Hisashi & Realization

"Um,...I think we're both good, thank you." Unlike Laverne, Frederick had calmed down realizing that Whitney was no threat...neither unaware of a fourth companion.

"Hisashi, how is he doing?" The mystery female voice 'Sensei' asked her young student Now Hisashi, "No need to worry Sensei, looks like this guy is no threat to Frederick." Hisashi gave a wave of his red furry paw reassuring his Sensei. "Good, now remember you are only allowed to interfere if Frederick is in danger." Hisashi laughed a little "Sensei! You've told me that like 5 times already! I promise I won't do anything that I don't need to do!" "Alright then Hisashi, I'm trusting you, good luck." "Thanks Sensei." Hisashi was sitting on top of a tree several feet away from them, keeping himself invisible as he watched the two conversed.

"...I wouldn't want to subject a kid to such a grueling tale right now." Whitney held his head down as both Frederick and Hisashi stared at him curiously. "But to put it lightly..." looking up to give Frederick direct eye contact "I used to be a really bad person..." Hisashi's ears perked up at this as he listened in, of course saying something like that would make anyone suspicious.

"...I was a person who spiraled out of control in pursuit of getting everything I thought I was entitled to." Whitney sulked in shame as he thought back to what he had done to Calpernia. "It got to a point where I didn't care if it ruined people's lives...or if it almost cost me my own."

Damn dude! What the hell did you even do?! Hisashi thought as he continued listening in.

"That's just the way things were in my family." Both boys were shocked to hear this. Wait what?! Hisashi leaned over as if he needed to be closer to hear even better than he already can, ears perked up as he listened closer, curious and a little concerned as to what this guy's family had taught him.

"We were taught to always defeat anyone who stood in our way and to take what we wanted...Especially from each other." WHAT?! Hisashi's teeth clenched, snarling, his four tails wagged fiercely, yeah he was definitely pissed. You're supposed to teach your children to be fair and kind to each other! Not to turn your backs on each other just to get what you want?! Just hearing that, Hisashi was already concerned about Whitney's family. "Then I got these stripes and had to immediately abandon my home forever. I was forced to leave behind all the titles, possessions, and comforts I grew up with..." Whitney raised a hand to caress his tiger striped cheek. "...but also all the toxic habits I grew up with too. And eventually I realized I was much better off without any of them." That's good, at least he knows he's better off without his toxic family...though I can't help but feel like I'm jumping to conclusions. "The endless competitions and comparisons..." Sensei says I should always hear both sides of the story...but? "The violent, gladiator-style fights to win Father's affection each week..." Uh... and just like Frederick, Hisashi went pale trying to comprehend what he had just heard. "The contest to see which son could most effectively torture political prisoners..." Huh?! Face now green, ears flat against his head as he started to shake. "Oh! Did you have to recite those daily Machiavellian chants too?" S-Sensei~ Hisashi was now shaking like a leaf. "I heard Hisashi...just pray to Inari we never run into them." Sensei too sounded just as horrified.

"Um, to be honest, listening to you kinda makes me feel like a jerk for ever complaining about my dad." Frederick scratched the back of his neck, still a bit shaken by Whitney's story. "Sure, I feel like a disappointment to him all the time, but there were no...um, gladiator fights..." "Your name is Frederick, right?" Whitney inquired, finally pulling off his hood, "You know, getting these stripes on my face wasn't what made me change my outlook. It was due to the guidance of some very kind people I met that I could start to set my life straight." Whitney held up a finger as if he was about to give some wise words "So, allow me to pass along some kind words I heard. --They're also coincidently the same words I wish I could tell my father when he had me and my siblings see who could torture prisoners better:" Hisashi shuddered Can he please stop talking about that! "Pain is not a competition." Heh, now these guys I'd like to meet. Hisashi relaxed a little as he layed back down on the tree branch. "It is also not what you look like on the outside but who you are on the inside." Frederick perked up at this, during their conversation Frederick had explained to Whitney what had happened the last week and a half, including Lance and his father. "The painful emotions you feel are valid, Frederick. But you get to choose when you're ready to heal from them and change your story."

