Wanda and Juniper weren't left alone for long. Clatters and bangs could be heard from the nursery. Afraid to be alone, just in case some mad psychopath came out to kill them, the duo began to make their way over to get a peak.
They didn't get chance to see anything at the doorbell went off. Wanda jumped in shock and Juniper groaned in pain.
"Oh, shoot."
Juniper carefully dragged her best friend over to the coat area, allowing Wanda to cover herself. No one needed to know that less then twenty four hours was equal to nine months.
Wanda pulled on a blue coat, allowing her grip to drop from Junipers hand. The pale blonde haired girl rushed to the door, checked Wanda was covered before slowly opening it.
Geraldine stood on the other side, looking as gorgeous as ever.
"Wanda, Juniper, what's up?" The woman said, eying Wanda's coat in confusion. Geraldine couldn't help but wonder how hot Wanda must be feeling.
Juniper and Wanda smiled awkwardly, bright grins to look polite.
"It's seventy five degrees out."
"Wanda is prone to getting very cold, Raynaud's I believe it's called." Juniper lied, taking control of the situation with a mass of lies was ( for the record ) not fun. She was definitely glad one of the ghosts had called it over to her after Geraldine's weather comment.
Sometimes the dead were useful.
Geraldine let her self in.
Well, at least Agnes isn't the only on to make herself comfortable and walk in as she pleased. Juniper hoped that there weren't many people that did that, it would make for a very awkward situation or conversation. Who knows what one could see and find if they wondered into the home of Vision, Wanda and Juniper.
"Hi, Geraldine. You know, now is not really a good time." Wanda stated from the place at the door where she stood with her best friend.
"No, no, no, it's foxy."
Juniper furrowed her brows.
"You'll have to let me borrow it sometimes."
Oh. Juniper realised Geraldine believed she was on about the coat. Oh. Well, fair enough.
"But first, I gotta borrow a bucket."
Wanda took the door out of Juniper's tense hands and pushed the door to a close. A 'fuck, fuck, fuck' look on her face.
"Not to wear, to use. Somehow, all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once and I gotta bail myself out." Geraldine said.
How ironic. Dear Wanda had accidentally caused that. Juniper was amused to say the least.
"All right, sure." Wanda said, her voice heightening.
Out of new found instinct, Wanda grabbed Juniper's hands, her grip painful and tight. But hey, Juniper gathered it couldn't be as bad as what Wanda was feeling.
This was her newest reminder to not have kids.
"Just stay right there." Wanda said, dragging poor Juniper with her as she made her way past Geraldine. "I think I might have a bucket in the kitchen."
"Okay, then."
Wanda and Juniper had made it to the kitchen. Could Wanda accidentally rip her hand off? Juniper was rather sure she could. She hoped she didn't, she liked her hand, it was pretty neat — and it was her dominant hand that Wanda was gripping.
Wanda ducked down. "I think it's just here under the sink!" Before she could look her grip tightened far too painfully on Juniper's hand. The girl bit her tongue to suppress the pain whilst Wanda let out a scream or rather a yell of pain.
The coat changed.
No longer blue and felt-like, it was a typical yellow raincoat.
Wanda and Juniper gasped, looking at Geraldine. She hadn't see.
Juniper was soon dragged around as Wanda searched.
The coat was changed again with her scream like yell like pain reaction. Juniper didn't know how to describe it.
But the coat was brown and fluffy, it was pretty nice. And Wanda agreed as she let out an 'oh' as she admired it.
"I'll come help." Geraldine stated, starting to make her way over.
"Oh, no! No, no, no! I mean like, we've totally got this, you're our a guest, apparently, but thank you." Juniper called, screwing her face up as she felt her bones move around as Wanda loosened her grip. She was still trapped to stay, but her bones were in place and perfectly fine — thank God!
Wanda threw of the coat as Geraldine entered. Probably for the best, didn't want to loose the coat.
Geraldine found the bucket but as she turned Wanda grabbed a bowl of fruit. Anything to hide the bump at this rate.
"Would you look at that!"
"What?" The girls asked, their tones riddled with defence.
"Fruit. Wanda! Thank you." Geraldine took a vibrant red apple, throwing it up and catching it before nodding slightly. "Yummy." She mumbled, happily, turning her back as she took a bite.
Wanda and — with no other choice — Juniper followed Geraldine to the door.
"Well, good luck with the leak." Wanda said, Juniper smiling despite the pain in her hand. She breathed steadily to stop her reacting.
"Oh that, ooh! Say, Wanda, Juniper, I've got a question for the two of you."
Oh no. Dear lords, no.
Geraldine went from the door to the sofa.
As lovely as the woman was, she really should leave. Juniper had taken a liking to her over the just over a day she knew her. She really didn't want anything to happen.
"You know how I've been working that temp job, right?"
No. Juniper didn't know, but then again they didn't really talk as often as Wanda and her possibly did.
