Some time after Hisashi was forced back through the portal, everyone seemed to calm down a bit despite the fact that they could still hear the angry mob trying to break in. They wanted to trust that Hisashi's spell will keep anyone from breaking in and didn't want to risk possibly breaking said protection spell by opening the door to even peek out. Fortunately there was a window with curtains that Maria, Lorana, and Miss Molly had been using to do just that, Lorena always having one or two books in hand in case they happened to spot someone trying to climb up. No one has said a word since then...until now.
"Sooo..." Maria started taking a seat next to Blaine, Frederick taking a much needed nap on his lap... or at least trying to, all the screaming of threats and hurtful words made that a little difficult. Blaine stroked his brother's hair as he shook in his lap. "An old imaginary friend that turned out to be an actually mythical- well not all that 'mythical' now japanese multi-tailed fox." She chuckled nervously trying to make a little joke out of it in hopes of lightening the mood... it didn't work, Blaine just shrugged as he simply stared off into nothing still trying to process what had just happened. Of course after discovering that your childhood imaginary friend wasn't so 'imaginary' afterall is a lot to take in. Maria shifted in her spot a little bit unsure of what to say next... "S-so... what was um, what was Hisa-uh or Foxy like?" Blaine didn't reply and just kept staring, "I'll be honest I'm not really sure what to say about all this... I mean finding out your imaginary friend wasn't even 'imaginary' heh, a little crazy huh?" She started playing with her hair. "...There..." Blaine finally spoke "T-there were times... I thought... that I... I've always had these feelings, thoughts that there was more to Foxy than just a friend we would always sneak off to play with?" He paused for a moment stroking Frederick's hair as a small smile slowly began to take form. "And now that I know he was real this whole time... I've always believed that Foxy was just me making up excuses to hangout with my brothers rather than doing my lessons or really anything that didn't involve being with them." Maria tilted her head a little at the odd statement "Really? Why would you think that?" "Because whenever Foxy showed up and wanted to play he always insisted that my brothers should be included every time. Especially Frederick even though he was just a baby when we first met and couldn't really do much." He chuckled a bit. "I figured it out pretty early on that being the oldest and the one to inherit the throne that I would most likely be spending more time studying than being with my brothers... I guess that thought of being so distant from them scared me and I created Foxy as a way to keep that from ever happening." Holding his baby brother closer as the eldest plaid prince stole a glance to his little brother who is currently keeping guard at the door, and couldn't help but smile thinking about all the fun they had in their childhood... all because of Foxy. "And I guess... he didn't want that either." It was still a bit difficult to process but knowing that their childhood best friend was never imaginary, nor did he ever leave them, it made him happy knowing that there was someone out there making sure they stayed close... however?
If Foxy really has been watching over us our whole lives... then he must know how father has been treating us? So... why has he never done anything to stop it? That thought did cause some anger towards their friend if he really was there to protect them, to protect Frederick?... then why allow their father to treat them so poorly?
A loud crashing sound interrupted his thoughts Frederick started shaking even more and gripping his shirt tighter as Blaine pulled him closer into a hug. Lorena swore from her place by the window causing Maria and Miss Molly to jump up from their spots and run to the window. Blaine and Lance both went pale in the face at what Lorena said... "They're in! They just broke through the doors!" "B-Blaine..." Frederick cowered in his brother's arms, his eyes wide with fear and terror as his big brother lovingly stroked his snow white locks. "Shh~it's ok Frederick, everything's going to be ok I promise. No one is going to hurt you, not while I'm around." Blaine had seemed surprisingly calm this entire time but deep down he was just as terrified, maybe even more so. Not wanting to even think of what might happen to his baby brother. But he knew he had to stay strong for both his brothers, I'm the oldest! It's my job to protect them to keep them safe! I can't be losing my shit right now! I have to stay calm if I'm going to get them out of this! Blaine reminded himself as he slowly stood up with Frederick holding very tightly onto him.
Foxy?... If you really are here to protect us then we need you now! Please come back!
Somewhere within the deepest unseen parts of rural Japan...
