Chapter 8

Three months later
Peggy's POV
Sally and I had just gotten home from a date. After picking up the kids from our neighbors, we took them home. I was currently nine months and my due date was in three days. I was expecting the baby to come on time so I wasn't worried.

It became time for all of us to go to bed so I showered, with some help from Sally. I put on some pajama shorts and a tank top before getting in the bed and cuddling Sally.

"Goodnight love. Sleep well." She kissed me and we fell asleep together."

I later woke up at 12:24 and my lower half was soaked. Shit. I gently shook Sally and she woke up thank God.

"Sal, my water broke. We need to go. Can you call John and Alex?"

"Oh my god! Of course. Go get in the car. I'll call Eliza too so she can watch the kids." I grabbed my already packed hospital bag and a jacket and got in our car. Moments later Eliza showed up. She hugged me and told me to be calm. I nodded and she walked inside.

Sally came out, quickly put the keys in the ignition and drove to the hospital. She held my hand while driving and squeezed it.

"Hey it's okay. I'm not in any excruciating pain yet. I just need to take deep breaths. Are John and Alex on their way?" She nodded and let herself relax a bit.

"Yes. They're probably already there." She pulled into the labor and delivery area of the hospital and we went in. They quickly gave me a room and let Alex and John in. Now we wait until this little girl wants to come out.

John's POV
I got a call at 12:24 in the morning. Who would be calling this early? The caller ID showed it was Sally. Why was she calling?

"Sals? Everything okay?"

"Peggy's water broke! Meet us at the hospital!"

I hung up and violently woke up Alex.

"Alex get up! Time to meet our daughter!" He jumped awake and since Laf was staying out our house for the night, we texted him telling him everything about us leaving. We got in the car and I drove at lighting speeds towards the hospital.

When we got there, we explained that Peggy was our surrogate and a nurse brought us to her room.

"Pegs! How are you? You okay?" She nodded. I was glad she was okay. My stomach growled and I made a queasy face.

"Hungry babe? I can go get you a snack or something." Man did I love Alex. I nodded and he left the room.

Alex's POV
I went to go find a vending machine to get some crackers from. I luckily found a nurse who was willing to help. I asked her for help and she walked me to one.

"What is such a health young man like you doing in a hospital?"

"Oh one of my friends is giving birth."

"Is it your girlfriend?"

"No actually. It's one of my close friends. She's surrogating for me and my husband."

"Oh hun, bless your heart." I suddenly remember what John had told me a while back.

"Alright Alex, let me tell you something. If someone ever says bless your heart, it is not a compliment. Bless your heart is basically southern for fuck off."

~Flashback over~

I looked the nurse in the eye and smirked.

"You too." Her mouth fell agape and we ended up at the vending machine. She quickly left. I laughed and got John some soda and crackers, as well as candy for me. I grabbed Peggy a water. She probably needed it. I walked back to the room with the items and when I came in John was sweating.

"Thank God you're back. Pegs' contractions started and she keeps breaking my hand."

"Suck it up. It was me last time." He groaned and relaxed as Peggy let go of his hand. I checked my watch and it read 8:34am. Had we really been here that long already? A nurse came into the room and checked Peggy's vitals.

"All right Peggy, you're dilated to 5cm. You should give birth around 9:20. I can call Dr.Schuyler in here now if you'd like?"

"Please. Thank you." The nurse nodded and left. Once again it was just John, Sally, Peggy and I.

"How you holding up Pegs?" I pushed a stray hair from her face.

"As good as I can be. I'm ready to get this baby out of me." I laughed. I wonder if this is a sign that my daughter will he stubborn like me. I was snapped out of my thought by the door opening.

"Hey guys." Angelica closed the door to the room wearing her coat and a bunch of files in her hand. "Peggy, mind if I check how dilated you are?"

Peggy's POV
Angie came in the room and sat in front of me. I was a little uncomfortable with my sister being up there but she was just doing her job.

"Alright Pegs, you're 8cm. She'll be here soon. Relax and take deep breaths. Epidural or no?" I shook my head.