Geraldine sat down on the sofa, Wanda and Juniper were stood up.
The three girls weren't alone and the loud noises had an answer, rather a stork had joined them. Despite Wanda's vice like grip, Juniper couldn't help but giggle. Was the bird here to help deliver the baby. Oh, how she loved that.
Uh, never mind Wanda's trying to rearrange the bones in her poor hand.
"Oh, look at me going on and on like you got all the time in the world."
Damn, but now Juniper was interested, even if there were pressing matters like, her hand possibly going blue, or the stork or the pregnancy that had occurred in under twenty four hours.
But, most importantly is her hand going blue?!
It hurts and she's fairly sure Wanda isn't allowing oxygen to get to her fingers. Oh dear lords, she going to loose her fingers!
Oh. Never mind, Wanda loosened her grip. Thank the heavens.
"Let me go on and get out —"
"Wait. No!" Wanda stated, loudly.
Uh, never mind, Wanda isn't happy with the placement of Juniper's bones and is trying to rearrange them — again. God, she is never being a labour partner to anyone, ever!
Wanda gestured with her head to Geraldine to stay and sit down. "Tell me about the temp job."
"Mhm." Juniper let out, her voice sounding odd as she desperately ignoring her hand.
"Oh, that's my girls."
Geraldine sat on the sofa again, Juniper got on the floor and Wanda in the single chair.
Geraldine told the girls about her job whilst Juniper was certain she was no longer going to be able to write and Wanda tried her best to get rid of a stork. Even magic didn't help. Red mist was merely shook away with its wings.
But an orange worked. Thank god for timing, huh? Geraldine made some sort of jump scare noise, Wanda let out a forced scream, Juniper joined in to make it seem more natural as Wanda threw an orange.
Finally, the bird left making its stupid noise. Stupid stork!
Geraldine stood up, confused, flustered and shocked at the noise. "What was that?" She asked, looking around. Her chest moved with her quick fearful breaths. "Did you hear that?"
Totally not.
"It was like a chattering sound, like —"
"Oh, like a —" Wanda stopped to mimicked a sound slightly different then then stork and more like an ice maker. Oh, what a genius.
"That's my new ice maker, built right into the fridge." Wanda covered, her voice and movements stiff.
Wanda and Juniper let out nervous laughs.
"You fancy." Geraldine complemented, putting on some sort of voice. It was nice having Geraldine around, she was different and accepting of the lies they told. But the deceit made Juniper feel bad, Geraldine deserved better.
She went back to explain her story and Wanda was trying to discreetly do her breathing exercises.
Juniper was seriously considering getting a cool metal arm to replace her hand if Wanda had put any more pressure on it. She was fairly certain Wanda was pushing any and all limits of the force her hand can take.
She'd be like her great uncle.
The stork was back. It was also close, trying to munch on Geraldine's blue fish printed trousers. But the movement of the woman's legs frightened the stork away.
"He hired me." Geraldine exclaimed, throwing her arms out in excitement.
"Yes, girl." Juniper cheered.
"Oh! Wanda! Juniper! I've landed a promotion." Geraldine said, well deserved pride in her voice. The woman stood up. "And now that I've gone all corporate, I need some office supplies. Which brings me to my question. Do y'all still keep those in your spare room?"
Oh no. Oh. No.
"Because I was hoping you wouldn't mind sharing with your good friend."
Juniper and Wanda chased after Geraldine as she entered the nursery.
Oh no.
Junipers poor hand was dropped. She cradled it as Wanda grabbed a potted plant to hide her stomach.
Oh. Oh wow, what a clever bird. The stork stood in front of the painted stork.
"Is that what I think it is?"
"Oh! A stork. Yes, I can explain."
The homeowners laugh nervously.
"No!" Geraldine turned to face the girls. "The crib." She gestured towards the coat.
Oh but Wanda had no time. A scream left her lips and she dropped the vase. Juniper rushed over. "It's coming! Oh. The baby is coming."
"You're pregnant?" Geraldine asked, shocked.
"Surprise." Juniper said, lacking the enthusiasm she was supposed to hold in her voice.
What was taking Vision so long?!
Geraldine and Juniper steadily helped Wanda out of the nursery and set up a little pillow set up and the house went to havoc.
Juniper kneeled next to her, giving Wanda her hand, allowing her to crush it as she deemed fit to her pain. A telekinesis person can easily fix bones — hopefully.
"I may be late to the party, but I imagine there is a logical explanation for this." Geraldine said, rushing over with supplies as Wanda did her breathing.
"It's all perfectly natural."
"Hey, you're doing great."
"I'm so proud of you, Wanda." Juniper promised, placing a delicate kiss to Wanda's head.
Geraldine did most of the work, she seemed to have a rough idea, Juniper was mostly there for emotional support. It was just what Wanda wanted.
