Just your average lady

"Marvin, please remember to put the fiction novels where they belong. People are going to think these things are real." I yell out to our new addition to the library. "I mean, for petes sake, if 'The tempest' was non-fictional, you might as well say magic is real."

But I knew it was. I just act as if it's not. The less I think about it, the easier it is to forget. And I don't want to remember. As far as anyone is concerned, I lost my memory for seven years of my life. My parents' memory was fixed but I left out anything that had to do with magic.

So really, there's no proof I was ever there in the first place. I don't even talk to them anymore. I dare not even to say their names.

Besides, I have all I need in this library. So much knowledge and power one holds when writing books. As if it's their art canvas, a little bit of color on each page.

"I know, Hermione, I'm sorry. I'm still learning." Marvin explains quickly.

I chuckle, "Marvin, it's been two weeks." I take the paperback novel and wack his head lightly, earning a chuckle from him as well.

Marvin is the closest thing I have to a friend lately. I just work at the library or eat and sleep at home. I haven't talked about anything to anyone. I feel controlled this way, however. In a good way. I can control who knows what and it's as if I hold the power to do so, just like these books.

"Hey," I begin, putting the last book in it's proper place. "Can I ask a favor from you?"

"'course you can."

"I need the parking lot swept." I say, sheepishly, piercing my lips together. I smile, handing the broom to him and to my surprise, he takes it.

"You got it, boss." He salutes me and I can't help but burst out laughing, quieting myself down when I earn a few glares from a couple of people.

I smile to myself, standing behind the counter and taking a deep breath. The smell of a good library is everything to me. If I could make it into a perfume I'd smell like it all day.

"Excuse me?"

I jump, clearly startled. Most people whisper, not shout. I spin around with a smile on my face. "How can I hel-"

Both our faces drop. "Granger?"


As if the whole world felt like a dream, I'm brought back to that time. My old friends, the times we had, the war. Everything around me feels surreal and absent. I can't go back to that time, I need to get rid of him. I recompose myself, and push it back.

"What can I do for you, sir?" I play out, calmly.

His eyes show confusion but regain their composure when he speaks. "Figured you'd be here around the nerd books."

"Yeah, wonder why you are then as well." I retaliate back, giving him a smirk.

He sighs, dropping the attitude. "My daughter needs a book for her project. I'm just here to find it for her."

Daughter? I thought to myself. But without asking any questions about it, I do ask what book it is that she needs.

"Something about a dog I suppose. No one better to help find a book than you, right?" He says, leaning on the counter, waiting for me to lead the way.

Did he just compliment me? "Well I think you're talking about Shiloh." I lead him to the book and hand it over. "She may cry, however."

"Why's that?" He genuinely asks, looking at me for my answer.

I begin walking back to the counter. "Because the dog dies." I hurl myself quickly around the counter, distancing myself from him. "Anything else, sir?"

"Stop calling me that you bloody barmy. It's just Draco."

"Never heard of him." I say, checking out his book and asking for his library card. I notice a small tear in the corner of the cover.

"You're such a curious person, Granger. I know I was a bit of a git but pretending I don't exist? That's taking it a bit too far."

I hand him Shiloh and tell him it's due back in two weeks. "Have a wonderful day, sir." I repeat the word he despises.

He rolls his eyes and leaves the building, giving me room to breathe. He was a direct reminder of that place and I need to stay away from him. Why he's in my home town anyways, is the biggest concern I have.

After a few more hours of  being at the library, we close around 8pm and I lock up the building along with Marvin. We say our goodbyes and I slide into my vehicle and heading home.

When I arrive, I lock my vehicle and unlock my flat. Until I can find a residence rather than a small place, I'm stuck here. It's not all bad, but I can't find a roommate and it seems I'm still two weeks late on rent. Joshua is forgiving but this time I'm not going to be able to pay it.

I lost my job at the deli mart last week and it's caused a lot of issues lately. I sit my bag down on the counter and open the refrigerator to grab some strawberries. I take a seat on my small couch and flip the telly on to reruns of 'House of Anubis'.

Before I can watch another episode, however, I pass out on the couch immediately and have another nightmare.

"Harry Potter," a pause. "Is dead." I stare at the lifeless body of one of my best friends.

Suddenly I turn around to see Fred's body in front of me. Everyone gathered around him either crying or in shock.

I turn once again and see my parents waving at me from outside Hogwarts. I begin walking towards them when one of Voldemorts followers stands in the way and points their wand at them.

They're clearly confused and ask me what's happening. Before I can respond, the killing curse is already being casted by the person. I shout and cry out for my parents but when I see nothing there, I'm suddenly back at my apartment.

I'm staring at myself in the bathroom mirror when I come to. I almost jump before realizing I'm awake and it's just me. That's the third time I've had that dream this week.

