Chapter 49
Little baby Easton^^^^^^
~6 months later~ (It's December now)
Angie's POV
"Open up." I cooed as I fed my son. "Bananas, your favorite." Easton smiled and babbled as he ate the spoonful of baby food.
My little baby was now 6 months old. He could crawl a little and babble and smile and do all sorts of stuff. He really grows up right before my eyes.
"Hey baby, you got your dress ready for tonight?" Nathaniel asked as he entered the kitchen.
"Yeah. Everything's laying out on my bed. I'm so excited." I smiled although he couldn't see it since my back was turned to him.
"The boys are excited I'm going." He chuckled a little. "I've been pushing it off every time they ask me to come."
Here's what's going on: The football team throws parties all the time. Nathaniel always gets invited but he never goes. But this time, our parents encouraged us to go. Said we need some time to be a normal teenager.
Uncle Laf and Herc were coming over to the house so both of our parents can watch Easton.
It was my first party. My parents want me to drink tonight. They said it isn't a party if you don't have at least one cup. Well that was mainly Father. Apparently he was a party animal in college and high school.
"Hey, handsome." Nathaniel sat next to me at the table. Easton smiled at him and made grabby hands. "Aww. I'll hold you in a minute. Mommy's feeding you right now."
"Yes, please let me feed this child." I laughed and kept feeding him. After the third month of having him, we got the hang of things. He became easier to handle.
"Alright, I think you're done." I said a few minutes later after Easton started refusing the food. I pulled him out of his highchair and gave him to his dad.
"Hey buddy. You wanna go play upstairs with daddy." Nathaniel smiled. He then turned to me. "I can't wait to see what you're wearing tonight."
I blushed. "Go entertain your son." I lightly pushed him towards the stairs. Nathaniel laughed and walked upstairs. I started cleaning up the highchair and table.
I sighed as I washed dishes. "Everything alright, Princess?" Uncle Herc came into the kitchen. "You seem stressed. Lighten up, you're going to a party tonight. You're first party."
"Promise you'll take good care of Easton?" I turned to face him.
"Angie, your dads, Laf, and I are going to take perfectly good care of him." Uncle Herc placed his hands on my shoulders.
I nodded and bit my lip. "Okay but don't feed him squash, he hates it. Oh and don't forget to get him apple juice before bed! And don't keep him up late please. He needs his sleep." I rambled.
"Mon Ange, shut up. We've got him." Uncle Laf came into the kitchen as well, putting his chin on his husband's shoulder.
"Fine." I huffed. "I'm gonna miss my baby boy."
"I know. But you're gonna have the time of your life tonight."
~Teeny tiny time skip~
Uncle Herc came into my room with something behind his back. "What shoes are you wearing tonight?" He asked me.
"My gold ones." I pointed to them on the floor as I set my face with my setting spray.
"Wrong answer. You're wearing these." He walked over to me and handed me a pair of red bottoms.
"Uncle Herc. I can't." I pushed them away.
"You can and you will." He kneeled down and put them on my feet. "They've been laying around my shop for a while and they were your size."
I stood up and hugged him. "Thanks, Uncle Herc."
"Look at you! Nathaniel's not gonna be able to keep his hands off you!" He gasped.
(Angelica's dress and hair)
"Angie, have you seen my-woah." Phillip came into my room. "Look at you. My baby sister going to her first party." He wiped fake tears off his cheeks.
"Oh shush it." I pushed him gently. "Where's my date?"
"Waiting for you at the front door. Have a good time sweetie. We love you." Uncle Herc kissed my cheek. "Your parents are playing with Easton and Laf's making dinner. We've got this."
"Okay." I hugged him. "Bye, Uncle Herc." He smiled and I walked downstairs.
"Bye guys! Love you!" I heard 'bye' from all over the house.
"Let's go, sexy." Nathaniel hungrily eyed my body and kissed me deeply.
"Nath." I giggled. "You can have all you want later." I said, tracing a finger down his chest. His shirt wasn't buttoned all the way, exposing some of his chest.
"Mhmm. I can't wait." He smirked. We left the house and got in the car.
When we arrived at the party, we were greeted by Liam Collins, the quarterback.
"Nathaniel! My man." They did the little thing men do when they hug. "So you finally came huh? It's great to see you. And you brought your girl." He looked me up and down. "Please come in. Drinks are in the kitchen. See ya round."
"Come on." He dragged me into the kitchen. "You want something." I looked at the various alcoholic drinks and decided what I wanted to have as my first drink.
