(This was my entry for the fanzine on Discord but I just couldn't wait any longer to post! The art top is a collab Thornbriar and I did for said fanzine)
"That is not how a royal should eat!"
"Ok seriously! Who the fuck does this lady think she is?!" Hisashi almost shouted a slight eye twitch as he and Sensei watched the maids one in particular continue to on criticize how their queen should act.
"And unless she wants a taste of that hormonal rage I suggest she stop talking." Sensei chuckled lightly, patiently waiting for the moment Isolde finally goes off on them.
... Months later and the day has finally come to introduce the heir to the plaid kingdom! Prince Blaine!
"Aww! He's adorable! just look at him Hisashi!" Sensei cooed at the adorable red haired baby,
"Yep he's a cute kid that's for sure, though I'm not sensing anything from him." Hisashi tilted his head as he hovered over the new mother and her baby.
"Well Hisashi it's very rare to really sense any magical properties at birth. We won't know for sure until he reaches around 5 to 6 years old. By then we should sense at least a small amount of magic."
Hisashi snickered a bit "Ya hear that Red, looks like we're sticking around for a while."
Everything was fine for a few months with only the slight annoyance from the servants still lecturing and criticizing Queen Isolde's parenting skills. And they were starting to piss off both Kitsunes.
"Your majesty, that is not the proper way to hold a royal!"
"That is not the proper way to feed a royal!"
"That is not the proper way to raise a royal!"
And that right there is when they did something that not even his Sensei could ignore.
"I don't believe this shit! I leave for 5 fucking minutes and this bitch thinks she has the right to take someone's kid?!" Hisashi rushed back into the room upon hearing the cries of an infant Blaine being carried away from his sobbing mother and by some power tripping maid who has no right to do so.
"Hisashi. I know we are not permitted to interfere unless it is life threatening... But I cannot let this stand!"
Sensei was standing over Isolde feeling a sense of heartache for the heartbroken mother but even more rage towards one who caused it. Kneeling down placed an invisible hand on her shoulder.
"Weep no more, your majesty for your son will be returned."
"And just what the fuck do think you're doing bitch!"
The Kitsunes intercepted the maid with Hisashi grabbing the woman by the back of her shirt and dragging her into a nearby room. Absolutely terrified by these creatures as she held onto the crying child firmly against her chest. Hisashi's normally golden eyes turned red as he growled in her face.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip out your fucking throat!" A hand touched his shoulder,
"My student I can give you many reasons why that is not a wise decision." His Sensei stepped in a demeanor so calm it's terrifying.
"But Sensei!" She held up a hand
"Calm yourself my student, I shall deal with this one. Please take Blaine back to his mother." Hisashi hesitated for a moment before turning back to the crying infant, a pain in his heart hearing his mournful cries...and reluctantly released the terrified maid before giving her a death glare holding out his arms.
"Give him to me now!" Expectedly she tightened her hold on the child which angered Hisashi even more.
"Oh don't bullshit me bitch! If you truly cared you would have never taken him away from his mother! You're not fooling anyone! Now for the last time, give him to me. He belong with his mother and you had no right to take him!"
Fearfully and reluctantly the maid slowly gently handed Blaine to Hisashi. With Blaine now in his arms Hisashi turned and disappeared from the room, knowing that if he were to hear another peep from that woman nothing, not even his own Sensei could stop his from attacking her.
As soon as Hisashi was out of sight his Sensei turned back to the maid no emotions showing whatsoever as she glared intently at the woman.
"I am going to make this short and simple."
One of her 9 tails shot up and wrapped it's self around her neck lifting her slightly off the ground so that the two were now eye to eye, no sympathy for the entitled maid struggling to get free as she pathetically tried pulling the tail lose while kicking at the infuriated fox.
"Be still!" Snarl in her voice leaving the maid shivering in terror.
"You people need to learn your place. Your job is to tend to the needs of the royals, cook, clean, and only 'if only' asked for personally by the parents offer care to those who need it. Be it the parents or the children.
