Lance's Birthday

...Morning of Lance's birthday party...

Ugh! Not again! What gives!

Frederick groaned as his head started to throb once again. This has been going on for several weeks now and neither Frederick nor his brothers can figure out what's causing it. And to make things worse he started having body aches at random and in the weirdest spots. For instance his lower back and butt started getting really itchy for some reason and he thought maybe there was something in his pants. His father screamed at him when he saw him scratching, but then he started getting rashes on his arms and legs, sometimes around his neck as well. And Frederick was starting to worry that he might be developing an allergy to something, his sheets, the shampoo or soap he uses, or maybe his clothes? Aside from the headaches his scalp would also get really itchy, his ears would start ringing for no reason, and his vision would get really blurry at times. But honestly those were nothing compared to the random toothaches he would get over and over again and it wasn't like the throbbing you would normally get with toothaches, this pain was different, it felt like his teeth were trying to push their way right out of his mouth.

"Frederick, are you ok in here?" There was a knock on his door as his eldest brother Blaine entered his room.

"Yeah I'm fine, but it's starting up again." Frederick rubbed his head and Blaine went to sit next to him reaching out a hand to gently massage his brother's scalp. Frederick sighed in relief as right away his scalp was already starting to feel a lot better, he could never figure out how his brother was able to do that so quickly.

"Seriously Blaine, how do you do that?" Sighed in content leaning into his brother's arms as Blaine continued massaging his scalp.

"The powers of a big brother Frederick, we have our own 'special' abilities perfect for helping our younger siblings with any problem."

"After all that's what brothers are for." Frederick hadn't noticed Lance walk in until he felt him rubbing his back. "It's ok if you miss my party bro, I won't be mad."

Frederick leaned down and rested his head on Blaine's lap, content just being in his brothers' company.

"Thanks Lance, I'll try to come but I might just stay in the library..." Then a thought popped into his head, a way to lighten the mood and smirked "On another note, heh is someone still going to deny that they thought Prince Jamie was a girl at first." Frederick grinned and Lance snickered as Blaine's cheeks flushed red.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

And Lance burst out laughing "Come on Blaine! Even I admitted I thought Jamie was a girl at first!"

"Nope! I had no such thought." Frederick laughed as Lance shook his head, it was pointless they were never going to get him to admit...the laughter quickly died down as Frederick groaned in pain as his stomach started to ache once again.

"Are you sure you're ok Frederick? We can take you to the doctor again?" Blaine now sounded concerned as Frederick held his stomach.

"It's going to be the same thing, doctors finding nothing wrong and father yelling at me for faking it." Frederick groaned as he shut his eyes in pain. No matter how many times the palace doctors checked him over they just can't seem to find anything wrong with him and of course their father believes he's faking the whole thing just to get out of his royal duties. But you cannot fake the pain Frederick has been going through.

"Why don't you take a nap bro, maybe you'll feel better if you rest a little bit, and don't worry we'll deal with father." Lance stood up and both he and Blaine helped their baby brother into bed.

"Are you sure?" Knowing his brothers are just as terrified of their father as he is.

"Positive. Now get some rest little brother." Blaine tucked him in and Lance switched off the lights before quietly shutting the door leaving their baby brother to peacefully sleep.

...hours into Lance's party...

Blaine and Lance had met up with the Pastel Princesses...but as Gwen had informed them it would seem that Prince Jamie was more focused on the desserts than anything else.

"Well the desserts are pretty great tonight, but nothing can hold a candle to your pies, Gwendolyn." Lance gave a thumbs up and a big grin.

"Thank you!" Having not yet seen Frederick yet, Gwen finally acknowledged his absence "Um... by the way, where's Frederick?"

I feel like we're never at the same place at the same time.

"Oh, he hates these types of parties, plus he wasn't really feeling well today. So he's probably in the library like he always does." Lance replied

Probably with another Japanese book, he's been reading a lot on Japanese culture since father told us that story.

"Hey you should go find him and keep him company, I'm sure he'd like that." Lance had to hold back from grinning evilly, he knew that whenever Frederick went to the library meant that he wanted to be alone. But this was a chance for him and Gwendolyn to finally spend time alone together.

"Oh! Sure, I can do that! Where's your library?" Gwen had perked up a bit though still a little sad to hear that Frederick wasn't feeling well.

"...I dunno?" Since Lance never goes to the library Blaine jumped in to help.

"Gwen, it's in the east wing! Would you like to be escorted there?"

"That's okay! I'm sure I'll find it! And I'll even see if I can get Frederick to come to the party for a little bit!" Gwen assured them as she turned and made her way out the ballroom.


While Gwendolyn wandered the halls of the Plaid Palace in hopes of finding Frederick in the library, she couldn't help but think about how much bigger this palace is compared to theirs.