"No epidural. I didn't have one with Phillip. I'll be fine."

"Okay. Well, we have some time to spare. I'm not gonna leave, you're so close." I sighed. I want this kid out of me.

John's POV
30 minutes later, at 9:21am, Peggy began pushing. "It's okay Peggy. Deep breaths." I was holding her hand as Angie lead the birth.

"One more push and she'll be here! You've got this Pegs." I started tearing up. With a cry, Peggy pushed and a baby cry soon filled the room.

September 25, my daughter was born. Angie placed her on Peggy's chest as she cleaned her off.

"Ssh, it's okay. She's here!" We were all crying by now. Alex tried calming me down. I couldn't stop crying. You would be crying if your daughter was just born too. "Babe, look. She's really here. She's beautiful."

I looked up from Alex's shoulder and saw Peggy holding a now wrapped baby girl.

"Can I hold her?"

"Of course! Come here." Peggy gave me Angelica and I took her to the couch.

"Hi Angelica. I'm your Father. You're so gorgeous. You even have my freckles, and my eyes." I let silent tears fall from my face as I kissed Angelica's head. She looked exactly like me. "Lexi, look at her. She's so cute. That's our daughter."

"Can I hold her?" Without saying anything, I put her in Alex's arms. He looked at her in awe.

Alex's POV
I was handed my daughter and I immediately fell in love. She was absolutely beautiful. She had beautiful green eyes like John, and his signature freckles. She was born with a full head of hair and it was brown with a hint of red.

"Hello baby girl. I'm your daddy. You're gonna love me, I swear." I chuckled and started tearing up. "Gosh you're pretty. You look just like your Father. My skin though. I already love you so much Angelica." I kissed her head and rocked her. Angie came into the room with the birth certificate.

"You guys know the drill, sign here and here." John signed first as I was holding Angelica. "She's truly an adorable little girl. She tired Pegs out." I looked over to see Peggy sleeping peacefully in her bed. Sally was sleeping next to her. "I know Peggy is asleep but do you want visitors now?"

"Sure. Why not. They need to see my daughter and how beautiful she is!" John laughed and Angie opened the door to let Laf and Herc in with Phillip and Nathaniel.

"Daddy! Papa!" Phillip ran towards us and John quickly grabbed him. I smiled and John sat him on his lap.

"Phillip, do you know who that is?" John pointed to Angelica in my arms. He shook his head. "Pip that's your sister. You're a big brother now. Say hi to Angelica."

He waved his tiny baby hand at her. "Hi An-lica!" Everyone smiled at Phillip's way or saying her name. It was cute. He then kissed Angelica quickly and John showed him how to rub her head. He was only one but he wanted to hold her so badly.

We put pillows under his arm to help support Angelica's head. "Be gentle Pip. She's very fragile." He smiled at her with his tiny toothed smile.

"Papa she my sister?"

"Yes Pip. That's your sister."

"She pretty!" I smiled and leaned on John. "I wuv you An-lica!" John was so happy as was I.

"Look at at our kids. They're so cute." John pet my hair as I ranted about how cute our children were. "They look like you a lot. It's adorable."

"Yes but they have your personality. I love you Alex." He kissed me quickly.

"I love you too John."

"Alright lovebirds! Enough PDA, there are children in the room. Let me hold my niece!" We all laughed and Pip tried to give Angelica to Herc. Herc took her while Nathaniel and Phillip sat on the couch playing together. Herc rocked her and Laf stood beside him, cooing over her as well.

"Oh mon frère. She's beau!"

"She is. Hi. I'm uncle Herc. I promise I'm nice. Don't let the muscles scare you." He chuckled and let Laf hold her.

John and I shared a smile as everyone held Angelica. Everyone loved her so much already. Soon we were all tired and Laf and Herc took the boys home while John and I pulled out the couch. Peggy had woken up a while ago and was now holding Angelica. Sally went home a little bit ago to take care of the kids. Another day I will always love. September 25.
Yay, little Angelica is here! I think this is a really cute chapter. I really like this chapter and hopefully you guys do too. Au revoir my beautiful turtles.🐢❤

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