Dreaming about my parents being killed every night makes me feel lost and alone. I wake up believing that it happened. They could be killed because of me. My past could catch up with me and cause something terrible to happen.

I look down at my watch and read the time: 4:12am. Six hours of rest is better than none. And I don't want to sleep anytime soon. I grab a cup of tea from the kitchen and sit at the table.

Silence fills my ears around me as I sip on the delicious cup. The ticking of my wall clock makes me hum a tune in my head. When I finish, I place the cup in the sink and sigh heavily. Looking at the clock that occupied my mind for thirty minutes, I see that it's almost 5. The sun is casting a beautiful sunrise into my place and I decide on taking a walk.

The fresh air and sunshine might get me out of this slump. I put on a pair of stretchy trousers and my white trainers and my favourite blouse that reads 'Do you know what that sounds like? Not my problem'.

I take my keys with me and lock the door behind me, beginning to jog forward and into town towards the park. As I pass 'Franks Deli Mart' I can't help but look away in shame. I can't believe I got fired for being so stupid.

When I finally reach the park, I notice that no one is around so I sit on the swing. Pushing my shoes into the sand to be brought back and forth. Suddenly I'm stopped and pushed higher and I jump off, falling into the sand.

Turning around, I adjust to the bright sun coming up to see a figure walking towards me, laughing. "You quite alright, Granger?"

"I'm fine, thank you." When my eyes do adjust, I notice someone else standing behind Draco. He notices me looking for the person and moves to the side, revealing a small child with a bright green dress with polka dots.

"This is Lilly, my daughter. She's 8." He explains, holding her protectively.

Surprisingly she speaks up in a firm voice. "I'm almost 9, daddy."

He chuckles. "I know baby, in four days."

I smile at the small interaction. I lower myself down to her height and stick out my hand. "I'm Hermione, pleased to meet you, Lilly."

She grabs my hand and shakes it. "Pleased to meet you as well."

He tells her to go play, leaving us to find conversation. "She's very well behaved. Cute little bugger she is." I take a seat on a nearby bench and he follows suit.

"Thanks. She's a bit of a twerp at times but I'd never trade her for all of the magic in the world." He says, smiling as wide as he can.

But my smile faulters, instantly thinking back to the dream. I shouldn't be around him. "Look, sorry to rush off but I have to go." I stand up, ready to go.

His voice stops me, however. "Wait!" I turn around, not keeping eye contact. "Can I please invite you over to mine sometime for dinner?"

"Wait, not trying to think of this the wrong way, but . . ." I pause. "Don't you have a wife?"

His smile faulters as well, replaced by an unknown look of sadness. "She um, passed away during her birth." He says, pointing over to Lilly.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." I cover my mouth, instantly regretting what I had just said. "I didn't mean to-"

"No, no. It's quite alright." He sighs. "But it'll be 9 years on Lilly's birthday and I'm not prepared for it. That's why I asked you for dinner. Possibly a movie if she doesn't lie down by then."

I think for a moment but ultimately decide on helping him out. As much as he's put me through, I'd never want to treat another the same way. "Of course. I'd love to. Especially for little Lilly."

He smiles, clearly greatful, glancing towards her, playing on the slides. "Thanks Granger."

I look over at her as well. Her bright brown hair hangs down to her elbows, making me jealous. Jealous of an almost 9 year old.

"Don't you have to go?" He interrupts my thoughts and I look over to him, taking my eyes of her. "I mean, I'm not pushing you to leave, you just sa-"

I laugh genuinely. "No, you're right. Thanks for the reminder." I turn away, waving behind me as I run onto the sidewalk as I leave them behind me.

When I arrive home, I already feel exhausted. I go up to my room to take a nap when I remember my nightmare last night. Not wanting to dream of it again, I decide on taking some medicine to keep me awake.


Throughout the next couple of days, I struggle to stay awake. I've almost built a tolerance to the basic pills. I tried energy drinks and others but all seem to have no effect.

I was first reminded of it when I stood at the counter of the library, slowly dozing off, but jolting awake when I hear a voice.

"Hermione?" I look over to Marvin whom is  staring at me curiously. "Are you tired?" He asks, stopping the book cart from rolling.

I sigh. "Yeah. I don't sleep well at night. I've tried everything." I lie, straightening up and taking a deep breath. "I'll be off soon since Marianne is taking over tonight."

A groan escapes his mouth. "I don't think Marianne likes me. She's always so mean to me."

I giggle, knowing very well that she fancies him more than he knows. "You'll be just fine, Marvin. Besides," I grab my coat, looking at the time. She should almost be here. "She's nice when you get to know her."

The look he gives me tells me that he doesn't believe a word I'm saying. "Goodnight, Marvin." I say when I see Marianne walk in. "Hey Marianne. See you tomorrow!"

