Maria just sulked in a corner after her encounter with the Plaid Queen, she merely groaned as Lorena came running up with a giddy smile and a struggling Suzanna under her arm.
"Hey Maria!!! I want you to meet my new best friend, Suzie!!!"
"WE'RE NOT FRIENDS!!!" Suzzana shouted as her efforts to remove Lorena remained in vain.
"HEY!!! WHERE'S THE BIRTHDAY BOY AT?!?! IT'S TIME FOR THE MIDNIGHT KEG STAND!!!" One of Lance's friend's shouted to the crowd as they had a barrel with a straw in it ready for Lance...only to have it kicked over by the Plaid King as he shouted.
"Nope! It's midnight, which means it's not his birthday anymore! Party's over folks! Get out of my house! And where is that son of mine anyway?!" King Jack happily trotted up to his daughters with a smug grin on his face, King Leland's current temper is due to Jack's savage winning streak.
All of sudden loud bouts of roaring and growling can be heard coming from the twin doors along with several rapid foot steps.
"That sounds like Blaine, Lance, and Gwen!" Maria exclaimed as King Leland pinched the bridge of his nose and breathed in an exasperated sigh. Great! What did that worthless son of mine do this time!
Sounds of screaming erupted throughout the ballroom as Frederick came bursting through the doors crouched on all four! However his appearance was frightening to say the least. Frederick had snow white fur covering about 80% of his body, his own hair had gone pure white, his hands and feet had grown into long sharp talons. His ears were extremely long and pointed at the end, his eyes were a burning red, his teeth having grown into sharp, jagged points and his nose had scrunched up into a weird animal-like snout. But the most noticeable change of all were the two long furry tails protruding from his backside.
"AAAHH!!! RUN IT'S A MONSTER!!!" One guest screamed which in turn caused everyone to start screaming and running in all directions trying to get away from the now monstrous prince.
"Girls! Jamie! Let's get out of here now! Where's Gwendolyn?!?!" King Jack shouted as he gathered up his three children while searching frantically for his youngest daughter only to be shocked and horrified to see her behind the monstrous prince along with his two elder brothers.
"Gwendolyn!!! Get over here this instant!!" He shouted to her as King Leland called for his guards.
"Guards! Get rid of that monster this instant! And find my son!" As the guards got closer Maria was quick to notice the change in posture as the guards closed in on the youngest plaid prince.
He looks scared...and... She could hear it as well despite the growling, his fur was standing on end, he was in a position ready to pounce and very low under the sounds of his growling...you can hear a small whimpering, add that to the fact that his ears were flat against his head. He's not trying to attack! He's scared! Realizing what was about to happen to the guards Maria started to shout but Blaine beat her to it!
"NO!!! Guards stand down immediately and lower your weapons!" The eldest shouted as all three were quick to get in between Frederick and the guards.
"Boys! What is the meaning of this get away from that monster right now!-"
"HE'S NOT A MONSTER!!!" Gwen shouting at the plaid king with a pinch of unusual anger in her voice. "Gwen?..." Her family was understandably shocked as they had never heard Gwen shout like that before.
"Are you three insane?! Lance! Blaine! Get the princess away from that thing ri-" again Leland was interrupted as Blaine now turned to now glare at his father.
"THAT 'MONSTER' IS YOUR SON!!!" Loud shocked gasps filled the entire ballroom.
"What are you saying Blaine?!" Leland of course didn't believe him and that pissed off both of them as Lance stormed up to his father holding his injured shoulder as he got right in the king's face.
"That 'thing' as you so nicely put it is your youngest son Frederick!" Lance spat out, though at this point Leland now focused more on his son's bloodied shoulder.
"We will explain what happened later but right now the guards are scaring him! Call them back right now!" Blaine demanded as Frederick was still cowering behind them but looked like he was about to launch at any moment!
"Guards lower your weapons and stand down this instant!" Everyone turned to see the Queen enter, her usual calm demeanor was replaced with an extremely pissed off glare. The guards now fearing the Queen more than the king immediately lowered their weapons and backed away from the prince, however Frederick did not relax one bit...than his father made a move that finally made Frederick snap!
