I Need Her
...Later that night...
So warm. Blaine sighed in content snuggling closer to the warm, furry blanket...when it hit him. Wait! I didn't bring a blanket?! Very slowly and cautiously cracked one eye open and to his shock found Frederick asleep next to him with both tails wrapped around his body! Now you would expect Blaine to be happy that his brother finally accepted him but no, the fact that this happened so soon made him nervous. Taking a deep breath, careful not to wake him, Blaine reached out to Maria.
(Maria! Maria wake up!)
(W-What is Blaine?! What happened?!) Maria shot up from her bed with concern written all over her face!
(I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but Frederick is currently asleep next to me right now?!) (How close?) (Close enough to wrap his tails around me like a makeshift blanket, not that I'm complaining though.) (What?! That's not right?! He shouldn't have gotten close to you that quickly?!) (What does this mean?) (I honestly don't know? It should have taken more time for you to even be allowed to touch him?!) (But is it good or bad? Why do you think this is happening now?)
(...hm? I'm not 100% certain about this, but maybe?...) (Maybe what?) (Perhaps his memories are coming back sooner than expected? Maybe this 'feral' state was just a short faze?) (What?) (I don't know curses Blaine, this is the only thing I can think of that makes even a little bit of sense.) (...I still don't believe that someone would curse Frederick.) (I know Blaine, I mean Frederick is really sweet I can't think of any reason why someone would curse him?)
Blaine of course never told anyone about what Frederick said about Gwen's appearance, except when their father pretty much forced him to tell. Father may be an ass, but not even he would curse his own son...But... Blaine started to think, (Maria, what if...what if this isn't a curse?)
Maria laid back and Blaine closed his eyes, no reason they can't continue their conversation while getting a good night's sleep. (Huh? What do you mean by that?) (...) Blaine was hesitant at first (Maria...have you ever heard of the Kitsune?) ...
(I don't know Blaine, it seems like a bit of a stretch don't you think?) Maria replied after Blaine explained his theory. (I know but now that I think about it...If this really was a fox curse his fur would be red or orange and most importantly he would have only 'one' tail! Maria how many foxes have you seen with 'two tails? And the story says that only those who are born with great wisdom and power are gifted the kitsune gene. And Frederick is the smartest one in the family.) (Well none and yes Frederick is indeed smart...but still it sounds like it was just a fairy tale.) (Sigh...Maybe you're right, maybe I'm just overthinking things.) (Get some sleep Blaine and let me know how Frederick reacts when he wakes up.) (Ok. Sorry to wake you.) (It's alright, get some sleep.)
"Ehehe kid, you have no idea how right you are." Came the mysterious male voice from behind the trees.
Once morning came Blaine was surprised to see that Frederick barely reacted at all and instead started purring. ( Eeeee!!! He Can Purr!) Maria squealed after hearing Frederick's reaction when he woke up and Blaine couldn't help react himself to hearing his brother's purring, can you blame him though something like that is too cute to resist.
(He seems to trust me now Maria, do you think he would follow me back home if I tried.) (Blaine slow down, remember what I said earlier.) (Don't think too far ahead or I might do something that risks losing his trust all together.) Blaine resisted Maria's warning as Frederick rested his head on Blaine's lap, one tail wrapped around Blaine's wrist, something he started doing the second he woke up.
Why do I feel so close to him all of a sudden? And what are these strange images I keep seeing of us and a blue one together. During the night Frederick had been getting random flashbacks of his childhood, mostly ones with his brothers. The red one's name is 'Blaine' the blue one is 'Lance' and they keep calling me 'Frederick'...Is that my name? ...
After a couple hours though the memories started getting a little too uncomfortable as way too many of them started coming at once and Frederick started groaning in pain.
"Oh boy, hey Sensei?" The voice gesture next to him.
"I see my student, it looks as though the climax of the potion is beginning to really take effect. Sadly this is where it's going to get...rather painful for the young kit. Let's just hope his brother can keep him calm."
Mmh-ngh! Too many! Frederick was in so much pain, his head was killing him and the memories just won't stop coming.
"Come on Frederick! You can do it little brother, one step after the other" Young Blaine encouraged as he and young Lance held their toddler brother's hands helping him to walk towards their mother as she cheered him on.
"Las! Las!" Baby Frederick squealed excitedly reaching up to Younger Lance as Younger Blaine laughed "No Frederick, it's 'Lance' can you say 'Lance'?" Younger Blaine tried to correct holding his baby brother in his lap. "Las! Las!" "Hehe! It's ok Blaine, he'll figure it out soon enough." Younger Lance laughed as he reached over and patted baby Frederick's head.