"YOU FUCKING SENILE IDIOT!!! LET ME OUT OF HERE I NEED TO GET BACK TO THEM ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND!!!" Hisashi was screaming at the top of his lungs having been locked in a cell for hours by his sensei's egotistical, know-it-all and clearly going senile master pulled him back to japan. "I swear you have such a foul mouth child." He stated completely unfazed by the fact that his actions may have just put a lot of kids in serious danger. "Man fuck you! I need to get back to the pastel kingdom do you even know what you just fucking did locking me in here?! Where's sensei?! There's no way she approved this!" Hisashi was screaming desperate to get back to the boys before something bad happened. "If it was my choice I would have sent in a replacement a long time ago. You know exactly why you're here Hisashi, stop acting so immature." The young 4 tailed growled at the 8 tailed elder in front of him. I don't have time to be dealing with this idiot! I don't even know how long my spell will last or if it was even strong enough! That was indeed his first time performing a protection charm and uncertain if it even worked at all... but one thing is certain is that Hisashi knows exactly why he's here...
These old people and their stupid ass rules! So what if I got a little too close to them?! With a father like that those boys need someone to make sure they stay together! Yes. Hisashi was forced back to japan because of his relationship with the plaid brothers. One of the many rules of kitsune guardians, one that is constantly being broken, is that guardians are forbidden from getting too close to their charges. The reason this rule even exists is because of one guardian who became absolutely obsessed with the charge he was given and even tried kidnapping her! And thus this rule was put into place to prevent such an incident from happening ever again... But of course things happen, relationships happen, being romantic or simply mutual, many kitsune guardians have formed great bonds with their charges. And Hisashi's relationship with the plaid brothers is not one that can easily be broken as being with all three princes since birth Hisashi's view of them has always been that... of an older brother.
"Seriously! What's the fucking harm that I see them as my little brothers?! Why does that have to be such a big fucking problem?! It's not like I ever had any plans on kidnapping if that's what you're afraid of!" He snapped at the elder who approached his cell leaning down to glare at him. "Oh really, then what do you call all those times you took the princes and went running off somewhere?" Hisashi glared back "Really old man, name me one person yokai or human that hasn't ditched at least one class in their lives?" before reaching through the bars with one tail and slapping his glasses off out of petty. "Don't bullshit me old man, we all know that my simple attempts at giving the boys at least some semblance of a normal childhood isn't enough to worry the elders to the point where they needed to bring me back." The elder was about to bite back but Hisashi cut him off "And yeah I did screw up revealing myself too early and without sensei, but with the shit they're currently going through right now what did you expect? And the incident at Bluebell's party was just an unexpected slip up. The little kit's transformation just happened sooner than we expected." the elder simply huffed as he adjusted his glasses back into place. "Be that as it may you will not be leaving this cell until the elders have made their decision." As he turned and made his way out, Hisashi screamed at him once again!
The door was closed and Hisashi was left by himself "Fuck! Shit! Damn it!" Swearing as he punched and thrashed his tails around, pacing while ranking his hands through his hair he had to get out here and back to the pastel kingdom before- "Ah!" A sudden shock rushed through his entire body as his ears went flat and eyes widened in fear. "No." That shock... was a signal that his spell had just been broken. "NONONONONO!!!" spinning on his heels and grabbing a hold of the bars started shaking them desperately crying out! "LET ME OUT! PLEASE YOU HAVE TO LET ME OUT THEY NEED ME! LET ME OUT NOW PLEASE! Please please... they need me, my brothers need me." dropping to his knees, tears welling up falling down his cheeks as his desperate pleas went unanswered...
...Back in the Pastel Kingdom...