"That's it! I have had it with this nonsense!" As Leland shoved Lance aside and quickly stomped over to the other three, Gwen ran up and tried to stop him before he got too close.
"NO! Your Majesty please don't go any closer, you'll scare him!" But he simply pushed past her, Gwen grabbed him by the arm and tried her best to pull him away but she was only dragged along as he grew closer and closer, ignoring Frederick's warning growls.
"Your Majesty please listen to her!" Maria shouted, recognizing the signs "Don't go any closer!" Finally Jack jumped in "Leland listen to them! Whether that really is Prince Frederick or not you shouldn't get too close to him!"
"THIS THING IS NOT MY SON!" And the second he got close enough to grab Blaine by the arm Frederick snapped! He let out a roar as he launched at his father, Lance was quick to grab Gwendolyn and pull her away and Blaine was knocked over as Frederick pounced on his father! Leland instinctively brought up an arm to protect himself and Frederick's teeth clamped tightly around it causing the king to let out a pain filled scream.
It only lasted for a second as Frederick was quick to let go and roared in Leland's face before taking off running. "Frederick! Come back!" Blaine was about to chase after him when Maria finally came out from behind her father standing in front of her fiancé blocking him from going any farther. "Blaine No! Don't chase after him, that'll only make it worse!"
Blaine was about to say something when they heard Gwen cry out! "Lance! Are you ok?!" And turned to see Lance on his knees clenching his shoulder tightly and groaning in pain. "Lance!" His mother ran up to him putting an arm around his injured shoulder which only caused Lance to yelp in pain. "Your Highest please don't touch him there." One of the guards had handed Gwen a large cloth for Lance, "Lance, this is going to hurt...ready?" Gwen held the cloth in her hands as Lance nodded, biting his lip in advance and held back a scream as Gwen pressed the cloth firmly against his shoulder. "Ngh!" "Sorry!" "Nono! It's ok! Honestly I kinda deserved this."
Gwen sulked at this "You're not the only one...what we did may not have been the smartest thing to do."
"And what exactly did you do?" Isolde glared at Gwen and her son. "And what happened to my baby boy?" She snarled as a palace nurse walked up to them. "Your Highest, perhaps we should get the king and Prince Lance patched up first and then ask questions?" Isolde sighed realizing the nurse was right as she and Gwen helped Lance to his feet. "Very well, Princess Gwendolyn? Please help me with Lance." "Of course your Highest." And the two guided Lance to the infirmary as Jack assisted Leland, having wrapped a piece of his cape around his friend's arm turning it into a makeshift sling.
Once Lance's arm was cleaned up you could now see clear as day the four long slash marks that decorated his entire left shoulder and most of the left side of his chest. "Oh Lance..." Isolde pressed a hand to his cheek "It's ok mom, it looks worse than it feels." Lance tried his best to reassure his mother, but the wound needed stitching... That potion didn't do crap! This shit still hurts like Hell! "The wound should heal in about a couple weeks, don't worry about the swelling and colors; it's normal and will fade within a couple of days. And don't worry about having the stitches removed they will dissolve as the wound heals, you can take the bandages off after..."
As the nurse continued stitching and explaining another was working on Leland's arm, fortunately his arm wasn't nearly as bad as Lance's...but that didn't stop him from complaining, at some point Jack got annoyed and slapped him telling him he needs to stop complaining and worry about Frederick. After a guard came in and had informed them that everyone had left and the guards sent to find Prince Frederick had located him, Maria informed them that they should not get too close and to keep their distance and if Prince Frederick made a show that he was about to attack in any way to immediately back down. She wasn't quite sure what happened to Prince Frederick but the way he was acting is very similar to how most animals act when threatened. As of now both the Plaid and Pastel family are sitting in the infirmary.