It wouldn't be so bad if the memories came one at a time instead of all at once, after all Frederick did like what he was seeing, he would enjoy them more if they weren't causing him so much pain. Blaine on the other hand was at a loss, he didn't know what to do!
Come on Blaine think! Think! Frederick was curled up on his lap groaning and moaning in pain, Blaine was about to cry seeing him like this.
I could try the massage again?...I know it didn't work last time but maybe it'll work this time? That was the only solution he could think of...taking a deep breath and pulling his baby brother closer held Frederick close as he slowly reached a hand to his head.
"It's going to be ok Frederick, I know you're in pain right now but maybe this will help." And started to gently massage his brother's scalp carefully stroking his fingers between Frederick's messy snow white hair/fur? Before taking a deep breath and reciting The Tiniest Prince, since Frederick would often read his books out loud, Blaine has memorized both of his brother's favorite books by heart.
His voice is so comforting, and this story...why does it sound so familiar? Fredrick was trying his hardest to at least focus on one memory at a time...but it wasn't working. Then came the memories of...Gwen.
"Gwendolyn is really ugly!"
Huh? Why did I say that, wait she's that green one! Frederick was shuffling around trying to calm down and focus on Blaine's voice, and fortunately that allowed him to concentrate a little more on Gwen's memories.
W-why does she look so scary? Is she a threat?!...no wait.
The memories started out at first with Frederick's constant misunderstanding of Gwen...before they began to show the more recent memories and Frederick's current view of Gwen. The one that quickly changed his opinion on her was when he almost fell off the cliff near her palace and she was struggling to pull him up. He remembered getting scared and scratching her hand and how she grabbed him again to save him, despite the fact that he had just hurt her.
"Your hand's bleeding!! Gwendolyn, let go!!"
"No, it's ok! But... I can't lift you up any farther... You'll have to pull yourself up from here..."
No! She's not a threat! She got hurt because of me! And she still didn't hesitate to save me!
She...she's... Then came when they were in the library
"Well then, I say that's their loss. And I care about you." And then it finally clicked!
I need her! She can save me! Frederick suddenly jumped up, knocking Blaine over!
I need to find her!!!
"...G-Gwen..." and since he first transformed Frederick finally spoke.
"Frederick! Come back!-" Wait?! Realizing what he had just heard H-He...He finally spoke?!
Blaine got to his feet and ran towards his palace. Could it be that Maria was right?! Was this all just temporary and he's finally remembering who he is?! Blaine headed straight for the royal stables.
He said Gwen! He has to be heading to the Pastel Kingdom! I have to warn Maria, she needs to tell their guards not to hurt him! (Maria! Maria! Can you hear me?!)
Blaine saddled up the nearest horse and was about to head out when Lance entered.
"Blaine? What's wrong, I thought you were still with Frederick in the forest?" This was the first time Blaine had seen Lance since Frederick ran off over a week ago, so of course he was shocked to see him here. "Lance, what are you doing here?" Blaine was on the horse and out the barn as Lance rubbed his nearly healed shoulder, his eyes bloodshot a clear sign that he had been crying. "I've been worried about Frederick so I was hanging out by the forest waiting for you to come back so I can ask you how he was doing...then I saw you running out and you look really upset...Blaine-" Lance hesitated tears returning to his eyes "Di-Did something happen to Frederick?"
Blaine hesitated at first, he knew as soon as he told Lance what happened Lance would insist on joining him, and honestly Blaine had no time to argue. Maria had not responded to him yet, and she always did everytime he called her meaning the telepathy spell had worn off and he had no way of warning her of Frederick's current state. Taking a deep breath Blaine held out a hand and motioned for Lance to get on the horse.
"Climb on, I'll explain everything on the way." Lance didn't even question it and climbed up holding tightly onto Blaine as the horse took off. "Blaine?! Where are we going?!" Lance asked, beginning to get a little inpatient.
"To the Pastel Kingdom! Frederick's headed there right now!"
Frederick was running through the forest panting heavily, his head feeling like it's about to explode! Please stop! Too much too much! Please slow down.
All the memories were going so fast that now he can't even tell what they were, it was all just a huge blurr going through his in a constant stream. Please stop, too much can't think!
"G-Gwen...need to find." Frederick was whimpering as his mind swam with memories, slowing to a weak walk as he desperately tried to drag himself onward. He was somewhere near the border before collapsing, covering his head with his claws as he curled into a ball unable to go any farther as he started getting dizzy, his vision blurr as he slowly drifted into unconsciousness.