After wandering for a bit longer with no success Gwen was now wishing that she had taken Blaine up on his offer for an escort as she still has yet to come across the library. Now convinced she was lost, Gwendolyn noticed two maids folding laundry.

"Oh! I can ask them for directions!"

"Why aren't you done folding these sheets yet?!" The gray haired maid scolded the blonde maid who already seemed a bit frazzled.

"I'm sorry ma'am! We're short-staffed due to the party!" She spoke nervously as there were still plenty of unfolded sheets in the bin next to her.

"Well get it done before I return, or you're fired!" The gray haired maid shouted aggressively.

"Y-y-Yes Ma'am!" The blonde replied fearfully as she worked even faster to finish, neither noticed that had been listening to the whole time and couldn't help but feel sorry for the blonde maid.

"Um...excuse me...would you like some help?" Thinking there's no way the maid could finish all the sheets by herself.

The maid jumped and turned around having not noticed Gwen and realizing what she was just asked quickly waved her hands dismissively. "M-miss! I couldn't possibly allow a guest to fold sheets!"

"Oh, it's okay! Our maids let me help all the time!" Gwen walked up to the table as she gave the maid a sweet smile.


"And that's the last sheet! We're done!" The blonde maid clapped happily as Gwen held up the final folded sheet. "Thank you so much for your help again Gwen! You are so sweet!"

"And don't forget the library is just down the hall and it's the 7th door on the right!" There was a squeaking of wheels and the blonde maid got scared. "Oh no, that's my boss coming around the corner!! I'm dead meat if she finds out I had a guest help me!"

"Quick hide in here until she's gone!"


"The 7th door on the right...Oh, I found it! This is the library!"

When Gwen stepped inside she was surprised and a little bit sad to see that Frederick was the only one in there. He doesn't look sick though...just lonely. She started towards him and Frederick glanced up from his book slightly when he heard someone approach.

"...Gwen??!" Surprise to see Gwen here as he distinctly remembers them saying they won't be coming. "I-I thought that you and your family weren't able to come tonight!"

"Oh, yeah...! Papa got home from his expedition just in time for us to make it." She waved happily now standing next to Frederick. "And Lance mentioned that you might be in the library, so I thought I'd just stop by and say hello."

" can sit down...if you want." Frederick replied wondering why she hadn't done so already...As the two conversed with each other, their conversation started with the book Frederick lent her then led to Gwen talking about the CPC. Frederick seemed to enjoy talking to her...until she said something that made him turn away from her.

"And to listen to the kindness of people who care about you."

"Yeah?...Well what if there's one person in particular who really doesn't care about me..." Like father for instance. Frederick sulked, not bothering to hide the sadness in his eyes.

"Well then, I say that's their loss. And I care about you." Gwen stated calmly and reassuringly, Frederick whipped his head around and stared at her his cheeks flushed pink...However that quickly changed when the headaches started up.

"Guh!..." Oh come on! Again, and why now of all times! He put a hand on his forehead and leaned back against the bookshelf, eyes shut tight in pain.

"Huh?! Frederick what's wrong- Oh right Lance told me you're not feeling well, is everything alright?" Gwen asked concerned as she reached out a hand but Frederick stopped her.

"No not really, I've been getting these really bad aches all over my body-" Frederick started moaning with clenching his stomach. Seriously! Now the stomach aches too?!

"Do you need me to get some help?" Gwen asked, ready to stand up and get help.

"N-no, it's ok it usually goes away after a while..." Frederick lied he was trying his hardest not to tear up, he desperately wanted to ask her to get Blaine and Lance but didn't want to embarrass himself...Then he felt a hand on his back and turned to see that Gwen was leaning over rubbing his back gently, he couldn't help but smile and blush.

"Um...thank you Gwen." It did feel nice having someone here to comfort him, but honestly Blaine always had a way of easing the pain. Frederick closed his eyes as he tried not to think of the pain.

"Just breathe and try to calm yourself, take slow deep breaths Frederick." Gwen whispered soothing words as she continued to rub his back. Frederick tried his best not to show it, but Gwen could feel him and hear his whimpering.

It Hurts! It hurts so bad! Why is this even happening! Then came the ringing ears, Nooo!!!

"Mgh!.. whimper ..." a hand instinctively went to his ear.

"I think it might help if you lay down." Before Frederick could respond to that Gwen put another hand on his shoulder and gently laid his head on her lap. If Frederick wasn't in so much pain right now he would be blushing like a ripe tomato! Sadly laying down wasn't doing anything to stop the pain...because now his vision was starting to blur.

What's happening to me?! It's never been this bad before?! Frederick was clutching his stomach tightly. Normally whenever his body aches came it was usually one or two at a time.