Unfortunately Hisashi's spell wasn't as strong as they were hoping for because after several tries the mob managed to break through and take everyone hostage dragging them all outside to witness the execution of Prince Frederick. His brothers were screaming, kicking and thrashing all over the place trying their damndest to get free. It got to a point where the ones holding them pushed them to the ground sitting on their backs making it impossible for either prince to get up. Forced to watch as Frederick was dragged out into the courtyard in front of the palace crying and pleading for them to let him go, tears streaming down his cheeks. He didn't want to die! He wasn't ready to die! All Frederick wanted was to wake up from this nightmare. "Please let me go! I didn't mean to hurt anyone I'm sorry!" Fighting to get out of their grip as the leader slowly approached with a large sword in hand! "DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HIM!!!" "LET HIM GO OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU!!" Blaine and Lance screamed at the top of their lungs unable to get free from their captors, Blaine's heart was beating a mile a minute, an anger boiling up inside him, one that you'd never imagine to be humanly possible. "I'm sorry please I didn't mean for any of this to happen, it just did! Please let me go." Frederick pleaded only for the leader to laugh right in his face "Yeah sure things like you 'never' mean to hurt anyone or cause any trouble. Hah! As if we're going to believe a monster like you!" Frederick froze at the word 'monster' "N-no no I'm not..." "Besides, your family should be thanking me," Giving the terrified prince a maniacal smile as he raised his sword high. "I'm doing them a favor who in their right mind would want a monster like you in their family." Frederick went quiet as if he was actually considering the man's words to be true "Goodbye freak-" "NO!" Blaine was not letting this happen, adrenaline rushing through his body as he unlocked a new strength he never knew he had... until now! In a matter of seconds Blaine had turned and bitten the arm of the woman holding him by the shoulder, she flinched back giving him enough leverage to pull him arm free and send a punch to the man on top of him! Rolling onto his back now on top of the guy sent two kicks at the others who tried to grab him, one in the stomach the other right in the face breaking their nose on impact. Getting to his feet and running full speed at the sword wielding maniac, ignoring everyone screaming for him to stop, tackling the man to the ground. "I won't let you kill my brother you hear me! I'd rather die before I let that happen!" Blaine screamed at the man grabbing the collar of his shirt with a look of absolute restrained rage on his face... the man however simply laughed. "That can be arranged."
Time seemed to slow down at what happened next everyone starred in absolute horror as the man drove his sword into Blaine's stomach! Maria screamed Jamie covering Gwen's eyes, Lance and Frederick starred in silent disbelief at the sight before them,,, without hesitation and a smile on his face. This man- no this psycho had just stabbed their older brother with no second thought! Tears ran down Lance's cheeks, unable to look away watching in horror and heartache his big brother being tossed to the side like garbage as the man stood tall raising his bloody sword once again ready to strike down his baby brother next. "NO!" The pain in his scream resinated in the air as Lance begged struggling desperately to break free, pleading for the would-be assassin to stop and spare his baby brother, begging someone to stop him. A severely pissed off Lorena being held back by her father and Miss Molly, one of the guard's batons in hand ready to beat the ever living shit out of that psychopath. Not only for what he's just done to Blaine... but Gwen, one of her precious siblings, is now crying because of him, that alone is an act of war! Unfortunately for Lorena... someone beat her to it!
As just like before Frederick's eyes went red...
Except this time it wasn't just his pupils, Frederick's eyes had gone completely red! Letting out a roar of absolute rage, sorrow and grief, losing himself to his curse as his feral side took over once again his tails grabbing a hold of the two villagers holding him down lifting them up and sending them flying through the air crashing into trees so hard they left a sizable blood stain before hitting the ground unmoving as life escaped their bodies. Many screams of terror as the mob quickly disbanded people running away in fear as the feral prince stood over his injured brother glaring at his assailant with such an unbridled rage it frightened even his own friends.
Except for Gwen, who feared not Frederick's rage but for what she knew was about to happen... "Let me go Maria please we have to stop him!" "Gwen no! Remember what happened last time you can't get too close to him like this!" Maria was holding her baby sister tightly in her arms as Gwen tried desperately to get free and run to Frederick "You don't get it Maria! He already thinks he's cursed if we don't stop him this will just make it worse!" Gwen fought back with tears in her eyes trying to push Maria away squirming to get out of her grip. She knew Frederick was still harboring some guilt about hurting Lance and his father, if he did what she knew was about to happen it would only add to the guilt and result in something much worse. "Gwen I get it! I understand you want to help but think about yourself right now! You can get hurt too!" "I DON'T CARE! I DON'T WANT FREDERICK TO HATE HIMSELF!!!" Her scream, though Maria did admire her love for Frederick, not caring about her own safety however resulted in Maria tightening her grip.
