Chapter 50

~A week later~
Nathaniel's POV
"Angie, baby, time to wake up." I gently shook my girlfriend. "Baby, we have to go to school."

"Nooooo." She pulled the pillow over her head. "Go away, Easton and I are sleeping." She pulled Easton closer to her as well.

"Easton has to go to his grandparents. Come on, Angie." He sat on the bed next to her. Easton started babbling and smiling at me. I picked him up and smirked. "Say bye bye momma."

"Bring my baby back." She groaned.

"Nope. I'm gonna go feed him. Bye." I turned to leave the room and heard Angie get out of bed. "Shit." I started running down the hall and down the stairs with Easton.

"Help. I've awoken the sleeping dragon. She's trying to take my baby." I ran into the kitchen and handed Easton to the closest person which just so happened to be Daniel. He held Easton out in front of him.

"Nah-ah. I don't wanna get attacked this morning. Mr.Alex, here." Now Uncle Alex was holding the baby.

"John." Uncle John then passed the baby to Phillip.

Phillip sighed. "You need food." He put Easton in his high chair and started cutting up a banana and making oatmeal for him.

"Nathaniel, I'm gonna kill you." Angie jumped on my back. "You woke me up."

"We have school." I tried to get her off my back.

"Angie, coffee." Uncle Alex told her. She got off my back and got down.

"We're not done here." She pushed a finger before walking over to the coffee pot. I looked over at Phillip who was feeding Easton.

"Come on, bud. Look, Uncle Pip is eating too." Phillip ate a banana slice. Easton giggled and grabbed a banana slice himself. He ate it and Phillip cheered. "Yay, good job buddy."

Daniel walked over to his boyfriend. "I gotta go. I'll see you later." He kissed Phillip. "Have a good day at school."

"I love you too." Phillip smiled. "See ya."

"Bye second family!" Daniel shouted as he walked out the door.

"Alright, kids, eat. John and I gotta go. Angie, make sure your child eats all of his food." Uncle Alex kissed her head. "Bye Nathaniel. Bye Phillip." He hugged us both. "See you guys at school." They walked out of house and we began fixing our plates.

"It's too early for school." Angie whined. She looked at her phone and then whined again. "Why is it so late?" 

"What?" I asked, putting a forkful of eggs in my mouth.

"My period. It's 3 days late. I need it to come already so I won't be super surprised when it comes." She sipped her coffee.

"It'll come, love." I rubbed her back.

"Daniel's picking me up from school so I don't need a ride." Phillip said as he put his shoes on. "You guys can go home without me. Dad and Father know I'm gonna be out with him."

"Phillip’s getting some dick." Angie sang with a smirk. Phillip came over and flicked the back of her head. "That was rude." She huffed.

Easton whined from the high chair. I got out of my seat at the table and grabbed him. "Hey buddy." He smiled. "Look at that smile. You've got your mommy's smile." I kissed his cheek. "You ready to go to Grand-Père's house?"

"His bag is all packed. Extra clothes and diapers." Angie handed me his diaper bag. "Get that kid a jacket. It's December in NYC!" She grabbed a fuzzy jacket from the closet downstairs and put it on Easton.

"Go get dressed, babe, I got him." I kissed Angie and pushed her towards the stairs.

Angie's POV
I sighed when I got to my room. I grabbed my brown Uggs, some leggings, and a grey sweater, throwing a very beanie on my head after brushing my hair.

I quickly did my makeup, just my eyebrows and mascara, and grabbed my backpack. I made my way downstairs and stopped at the door. "Let's go, we're gonna be late."

The four of us piled into Nathaniel's car. Phillip played with Easton in the back while Nathaniel drove and I sat shotgun. "I want a kid so badly." I heard Phillip say.

"How does Daniel feel about kids?" Nathaniel asked him as he turned off of our street.

"Daniel wants kids." Phillip nodded. "Just not now." He smiled and tickled Easton. "I'm perfectly happy with this one right now."

I smiled. "He loves his Uncle Pip." I looked at Nathaniel. "I can't wait to have another one later on." He smiled back at me and squeezed my hand.

"Later, love. Let's just watch this one grow up for a bit." We pulled into his house and stepped out. I carried him out of the car, the diaper bag on my shoulder. "Let me give my baby a kiss." Nathanile had rolled down his window.

He kissed Easton's cheek and ruffled his hair. "Be good for Grand-Père. Daddy will see you later." He waved goodbye.

I smiled and walked up to my Uncle’s front door. After knocking, the door opened to reveal Uncle Laf. "Mon Ange, Easton!" He took Easton out of my arms.

"Hi, Uncle Laffy." He looked down at his feet and so did I. "Hey, Lucifier." Uncle Herc had gotten a black kitty a few weeks ago and now Lucifier followed Uncle Laffy and Uncle Herc everywhere.

