All the students, especially Derek, Ariana, and I, knew that an assembly was upon us, and today was the day.
The school assembly would take place in the gym, and I was proud of that because both the teachers and students would be able to gander at the magnificent decorations that Derek and I - mostly I - put together before the night of the dance.
The stage lights were on and shining down on the wooden stage. There were folding chairs lined up in rows of ten, and the students sat up front while the teachers had to sit in the back.
Ariana and I were sitting together in the third row and had a good view of the stage and what would soon occur on it. I was doubtful whether whatever was performing would be entertaining or not. School assemblies are known for being such bores. Then again, this school is known for cherishing your attention span.
Ariana was the opposite of me. She was super thrilled and squealing.
"I cannot wait for the special guest. Who do you think that it could be? A ventriloquist? An animal tamer?"
"Nah. Those are lame, sis," Laila remarked. Ariana had invited her. "It has to be a magician."
"Good thinking, my smart sister. It could very well be."
"I have watched famous magicians on the Internet, Daniel and Ariana. They are fascinating!"
A teacher dimmed the lights, forcing the rest of us to blend in the dark. The stage lights were the only lights that remained.
As our principal climbed up the stage steps, I glanced all around for my ghost friend. Even in the blackness, I did not spot him anywhere.
"Daniel, the show is about to begin," Ariana whispered. "I do not want you to miss it."
I had my back facing the stage. When I overheard my girlfriend, I immediately spun around in my seat and clutched the sides of it.
Ariana wanted me to enjoy the presentation. But how could I? My best friend was missing...again! And now that I was aware of what was forcing his absences, it made my heart want to grow a pair of legs, escape through my chest, and run.
Run and run and run. Being far from my ghost stalker and never looking back.
I glanced at the exit door. I wished that I could get up from my seat and just run out of the gym. But I would have gotten in trouble, and that is not me.
The principal was standing on the stage and holding a microphone. He moved it close to his mouth and spoke into it. Thanks to the speakers, the audience could hear him with ease.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to start off this assembly with thanking you for attending. Our special guest will be pleased that you have come and is excited to show you all what he has to offer. But before I introduce you to him, I would love to acknowledge a certain student."
He cleared his throat and continued on.
"As you can see, the gym is filled top to bottom with Halloween decorations. The Halloween dance is next week and will be filled with terrors and frights!"
The crowd clapped and cheered. The hype was real.
He chuckled. "Yes, yes. I am excited as to what this year's Halloween dance will have in store for us. And now that the gym is ready for the dance's arrival, we are one step closer." He me. "Daniel Jones, will you please stand up?"
Without any hesitations, I did what I was told. All eyes were on me, and I was unsure whether to be happy or fearful. Derek was still missing after all!
"This young man decorated this whole gym by himself during his free time," the principal said. "He deserves an applause."
Everybody clapped. Some cheered my name. Others just smiled at me.
"Fantastic job," Ariana whispered to me. "I am so glad that I have a boyfriend like you."
I blushed at her comment and slowly sat back down.
"On to the fun part!" the principal announced. "Are you ready?"
The crowd erupted into cheers, and a man stepped out from behind the stage and strolled up to our principal. The principal handed him the microphone and climbed off the stage.
The mysterious man spoke into the microphone. "Hello, hello, hello! I am Astonish Ace. I am a talented magician and excited to show you my type of magic."
"Are you famous?" a student blurted out.
"Hmm. I cannot say for sure. But here in Forlot, I am."
The magician was pretty young for his age. If I had to guess, he was somewhere between twenty and forty. He had short, brown hair that was sticking out from his top hat. He wore a white, long-sleeved shirt that had buttons and a collar and black slacks. He also had on dress shoes and white gloves. He had no wand like that some magicians do.
"Like I said, my name is Astonish Ace. But you can just call me Ace."
"Do you mostly do cards tricks?" another student asked. "Is that why your name is Ace?"
He shook his head. "I do no card tricks. I am a different kind of magician. Does anybody know what the name Ace really means?"
Nobody knew. Nobody knew except me. I raised my hand, and he called on me.
"Yes, boy?"
"The word 'ace' means the word 'unity,'" I said.
"Correct! My name means 'to unite.'"
Astonish Ace laid the microphone on the stage and snapped his fingers. A flash of light appeared above his hand, and an object dropped into his palm.
"I am a magician who unites different things together. For example, take this creature that I am holding."
He held out the animal for us to see - and I gagged.
It was a frog. A frog with lion eyes and spider legs!
Take it away!
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