At this point while Frederick and the man had merely been glaring at each other, teeth bared and sword in hand just waiting for one of them to make the first move, Frederick lost patience and jumped tackling the man to the ground, unable to hear Gwen's voice screaming for him to stop pinned the man down, one tail ripping the sword out of his hands... Before driving his bare teeth down right into the man's neck! Maria covered Gwen's eyes, she and her father turning her siblings away from the gruesome scene. Screams of terror and agony filled the ears of everyone around them as Frederick squeezed harder and harder, his feral side having full control unable to stop himself as he snapped his neck straight up ripping off a huge chuck of the man's neck with him!
...Everything went silent as the once quiet Prince Frederick now covered in another man's blood standing over the now deceased corpse of the man who had just harmed his big brother...
"Frederick..." The ones holding Lance down retreated in fear as soon as Frederick got loose allowing the second eldest prince to approach his little brother in an attempt to calm him down. "L-little bro, hey it's ok its me Lance... you know you're big brother." Hands up and visible, Lance took slow careful steps towards Frederick being very careful not to frighten him, ignoring the fact that his heart was beating a mile a minute after what he'd just witnessed. Frederick turned towards his older brother as he began slowly approaching himself, his mind still filled with so much feral rage, eyes glowing a dark red, bloody teeth bared and growling fiercely glaring at Lance as if he was his next target. But of course Lance was not going anywhere, with Blaine badly injured he was the only one left who might be able to snap Frederick out of this state.
The feral prince now having given some distance between him and Blaine, Maria quickly shoved Gwendolyn into their father's arms before running to Blaine's side, clenching his stomach wound grimaced moaning in pain as Maria placed a hand under his neck the other on his shoulder, being as gentle as humanly possible very slowly rolling him onto his back. Maria had to fight back the urge to vomit at the sight of all that blood, focusing on Blaine's pale pained filled eyes as she quickly pulled off her cardigan balling it up Blaine let out a small grunt of pain as Maria applied pressure to the wound. While Lance was handling Frederick, King Jack ordered Miss Molly and anyone who hadn't been knocked out during the invasion to hurry and get the doctors out here to help attend to Prince Blaine as well as leading the rest of his children back inside away from the gruesome scene.
Beckett, being one of the guards still conscious and a bit rattled by what he'd just witnessed, did his best to assist his fellow guards back to the common rooms to be tended to. Though he couldn't help but worry about Prince Blaine, now starting to rethink everything he had originally thought of the 'selfish' prince. He didn't hesitate to jump in to save his brother even though he had to have known he'd get seriously hurt. But Prince Blaine's condition wasn't the only thing he worried about? And... Did- did I see Dad a part of that group?!...