"Pour me a shot a vodka." I said.
"Okay, babe, vodka for your first drink is not good." Nathaniel said.
"Just give me the vodka." I rolled my eyes and groaned. He shook his head and poured me a shot.
I took a deep breath and gulped it down in one go. I coughed afterwards. "Gross."
"I tried to warn you." Nathaniel was now drinking a Samuel Adams Summer Ale. "Here. Try this. You might like this."
I sipped the bottle. "No. Too bitter." I stuck my tongue out.
"I know what you'll like." He opened the fridge and gave me a Bud Light Orange. "It's sweet but the alcohol is still there."
I took one sip and then practically chugged the whole bottle. "Woah, slow down sweetheart. Don't you wanna remember how good you're gonna feel tonight?" He said as he put his hands on my waist.
"Let me get wasted. It's my first partyyyyyy." I whined.
"Fine, let's go play beer pong." Nathaniel dragged me over towards a table. "Yo, Sammy. Get your ass over here." He called out to his teammate.
"Rematch, huh?" Sammy smirked. He grabbed a ping pong ball and shot it into a cup. "Drink up, pretty boy."
Nathaniel drank the cup and then threw his ball. It went into Sammy's cup.
"I'm gonna go get another drink." I left the boys and walked back into the kitchen.
"Angelica?!" I turned around to see Emma Strong. She was a beautiful girl, a junior. Though from what Phillip has told me, she sleeps around a lot. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"I didn't expect to be here." I laughed. I poured my self a glass of water and swallowed it down. Then I grabbed a wine cooler.
"How's the baby?" She leaned against the counter.
"He's great." I nodded. "A handful, but he's great." I looked around. So many high schoolers I don't know. Most were juniors and seniors.
"Drink enough of those and you might just get drunk." She laughed and commented. "I've had my share of wine coolers. Well, I gotta get back to my boyfriend but it was great talking." She smiled and waved goodbye.
I smiled too. She was nice. I took in the scenes of the party. People making out, talking, drinking, most people had a vape. It was crazy. But I kinda liked it. Made me feel normal.
"Okay, you're tipsy." I heard Nathaniel say as I stumbled into his arms. It was about midnight now. Uncle Herc and Laf were staying at my house so Nathaniel and I could stay at his house. "Let's get you home." Nathaniel said.
I groaned and wrapped my arms around my neck. "You smell nice." I kissed his neck. He pulled me off.
"At home, baby." He kissed me and pushed me towards his car. He helped me get in and buckle me up.
When we got to the house, I walked up to his room and flopped on the bed. "Nathaniel." I whined. "Come help me undress."
~Smut ahead~
Nathaniel came into his room, a huge smirk across his face. "You want me to undress you, huh babygirl?"
I blushed and nodded. Nathaniel carefully slid my dress off my shoulders, kissing his way down. He then moved it down to my hips, my breasts exposed to him now. Eventually, he got it off and kissed all over my body. I shivered a little when he started kissing my thighs.
"Let me pay attention to these beauties first." He moved up to my breasts, taking one in his mouth. He sucked it while squeezing the other one. I moaned and grabbed his hair.
"Nathaniel." I moaned. He pulled off and lightly bit my nipple before sucking my breast again. He then moved to the other one, giving it just as much attention.
Then, he came up and kissed me. I kissed back and his tongue slid in between my lips. I parted them slightly and he pushed his tongue in.
I lightly bit it before letting it go and having his tongue explore the inside of my mouth.
My hands tugged at his hair as his hands roamed my body. I pulled away when I needed air to see Nathaniel's lips all swollen. Nathaniel got off me and stripped himself.
My gaze lingered on his erection for a second before Nathaniel summoned me to the end of the bed. "You know what to do."
I nodded and held him in my hands. My lips touching the tip. I slowly slid my lips down him. "Fuck, baby." I heard him breathe out from above.
I started sucking him off, my hands getting what I couldn't fit in my mouth. He held my head and moaned, praising me.
Eventually, he came. He pushed me back onto the bed and placed himself at my entrance. He looked at me and I nodded, giving him approval to proceed.
He pushed himself in and I immediately clenched myself around him. He didn't hesitate to start thrusting. I moaned loudly, arching my back and clawing at his.
"Ugh, Nathaniel." I moaned. He threw my leg over his shoulder, getting deeper into me. I moaned even more, grunts leaving his mouth himself.