"Ok." Jack cleared his throat as it seems that everyone has calmed down for now. "Now that things have calmed down...Blaine, Lance, Gwendolyn? Will you please explain to us what happened?" All three looked to each other uncertain before nodding in agreement. "Gwendolyn you can start first." Blaine spoke up who had been sitting next to Maria this whole time. "Ok." And Gwen explained to her everything that happened while she and Frederick were in the library alone, to how he was in pain and she went to find his brothers but while all three of them were trying to comfort the pain just kept getting worse and worse. "...and he just pushed away from Lance and was curled up on the floor s-screaming in pain... whimper ..." "Gwennie? Are you ok?" Jamie quickly got from his spot next to his father and took a seat next to Gwen before wrapping her in a hug, Maria was comforting Blaine, Lorena took a seat next to Lance as all three were now shaking looks of horror on their faces. "Gwen? Boys? What happened?" Jack was now on one knee, a hand on his daughter's. "F-Frederick..." Everyone turned to Blaine who was shaking more than the others "He-he just...turned into...that!" A tear ran down his cheek and Maria wiped it away before wrapping him in a hug which he gladly accepted.
"He was screaming so much..." now Lance "He was in so much pain!" His voice choked as he didn't bother to hold back his tears, Lorena desperately wanted to give a hug but the nurse was still working on him so the best thing she could do was rub his back. "But once the screaming stopped Gwen and I tried to get close to him, but he seemed scared..." Maria glanced up at that. "What about Blaine? Didn't he try to get close too?" Lorena asked, still rubbing his back. "Blaine was...in shock. It was just Gwen and I, we were trying to calm him down but Frederick just kept backing away and he kept making these weird noises, when Gwen tried to reach out Frederick just...snapped. He tried to tackle her so I pulled her away." "WHAT?!" Jack shouted but Isolde was quick to send him a warning glare and Jack quickly shut up. He tried not to be angry with Frederick, especially considering what just happened and Gwen didn't seem to have any injuries, after a moment of silence Lance continued. "It was at that moment that Blaine finally snapped out of it and jumped out of the way. When I saw he was headed towards the doors I was scared of what the guards might do if they saw him like that so I tried to stop him, I grabbed one of his tails and that's when he spun around and slashed me with his...c-claws-"
"Oh no..." Maria finally jumped in having heard all she needed to hear.
"Lance, you did the one thing you should never do to any animal!-" Blaine stood up abruptly "MARIA! Frederick is not an animal!" He screamed at her, feeling insulted that his fiance would even think of calling his little brother such a thing. Both Jack and Leland were ready to scream at him for daring to raise his voice at Princess Marie no less. But she held up a hand to stop them as she had expected this reaction.
"I know Blaine." and she stood up looking him right in the eyes "But after what I saw and everything I've heard Frederick is acting just like so."
"And Gwen, what you did was just as bad!" Maria began scolding both of them as well as explaining Frederick's current situation.
" Sigh ...Look whatever happened to him, Frederick is not Frederick right now, he's a wild animal and wild animals have two forms of defense, flight and fight. Frederick's terrified right now so of course his first instinct is flight which is why he ran, but the second Lance grabbed his tail Frederick felt threatened and immediately went into fight mode which is why he swiped at you. As for you Gwendolyn, you blatantly ignored Frederick's growling and warnings to stay away and continue to approach him after he made it very clear he wanted you to stay back. But you kept going which is why he launched at you. I understand you were trying to help him...but your actions have just made things worse." Maria took a breath before looking them both in the eyes.
"I'm sorry but Frederick now sees both of you as a threat...and he's not going to want to be anywhere near you." As soon as she said that Lance and Gwen had looks of horror on their faces that quickly turned to looks of sorrow. Maria took a moment to breathe and think back on her knowledge of how to deal with wild animals, as she did, the nurse had just finished with Lance's arm. "Alright my Prince, all done! Your shoulder should heal up good as new though there will be a scar. I apologize." "It's fine, thank you for the help." With the nurse finished and his arm now in a sling Lorena was free to give Lance that much needed hug. "So Maria." Gwen spoke up "What do we do now? I mean how do we help Frederick?" Especially since he's now scared of Lance and I.