This is the weirdest dude I've ever met... Both Frederick and Hisashi thought in unison as Hisashi laid on the tree branch tails and a leg hanging off as he continued to tiredly watch the two converse... He couldn't help but chuckle as Frederick got flustered when Whitney asked him why he was traveling. What's the matter, kit? Don't wanna admit that you were so desperate to see your girlfriend that you ran out without thinking! "Sorry that's another consequence of this cur--I mean these tiger stripes...I became really keen at sensing fear and panic in others." Ok, is this guy part tiger or something?!...And it sounded like he was going to say something else? "Y-you know, actually, I feel really refreshed after that stew!" Frederick stood up abruptly, "So I think we're just gonna head back home now!!" Using his tails to scoop up Laverne, "Let's go, Laverne" "Bleaaat!" Much to her dislike. Ah! Here we go! Hisashi stood up as he saw Frederick was ready to leave...he relaxed after Whitney convinced them to stay the night.

...1 hour later...

Can that guy stop staring like that?! It's seriously creeping me out!!! Hisashi had tried turning around hoping that not seeing would help to ignore the fact that Whitney was staring out in random directions, despite even knowing that he cannot be seen sadly did not make sleep any easier...

...The next morning...

When Frederick awoke, though slightly annoyed to find Laverna sleeping on top of him found that surprisingly she wasn't as heavy as she used to be, using his tails to pick her up and set her down next to him. He stood up and stretched before catching a whiff of something... something that also awoke Hisashi.

Mmm...Something smells great! Hisashi's nose wrinkled as he caught a whiff and cracked open an eye to see that Whitney had caught a deer and was cooking some of its meat over a freshly lit fire. He stood up from his tree branch stretching as he shook the tangles out of his tails, taking a swipe at his face with a paw before eyeballing the abandoned deer carcass, licking his lips as his tails wagged behind him. Hisashi no. Sensei's voice echoed in his ear as Hisashi's ears flattened. Aww, come on Sensei! It's still fresh! Hisashi whined as he slumped on his tree branch. And they would notice if it suddenly disappeared. Hisashi gave a small pout as his tails seized wagging. Look, Hisashi, Whitney is obviously no threat. Take a break, clean up in the river and catch yourself some breakfast. I will inform you if Frederick decides to leave. Hisashi quickly perked up Really! Sensei arigatō! Hisashi gladly hopped out of his tree, still invisible, heading away from the two and off to clean up and catch some food...

Feeling that he was far enough away from the two Hisashi finally made himself visible, looking very similar in appearance to Frederick, well his fox parts at least. Slightly pale skin tone with bright red fur, small tips of white on the ends of his four tails, claws and a diamond shaped patch on his back. His hair was about shoulder length and just a little bit spikey at the ends. His dark eyes spotted a small river just ahead of him as he trotted over and jumped right in...once finished bathing shook himself before using his flames to dry out the rest of his fur. Hisashi is a 'Kasai' , a fire type kitsune. There are 13 types of kitsunes, Tengoku(heaven), Kukan(dark), Kaze(wind), Seishin(spirit), Kasai(fire), Chikyu(earth), Kawa(river), Umi(ocean), Yama(mountain), Mori(forest), Sanda(Thunder), Jikan(time), and the Ongaku(Sound). There is not much known about kasai, but it is believed that their ability to control fire is due to their omnivorous diet which allows them to adapt and thrive in different environments. Or perhaps it is simply an adaptation to their environment, a way to keep warm in cold environments and ward off predators.