"He's been very cuddly this morning." Uncle Laf now had Easton on his hip. "I've got him. Go have a good day at school." He kissed my head. "Love you."

"Love you too. Bye baby." I kissed my son's head. "Be good. I'll be back after school." I smiled and walked back to the car and got in. "Let's go to school."

~After school~

"I love it when you call me señorita. I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya. But every touch is oo-la-la-la. It's true-la-la-la. Oo I should be running." Nathaniel and I sang as we salsa danced across the stage.

"Oo you know I love it when you call me señorita. I wish it wasn't so damn hard to leave ya. But every touch is oo-la-la-la, it's true-la-la-la. Oo I should be running, oo you keep me coming for you." I pulled him close to me by his neck and kissed him briefly.

"Oo I should be running, oo you keep me coming for you." We finished the song and he kissed me.

"God you're a good salsa dancer." He growled. "That was hot." His hand slowly crept to the hem of my sweater. "You're so beautiful."

I wanted to say something but my mouth just gaped open. Nathaniel covered my neck in kisses, making his way to the back of my ear. "Let's go move to the sound booth, it's more secluded." He whispered. I just nodded and let him pull me towards the booth.

Rehearsal had ended 15 minutes ago but we decided to stay in the auditorium. "Nathaniel." I wrapped my hands in his silky, black hair, gripping it gently.

He kissed down my chest and stomach, pushing me against the wall. His fingers wrapped around the waistband of my leggings and gently tugged them down. I whimpered a little and let my head fall back.

"Are you okay with this?" He breathed over my stomach. I nodded and bit my lip. He then proceeded to pull my underwear down. I gasped when his mouth came over me.

"Nath." I squeezed his hair a tad. His tongue skillfully moved in and out of me and my knees started to go weak already. I softly moaned, he hummed in response.

Eventually, I got close and started moaning like crazy. He squeezed my hips and moved his mouth faster. I soon came and he pulled away, string mix of saliva and cum on his mouth.

I collapsed over his shoulder and he chuckled a little. I panted and he rubbed my back. "Deep breaths, baby."

"How are you so good at that?" I mumbled into his neck. He sat us down on the small couch in the booth and held me. "I love you."

"I love you too, Angel. Once you catch your breath, we should probably head out." He caressed my hip. "Your skin is so fucking soft."

I giggled a little. "Staaaaahp. Hey, can you drop me off at Theo’s? She wanted to hang out."

"Sure. Want me to keep Easton for the night?"

"Yeah actually, he needs time with his daddy. Mommy wants a break." I laughed. "I think I'm good now. We can go."

"Okay." We got our stuff and walked out to his car. As soon as we got in, I hooked my phone up to the Bluetooth. "I get control." I teased. I decided on Panic!

"Good taste, I like it." Nathaniel smiled.

We both screamed along to the music and laughed at each other until he pulled into Theo’s driveway. "Bye, I love you. I'll text you if he needs anything." Nathaniel kissed me gently.

I smiled and kissed him back. "I love you too. I'll get Theo to drive me home. Bye, baby." I grabbed my bag and left his car.

With a swift knock, Theo opened the front door. She turned around to yell, "Dad! Angie's here!" She then turned and faced me. "Angie!" Theo pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Hi T." I laughed and she crushed me. She released me and them dragged me up to her room.

"I missed you, anything new?" She asked as she gently closed the door and locked it.

"Not really. Nathaniel and I are fine, Easton is fine. I went to my first party though!" She and I squealed.

"Tell your experience!" She sat down on the bed next to me. "Did you drink? Did you get some afterwards?" She wiggled her eyebrows, I blushed.

"Yes I drank, and of course I did. Nathaniel can never keep his hands off me." I simply stated. "And then puked all the alcohol up the next morning."

"And that's why I don't drink." Theo responded.

"How's Joseph?" I asked as I felt Theo mess with my hair.

"Perfect as always." Theo sighed dreamingly. "He's so amazing. He got me this locket for our anniversary." She started to loosely braid my hair. "Angie, I'm gonna be honest with you. You've been looking really bloated lately."

"I know, I've being feeling really bloated lately as well." I sighed. "It sucks."

"Angie..." She stopped braiding my hair. "Could you be pregnant?"

"What? No. I was pregnant 6 months ago. The chances of me being pregnant again aren't gonna be that high."

"Angie, you could still get pregnant. Have you taken a test?" She asked concerned. I shook my head which made Theo sigh. She went into her bathroom and came back out with a pregnancy test in her hands. "Go take it."

"Why do you have a test?" I asked.

"Becuase you're my best friend and I like to be prepared, now go."

Welp, I warned you things were gonna go to shit. Angie might be pregnant again. Now, who would you guys like to see more of? Any couples I should write into the book more?

I gotta start writing the next chapter so, until next time, au revoir my beautiful turtles!🐢❤

Unedited~ 7/11/19

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