"Honestly it looks like Blaine is the only one who hasn't done anything wrong so he might have a chance at getting close to him...if!" She turned to look her fiancé straight in the eyes.
"He does exactly everything I tell him!"
In a small forest near the Plaid Palace, Frederick was trotting around sniffing grass and trees, his ear twitched and he looked up to see that the guards had finally left. They're gone finally! No more threats. But just as Frederick started to relax- crunch! There was the sound of snapping branches and Frederick quickly spun around immediately going into defense mode. Another threat! And as soon as Blaine came into view Frederick started growling and Blaine quickly raised his hands as he took a few steps back. "Easy little brother, I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to help." (Talking isn't going to work Blaine, he doesn't understand.) One of the palace wizards had cast a telepathy spell on both Maria and Blaine so that Maria can guide him on what to do without scaring Frederick. (So what do I do?) (He doesn't understand human language. But he does understand body language and the tone of your voice.) (So talking to him does work?) (Well yes, as long as you keep your tone nice and calm, no shouting, screaming or anything that says 'aggression' in any way!) (Understood.) Without taking a step forward Blaine very, very slowly got down to his knees as Maria had instructed him beforehand. (By making yourself look smaller than him, he will see you as less of a threat).
They stayed like this for a long time as Frederick had calmed down at some point but still continued to glare at him, Blaine just sat there never taking his eyes off his baby brother while paying close attention to his tails as well. (Watch his tails. A wagging tail doesn't always mean they're happy. Once his tails have lowered and stop moving completely you'll know that he no longer feels threatened.) (Ok. Then what?) (After that it's just a matter of patience. Every once in a while take very very slow movements towards him, but not too often or he will attack. And immediately back away as soon as he shows any sign of aggression.) (I understand...Maria? How long do you think it will be before he trusts me enough to bring him home?) (That's a big step Blaine, right now just focus on getting close. If you think too far ahead you might do something that will risk Frederick rejecting you.) (...ok...) .
And that's how it went for almost a week...
...The next afternoon back in the Pastel Kingdom...
"Prez told me last time to wait a week before I returned to the CPC. It's a little earlier than a week, but I just can't wait to see everyone.." Gwen was fast walking through the forest wearing a lovely green dress with a yellow apple pattern, a black long sleeve under shirt and yellow mary jane shoes. She had her brown crossbody bag with her and carried something wrapped in a pink polka dot cloth. "I hope she's feeling better. I brought her some hot soup just in case." Thinking back to how Prez looked when she last saw her. "I want to talk to everyone about what happened this weekend. I think Abbi will be happy to hear that Frederick liked the gifts we got...when we went shopping." Her smile faltered as she thought about Frederick. And I really need to talk to Prez about what happened to Frederick... Gwen took a deep breath trying not to worry as she knows her sister Maria is helping Blaine to get close to Frederick so they can find a way to help him. Everyone thinks he was cursed somehow...but why would anyone want to curse Frederick? Thinking about something positive "Though I think Prez will be really happy to hear that I saw my face in the mirror again thanks to her advice and thanks to my sisters." And now...Self love seems like, not that hard to hold onto now.
Unfortunately it looks as though the club really was shut down until then, luckily the door was unlocked so Gwen decided to drop off the souvenirs that were sent out to all the guests early in the morning after 'the incident', including a picture her family had taken before entering the party. Gwen couldn't help but think that the king was overdoing it a little by sending the gifts out so early, thinking that the palace staff were already stressed about what happened without the need to travel to the households of every single guest who attended... "Ok! The souvenirs have been dropped off. I guess I'll head home now-" she paused, noticing a note left by her bag? ...Tonight at midnight? She had yet to talk to Prez about the notes or what she's noticed, but confident that she could resolve the matter alone, decided that she would meet this person, thank them for their concern but that there's no need for them to worry anymore...completely unaware of what is awaiting her.
