Chapter 46

Nathaniel's POV
"Baby, I got it. Get some rest." I groaned as I got out of bed, awoken by my son's cries.

I walked over to the bassinet and picked up Easton. "Sshhh, it's okay." I rocked him and kissed his head gently. "Daddy's here."

He calmed down a little and stared at me. His eyes were like a mirror. "Aren't you just the most beautiful baby ever? Daddy loves you so much."

He spit up a little so I grabbed a rag and cleaned him up. "Let's change your diaper." I carried him to the nursery and laid him on the changing table.

"Knock knock." Uncle Alex whispered, walking into the room. "Look at you, being a good father."

"Hey, Uncle Alex." I responded as I changed Easton. "Angelica needed to sleep." I finished changing him and sat down in the rocking chair with him. "What are you doing up so late?"

"I'm always up late. When you've got a small case of insomnia, you can't help it. Besides, I've been staying up late since I was in high school." He explained to me.

"I just don't wanna wake Uncle John or Phillip."

"You're not going to. I think Phillip started sleeping with earplugs." Uncle Alex chuckled.

Easton's eyes shut slowly as he started to fall asleep. "Angie's been having some serious anxiety lately."

"About Easton?" Uncle Alex asked to which I nodded.

"She's worried she's not gonna be a good enough mom for him and she's worried how we're gonna raise him. I think she's entering the shock phase of him being born." I looked down at my sleeping son. "But I think we're gonna be fine."

"Your parents miss him. Laf says he misses his two babies."

"Two?" I questioned.

"Yeah, you and Easton. You're his only child. You'll always be his baby." Uncle Alex smiled.

"Do you think Angelica would be okay if I left her alone tomorrow and did something with my dad?" I rocked Easton gently.

"She should be okay. Go get some rest, Easton's out." Uncle Alex kissed my head and Easton's. "Night boys."

I said goodnight and left the nursery. I laid Easton down in the crib in Angelica's room before climbing back in bed with her. She wrapped her arms around me, making me smile.

I kissed her head before I pulled the cover over me and fell asleep.

~the next morning~

Angelica groaned as she woke up. I rolled over to see her face. "Morning, beautiful."

"Morning, babe." She pecked me. "What time is it?"

"It's 10." I moved her hair out of her face. "Hey, I'm going to spend today with my dad. I think your dad is gonna help you with Easton. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. Uncle Laffy misses you." She smiled. I got up and handed her Easton, who was lying awake in his crib. "Besides, who wouldn't want to spend a day with this cutie."

I smiled at my girlfriend and son. "I love you guys." I kissed Angelica and kissed Easton's head.

"Have fun. We love you too. See you when you get back." She smiled. I grabbed my wallet and keys and left.

Dad's at work so why not surprise him? Thankfully, the bakery isn't far from Angelica's and I was there in little time.

I smiled walking up to the door. Many people filled the inside and outside area of our shop. Dad got a lot of business cause he's pretty much the best baker in town.

I slipped behind the counter and threw on an apron. "Beaucoup d'affaires aujourd'hui, hein?" (A lot of business today, huh?)

Dad turned around and his face lit up. "Nathaniel!" He hugged me and I laughed a little. "Oh, my son."

"Hi, Papa. What's up? What are you baking?" I asked, looking at the kitchen.

"Macaroons. Your Pop's favorite, blackberry lemon." He smiled. "Come. 'Elp me?"

"Of course." He handed me a piping bag with the mixture for the cookie part.

"I need 6 pans of 24, please. I 'ave the make the cream in the middle."

"Okay." I started piping.

"So 'ow's Angelica? 'Ow is the baby?" He grabbed a bag of sugar from the storage room.

"They're good. Angelica is adapting. I took care of Easton this morning so she could sleep."

"That is good. She works hard for this baby."

"Yeah. I love her so much." I smiled just thinking about her.

"I know you do. I remember when your Pop and I were young like that. 'E was such a charmer." Dad sighed. "I miss 'im."

I put down the bag and hugged my dad. Everytime Pop left, dad got real sad. They keep each other going. "I miss him too. But he has a job to do, and he's amazing at it."

"I know. I just want my 'Ercy." He frowned but then looked at me. "You're such a 'andsome young man." He kissed my head, ruffling my hair.

"Paaaa, stop." I whined, chuckling.

"Your grandmother would be so proud of you." He smiled solemnly.

"She is proud of me. She's proud of all of us, I know she is." I smiled back. "Sooo, can your head baker take over for the day so you can spend some time with your favorite son?"

"Hmmm. Let's see......I suppose." He smiled widely, making me smile.

"Well come on then! Let's go. Shopping spree?" I asked. Dad nodded. "Perfect. I'll drive."

"Okay. Let me tell Marcia I'm leaving for the day and tell Anthony I'm leaving as well." He ran to the back and came out a minute later with Anthony hot on his heels, wearing an apron. "Let's go."

