're the village elder? The leader?" Stated Althair, judging the man by his dwelling. "What the hell's going on here?"

"No..." Replied the man, not willing to talk. "Take female... friend. Leave. Before, she gone... too." Each word was a struggle to get out that was obvious. But there was more than just the physical pain, the man obviously bore, it was emotional pain as well, due to the tears that glistened in his mismatched eyes.

"Gone? What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Kaldin growled gripping the mangled man by the collar. Whatever he was talking about actually brought him to worry for Ravyn's safety. Something had happened to this town. It was clear a woman's touch had been lacking for some time.

"Kal, calm down. Let the man breathe."

Althair's word shook him out of his reverie and Kaldin realized he had gripped the man a little too tight, to the point that he was strangling the poor man. "I apologize." Kaldin muttered, releasing the corpse of a man.

"It... it alright." The man creature forced out before taking a deep breath and then swallowing painfully. "Females gone... taken. My Liza... gone. Know... not... where. In forest... deep. Night... creatures... take them. Don't... bring... back." He stopped breathing heavily as if it had taken too much of a toll on him. It was clear that the man was deeply affected by the events that had happened to them. "We think... dead... females must be... dead. Haven't... seen... in... many... months."

"Alright, hold on a second. Your women are all gone? Taken by some night creatures?" At the man's nod, Althair continued albeit skeptically. "What the hell is a night creature? Are they animals? Never heard of them before."

"No... some kind... creature." The leader's sagging lips turned into what somewhat appeared like a frown. "Look human, not... human. Shadows... can't... see... them. Fight like... demons. Killed many of... men here. Have some... dark magic... Did me..." He motioned to his mangled body, "this."

Kaldin looked thoughtful. "And they take the women? The young girls and babes too?" The man merely nodded, either in too much pain to speak or too heartbroken to utter a sound. "To what means? What do they do with them?"

This time the leader shook his head as it hung down dejectedly, "Know... not. Not one...come back... Wife... daughter... gone. Near... six... full moons... now. Every... woman... that come... here... they gone... by nightfall."

"We need to get Ravyn out of here." Kaldin said panic filling his voice and for once Althair agreed.

"Yes... bring these to... woman-friend. Were... my Liza's. No... need them... anymore."

"Thank you," Althair said wishing he could help this town. What was life without women? He pitied these poor lonely souls. Still, Ravyn's safety was priority. After all, she was their friend now, right? Still, was there something they could do? He had to help his fellow males, didn't he? But his friend's safety came first.

The decrepid man nodded and showed them back to the alley door. "Leave now... before... dark... Come's early... here."

The companions nodded, although they both wondered on what the elder meant about the 'dark come's early here'? How could it come earlier than the rest of the land? The two rushed out of town, heeding the elder's words and worried for their female companion. It wasn't long before they reached the spot where they had told Ravyn they would return to, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Panic rose in the back of Kaldin's throat, fearing for her life. "Ravyn!" He shouted his tone showcasing his elevated emotions.

"Ravyn!" Althair joined in, his voice almost mirroring Kaldin's in its fear. He wasn't sure why he was so worried for her though. It wasn't like he had feelings for her, right? That was preposterous!

"Ravyn!" They cried together this time and then Althair added, "Where the bloody hell are you!"

"Can you two be any louder?" Came the sound of Ravyns voice as she rounded a rather wide tree a dead rabbit hanging from its ears in her hand. "You nearly ran off my kill with your screeching."

Both men stared at her, obvious relief washing over their expressions. Althair recovered first to speak, however. "I thought we told you to stay put?" He was now irritated with her for causing him to worry unnecessarily.

The golden haired woman glared at Althair. "Since when do you dictate my every move?" She practically hissed.

Kaldin interjected, seeing Althair's eyes spark. "How did you...?" He asked curiously and motioned to the dead rabbit.

Now a proud smile appeared on Ravyn's face making her appear almost angelic and lifted up a makeshift spear that the men had failed to see upon first sight of her. Twirling it with ease in her hand, she stopped with the sharp and bloody point pointing up and held it out closer for the men to see. "Don't ask how I knew to do this, it just came to me. But I got hungry and figured I should participate a little." Her smile shifted to one filled with sarcasm. "And since you two were busy, I figured I didn't have to worry about anyone seeing anything they shouldn't." It was quite clear that it was directed mainly to Althair. Feline emerald eyes then landed on Althair's hands. "Are those my clothes?"