"God you're gorgeous under me like this." He growled, grabbing my butt.
I screamed his name when he hit my g-spot and begged for him to go faster. He obyed and sped up. I connected our lips together, furiously making out with him.
I pulled away to moan as I came. He came after me with a loud moan as well. I laid on the bed, panting and trying to catch my breath. Nathaniel went into his bathroom to get a rag to clean us off. But when he came back, I was already asleep.
~The next morning~
I groaned as I rolled over in bed. I sat up, covering my breasts with the blanket. I rubbed my eyes and groaned, looking around me. Nathaniel was still sleeping, our clothes scattered everywhere.
My head hurt like hell, so I grabbed my underwear and one of Nathaniel's sweatshirts and got out of bed. I made my way downstairs, holding the railing to keep me stable.
I opened the medicine cabinet and got out two pills of Advil and filled a glass with water. I was about to take the pills when suddenly I had to puke. I ran to the downstairs bathroom and emptied my guts.
I hovered over the toilet for a few minutes, getting everything out of my system, before standing back up and wiping and rinsing my mouth out. I walked back into the kitchen and took the two pills.
"Somebody can't hold their alcohol very well." Nathaniel wrapped his arms around my waist, placing his head on my shoulder. I turned around, his arms still around me. "How are you feeling?"
"Like crap." I whined. "I shouldn't have drank."
Nathaniel kissed my head. "It'll pass. How about you go sit and relax and I'll make breakfast? How's that sound?"
"It sounds perfect." I kissed him and smiled. He smiled back. "I'll have coffee ready in a few minutes."
I love that boy. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I decided to watch some Brooklyn 99 after going through thousands of channels.
After about 5 minutes, Nathaniel brought me a cup of coffee. "Food will be ready soon. Coffee is just the way you like it."
I smiled once more and took the coffee from him. I sipped it and sighed. Nathaniel was humming while cooking and it was adorable. I then thought of Easton and started missing my little baby again.
"Breakfast." Nathaniel brought out eggs and toast and bacon and placed it on the coffee table. He then sat beside me. "Hey, what's wrong?" He placed his hand on my knee.
"I just miss Easton." I frowned a little. "But, I got to be a normal teenager for once so, it was worth it."
Nathaniel smiled. "I'm glad. Eat. You need it." I nodded and started eating. "Do you remember anything from last night?"
"A little." I blushed. "My butt hurts. And my head."
"Hangovers are like that." He rubbed my back. "I'm sorry I wasn't up before you. I would've laid out some clothes and Advil for you. But it seems you found some clothes." He trailed his hands a little up the sweatshirt and caressed my skin.
"Yeah." I nodded. "Food is delicious, thank you, Nath." I kissed his head.
"Anything for you. You have some clothes hanging up in my closet you can wear back over to your house." He said.
"Can I keep the sweatshirt?" I asked with big eyes.
"Babe that's the fifth one." I made my eyes wider. "Fine. Just you have to return one."
"Deal." I smiled. "Let me finish eating and we can go back to my house."
A few minutes later, I went up to his room and changed. I also washed my makeup off from last night.
"Ready?" Nathaniel asked, coming into the room. I nodded and grabbed my phone and purse. "Let's go."
"Easton, get your little butt back here!!" My dad screamed after Easton who was crawling on the floor.
"What's going on in here?" I laughed as I opened the door to my house.
"Easton's running away, well crawling, away from your dad because he doesn't want to put on clean clothes." Father answered.
"Mommy's here." Dad swooped Easton up and carried him to me.
"Hi baby." I took him and kissed his nose. "Miss me?" He smiled his toothless smile. "You're so adorable."
"Alex has been trying to get him to talk. Nothing yet." Uncle Herc as he came in the room.
"Good, I wanna be there for my baby's first word." I smiled and tickled his belly.
"What about daddy?" Nathaniel pouted. "I want some love." I jokingly sighed and handed him Easton. "Yay. Hey buddy."
Easton giggled and bounced. "Aww." I smiled at my boyfriend and son. "You love your daddy don't you?"
"Of course he does." Nathaniel tickled him as well. "And his daddy loves him."
"How was the party?" Uncle Laf asked, coming into the living room.
"It was good." Nathaniel answered. "Angie had fun. Her hangover got the best of her this morning though."
"I'm glad you guys had fun. This little dude, was talking all night and wouldn't go to sleep." Father whined.
"Yeah he just lays in the crib and babbles for a while before he actually sleep." Nathaniel answered.