Absolutely under no circumstances are you to take it into your own hands to dictate and make decisions on how a mother should raise her child! Nor are you to criticize and or make decision on how anyone should act!"
"Listen here freak! You really think you know anything about my job?! The queen was not born a royal and clearly knows nothing about how to be queen let alone a proper lady! Argh!" The grip on her throat tighten a clear sign to keep her mouth shut.
"While you are correct that one of your jobs is to educate those who were not born royal on how royalty 'should' behave. You however have been forcing her to act how few 'expect' a royal to behave! Believing that a queen should be nothing but posed, silent... and completely submissive to others!"
No longer able to maintain a calm expression as her brows narrowed in anger bringing the maid so close to her that she could feel her breath hot against her face.
"You have overstepped your authority a long time ago, I only put up with it for so long because I felt it was not our place to interfere. But this... this is just unacceptable! And I can ignore it no longer!"
"W-what are you going to do to me?" The maid's breathing became more erratic fearing for what Sensei might do to her, as a part of her pondered the words spoken considering what she is saying to be true.
Had she really crossed a line taking Prince Blaine?
"Calm down child, I have no intentions of harming you. I will however be giving you this one and only warning. I highly suggest for your own sake leaving this palace forever and to never return.
Because after this incident I think it's safe to assume that the queen will no longer feel safe or comfortable as long you remain. She will no longer trust any of the maids with her son nor any future children she may conceive. Fearing a direct order from you to take them away from her!"
Taking a breath from nearly shouting the last sentence.
"However do you chose to be bold and remain here you have two options. 1, You request a new position, one that involve very little to no contact with the royals whatsoever. Or 2, do you choose to stay in your current position? I highly advise you remember this conversation, burn it into your brain! And remember Your. Damn. Place!
Because if I ever catch you even attempt to rip that child from his mother's arms ever again..." Her purple irises finally turning red.
"I promise you right here and now that you will experience pain and torment beyond anything you could ever imagine." Extending her long beautiful yet deadly claws piercing the wall ahead a mere inch from the maid's head.
"Your body will be torn apart piece by fucking piece begging for a mercy that will never be granted."
Using her magic processed to invade the maid's mind giving the woman a small demonstration of her powers.
"Every second of everynight will be nothing but endless haunting nightmares. I will fill your mind with images so disturbing you will live in constant fear and insomnia fearing sleep, doing anything and everything you can possibly think of to stay awake. Shutting your eyes for a mere second will send shivers down your spine."
Tears were now streaming down her cheeks begging the fox lady to end the horrifying images.
"Please stop this! My God what the hell even are you?!"
Finally being released and dropping to the floor in sheer terror, on her knees, head in her hands failing miserably to ignore the images of terrifying heinous creatures filling her mind.
"I am a Kitsune, one of many powerful and deadly yokais of japan's hidden world.
While there are many differents classes of Kitsune I am the one you should fear the most. For I am a Seishin, the only one of my species who can feed off human souls."
The maid's crying grew more desperate curling into a ball in an attempt to look as small as possible.
"Lucky for you I have a moral code and would never steal an innocent human's soul... then again anyone cold hearted enough to steal another's child is anything but innocent."
Sneering Sensei glared down at the cowering woman eyes full of rage and disgust, finally seizing all nightmares.
"As I said this is your one and only warning. Remember my words and choose wisely."
Calming Sensei turned and walked away leaving the traumatized maid to weep and reflex on her actions... and her choices.
After Hisashi left the room...
Invisible walking through the halls back to the nursery, he gently bounced the infant, whispering softly to calm the crying child.
"Easy there little Red it's ok, Sensei's gonna have a little talk with that b- woman and you won't have to worry about her ever again." Giving Blaine's cheek a small tickle as he ceased crying, giggling at the small yet comforting gesture.