The chestnut haired man looked down at his hands and then back at Ravyn at a loss for words. His anger had quickly dissipated just by the sight of her smiling. It was a rare sight to see true smiles on her regal face. "Um, yes..." He began slowly, faltering for befitting words. Althair then shook his head. "Hope they fit. It was a pain in the ass to get them." His gaze hardened slightly. "So appreciate them." The smile disappeared and Althair almost regretted his harshness, almost.

"Thank you." Ravyn hissed at him, sarcasm and irritation mixed in her voice. "What took you so long? It's nearly midday. You two were gone for nearly an hour and a half."

"We got... delayed." Kaldin began, unsure of where exactly to go from there. How were they to bring up that she needed protecting, when technically she could protect them all. Besides, he doubted she would want to be protected.

At Ravyn's questioning look, Althair shook his head, for once on track with Kaldin's thoughts. "The town had problems. But we should get going. Get your ass dressed so we can get out of here." It was so very hard for him to not call her ass sexy too, but he was trying to forget about her in the sense of getting her into bed with him.

"I agree. We should leave." Came Kaldin's immediate response to Althair.

A frown pulled at the perfect arch of her lips, as Ravyn looked first to Kaldin then to Althair and then back again. "Alright, what are you two not telling me?" She gave them both a serious look before stepping behind the large tree and pulling on the dress. "You follow me Althair, I'll claw your eyes out! Now, what's this about the town having problems?"

Althair glared at the tree, secretly wishing it burst into flames just to startle the woman. That would definitely give him a good laugh. "First off, let's get something straight. You're not worth following. Secondly, It doesn't matter, we need to get going to the capital. It's still a long way off."

Stepping out from behind the tree, Ravyn's frown had not changed. In fact, if anything, it seemed to deepen. Both men, however stared at the very feminine woman. The clothes had indeed been a dress and it was simple enough. However, seeing Ravyn in such a womanly outfit surprised them both. She was beautiful, that they had already established, but the dress made her appear more delicate and innocent. Her hair like spun gold ran loosely down her back was a stark contrast to the dark blue of the simple gown. It hung off her shoulders and her ample cleavage almost spilled out from the corset like top as if her breasts were simply too much for the clothes to bear. The village leader's wife must have been much smaller in that area. The skirt fell past her feet as well. Perhaps the leader's wife was taller too.

"Something wrong?" Althair couldn't help goading, forcing an innocent yet approving smile on his face. He could tell she was not happy.

"Wrong? A bloody dress?" Ravyn hissed, her frustration rising. "I can barely move. I do not know how to do anything in a cursed dress." Finally she sat down on a tree stump and sighed. "I can't bloody well fight, or protect myself in this... thing."

"Well," Kaldin began seeing this as an opportunity to approach her about letting them protect her. "Perhaps, you can let us fight for you and protect you." He tried oozing charm and kindness, but the dark look she cast his way made him frown. "You can trust us. You can trust me." This time he watched as she arched an eyebrow at him as if she were contemplating his words. This was satisfactory to him. Maybe even a start of something more.

"Methinks, you should be grateful, milady. You could have a sack cloth... or better still, Kaldin's mere cloak. It wasn't easy getting those. Be happy you are no longer naked." Althair cut in sourly. How could she just blow up at them when they were the ones that had done all the hard work. Not that it had been really hard, just irritating.

A spark suddenly lit her eye as she turned from looking thoughfully at Kaldin to Althair. The light in her eyes caused Althair to take a step back in caution, surprise lighting his own features. A wicked smirk lifted a corner of her lips, all semblance of a smile gone and forgotten, and the image of the delicate lady vanished. No, she was not innocent or weak. She was actually quite scary at times.

