He's Back!

As Frederick inched closer and closer to the Pastel Palace Lord Leopold began his almost 13th attempt at Gwen's portrait after severely pissing off Jamie leading to the Pastel prince retaliating by photo bombing Leopold's every attempt at drawing Gwen...He really should not have called Jamie 'sickenly sweet, or hideous'. As the two conversed with each other Lorena went in search of Lance, the two of them haven't been able to talk since his birthday...since Frederick ran off. Lorena knew Lance was upset, not only is his little brother missing but he still believes that Frederick is afraid of him because of a simple mistake. What was Maria thinking telling him that?!" Lorena made a mental note to slap her big sister for telling Lance something like that...

She had finally found Lance in one of the hallways and immediately felt a pain in her heart when she saw him sitting on the ground hugging himself, face buried in his knees. She walked over to him quietly and patted his shoulder, Lance didn't react, all she got was a sniffle in response. Has he been crying? Lorena took a breath before taking a seat next to Lance and putting a hand on his shoulder. It took a moment before Lance finally glanced up to look at her and she immediately noticed his bloodshot eyes and river of tears. Her other hand reached out and rested on the back of his head as she pulled him into a hug, Lance didn't hesitate to return the hug. They sat like that for a long moment giving Lance the time to calm down rubbing his back as he cried softly...After a bit Lorena finally spoke up, "Maria should not have said that." "Huh?" Lance glanced up at her confused. "When she told you and Gwen that Frederick was scared of you. She should not have said it like that, that was not the right way to approach the situation." Lorena stated calmly and tried not to blow up about her sister's idiot response. "But she's right." Lance spoke so softly that it was a miracle she even heard him, "No she's not Lance! Maria may know a thing or two about animals, but not Frederick. Yes the way he was acting may have been 'animal like' but he's still Frederick. And from what I've heard about animal based curses-" Lance froze at the word 'curses' "That 'feral state' or whatever they call it is just temporary and usually goes away after a while." Lance took a deep breath before pulling away from Lorena, "Lorena...It's been 2 weeks now..." Lance tried to stay calm "2 goddamn weeks!" Slight anger managed to slip through "And nothing's changed! Frederick still has no idea who any of us are let alone who he is!" Lance turned from her angrily when she touched his shoulder. "He's been living in that forest for 2 weeks not knowing what the hell is happening to him! He's been in so much pain for almost a month, and no one could figure out what was wrong with him!" Lance clenched his fist "He was terrified Lorena! And instead of trying to calm him down, I did the stupidest thing and tried to restrain him! Maria was right! Whether he was in his right mind or not, that was not the right thing to do!" Lance unclenched his fist before burying his face in his hands, she had to admit that did make sense, when someone's in distress the one thing you should never do is try to restrain them. Doing that will only make things worse and cause the one in distress to freak out even more. "Ok fine, you've got me on that one. But you were scared for Frederick and worried that someone might hurt him, none of you understood what was happening so you just acted in the heat of the moment." Lorena reached out once more trying to get close but Lance shrugged her away once again, she signed before continuing. "It was a mistake everyone makes at some point, but Maria really should have addressed that in a much different way. The way she worded it made it sound like you were to blame instead of saying it in a way that said 'it was just a simple mistake.'" Lance didn't reply... Come on Lorena, think! "Look Lance-" Bam! She was interrupted by the sound of the palace doors slamming open!...

Maria was sitting with Blaine in the music room trying to talk her fiancé into thinking straight as Blaine still refused to believe that his baby brother is cursed, still trying to convince himself that what happened to Frederick has to do with that story their father told him. "He's not cursed!" Blaine shouted "I refuse to believe it!" They were sitting on a couch in the middle of the room and Maria was getting more and more annoyed with Blaine's stubbornness. "And you think that him being some mythical Japanese fairy tale creature that doesn't even exist makes more sense!" Maria shouted back, raising her hands in the air. "I refuse to believe Frederick is cursed! I can't even think of anyone who would want to curse him!" Blaine stood up frustrated and ranked his hands through his hair as he began pacing around the room. "They don't need a reason Blaine!" Maria's gaze followed Blaine as he went back and forth. "Witches do it all the time just for the fun of it!" She retorted, trying to make Blaine see reason, "Remember your first day here and Jamie was poisoned by a witch not long before you guys walked through the door!" Blaine didn't respond which made Maria even more irritated. "And she wasn't even subtle! She gave him the apple right there in front of Gwendolyn!" Blaine stopped abruptly Maria had just given him ammo to bite back. "SEE! Right there Maria, you just admitted it! Witches aren't subtle in the slightest! If Frederick was cursed by a witch or wizard then everyone would know because someone would have spotted them in the palace! And we have never had an incident of witches being anywhere near the palace!" Now Maria was on her feet! "Damnit Blaine that's not what I-" Bam! The sound of the palace doors slamming open interrupted their argument...