"I am so sorry you had to deal with that squirt, but don't worry Sensei and I will make certain no one ever tries that shit again!" Fazing back into the nursery walked over to the sobbing mother, his eyes flashing red for a second before taking a deep breath and letting it out.
"Now I think your mother here needs some cheering up squirt." Hisashi tickled his little rosy cheek once more before setting him down, the infant becoming visible as soon as he let go. Watching as he happily crawled over to his crying mother. Isolde lifted her head up from the bed when she felt a tug on her dress,
"Huh? Ah Blaine! My baby!" Realizing it was her baby boy immediately pulled him into a hug.
"Oh my baby you're back thank god!" Not even questioning how he got back in the room she didn't care, all she cared was that her baby boy was back in her arms. Hisashi leaned against the wall as he smiled happily at the reunited mother and son.
"Hey Sensei looks like we got another prison break!" Hisashi laughed wholeheartedly while his Sensei just giggled lightly.
"Now how does he keep getting out?" The topic of their laughter was little Prince Lance who somehow managed to get out of his crib for a 3rd time.
And is currently crawling up and under the sheets of his mother's bed who is at the moment sitting on the edge reading a book as her eldest slept soundly in his crib. Isolde glanced up from her book when she heard giggling from under the sheets, letting out her own as she closed her book before leaning into the small lump under the sheets.
"Come out come out wherever you are." Pulling back the sheets causing the gray haired infant to roll on his back, giggling happily as he proceeded to start sucking on his own foot.
"Aww!" Both mother and Sensei cooed in unison as Isolde picked her baby boy
"Now how you keep getting out of your crib?" Kissing his cheek holding him close as his tiny little hands reached for her face.
We all know how Frederick's birth transpired so let's skip ahead a couple months later...
It's nighttime and everyone is sound asleep, Hisashi was resting outside one of the palace tower while Sensei rested inside near the home's entrance. Hisashi's ear twitched slightly when he picked up the sounds of baby Frederick's crying, not sensing any threats in the area assumed the kid just had a nightmare. Yawning and stretching a little before fazing inside and towards the nursery. He stopped midstep when he notice Blaine leave his room and walk next door into the nursery, sleepily rubbing his eyes as he walked over to the toy pile, picked up the little stool and carried it over to his baby brother's crib. He climbed up and into the crib laying down next to Frederick patting his head until little Frederick's crying came to a stop. Hisashi couldn't help but snicker a little as the eldest prince got himself comfortable holding his now calm baby brother close.
Sensei is going to be so bummed she missed this!
Hisashi padded over and laid down in front the crib yawning as he drifted off back to sleep.
Foxy sat on the forest floor with the boys around him, Frederick in his paws continuously reaching for his snout, Lance swinging from one of his tails and Blaine on his back. The eldest cocked his head curiously mostly at the fact that Foxy called him by his name rather than 'Pipsqueak'
"Yeah Foxy?"
"I need you to promise me something okay?"
"Yes Foxy what is it?"
Using a tail to lift up the eldest and bring him down to where he was now sitting next to Frederick.
"I want you to promise me that no matter what you will always be there for your brothers, Protect them and keep them close ok?"
"Of course Foxy! I love my brothers and I'll always protect them!... Why do you ask?" Still confused as Foxy leaned over and nuzzled his cheek a little.
"Because as you grow up things are going to get... a little difficult. And there will be alot of difficult challenges coming your way. And when they do you're going to need each other to get through them."
"Unfortinetly yeah. That's why I want you to promise you'll be there for them when they need you. Especially little Frederick here, one day life's gonna throw him a real curve ball and he's going to need his brothers by his side."
Said prince responded by crawling into his brother's lap, reaching up with his tiny hands a big smile on his face. Blaine glanced over at Lance for a moment watching him still happily swinging on Foxy's tail before turning back to Frederick returning the smile wholeheartedly as he picked up his baby brother and hugging him close.
"Yes Foxy I promise, I will always protect my brothers and keep them close." Foxy giving one more nuzzle
"Thanks Pipsquek, that's all I needed to hear."
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