...Yeah so after almost being eaten by giant spider Prez, explaining to everyone how she figured out that Aurelia was sending her the note, hearing her harmful words, watching her getting banished and finally hearing Prez's story. Decided she's had enough stress for now...But after fixing Aurelia's necklace and returning it...
"...You know, Gwen...I feel sorry for that fiance of yours. Because you make it really difficult for people once they realize they were wrong about you."
As for Leopold painting, he decided to wait a bit longer as he could see that Gwen was still worried about Frederick and wanted to give her a chance to relax so that he can create her portrait in a much calmer environment.
...Earlier in the not-so-distant Plaid Kingdom...
Luckily preparations for the gala was put on a brief extension given that Blaine is on the committee, and after what happened the other committee members felt bad, add that to hearing what he's chosen to do, decided to make things easier for him by easing up on his responsibilities. The gala is this autumn and Blaine had originally planned on presenting his brothers with three tickets so that they may properly invite the princesses...but now all Blaine is worried about is getting his baby brother back home... And Lance had locked himself in his room and hasn't come out since... Blaine let out a choked sob as he walked through the forest to where his now feral baby brother is currently staying, Sob, hic...I'm the eldest! I'm supposed to protect them! How could I have let this happen?! I have to get Frederick back home, not for his sake but for Lance as well...he's heartbroken, his own brother is scared of him. I have to fix it, this is all my fault! I knew something was wrong with Frederick! Damnit, why didn't I do anything?! As he neared the area where Frederick was Blaine stopped to take a breath and calm himself, wiping away his tears. Alright Blaine calm down, remember what Maria said you can't have any negative emotions around him. And with that Blaine continued forward.
I'll bring you home baby brother, I promise.
...One week later...
Frederick was napping under a tree, both tails wrapped around him like a makeshift blanket... his ear twitched as he heard someone approach, but quickly relaxed when he recognized the scent. It's him again? The one in red, why does he keep coming here? Frederick cocked his head as he saw Blaine approach, though Blaine stopped when they locked eyes with each other before Blaine took a couple slow steps towards him stopping with each one. He's not a threat? He hasn't done anything but trying to get closer...should I let him? (He hasn't moved yet Maria, is it safe to keep going?) (You're definitely closer than before...two more steps then stay put right there. At this point it's just a matter of him coming to you.) (Ok...and Maria, thank you for all your help. It means so much to me.) (No need to thank me Blaine, I want to help Frederick too. Gwen's really worried about him.) Deciding it was safe Frederick turned and laid back down, (Oh! He laid down again! Is that a good thing?) (It's a very good thing Blaine! It means he's comfortable around you now!) (Really?!) a smile spread across his face as he was that much closer to getting his baby brother to accept him again. He took a seat and just stayed there as Frederick napped. (Giggle, though you have to admit, he is really cute all furry like that!) Maria giggled in his head which caused Blaine to chuckle a bit as well. (Yeah, I guess he is adorable in a furry kind of way. It is cute how he hugs himself with his tails like that.)...