"Where is he...?" Leopold shivered holding the palette knife in his hand "Where is that pink glittery gremlin going to pop out of next...?!" as he scanned the room for any signs of Jamie. Ever since he made that declaration against me,... "I'll make sure this hideous face forever haunts your portraits...and your dreams." He keeps popping out of nowhere, and it's always whenever I'm trying to get closer to Gwendolyn!! Thinking back to every single failed attempt at painting Gwen because of Jamie's portrait bombing. But then why... Leopold thought about it for a moment. ...Why do these hands keep drawing him every time he appears?!...As Leopold calmed down from his paranoia and tried to get back to Gwen's portrait and brush off Gwen's subtle attempts at trying to warn him of Jamie presents currently inside his easel. Poor Leopold was unaware that his portrait would be interrupted once again, but not by Jamie this time. "Um...I apologize if this next question is too personal, but...It's something I've been wanting to ask you for a while..." Reaching into his apron to pull out his ticket, "Gwendolyn..." never taking his eyes off the princess "...do you have romantic feelings for Prince Frederick?" Gwen and Jamie were both shocked by his question...but just as Leopold was about to say more- Bam! The sound of the palace doors slamming open redirected their attention towards outside.

Everyone in the palace froze for a moment at the very loud interruption and just as a few started to worry that someone dangerous had just entered the palace...they heard it!

"BLAINE! LANCE!" It was Frederick's voice! And with no hesitation Blaine, Lance, and Gwen were on their feet, running towards the stairs and everyone who they were with followed suit. As they reached the stairway everyone froze in disbelief as they all looked down to see a dirtied, panting Frederick standing at the bottom of the stairs, with a very frazzled Laverna lying in a heap behind him. Blaine and Lance were frozen in place as they stared at their baby brother who for the past 2 weeks didn't even know who he was. Frederick on the other hand wasted no time and ran up the stairs jumping right into Blaine's arms who had instinctively raised them as his baby brother knocked him off his feet. The impact had snapped Blaine out of his initial shock "...F-Frederick?..." his voice in a whisper, realizing that his baby brother was finally back in his arms again Frederick's face buried in his jacket, Blaine felt his chest tighten for just a moment as tears welled up in his eyes and fell down his cheeks. "Blaine! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for everything!" Frederick cried his tears soaking the fabric of his brother's shirt as Blaine wrapped him in a tight hug. "Don't apologize Frederick, it's ok! You're here and you're safe now! That's all that matters to me!" Blaine tightened his grip on Frederick, holding his baby brother as close as possible. Lance wished to join in the hug as well, he wanted so badly to feel his baby brother's embrace, to know that this isn't a dream...but... "I'm sorry but Frederick now sees both of you as a threat...and he's not going to want to be anywhere near you." Maria's words stopped him from doing just that...that is until he felt something soft wrap around his wrist, and to his shock looked down to see Frederick's tail?!...Though Lance was hesitant at first but seeing the fear, sadness and desperation in his brother's eyes, eventually made his way over and wrapped both older and younger brother in a tight hug, never wanting to let go.

...Eventually the others snapped out of their own shock as well and gathered around the three brothers, but not too close as they didn't want to overwhelm Frederick or frighten him even more than he already was...nevertheless as the three started to calm down Frederick passed out. "Molly, please show the princes to one of our spare rooms and get Frederick some clean clothes." King Jack ordered his head maid "Of course my king." as she waved over another maid Blaine scooped up his baby brother carefully lifting his tails as well so they would not get stepped on as Blaine and Lance followed the maids down the hallway and out of sight. Once they were gone everyone reluctantly returned to what they were previously doing. Gwen sulked where she stood before feeling a hand on her shoulder and turned to follow Leopold back to continue her portrait. Frederick had looked so small, so scared, I really hope Prez will accept him into the club, at least after the next new moon passes. Frederick has to be so scared and confused right now. While volunteering at the hospital flower shop Gwen got her chance to talk to Prez about Frederick...

..A couple days ago with the CPC...

Gwen had a lot of things on her mind as she made her way to the flower shop, already late and having to change into the uniforms the hospital provided for her. Of course she felt guilty for Aurelia's banishment and was hoping that she could talk Prez into reconsidering it. But she was also hoping to talk her into letting Frederick join the club since he's been cursed. If Blaine can even coax him into going back home with him...will Frederick even remember who he is? Gwen thought sadly only to quickly remember that Prez recalled Curtis kicking her in the head when she was still a spider. Maybe it just takes some time before he goes back to his normal self? Maybe his curse is similar to Prez's and he'll turn back to his normal self at some point? Either way I need to do everything I can to convince Prez into letting Frederick join the club! They've helped me, they can help him! Determined and a bit nervous, Gwen entered the back door to the flower shop...she felt relief that everyone's gloomy attitude wasn't due to last night's event as well as happy to hear about Nell and Jolie. They are really cute together. Gwen giggled lightly. She decided that it would be best to wait until their break to talk to Prez. "YESS, a new prince?!! We've needed another dude for a while now!" Giggle, I'm certain that I can get Saffron's vote. Gwen giggled at said prince's reaction to a new potential 'prince' member. That is...until Nell's premonition. "SOMETIME BEFORE THE NEW MOON WILL PASS, A MEMBER OF THIS CLUB SHALL DIE IN A FLASH." Now Gwen fears what might happen if Frederick is accepted! What if what happens at Lance's party happens at the club?! A-and Frederick...or worse. What if Frederick is accepted and he's the one who will die?!! Nonono! He can't join if that might happen! Gwen took a deep breath trying not to show how terrified she was as everyone freaked out over Nell. Calm down Gwen, it's simple just wait until after the next new moon then talk to Prez. And that's exactly what Gwen did, not wanting to risk that Frederick might be the cause or victim of the premonition, and waited to tell Prez about him. Though she had wanted to ask her some questions about how she could help Frederick until then, Prez was smart and Gwen knew that she would figure it out in no time...unfortunately there was no getting out of it because news of Frederick's 'curse' became top news throughout several kingdoms. It's what inside of the book that matters...sigh, why do I feel like this isn't about Frederick. Gwen sighed as she read her cookie.