I've never had so much pain at once! What's wrong with me?! With every minute the pain just kept getting worse and worse, until Fredrick could no longer hold it in, tears spilled down his cheeks.

"Frederick?! Are you ok?! I really think I should get someone?!" Gwen tried her best not to shout but she was really getting scared now and Frederick was in too much pain to even respond. She was rubbing his back and caressing his hair trying her best to soothe him, but all she got in response was another groan as his rashes flared up again and Frederick nearly screamed, both hands clamped over his mouth as his gums roared with pain.

"FREDERICK YOU'RE BLEEDING!!!" Gwen couldn't stop from screaming when she saw the blood seeping through his fingers! Frederick pulled his hand back and stared wide-eyed in horror at the blood on his fingers!...the blood that came from his mouth! T-that's never happened before?! Gwen stood up abruptly!

"That's it! I'm getting Lance and Blaine!"

"...please..." Frederick begged as he curled up onto the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks, and with that Gwen ran out of the library to find Frederick's brothers.


As Gwen ran through the halls towards the ballroom, she was about to pass by the fencing hall when she heard it...


It was Lance's voice, Gwen quickly ducked inside as she tried her best to squeeze past everyone to reach the birthday boy. Only to be surprised to see her sister Lorena dressed in a fencing uniform.

"Lance?!" Having finally gotten through the crowd Gwen tugged on Lance's sleeve and the blue plaid prince turned to see his little brother's fiancé.

"Oh Gwen!" Before she could say anything Lance threw his arm around her practically smashing her against his chest.

"Did you see that Gwen?! Your sister is awesome!"

Gwen was so confused and wanted to ask how her sister even got herself into this, but right now she was more concerned about Frederick than how her sister ended up in a fencing match. But not wanting to make a scene either so the second Lance let her go and before he was carried off by his friends, Gwen grabbed him by the arm.

"Um...I'm so sorry boys, but may I borrow Lance for a moment?"

One of them made a dismissive wave of his hand with a slight smirk. "Of course Princess, go on ahead! We'll just head to the keg without him!"

"Hey! You guys better save some for me!" Lance shouted back as Gwendolyn very quickly pulled him into the hallway. "So Gwen, what's up? Did you find Frederick?" Gwen was quick to reply

"Y-yes but he's in a lot of pain right now and I don't know what to do?!"

"WHAT?!" Lance immediately went into a panic after hearing this. "Is he still in the library?! Go find Blaine! He's wandering around with Maria somewhere." Without giving her a chance to reply Lance was already running towards the library. Gwen didn't waste time and headed straight to the ballroom to find Blaine.

...In the Ballroom...

Prince Jamie was sitting at a table with a line of chefs waiting for their dishes to be tasted, when he happened to glance over and noticed Gwen passing through and in a bit of a hurry at that.

Huh? I wonder why Gwennie is in such a rush? Before Jamie could even call out to her... "Um...Prince Jamie? H-how is my baba ganoush?" Still questioning why his sister is in such a rush "Huh?! Oh yes! It's completely inadequate. You need to salt the eggplant and draw out the bitterness along with your secret infatuation for your sommelier..." Never taking his eyes off his sister...until he realized what he had just said! And fearfully turned to see the chef staring mortified at said sommelier next to him, who merely glanced at him. That was way too honest!!

"I'm in love with you too, George!!" The sommelier practically squealed as the chef's face blushed bright red. "R-really?!!" and the two ran off to make out somewhere leaving Prince Jamie a bit confused. Guest that worked out ok?

...In another corner of the room...

"I'm so bored Bart, Aren't you?" came a voice from the balcony "Yes, my Lord."

"I came here tonight to find inspiration. But how can I when everyone here is just so...Wait. Who is that...?

Gwendolyn was frantically wandering around desperately trying to find Blaine...When suddenly someone grabbed her by the hand and she turned to see a dark haired, brown eyed man on one knee holding his hand.

"Please tell me your name..."

"Huh?" Gwen was confused, as she was in a bit of a rush but didn't want to be rude by shrugging him away.

"Because you are absolutely beautiful." Her cheeks flushed pink when he said that.

" name? I-I'm Princess Gwendolyn of the Pastel Kingdom." Gwen stuttered a bit on her words, as the handsome stranger cocked his head.

"Princess...of the Pastel Kingdom?" He was a bit confused. "Hm, that's odd. I don't recall seeing you enter into the party with the rest of your family..."

That was probably Jamie's doing... Gwen thought as the man continued.

"Well anyhow, my name is Lord Leopold of the Argyle Kingdom." He placed a hand to his chest while still holding Gwen's hand. "It's simply a courtesy title, though. I'm a mere painter at heart and nothing bores me more than these sterile parties. I saw you wandering around from afar, and couldn't help but think that you might be feeling the same way."