Frederick woke up after an hour or so, stretching a bit before shaking himself. Sigh, that was a nice nap!...huh? Oh he's still here? Frederick turned to see that Blaine had chosen to take his own nap. Frederick casually leaned over and sniffed his hair a bit which caused Blaine to let out a sleep giggle and give a light swipe of his hand. That made Frederick jump up suddenly before cocking his head slightly, he was about to lean in for another sniff when his stomach growled... Maybe I should bring him some food as well, I've never seen him eat before, he has to be hungry? With that Frederick turned and headed towards the river to wash up and catch dinner. Once at the bank he leaned down to take a quick drink before casually walking into the water laying down as he spread his limbs before rolling over once or twice. Sigh, this is nice... Sighing in content as he sat resting in the cool gentle flowing water, his tails swaying lightly back and forth as he took a swipe at his face with one wet paw. Eyeing the water intendly slowly stood up and waited, pawing lightly at the water a couple times before dunking his head fully under. The first couple times he came up unsuccessfully, but with hunger driving him to keep going made one more dunk this time coming up with not one but two trouts. Frederick made a yip of excitement at his victory, tails wagging as he walked up to the edge and set his catch far enough where they couldn't flop back in...a raccoon appeared out of nowhere after smelling the fish, but Frederick was quick to chase him away before he got away with even one fish. It's mine! Stay Away! After that he continued fishing for some time before deciding he's caught enough. This should be enough for him too! He had close to 7 fishes in his mouth and a few wrapped in his tails as he made his way back to Blaine... Come on wake up I brought you food! Blaine was still asleep on his side as Frederick nudged him with his snout but Blaine just moaned before turning over, Wake up human! Frederick nudged him again A little more roughly this time only to receive a swipe of the hand in response. "Ngh...Frederick, Lance let me sleep..." Grrr, why won't he wake up!... Frederick thought for a moment, then grinned mischievously as an idea popped into mind. He turned around, lifted up one tail and slowly guided it over Blaine's face as he started lightly tickling his nose. "Mhm, ngh...na-ha-ah ACHOO!!!" Blaine jumped up from his spot shouting "Damn it Lance! How many times have I told you to stop doing that!"... Crap! Blaine flinched as he waited for Frederick to attack... Hehehehehe... "What?" Blaine slowly looked up only to growl a little under his breath. He's laughing at me! Yep! Frederick was on his stomach, eyes closed and smiling as he cackled loudly at Blaine. Grr, I didn't even know foxes could laugh. Once Frederick calmed down his laughter sat up and inched a couple of fishes toward Blaine, but all he did was cock his head at the dead fishes in front of them. (Hey Maria?) (Yes Blaine!) (He's trying to give me some dead fish. What does that mean?) (That's great Blaine! He's sharing his food with you! That's a major step forward!) (You Mean I Have To Eat Raw Fish?!) Blaine started to turn a slight shade of green, wanting to throw up at even the thought of eating raw fish. (Well there was this one time I found a wild wolf in our garden one day and as I was working on trying to get close to him. He started bringing me food at one point and didn't stop until I ate some berries he brought me.) Maria explained as Frederick continued to stare at Blaine wondering why he wasn't eating the fish. Maybe he doesn't like fish? With that he turned and wandered off. (Maria! He's leaving?! Do you think that's what he's doing right now?) (Most likely, he probably won't stop bringing you food until you finally eat something.) ...with that said Blaine sat and waited both curious and concerned as to what his brother might bring him. (So Maria, what do foxes eat?) (Well, foxes are omnivores so they eat both fruits, plants, and other smaller animals.) Oh boy ...Blaine gulped as he prepared himself for what his little brother might bring him...
Sometime later Blaine was lying on the ground, eyes closed slightly when he heard a small thud in front of him, he cracked one eye open and... "Ahhh!" He jumped up and quickly scurried away from the dead rabbit Frederick had dropped in front of him! (Blaine?! What happened?!) (HE BROUGHT ME A DEAD RABBIT!!! I AM NOT EATING THAT!!!) Frederick jumped a bit at Blaine's scream, before giving him a slightly annoyed look. I know he's not scared of rabbits is he? "F-Frederick, little brother...I appreciate the offer but I cannot eat that." Well why not? Turns out Maria was wrong Frederick can understand him. Groan, fine I'll bring you something else. And Frederick left once more to find something else... Please don't bring back another dead animal! ...When Frederick came back Blaine was quick to notice something long hanging from his mouth?! Oh God Frederick! Please don't let that be what I think it is! ...It was! Frederick had brought him a snake! "AHHHH!!!" Blaine shrieked and ran hiding behind a tree skin pale as a ghost. Though Frederick slumped a little at this, Yeah it tasted pretty nasty to me too. I guess he really really hates snakes?...hm what will this human eat...Oh! I know! Frederick perked up and took off once more, the second his brother was gone Blaine grabbed a fallen tree branch and slowly tossed the dead snake far away before crawling back to his previous spot praying his brother will bring him something a little more edible...While he was gone Blaine had chased away a couple scavengers who showed up trying to steal his brother's food, Frederick came back after 30 minutes with a few branches in his mouth and something wrapped in both his tails. Ok, this looks promising. Frederick leaned down and politely dropped the branches of what looked to be blueberries and cherries in front of him, before bringing both tails in front dropped apples from one and peaches from the other. Blaine smiled at his little brother and took one of the apples. "Thank you Frederick!" And took a bite. Finally! Guess humans prefer fruits and berries to meat? With that Frederick turned and sat a few feet away to eat his food, though Blaine couldn't help but be concerned as he watched his little brother eat. (Maria? I know he has the mind of a fox right now, but does he have the stomach of one? He won't get sick eating raw fish right?) (I honestly can't say for certain Blaine, we'll just have to wait and see.)
