Chapter 48
Angie Sr.'s POV
"Thomas!!!!" I screamed. "Get in here!!!!" I heard Thomas running up the stairs into the bathroom.
"What? Are you okay???" He frantically asked.
"What the fuck is this!?!?" I shoved a pregnancy test in his chest. "Can't you ever pull out??" I groaned. "I'm too old for more kids. Hell, I'm 43!"
"And I'm 43 as well! We're both old!" Thomas ran his fingers through his hair. "Make an appointment with your gyno. Get tested by a doctor. The test could be false."
"I really don't want more kids." I whined. I laid my head on Thomas' shoulder.
"Mommy?" Elise tugged on my pant leg.
"Hey sweetie." I picked her up and set her on my hip.
"Mommy okay?" Elise asked.
"Mommy's okay." I ran my hands down her hair, kissing her head. "Why don't you go place with Tina?" She nodded and I placed her down before she took off.
"This is stressful." I groaned. Thomas rubbed my back and kissed my forehead.
"I know, Angel. Hopefully it's a false positive." He said. "I don't want more kids either."
"Let me call Peggy. She'll babysit for us and we can go get a test." I grabbed my phone and called Peggy.
"Hey Angie! What's up?"
"Hey Pegs, do you mind babysitting for me for a bit? I've a doctor's appointment."
"Of course! I love watching the girls. I'll be over there in a few. See ya sis!"
"Thanks, Pegs." I hung up. "She's coming."
"Perfect. Go get dressed. I'll go talk to the kids and tell them Aunt Peggy is coming over." Thomas kissed my cheek and left the bathroom.
"Oh dear god." I sighed and got dressed. I fixed my hair and makeup and slipped on my shoes.
"Auntie Peggy!" I heard my seven year old squealing from downstairs. I grabbed my purse and made my way to everyone. Peggy was holding Elise already.
"Tina, are you that excited to see me?" Peggy asked, ruffling my eldest's hair, who was clinging onto her leg.
"Thank you so much once again, Pegs."
"It's not a problem, Angie. I'll these little kiddos." She kissed my cheek. "Go to your appointment, sis. I got them." She smiled. "Who wants to go play outside?" The girls cheered and they headed out the back.
~Small time skip~
Thomas and I anxiously sat in the exam room. "It's gonna be okay." He kissed my forehead. "I'm here."
The doctor walked in, Thomas moved to my side and held my hand. "Well?" I asked.
The doctor sighed and I got worried. "Mrs.Jefferson, you're not pregnant." The doctor smiled. I swear I almost cried.
"Oh thank God." I hugged Thomas by the neck tightly.
"You two can be on your way. Have a great day." We said thanks and left the doctors office after checking out.
"Celebratory 'we're not having another baby' champagne?" Thomas asked.
"Duh. We got a bottle at home we can open." Thomas pressed me against the car.
"Let's go out. You and me." He smiled. "We can go to that nice place on 5th street you like."
"I'd like that." I pecked him and got in the car. He got in and we drove off. "You're such an amazing husband." I smiled at him.
"And you're such an amazing wife." He kissed my hand. "I still remember the day I proposed to you. I always will."
"That is one of my favorite days. Apart from our wonderful daughters being born." I leaned my head back against the seat. "We need a vacation. A cruise, maybe. Something."
"One day, Angel. I promise." Thomas smiled over at me.
Alex's POV
"George! Our children are here!" Martha called as she opened the door for us. "Hi my babies." She hugged Angie and Phillip tightly.
"What about me, ma? Those two wouldn't be here without me." I chuckled. Martha laughed and smiled before hugging me.
"Come here. You get a hug too." John smiled and hugged Martha.
"Forgetting someone?" Angie asked with a smile.
"How could I? Come, bring him in." Angie took the car seat over to the couch and took Easton out. "Angelica, he's absolutely adorable."
"You can hold him." She placed the baby in Martha's arms.
"Look at my great-grand baby." Martha gushed.
"My favorite family." George walked into the living room. "Hey, son."
"Don't call me son." I joked and hugged him. "Thanks again for keeping the kids. I know you missed them."