I chuckled a little but grabbed my jacket and headed out to my car with my dad.

"Hey, papa?" I asked, starting the car.

"Yes." He responded.

"Did you and Pop ever want another kid?"

"Oh your Pop and I wanted a million kids. We wanted at least four. But after we 'ad you, we knew you were the only child we needed." He smiled at me. "You were so perfect and 'andsome and precious that we knew we couldn't love another baby as much as we loved you."

"What was I like as a baby?" I started driving towards the mall.

"Oh, very 'appy and energetic. You did make your Pop a little jealous though. You always wanted me. You would always stop crying in my arms. Your first words were even to me."

"But, he knows I love you and him the same right?"

Dad sighed and looked out the window. " 'E knows you love him, yes, but 'e still thinks you favor me more."

"But I don't. I love my dads the same." My voice was quiet and soft. "Now I wish Pop was home." I frowned and pulled into a parking space at the mall.

"Nathaniel." Dad hugged me tightly.

I hugged back and I felt my eyes start to itch. "I never meant to make him feel that way. I feel awful now."

" 'Erc loves you so much, Nathaniel. You mean so much to him. He knows you love him. When he comes back, how about you spend a day with him?"

"I will." I pulled back and Dad wiped my eyes.

"Don't cry. There is no need to cry. I love you." He kissed my forehead gently. I smiled.

"I have the best dads ever." I turned the car off and we walked into the mall.

~Time skip~

I opened the door to Angelica's, smelling dinner and hearing laughter. I closed the door and walked into the dining room.

"Hey, Nathaniel." Phillip smiled from under Daniel's arm.

"Hey." I responded with a smile as I sat down next to Angie. "Hey, babe." I kissed her briefly.

She smiled and handed me Easton. "Look, daddy's home."

"Hi baby." He reached his little hands up and grabbed my finger. "You're so cute."

"How was your day with Laf?" Uncle John asked.

"Great. We had a great time." I bounced Easton in my arms and smiled. He was already a week old.

"I'm glad you made it home just in time for dinner." Uncle Alex stated as he handed me a plate. "John's favorite,   homemade tamales."

"And you can thank me because I helped make those damn things." Angelica sassed.

I chuckled under my breath at my girlfriend. "I'm sure they taste delicious, Angel."

Easton started to get fussy so I handed him to Angelica. "It's time for him to eat." Angelica sighed and took him.

"Come on, gremlin. Let's go eat." She carried him up to the nursery and out of our sight.

I fixed my plate and then sat down at the table. "So how'd she handle today?"

"Really well actually. Her and Easton made a Target run and then she came home, both of them napped, woke up, helped with dinner, and then we all spent time in the living room together." Uncle John answered.

"Daniel was so happy to hold Easton." Phillip laughed. His boyfriend rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Your son is adorable. Who wouldn't want to hold him?"

"Phillip, Daniel, why don't you guys go upstairs? We need to speak with Nathaniel." Uncle John asked the two boys.

They nodded and walked up. "Nathaniel." Uncle Alex started. "What's going on with Laf?"

I sighed. "He's depressed. He misses Pop a lot. He's not handling it well."

They nodded, understanding. "Our poor Laf." Uncle Alex said. "John, wanna go over there tomorrow? He needs someone."

"Do you mean you're gonna get us drunk off our asses? Then yes." Uncle John chuckled. "Nathaniel, you should probably go check on Angie. She missed you today."

"Okay." I nodded and walked upstairs to the nursery. "Hey." Angie was sitting on the rocking chair holding Easton and singing.

"Hey." She stopped singing and smiled at me. Easton was calmly sleeping in her arms. "Do you mind putting him in the crib?"

"Sure." I took Easton from her and laid him in his crib. "He's so beautiful. Just like his mommy."

I kissed Angelica, running a hand through her hair. She kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck, drawing me closer to her. "I love you so much." I mumbled.

"I love you even more." She mumbled back. I pulled away and rested our foreheads together. "I can't wait till you're clear." I smirked.

She blushed. "Five more weeks." She kissed me again. "For now, just kiss me." I kissed her back with more passion than the first kiss, and picked her up. She squealed a little but smiled into the kiss.

I carried her into her room and laid her on the bed. "You're so perfect." She put her hand on my cheek.

"Not as perfect as you." I smiled. "I'm so happy you're mine." I kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Nathaniel."

"I love you too, Angelica."

Hey hey hey! How are you guys?? It's been a while, I know. But I've been very busy recently. I went through a really bad breakup and I've been studying and preparing for my state test, I took my final test yesterday. Let's see, what else is new in my life? My last day is on June 7th and I'm so excited. I had a formal on May the 4th.

So yeah, that's about it! I love you guys to death and thank you for sticking with me and this book! I'm so thankful for all my readers!!! Until next time, au revoir my beautiful turtles❤🐢


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