After getting most of the injured out of the way and now having a more quiet environment Frederick seemed to calm down from his feral state as his eyes returned to their original green coloring. His head was really spinning this switch in personas was a lot stronger than the first one and left him slightly dazed. Agh...! Nonono! Not again! And why was this one so much worse?! My head is killing me what even happened this- BLAINE!!! The realization hit hard, as did the strange feeling of something wet around his mouth? As Frederick spun around to find Blaine lying on the ground pale faced and bleeding from his stomach Maria along with many other palace staff surrounding him preparing to transport him inside. The memory of what had just transpired resurfaced, however everything went blank after Blaine was stabbed. It was at this moment Frederick felt the wetness of his face and the strange taste of copper hit his senses hard, his heart dropping to the pit of his stomach. It wasn't that hard to realize what the taste was. No... Nonononono please tell me I didn't! Nervous and terrified slowly lifted a shaky hand to swipe at his mouth but curiosity beat him to the punch as halfway there Frederick ever so slightly glanced down. No... No! Please don't let that be what I think it is! Face went pale as his stomach churned, tears welling up in his eyes not wanting to believe what he was seeing. Please no! Please no!!! Whipping his head around ignoring all the stares that were being given to him as the young plaid prince desperately searched for any proof that what he was believing to be false... Sadly that was not the case as his frightened green eyes locked onto the now deceased body of the man that tried to murder him, unable to look away staring at the large bloody wound where his throat had been ripped out. Oh God! His stomach did a flip as the young prince bent over and emptied the contents of his stomach right then and there. NO!!! Nonono this can't be happening this can't be real!!! What have I done? What have I done!!! I- n- no I...I killed someone! Hugging himself too lost in the horrors of his own actions to notice his brother Lance slowly approaching him, until he felt his brother's gentle hand touch his shoulder. Slowly fearfully turning to face him tears in his eyes as Lance's own eyes bore a look of fear, sorrow, uncertainty, but most of all sadness and concern for his baby brother. "F-Frederick? It... It's ok it wasn't-" "NO! IT IS MY FAULT!!! I- I'M A MURDERER!!! I KILLED SOMEONE!!!!" Frederick screamed at him which caused Lance to flinch back but only for a second as Frederick made a move as if he was going to run. No! I'm not going to lose him again! Lance lunged forward pulling Frederick into a tight hug! "No! No Lance let go! I can't be here! I could kill someone else! LET ME GO!!!" Frederick twisted and turned fighting to get out of his brother's grip to get as far away as possible! Not wanting to hurt let alone kill another living person, but Lance was not having it. He couldn't do anything to help his brother before and he was powerless to stop him from running off the first time... but Lance knew. He knew that if he let Frederick leave this time,,, he'd never see his little brother again.
There's no way Frederick would ever come back after this. He would lose his baby brother forever! "Not happening Frederick! I'm not letting you leave this time!" "I'm a monster! A murderer! Let me go let me go ! I don't want to hurt anyone else!" "No you're not! You're not a monster Frederick! It's going to be ok, we can fix this, we can figure something out!" Never letting go holding his baby brother close to him as Frederick pushed against his chest tears streaming down his cheeks desperate to get away before he hurt someone again, begging and screaming for Lance to let him go! "Please Lance please I...I-" You're a monster Frederick! That's all you'll ever be! They'll never love you! The voice of his own darker self echoed in his head, Don't listen to him Frederick! He's lying! When out of nowhere a new lighter kinder voice resonated inside! Frederick froze at the sound of this new voice, W-what?! Who are you?! Feeling his baby brother's struggles come to a halt, Lance let out a breath raising a hand to stroke his brother's hair as he whispered in his ear. Just look at him Frederick! Listen to his voice! If your brother truly has no love for you then why is he stopping you from leaving?! Why is he hugging you so tight! Frederick thought about the words about what the voice was telling him. Oh please, ha! You just murdered someone in cold blood! His darker self reminded him, causing the young prince to shake and shiver, however... You were scared, he hurt your brother and he was going to kill you! Frederick please, just take a moment and listen to your brother's words.
"It's ok Frederick, it's going to be ok. I'm here for you baby brother, I know you're scared but I'm not letting you run away again. I won't lose you not again. Please Frederick we love you and Blaine he's going to be ok I promise!... Please Frederick!" Listening to Lance's words hearing the pain and desperation in his voice Frederick felt his own heart breaking, "Lance and Blaine are my brothers! They love me! They would never abandon me!" Remembering his own words back then as his hands slowly closed in around his brother's blood stained jacket. "I- I..." Struggling to speak, his breathing getting harder faster, one very long minute passed before young Frederick buried his tear-stricken face into his brother's already tethered jacket! Holding on for dear life as he screamed into his chest "I don't want to leave! I don't wanna be alone Lance but I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me! I don't know what to do! I'M SCARED LANCE!!! I'm just so scared, please help!!!" He cried and sobbed shaking as Lance continued stroking his hair doing his best to comfort his terrified baby brother. "I know Frederick I know I promise it'll be ok you'll be ok. I'll always be right by your side I'm not going anywhere baby brother. I promise I will protect you."
I can do this! I'm the strong one afterall the brave one!... I have to- NO! I need to be strong...
For them...
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