Once Frederick was done eating he started licking his paws clean as Blaine kept a close and observant eye on him watching for any sign of illness... ( Well Blaine, anything?) Maria spoke up after a few minutes (No. It's been over 30 minutes and he hasn't even thrown up yet.) (Then I guess that answers your question. It would seem that he does have the stomach of a fox as well.) ...It was getting late and around the time that Blaine normally starts heading back home, but this time he decided that he would stay a little longer than usual and that confused Frederick. That's odd? He normally leaves around this time? (Alright Blaine I'm heading to bed. Are you sure you want to stay the night?) Maria yawned a bit, a clear sign that she was ready to sleep. (Yes. I normally leave at around this time, but I want to see how he'll react if I stay a little longer.) (Yawn! Most likely he'll just be confused and if you don't go any closer he'll just fall asleep. He's only comfortable as long as you keep a certain distance, so he probably won't care if you stay put where you are.) (Even so if there's a chance that me staying longer might help him to trust me more I want to try.) (Well alright, Yawn...let me know if anything happens. Goodnight.) (Goodnight Maria.) Blaine smiled as he laid down, aside from helping with Frederick they have been using the connection to get to know each other more personally, he cast one last glance at the sleeping Frederick before drifting off into his own peaceful sleep...
Frederick's ear twitched as he heard a soft mumbling from just a few feet away, and very groggily cracked one eye open. Argh, if he's going to sleep here he can at least keep quiet. Frederick looked over and immediately sat up as he was quick to notice just how much Blaine was shivering. While Blaine had already informed his parents and the guards that he would be staying the night in the forest, much to his father's dislike, Blaine had completely forgotten to bring something to keep warm. Frederick's ears flattened and he let out a soft whimper, he couldn't understand why, but he did not like seeing Blaine like that, and much to his surprise got up and slowly made his way towards him. What am I doing? Why am I getting closer, he could still be a threat? He sniffed Blaine's hair making sure that he indeed was asleep when... His scent? Why is it so...familiar all of a sudden? Slowly Frederick got behind and lowered himself next to Blaine so that Blaine's head was resting on his paw. I don't understand, I was scared of him at first...but now I can't help but get closer. As he wrapped both tails around Blaine's shivering body. But now his scent...his scent makes me feel... He rested his head next to Blaine's ...closer, like I'm supposed to know him. A smile on his face. His scent is so soothing...so comforting. As he slowly drifted back to sleep. Like family...
...Somewhere in the darkness...
"You see my student, what did I tell you?" Came a majestic female voice
"Damn Sensei! You were right, that potion really is fast paced!" Came the voice of a young male
"Yes, the only trick was pouring it into the fish without either of them noticing...I just hope using a potion that works so fast doesn't prove to be a problem."
"Don't worry sensei even if it does it will only be for a short time until his memories have returned completely, besides it was either this or wait for who knows how long for his memories to come back on their own."
"He'll still have the instincts for sometime and this new change in life will be very difficult for him, but at least now he can count on the support of his loved ones."
"Except for that jackass father of his." he let out a small growl "When will we jump in?"
"Patiences my student, we will reveal ourselves when the time is right. But right now...all this young kit needs..."
...is family.
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