...Back In the Library...

"Come on lil bro, try and calm down buddy." Lance was on his knees in their library cradling his shaking baby brother as he whimpered and whined in pain, making small yelps and cries when the pain became too much.

"Make it stop! Please make it stop!" Frederick was clinging tightly to his big brother's jacket, eyes shut tight in pain, tears streaming down his cheeks as blood dripped from his mouth.

"Easy lil bro, Blaine will be here any minute...just try and-stay calm...deep breaths lil bro." Lance held his baby brother close, caressing his hair as he tried his best to comfort him.

It's never been this bad before?! Please Gwendolyn! Hurry up and get Blaine here!

...Back in the Ballroom...

Lord Leopold, still holding Gwen's hand, stood up "Please allow me to escort you to a seat, Your Highness. A princess as lovely as you shouldn't be standing all evening." and turned as he attempted to lead her to an empty table.

"Um, well-" Finally snapping out of her initial shock and remembering her mission, started to pull away from Lord Leopold...

"HEY!" Suddenly his hand was smacked away from her and Gwen turned to see just the prince she had been searching for.

"I saw that, Leopold!" Blaine quickly stood between him and Gwen and looked very pissed at Leopold. "How dare you interfere with my dear brother's fiancé!"

"Oh Blaine! I've been looking for you!-" Unfortunately Blaine seemed to be more focused on yelling at Leopold.

"You're just like your cousin, taking precious things that don't belong to you!! Now shoo! Go away!"

"Hi Gwen! Have you been having fun tonight?" Marie came up behind her and Gwen had to take a moment to take in what her eldest sister was wearing?

"Um...Y-yeah..." Lorena, Maria? What have you two been doing here??

"And Gwendolyn, where is Frederick? I was really hoping that you were able to talk him into coming out tonight." Blaine now turned to face her, completely ignoring Leopold.

"Well actually Blaine I-"

"Hey, Cuz. Oh hi there, Blainey!!!" She was interrupted by another voice as another dark haired man with the same outfit as Leopold, this one being orange, Leopold's yellow, cheerfully walked up so he was standing directly in front of Leopold.

"Ohh no..." Blaine went pale in the face and his expression telling Gwen that he was about to get into another heated argument and worried that Frederick might be getting worse quickly grabbed him by the arm and pulled Blaine away before he could get a word in.

"I'm so sorry Blaine but I really need to talk to you! It's about Frederick!" Blaine immediately got worried and pulled Gwen away from the two Argyle men. While also leaving Maria alone and confused as she watched her sister and fiancé converse privately. That confusion quickly turned to concern when she saw the same look on Blaine's face as her baby sister led him away.

I'm not sure what just happened but they looked worried about something? I hope Frederick is ok?

...Back in the Library...

"FREDERICK!!!" Blaine burst through the library doors with Gwen right behind him though she held her composer and kept her distinct, allowing the 2 older brothers the space to assist their poor younger brother. Lance was still on the floor trying to calm their baby brother as Blaine got to his knees on Frederick's other side and instinctively went to massage his brother's scalp, but that only resulted in a yowl of pain and Frederick slapping his hand away.

"What?! But that always works?!" Blaine turned to look at Lance in shock. "It's getting worse Blaine, he's never bled before?" Lance looked as if he was on the verge of tears.

"BLOOD??!!" Blaine's shout caused Frederick to flinch in surprise which in turn caused another jolt of pain throughout his entire body!

"I'm sorry Frederick, I didn't mean to shout...Let me see your mouth?" Blaine whispered softly as he very, very gently reached a hand up to pull Frederick's away from his lips so that he could see inside his mouth. Reluctantly Frederick pulled his hands away as Lance offered his own for his brother to squeeze. Lance winced slightly as his brother squeezed very tightly.

Damn! When did Frederick get so strong?!

Blaine gently cupped his brother's cheek and used his thumb to open his mouth and Blaine almost lost his lunch with all the blood in his brother's mouth originating from his gum and covering his teeth... His teeth? Why do they look!

"GAHHHH!!!" Frederick shrieked as his entire body roared with pain!

"FREDERICK!!!" Gwen ran up to them as Frederick pushed away from Lance and curled up into a ball screaming in pain. "Frederick?! What's wrong?! Where does it hurt?! What do we do?!" Lance and Blaine were trying their best to uncurl Frederick so they could try and figure out what's wrong with their little brother.

"EVERYWHERE!!! IT'S HURTS!!! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!!!" Suddenly Frederick's eyes went red and he let out an ear piercing shriek causing all three to jump up and stagger backwards away from him!


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