"Other than that, he was pretty much perfect." Father shrugged.
"I'm glad." Nathaniel smiled at his son.
"You guys have school tomorrow. Last week before winter break." Uncle Herc reminded us.
"Ugh. School." Nathaniel groaned. I slapped his arm. "What?"
"It's your senior year. I still have one more year left after this. You're almost done." I playfully rolled my eyes. "And you're about to be 18 and you're taking a gap year."
"Speaking of which." He threw his arm around my shoulder. "Whatcha gettin' me?"
"Like I'd tell you." I smirked. "It's the 10th, you'll find out in a few weeks."
"I can't believe you're gonna be 18. Laf, babe, I'm getting old." Uncle Herc told Uncle Laffy.
"Bitch, so I am." Uncle Laffy replied. "You just look old and I don't."
"You guys don't look old." Nathaniel said, adjusting Easton on his hip. "You're getting big, mister."
"You're just saying that cause you're our kid. You have to say that." Uncle Herc responded.
"You certainly don't fuck like you're old." Nathaniel said under his breath but I heard it and snorted. He turned to me and smiled. "Let's go take this baby upstairs."
I nodded. "We'll be back. Family time." I smiled a little. Once we got to my room, we put Easton in the pack-in-play and then got on my bed.
"Hey babe?" I asked. He hummed in response as he played with my hair. "Were your previous girlfriend's as pretty as me?"
"No. You are much much more prettier than they were. They also weren't the mother of my child." He replied. "I can't believe we've been together for over a year."
"It feels like it's only been a few months." I said. "I love you." I kissed him briefly.
"I love you too." He smiled down at me. "Look at us, you, me, and our beautiful baby. I wouldn't ask for anything else."
I smiled and snuggled into his side. He was warm and comfy. "Think of all the times that we're gonna have like this once we move into the house."
"Oh, speaking of the house. We need to start getting furniture for it and cleaning it real good before putting the furniture in." Nathaniel said. "Considering that I'm moving into the house in 6 months."
"I'll help you clean and stuff. Can our bedroom be white and grey and navy blue?" I asked softly.
"Sure. Anything for you, beautiful." Nathaniel kissed my head. "I can't wait to live in the same house as you."
Easton started crying a little from in the pack-in-play. I rolled out of the bed and picked him up. "Let's put some clean clothes on you. You're a naked baby."
I carried him to his room and put some pants and a long sleeved shirt on him. "You're so adorable." I gave him a big hug. "Mommy loves you so much." I said as I walked back to my room with him.
"We're gonna give him a sibling later in life right?" Nathaniel asked, standing in the doorway of my room.
"Well of course, but not now. Gotta let this one get a little older first." I gave Easton to his dad.
"Of course." Nathaniel tossed him in the air. "Wanna lay down with daddy? I think yes." I giggled at my boys and joined them in bed.
"I love you guys so much." I kissed Easton's forehead and Nathaniel's lips.
Nathanile smiled. "We love you too."
Phillip’s POV
"Danielllllllll. Love meeeeeeeee." I whined from the couch. He looked up from his game and I gave him puppy eyes. He sighed and paused the game.
"Come here you big baby." He put the Xbox One controller down and pulled me near him. We were sitting in his basement which was the game anf movie room.
I smiled and snuggled into him. "I love you." I mumbled as he pulled a blanket over top of us.
"I love you too, princess." Daniel wrapped a piece of my hair around his finger.
"You’re so hot." I caressed his cheek. "Perfect skin, beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile."
"I think you're describing yourself." Daniel kissed my forehead. "I mean, look at you." He ran a hand through my loose curls. "You're the most handsome man on this earth."
I blushed and snuggled into him more. "I love you so much."
He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me tighter. "I love you too, princess." I sighed in content and closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep.
Hiiiiiiiiii! How's everyone doing?? Good, I hope! So I'm gonna explain everything that happened in the time skip.
Phillip and Nathaniel started their senior year while Angie started her junior year. Angie turned 17. Halloween happened and Easton was Abu from Aladdin and Angie was Jasmine and Nathaniel was Aladdin.
John turned 43 in October. They hosted Thanksgiving at their house, complete with the Washingtons and Henry.
And yeah, that's about it. The school musical for this year is Rent. Angie is Mimi and Nathaniel is Roger.
I can't wait for the next few chapters. Until next time, au revoir my beautiful turtles❤🐢
Unedited~ 7/3/19
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