She waves back, but glares at Marvin. I chuckle to myself as I walk away. I remember the dinner tonight and decide on going to the house as I am. I dress up for the library, therefore I'm not dressed down.

When I reach the place he directed me to days earlier, I can't help but take in the appearance. It's a simple but lovely large home. Shutters in every window pained green and the flowers in the garden make it look peaceful.

For a moment I'm wide awake, staring in awe at the sight before me. But that moment comes to an end when a door opening and someone shouting my name causes me to jump.

I look to see Draco walking down the path towards my vehicle, waving at me. I smile half-heartedly back, waving as I step out and close the door.

"Hello!" He announces to me, surprising me with a hug. I lightly hug back but mostly stand there awkwardly. I don't interact with people much anymore. I used to hug people on the daily.

"Hey." I respond lightly and calmly. I notice Lilly peeking out by the door, seeing whom was here. I smile at her. "Happy birthday Lilly!"

She runs down the sidewalk to us and stands by Draco. She must look more like her mom, due to having chocolate locks. Unless Draco bleaches his hair and is naturally brunette. I shiver at the thought, but reconsider when I imagine the brown hair falling off his eyes.

"Granger? You alright?" I'm asked.

I stare at him for a moment before remembering the present I bought little Lilly. I hold up a finger and unlock the vehicle again, rummaging through the back mess.

When I return to them, a golden wrapping paper is in my hands, ready to hand over to her. Her eyes light up brightly and stares intently at the package.

I giggle slightly, handing it to her. She looks up at me and we lock eyes. Her expression told of disbelief and curiosity. "For me?"

I nod, allowing her to take it from me as scurries back inside, yelling out a 'thank you'. I let out a breath before turning back to Draco but jump slightly when I notice he's already looking at me and smiling.


"Yes." I answer, following him inside. I take off my jumper and trainers.

"So kind of you to join us, by the way. I owe you." He leads me into the living room which, mind you, is very spacious. I've never seen such a green house in my whole life. The couch is green as is the end stands, telly, and the floor as well.

"Wow. It's so," I pause, taking another look. "Green."

"I suppose it is. Lilly loves the color green. I'm hoping she'll be in Slytherin as well in a couple of years." He says, plopping down in a rocking chair.

My mind starts to go back to the first day at that place. The sorting hat, the candle lights, my robes. But I quickly shake off the memory and attempt to change the subject. "So are we the only ones attending tonight?"

His face falls slightly. "Yes. Most of my family is still siding with evil. My father is of no use considering he's evil and my mother is the only one I speak to." His face drops further. "She's dying."

"Oh um, so what's for dinner?" Changing the subject again, sitting down on the loveseat.

His face returns to normal and he smiles brightly. "Lilly loves animals, so she's a vegetarian. We're having potatoes and vegetables along with some fruits as well." He answers. "If you don't mind."

"Not at all." I wave my hand. "I'm actually a vegetarian as well."

His eyes light up. "Really? She'll be so glad to hear that." I ask him if we should ready the table. "Oh of course." He heads to the stairs and calls out her name, telling her dinner is ready.

I follow him into the kitchen as he opens the oven to bring out the potatoes and veggies. He tells me the fruits are in the fridge all ready to be taken out. I go to the fridge and find them easily, noticing a lot of food stocked up in it. I turn around, dropping the bowl down onto the counter, turning back around to close the door but when I spin around, I walk right into Draco's tall figure.

Being so close to him, our height difference has changed. He stands at 5'9" while I'm at 5'4" making me feel intimidated. I look up finally, seeing his face looking back down at me. My eyes find his and I can't help but lock onto them, wondering why they look so attractive.

"Daddy?" We both turn to see Lilly standing in the doorway, holding a purse in her hands.

We step away from each other and smile at the birthday girl, and I walk over to a chair and sit down. They continue to talk and we eat the delicious meal, talking about vegetarianism. She opens her gift from me, revealing a large stuffed animal in the shape of a bunny.

She excitedly says thank you multiple times, hugging the new addition to the family during the rest of the meal.

When we finish, we all head towards the main room to watch a movie. She picks out the Croods on Netflix and we begin right away with Lilly on the left, Draco in the middle and me on the right. Her bunny close to her body, she snuggles up to Draco and falls asleep within a half hour.

He picks her up, careful not to wake her, and heads upstairs to tuck her in. When he returns, he changes the movie to scream, making me laugh.

"This movie isn't scary." I giggle. He only puts it in, and sits back down, a little closer to me. I don't read into it but still think about it for a moment.

But as the lights go down and the telly is the only light source in the house, I start to feel the drowsiness I've built up over the past few days. My head ends up snapping back up multiple times, making sure he didn't see it each time.

But when I begin feeling sick and not right, I turn to Draco, whom is staring at the telly laughing at the screams. "Hospital." I say, passing out finally, feeling relief and fear.

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