.After there work was done at the hospital and everyone were dressed and ready to go Prez had pulled Gwen aside to talk privately..."Unfortunately Gwen I have to agree with you on this one, if Frederick is the cause then for the safety of himself and the club members it's best to wait until Nell's premonition has passed...but..." Prez hesitated; she wasn't even sure if she should let Frederick join the club. "Considering what's going on between you and Frederick and the reason why you ended up joining our club in the first place. For your sake I don't think it's a good idea for Frederick to join." What?! Gwen thought they understood that everything between her and Frederick is ok now. "But Prez please if anyone can help Frederick, it's you and the club!" "And believe me Gwen I really want to help him, but I don't want any personal issues to occur between you two if he's accepted." Prez explained calmly "Being cursed now doesn't mean we forgive and forget everything he's put you through Gwen." "Prez please! I'm begging you!" Gwen pressed her hands together tightly begging Prez to reconsider, looking her right in the eyes, her own starting to tear up, Prez hesitated for a moment as she thought about it. "...sigh Alright kiddo, I'll think about it."

...Back at the Pastel Palace with the Plaid brothers...

Molly and the other maid, a young teenager, guided the three brothers to a large bedroom painted in simple light colors and decorated rather normally. A large king sized bed with a dresser and lamp on each side, closet, a small makeup table with a mirror on one side, another large mirror on the other, a couple of decorative plants and pictures here and there. And finally another door leading to a small bathroom decorated in a similar fashion. "I hope this will be an exceptional fit, Prince Blaine." Molly waved a hand as she and the young maid gave a small bow to the three princes. "It's perfect Miss Molly, thank you." Blaine and Lance thanked them as Blaine still had Frederick nestled in his arms. "Wonderful, there are fresh towels in the bathroom and young Zoey will be back with some clean clothes for Prince Frederick." Molly explained as she straightened up and gestured to said redhead maid next to her, "If you require any other assistance be give Zoey a call and she will do her best to assist you in the best way can." Lance thanked them and closed the door as Blaine made his way with Frederick to the bathroom. Since Frederick was still unconscious his brothers had to get him out of his tattered clothes and bathe him themselves, it was difficult especially with all the fur and his tails being so long and large at that, there was a lot of dirt, twigs and many other things they had to pick out. Blaine and Lance keep quiet the entire time as really they weren't even sure of what to say or how to react. They finally have their brother back with them after two whole weeks of him not even knowing who he was...But what next? What's they're next step forward? How can they help their baby brother if they don't even know what happened to him? How much are their lives going to change from now on? Will they be able to adjust? There's just so many questions...yet not a single answer. All we can do now is just wait for him to wake up...then try and figure things out from there. Blaine thought "He's going to be so scared when he wakes up?! What are we supposed to say? How are we supposed to react?! Lance worried, as he and Blaine finished with the bath, Blaine drained the tub as Lance grabbed multiple towels in an attempt to dry off Frederick as best they could knowing that fur tends to keep a lot of excessed moisture stored inside. His tails were especially difficult as it seemed the water was just non-stop, luckily Zoey had brought them lots of extra towels along with the clean clothes and... a pair of scissors? Lance brought the items into the bathroom and as he set them down noticed that there was a note under the scissors. While still drying Frederick's tail, Blaine looked back at them curiously as Lance read the letter aloud. "I thought that it would be easier and more comfortable for Prince Frederick to cut a hole in the back of the pants for his tails, so I left you this pair to use." And once again the tails proved to be a problem, but at least someone already thought ahead...

After finally getting his tails dried completely and Blaine cutting what he hoped was a sizable enough hole, Lance held his baby brother as his older brother worked to get Frederick's shirt and pants on, of course he did have some difficulty threading his brother's tails through the hole as he was trying to be as gentle as possible and not hurt Frederick. Finally finished Blaine stood up and stretched before walking out of the bathroom as Lance picked up his brother and followed him out and to the bed, he pulled back the sheets as Lance laid Frederick down before tucking him in.They glazed back and forth from each other to Frederick, still unsure what to say...took a seat and waited.

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