Once dry Hisashi scanned the area carefully, sniffing the air to find his closest meal...Oh! His ears perked up as he caught a whiff of a jaguar! Perfect! I always loved a good chase! Great way to work up an appetite! Hisashi always preferred to go after larger and faster animals for his meals, not only were they a lot more filling then the other smaller animals, but the chase and often fights helped him to improve a bit on his hunting skills. Alright... Hisashi licked his lips as he made his way to his morning breakfast. Kari o hajimemashou. (Let the hunt begin.) The jaguar was lying down licking its paws, when it caught a whiff of its visitor and quickly stood up turning to Hisashi's direction ready to fight...until it took another sniff and his scent made the jaguar nervous. Crouched down in the grass Hisashi grinned when he saw the jaguar's ears flattened as he started to back away. "That's it buddy, go ahead start running." It turned and took off, Hisashi leaned forward before leaping from the grass and started in a pursuit of the fastest animal in the world...or not. Yeah, it didn't take long for Hisashi to catch up, swiping at the jaguar's hind leg causing it to stumble a bit to where Hisashi leaped forward and clapped his jaws into the animal's backside. It let out a yowl crumbling to the ground as it turned to swipe at his face causing him to jump back a little but Hisashi was quick to wrap a tail around its midsection. Pulling it close as Hisashi clamped his jaws tightly around the jaguar's neck, not letting go squeezing harder until...snap! it finally stopped moving. "Wahoo! Hisashi 1 Jaguar 0!" Hisashi cheered for himself as he laid down and began to dig in.

...Don't worry guys I won't go into any details, so in the meantime let's check back in on Frederick and Whitney...

Frederick still wasn't quite sure if he should continue on to the Pastel Kingdom or just head back home, he was certain of one thing that his brothers have to be at the Pastel Palace by now. They have to be worried, wondering where I am...but... Frederick glanced down at his 'claws' once more as his chest tightened and tears threatened to fall. But after what I did to Lance...Blaine stayed with me in that forest for over a week, but Lance...H-he- Frederick sucked in a breath as tears filled his eyes. He-He has to be scared of me after that. And I wouldn't blame him! Frederick wiped away the tears that threatened to fall, he wasn't sure what to do. I can't face him after that! And I can't go home either after I did the same thing to father! And Gwen! I tried to hurt her too! I can't go to the Pastel Kingdom either!

Unable to stop it Frederick burst into a fit of tears! "I don't know! I didn't even know what I was thinking coming here! I was so confused then, but now I'm even more confused!" Frederick struggled to wipe away the tears that just wouldn't stop. "I can't go home! I hurt my family and I tried to hurt my friend too! I can't face her, I can't face any of them after everything I've done! I can't go anywhere not like this! I have no home! I'M A MONSTER!!!" Frederick wailed, tears streaming down his cheeks!

"Oh,...well I can help with that if you want." Whitney stated unusually calm to the situation. "Huh?" Frederick looked up, still trying to wipe away his tears. "I can show you one of the things I learned from the people who took me in after I left my kingdom." "What?...Really?" Frederick took a moment to completely dry his tears. "You know...You keep saying you were this awful person or whatever, but you turned your life around after meeting these amazing people. Who are they...?" Whitney put a finger to his chin and thought "Hmm, I guess I would describe them as...beings that I couldn't even believe existed when I was younger..."

Beings that he couldn't believe existed when he was younger? Frederick raised an eyebrow in confusion. They sound like mythical or even magical...mythical? Frederick suddenly thought of something but that thought was quickly interrupted when Whitney continued speaking... Once again, even though he seems odd, I can really relate to what he says sometimes... Frederick thought as he listened to Whitney's story "All the horrible things I used to think...All the regretful things I've done..." "..." "All the torturing of others in the torture dungeon,-" And once again Frederick went pale as Whitney reminded him yet again just how insane his family is. NOPE, I take it back again...!! "UGHH, ok ok! I get it!! Jeez!!"

"Anyways, I learned that those memories aren't trying to hurt us." Whitney continued on with his explanation. "But they can get a little out of control and fill our heads with thoughts that aren't useful to us anymore." Frederick looked back up at this, "So if you can clear some of that clutter away, you can sometimes start to see what's really in front of you in a different light." "...H-how would I even do that?"

"By sitting and making some room...would you like to try?"...

...After calming down completely, Frederick moved to sit down with Whitney in a more spacious part of their camp. "It may not be right for everyone, and it will be hard at first, but the more you do it, the easier it will get." Frederick tilted his head "But for starters...just close your eyes and sit quietly." as he watched Whitney close his eyes and take a deep breath, before doing the same "...Uh...ok."