The last thing he saw was a pair of black boots coming his way...
...The Pastel Palace...
Blaine and Lance arrived at the Pastel Palace somewhere after noon, however when they arrived there was no sign that Frederick was even here. Ignoring the front door guards, the two brothers ran into the castle calling for the princesses.
"Maria, Lorena, Gwendolyn!"
They ran up the flight of stairs to be met by Gwen at the top steps, "Lance, Blaine? Is something wrong, we weren't expecting you today-" she was interrupted as Blaine grabbed her by the shoulders looking straight in the eyes "Gwendolyn, please tell me, have you seen Frederick at all today?!" "What? Frederick, no why? I thought he was still in the forest by your palace?" Gwen asked, beginning to worry, and at that point the rest of her family appeared after hearing the prince's shouting.
Blaine explained to them what had happened with Frederick and his current state, of course Blaine had to reassure King Jack that he does not believe Frederick wants to harm Gwen but simply needs to see her.
"I believe Maria was right when she assumed that this 'feral' state was just temporary and his memories are beginning to resurface, and that his memories of Gwendolyn and the pain he's feeling right now had led Frederick to seek comfort in Gwendolyn." Blaine explained.
"But does he even remember the way to get here?" Lorena asked as the group were now seated in the living room continuing their conversation. "I'm not sure...but I really hope so, and that he's not just wandering around lost somewhere." Lance sulked as he rubbed his slightly aching shoulder, Lorena rubbed his back as he tried to comfort him."
"Don't worry Lance," Gwen said. "I'm sure Frederick knows where he's going, he's probably just exhausted and resting somewhere. And Maria, didn't you say that animals use scent to find their way around?"
Everyone went quiet for a minute...before Maria and Lorena started giggling.
"Gwennie," Maria smirked. "You do realize you just said that Frederick is using your scent to find his way here." Lance chuckled a little "And that Frederick is basically sniffing you out." Lorena burst out laughing as Gwen went red in the face.
...Just outside the Pastel Kingdom...
It was late afternoon somewhere just outside the border of the Pastel Kingdom, the sun had just gone down when Frederick finally woke up, his 'feral' state seems to have finally passed. Both fortunately and unfortunately Frederick still remembers everything that had happened during that time...especially what he did to Lance and Frederick had woken up crying tears streaming down his cheeks not wanting to believe any of it.
I-I...What have I done?!
Still unaware of the stranger sitting across from the fire next to him.
What even happened to me?!
Finally sitting up stared at his new furry claw, in his mind he could see the blood on them and Lance's terrified face he could still hear his painful scream, his lips quivering as he tried not to burst into another fit of tears when-
"Um...excuse me?"
Frederick jumped and whipped around still crouched on all four, ears flat against his head, tails wagging fiercely behind him, whimpering as he finally acknowledged his companion.
Great! Just great! Not only have I turned into...I don't even know what?! Hurt my brother, having spent over a week in the forest, but now I'm in the middle of somewhere...
Shaking as he took in the man's appearance, tall somewhere around 6 foot, well built, white hair with pale almost white skin...and strange black marking on his cheeks? And a very calm yet frightening expression on his face.
With a giant terrifying looking man...who could definitely kill me with one hit, but...
"Hey...Are you hungry?"
Frederick rose slightly clearly very confused as the stranger held in his hand a bowl of some kind of stew that smelt rather tasty.
"Your pet llama already had one while you were passed out."
Wait what?!
Frederick wiped his head around to indeed find Laverne cowering behind him, her frightened gaze fixed on the stranger in front of them.
What? Did...did she follow me all the way here? Why?
Thanks to King Leland's pampering, Laverne has become possibly the most spoiled llama ever known, it was very unlike her to do something like this...
His growling stomach snapped him back to reality, and despite his fear Frederick was really hungry and Laverne had an empty bowl in front of her. And aside from being understandably nervous of the stranger in front of them, she seemed fine, so Frederick reached over and took the bowl from him with a quiet thanks as he began to eat.
Wow?! This isn't half bad.
The taste wasn't all that special but it was a little better than he expected. And despite the fact that his legs were stuck in a position where he still has to walk on all fours, at least his hands are still somewhat human so that he can still use his hands to eat.
"He seems really nice and is even sharing his food with us...!!!"
Frederick decided to question why his 'supposedly' spoiled llama followed him here later and focused more on the stranger in front of them. "I also just boiled some hot water for some tea if you'd like some." He held up two small bags of tea in each hand "Do you prefer chamomile? Or ginger root?" gesturing to each one.
...I've never met someone so intimidatingly hospitable...
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