Wanda had planned to grow old with Vision, her best friend at her side. Juniper being there as her future children grew up, being a second mom to them, helping Wanda birth them and what ever else was necessary.
Juniper had done just that, but in a place that she shouldn't be whilst lacking a good majority of her memories.
"I can't do this."
"Yes, you can."
"You are Wanda fucking Maximoff, if anyone can do anything, it's you." Juniper promised, as she watched her best friend with caution.
"I can't. I can't."
"Look at me, Wanda." Juniper whispered.
Wanda shook her head, tears in her eyes.
Juniper cautiously turned the girls head with her free hand. "Listen to me, okay?" She whispered. "I'm here, I'm staying here, you have me and you've got Vision and you've got Geraldine, hell, I'm sure Agnes is apart of our lives now. You are the strongest, most amazing woman I know. And that's including me. I love you. You've got this, Wanda."
"Yes. Yes you bloody do, because you always do because you're brilliant like that." Juniper said.
Geraldine checked under the woman's skirt, after stating her agreement. "It's time to start pushing."
Screams and chaos was going on but with Geraldine's and Juniper's motivation, a baby boy was born.
Geraldine bundled him up and passed him to Wanda as Vision and the doctor darted in through the doorway.
"Oh, no. I missed it."
Wanda smiled over at Vision.
"I am so proud of you." Juniper whispered, letting her pain filled hand fall at her side.
Her best friend did it. Wanda Maximoff had gone through what she could imagine is the worse pain imaginable, physically at least.
Vision smiled down at the baby. Juniper rushed over, grabbing her other best friends arm and dragged him over.
"Hey, doc." Geraldine said. "Why don't you help me out in the kitchen there?" She said, trying to give the group their moment.
Geraldine and the doctor left.
"Do you want me to leave?" Juniper whispered.
"You're staying." Wanda ordered.
Juniper grinned.
"Well done, Wanda." Vision said as Juniper sat back on the floor.
"Well, don't you wanna meet your son as yourself?"
Vision checked around before becoming his red robotic self. He carefully took the baby from Wanda's arms. "Oh, hello there, little Tommy."
"Yes. Tommy."
Vision went to give his wife a kiss but received a scream which caused him to scream which caused Juniper to laugh.
"Oh! Oh, fuck." Juniper said, clicking on to the fact that there were twins. "Don't repeat that baby Tommy."
"There's another baby coming!"
Juniper wasn't impressed that none of the kids had taken her divine name, what kind of slander was this?
Soon enough, out came baby number two.
Juniper and the crew were all around, her and Geraldine were sat on the sofa, the practically white haired girl was massaging her hand whilst the doctor and Vision held Tommy and Billy, Wanda stood between them.
"Twenty fingers and twenty toes. You've got two healthy baby boys on your hands." The doctor said, passing the baby over to Wanda.
"Thank you, doctor."
"Yeah. All in a days work."
Days work?! Excuse her, but poor old Juniper and Geraldine had done more work then him. Juniper had to literally wait for everyone to leave so she could get her hand fixed.
"And thank you for your assistance, young ladies."
Yeah, that's what she thought. Better get thanking them. Juniper didn't get a broken hand for no reason.
"I think you might have what it takes to be a nurse."
"Or a doctor, we did basically birth the child, well except for the actual labour part." Juniper muttered to herself, only Geraldine hearing her. The woman chuckled and Juniper smirked at her.
"Allow me to walk you out, doctor." Vision said, passing the baby to Juniper.
The girl smiled, finally being able to hold the baby.
She no longer cared for the conversation as she stared down at the baby, a soft adoration smile on her lips. "Hello, little baby." She rocked the child, walking around slightly. "Oh, how you and your brother are going to be two badass children, I mean your parents and I are just that amazing." She whispered, keeping her voice low and Wanda mentioned her twin to Geraldine before singing to the baby in the cot.
"He was killed by Ultron, wasn't he?"
Juniper snapped her head over to the two, still far as she held the baby. Where had she heard that name? Juniper was fairly certain she's never met or heard of an Ultron.
No, not met, but definitely heard of him.
Silence fell over the room.
With caution, Juniper stepped further away, turning her back to the two and keeping the baby close. She rocked Billy with caution, not sparing any looks back as she sheltered Billy from what was going on.
She now needed to find a way to protect Tommy, but she presumed Wanda wasn't about to lash out.
Juniper had heard of Pietro, she knew it was a tough subject, but she doubted Wanda would hurt her child.
Hearing Tommy cry, Juniper made her way over, placing Billy in the cradle, rocking it as she sheltered the kids from Wanda's terrible actions — of which had caused Geraldine to leave town by incredible force.
But hey, Wanda fixed her hand after, before coming to stand with her and the children.
"Wanda, June?" Vision asked, rushing into the place. "Where's Geraldine?"
"Oh, she left honey. She had to rush home."
That was one way to put it.
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