...loser loser loser... "...Hm?"


"AAH...!!" Frederick's eyes shot open, before sulking in his spot "...Um...I don't like this." Whitney turned confused when he heard Frederick shout "There's a very mean voice in there. I-it's kinda always there, but I'm pretty good at blocking it out usually. Not if I do this, though..." And now there's something worse... Whitney thought for a second "Hm...do it just once more if you can. But this time, try to listen to where the voice is coming from." Frederick seemed very nervous. "And if you do meet the source...be kind." 'Meet the source...?!' What is he talking about...? And confused... "Uh...sure just once more." He took a deep breath and let it out before trying once again...

LOSER LOSER LOSER FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE!!! Frederick shuddered as he listened to the voice trying not to run away this time... "...?" Only to look to his right and find a younger version of himself sitting in a trunk repeating the same two words over and over again... So after having a talk with his very rude younger self... "There's no time for books and hobbies anyway! We have to catch up to Blaine and Lance!" Younger Frederick shouted to where Frederick just cocked his head in confusion. "Um...do we really though? I mean I know they still go along with those ridiculous ideas of father wanting them to be perfect, but they don't really care about those things honestly. And they..." Frederick finally gave a small smile "They still care about us." Then Younger Frederick retorted "Yeah! They're the only ones who give a crap about us while to father we're nothing but the family failure!! He doesn't even want to be associated with us!" that smile faltered

"And after what you've done to your own brother," Frederick froze a chill going up his spine as a new darker scarier voice joined in. "Your 'oh so loving brothers' will soon feel the same." He turned to find another figure entering the room, it was of him in his current state...except his appearance was far more frightening! His claws and mouth were coated in blood, and while only Frederick's irises were red at the time, this 'monster' Frederick his eyes were fully red. And finally his fur wasn't even white it was pitch black and had an almost shadowy aura around it. "W-what?! Who are you?!" Frederick took several steps back, unable to take his eyes off the monstrous version of himself. "Why, I'm you of course. At least what you are now." He stepped forward, getting into Frederick's face with a wicked grin on his own. "It won't be long before Lance and Blaine want nothing to do with you, why they might even kick you out of the kingdom." "THEY WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!!" Frederick shouted back a voice filled with anger and rage that a part of him would even think that. "LANCE AND BLAINE ARE MY BROTHERS!! THEY LOVE ME!! THEY WOULD NEVER ABANDON ME!!" Then it hit and Frederick now knew what he needed to do. "That's right, Lance and Blaine would never leave me...so how can I do the same to them!"

Frederick stood up from his spot abruptly startling Whitney a little as he saw the look in Frederick's eyes, "Uh, hey...How'd it go? You realize anything?" "Y-yeah...I realized..." Now that a part of him seemed a little clearer now "That I need to see my brothers now!"

Hisashi had arrived at this moment, "Thank you for everything you've done for me!! The next time I see you again, I promise I'll repay you!!" Oh! Hey Sensei looks like I got back just in time. Looks like Frederick's getting ready to leave. As he watched Frederick run to the tent to get Laverne. That's good, Hisashi, now remember to be extra careful once you enter the kingdom. You got it Sensei! "--Wait! I don't care about that, but you need to know that one session of this isn't enough to change your mindset forever!! Your will power--will run out..." Whitney trailed off realizing that Frederick wasn't listening. "Laverne, it's time to get up!--OW! Don't slap my hand away!"

...Hisashi was running at full speed to keep up with Frederick, Damn! This kit is pretty fast for a newbie! He was definitely surprised at how fast Frederick was given that he still has a lot to learn about his new body. Frederick was running faster than he ever had before with a not to happy Laverne wrapped in his tails, silently begging Frederick to just let her walk, neither of them aware that Whitney is slowly walking behind them heading in the same direction...Right now the only thing on Frederick's mind was getting back to his brothers!

I need to get to the Pastel Palace! I have to get to Lance and Blaine!

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