"Oh, forgive me Althair. How can I be so cruel? When you are unhappy that I am no longer naked. Do not try and deny it. I see the way you look at me... the way you looked at me when I came out from behind the tree. Disappointed that you might not catch me off guard and get a peek?" A sarcastic grin now marred her beautiful face. "Thank you good sirs for risking your necks on my behalf. For lowly, little ol' me." She gave him a graceful curtsy, splaying her dress out wide, her head dipping low, while never taking those sparking eyes off of the strawberry blond haired man.

Anger sparked in Althair then. She was misconstruing his looks. He wasn't disappointed more like impressed to see her look good in anything. She would probably look good in a sack cloth as well. "Next time you need bloody clothes, you can get them your damn self. As a matter of fact, next time you need anything do it yourself. I'm tired of being mistreated and thought so little of by you." With that Althair walked away to cool down, if that were even possible. He hadn't been this mad in a very long time.

Ravyn scoffed, "Go sulk like a child, Althair." She called out. He merely made a rude gesture back at her, as he disappeared into the forest. Turning around, Ravyn saw a glowering Kaldin staring at her. "What?" She asked innocently and nonchalantly brushed at non existant dirt on the dress.

"You know, he does have a point, Ravyn. He has been doing... better. Not talking to you like you are an object but a person. He has backed off on his pet names and crude jokes and remarks and you basically just slapped him in the face. I know Althair can be difficult, but he does have a good heart." Kaldin sighed then and raked a hand through his lengthening hair. "He is right, you know. It really wasn't easy getting you clothes. You really should be thankful. I'm not sure what's going on with you, but I really think you should let up on Althair. He's going through a tough time."

"A tough time, Kaldin?! What about me? I don't even know who the hell I am! I have time missing in my head... and supposedly I'm knocked out during these times...?" Ravyn said in exasperation, placing a hand to her aching temple, flashes coming to mind, but nothing solid or even remotely clear. She was beginning to piece together that her missing memories were due to blacking out... or maybe something else. She wasn't entirely sure.

"I know it's hard Ravyn. I can't imagine what you may be going through. But Althair... he's not used to getting his way." Kaldin admitted, not really trying to make his friend sound like a spoiled brat. "Ever since we were kids, Althair has been lucky. Extremely so. Always winning at cards, or skirmishes, always getting the treasure or the better price on goods. And he has always, ALWAYS, got the girl. Girls have flocked to him everywhere. You, don't do that."

"Maybe because I'm not addled like most women." Ravyn muttered and then looked at him curiously. "That's what he meant when he said you never get the girl?"

Kaldin just shrugged. "I'm used to it."

Ravyn's brows furrowed thoughtfully. "You realize you make him sound like a child throwing a tantrum?"

Pressing his lips together, Kaldin cursed himself. That was exactly what he didn't want to do. "He has a good heart, Ravyn. That is what I'm trying to say. And, he has been trying. Maybe, you can cut him some slack?"

A sigh escaped her lips as she began to wrap a finger around one of the stray locks of hair that had fallen onto her chest and toyed with it lost in thought. She was trying to think back to when Althair had changed and realized that it had been when they left the lake. Althair had indeed stopped most, not all, but most of his crudeness. He had definitely quit calling her his little stupid pet names. Kaldin was right. Perhaps she was being too hard on him. And they did, after all, go and find clothes for her.

"You're right Kaldin. Perhaps I have been a little hard on him. Though, he may deserve most of it for how he started off with me, perhaps he doesn't deserve all of it. It is definitely hard to think of him differently than the womanizing cur that he started off as, yesterday. I suppose he has backed off a bit."

"He has, indeed." Kaldin agreed with a nod and a small smile.

"I'm guessing you want me to go apologize and actually mean it this time?"

"That would be the right thing to do."

"Fine." Ravyn said with a sigh pushing away from the tree stump she had been sitting on. "Just so you know, Kaldin, I am grateful for the dress. I am just not used to them..." A very tiny smile lit her features. "And I really do appreciate your trouble in getting them for me." His mere nod and returning smile was enough to set her in motion. "Althair also doesn't appreciate your friendship enough." Turning, she gave him a small wave. "I'll be right back, with Althair, hopefully."

As she walked clumsily off, her skirts wrapping around her legs practically tripping her in the process, Kaldin couldn't help but smile. Ravyn may have been awkward in the dress, but she never looked more beautiful to him, or... more deadly.

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