"Of course. Martha and I will gladly have the kids over anytime. We understand you and John need a break sometimes." George smiled. "We'll text you if we need anything."
"Thanks. Bye kiddos. Love you."
"Love you too!" Our children shouted back. John and I walked out and closed the door to the Washington's residence.
"So, we're kid free for a few hours. What now?" I asked my husband, getting in the car.
"Let's go catch a movie. Rocketman is in theatres." He replied.
"Alright. Let's go."
After we arrived, we got popcorn and drinks and settled into our seats. I laid my head on John's shoulder.
"I love you so much, Lexi." He kissed my forehead.
"I love you even more, Bubba." I smiled up at him. The lights in the theatre darkened and I snuggled into John.
John kissed me occasionally throughout the movie and I happily kissed back.
(I haven't seen it yet so, no one spoil it!)
After the movie ended, John stood up and stretched. I grabbed the drinks and popcorn before disposing of them. John wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Where do you wanna go now?" He asked as we made our way out of the theatre.
"I don't know. Let's go home and nap and cuddle." I suggested.
"Okay." John and I approached the car and got in. "Hey, I love you."
"I love you too." I held his face and kissed him. He kissed back and deepened it by putting his tongue in my mouth. We kissed for a few more seconds before pulling away.
"Let's go home,babygirl." He smiled.
Angie's POV
"Oh he's an absolute angel. So sweet and cute. He did spit up on Nathaniel the other day though, it hilarious." I laughed and looked at my son.
"Your grandfather adores him." Grandma smiled. "I haven't seen George this happy with kids in a while." She said, sipping her coffee afterwards.
I looked down at my cup. "I'm really lucky to have Easton. I just wish it was later in life." Grandma put a hand over mine.
"Sweetheart, everything in life happens for a reason. Easton is here for a reason." She smiled softly. "And you're doing an amazing job raising him. He's a very lucky kid to have such great parents."
"Grandpa is really happy." I noted.
"It's cause he never got a baby. Oh he was devastated when he got the news he couldn't have children. But he was ecstatic when your dad asked him to adopt him." Grandma sighed. "He had suffered from a heart attack and your parents came to the hospital with adoption papers. And when you and your brother were born, he was his happiest again."
"He's an awesome grandfather." I smiled. "Always making his kids laugh and smile."
"Yes, I love your grandfather very much." Grandma looked at him. "Shall we join the boys?" I nodded and we left the kitchen and entered the living room.
"Hey guys." Pip smiled.
"Hey, Pip." I smiled back and sat next to him. Grandpa was tickling Easton's feet and giving him kisses.
"Martha, look at this cuteness!!" He beamed. "I'm gonna keep him."
"George, he's Angie's." Grandma scolded. I laughed.
"You are more than welcome to come over and see him, Grandpa, you know that." I replied.
"So where's his dad?" Grandpa asked.
"Nathaniel's at work. He gets off at 2." I answered. "Gotta support that little one somehow."
"He's a good kid." Grandpa nodded. Easton then started crying. "I think he's hungry." He handed me my baby.
"Oh sweet pea." I said, taking him in my arms. He continued to cry as I fished around in the diaper bag for my nursing cover. "Mommy's working on it."
I finally found it and slipped it over my shoulders and letting him latch on. He immediately shut up and started eating.
"You're so good with him." Pip smiled.
"Yeah." I smiled back.
"Phillip, when do we get to meet this boyfriend of yours?" Grandpa asked. "I hear he's quite the guy."
Phillip turned a bright red. "Umm, soon?" It was meant to be a statement but came out as a question. "I promise."
"Good." Grandpa smiled.
I smiled at my brother and grandpa and then at Easton. I'm really lucky with my family.
Hiiiiiii! I hope everyone's having a wonderful summer so far, if you're on summer break, that is. I appreciate all the love and support you guys are showing my books. I love you guys!
There's about to be a major time skip. And I mean major- a six month time skip. Shit is gonna go down and the Hamilton's are about to have a hurricane come their way. So stay tuned.
Until next time, au revoir my beautiful turtles!❤🐢
Unedited~ 6/18/19
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