Chapter 44

Two weeks later

Angelica's POV
I yawned and rubbed my eyes. The light coming in through my window had woken me up. With my due date being two days away, I had the day off from school. I sat up in bed and tapped Nathaniel.

"Morning." I said. He opened his eyes slowly and smiled once he saw me.

"Morning beautiful."

I kissed him gently and threw my legs over the side of my bed to get up. "I'm gonna go shower."

He nodded. "Hey, let's go to the Richard Rodgers and take one last photo of you pregnant."

"Okay." I smiled brightly before walking into my bathroom. I showered, with some struggle of course, and dried myself off.

"Ow!" I shouted. All of sudden, my stomach felt like someone was stabbing me.

"Babe, are you okay?" Nathaniel called from my room.

"Maybe. My stomach hurts, like badly." Nathaniel came in the bathroom and sat me down on the toilet seat.

"Breathe. It could be a Braxton Hicks. You get those occasionally." I nodded. "Slow breaths babygirl."

I did and the pain slowly subsided after a couple minutes. "I can move now. It's going away." I slowly got up and made my way to my room.

I changed and so did Nathaniel. He helped with tying my vans and grabbing my purse for me.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded. "Oh wait! The bag." He grabbed our hospital bag just in case. We've been carrying it around places for about a week now. Never hurts to be prepared!

"Now we can go." I followed him out of the house, locking the door behind me since both of my parents were at work.

We drove down to the theater and parked in the back. Smiling and laughing, we walked to the front of the theater where I did the famous Miranda pose.

I then got a notification that Nathaniel uploaded it with the caption 'Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to bealive right now.'

I smiled at his antics but quickly doubled over in pain. "Oh god. Please not now." I never been in more intense pain. "Car, now. This isn't a Braxton Hicks!"

Nathaniel hurried me back to the car where I fumbled with my phone. Eventually I got it and started to call my parents.

"Angelica, I'm in the middle of a class right now."

"Forget your class! Get dad and Pip, and tell Pip to call Daniel! I'm in labor!"

"Oh my god. We'll be there soon. Love you, dearest. Stay strong."

He hung up and Nathaniel called his parents. They were on their way as well. "Breathe. It's okay. I'm driving as fast as I can."

I bit my lip and nodded. I wanted to cry. Nathaniel squeezed my hand and kissed my knuckles. This is it, we're having a baby.

He pulled in to the hospital and they immediately got me into a room. "Move!" Aunt Angie came running in. She kneeled beside my bed and held my hand, giving me a sweet smile.

"Hey, your water hasn't broke yet. You're just having contractions right now. They're gonna be far apart for a bit but they'll get closer eventually." She gave my hand a gentle squeeze. 

"I can't do this. I'm not ready." I said panicking.

"Yes you can. Calm down. This is the easy part, I promise." I nodded and she kissed my forehead. "I have to check up on my pediatric patient. I'll be back to check up on you at times."

"Bye, Auntie." She smiled and waved. I laid my head back on the bed and sighed


Five hours later, and he still isn't here. My contractions, however, are now about 10 minutes apart. So, we're getting there very quickly.

My dad was pacing back and force, practically scratching a path in the tile. "Alexander, please. Sit." Uncle Herc begged.

"Lex," Father patted the door beside him. Dad sighed and sat down.

Nathaniel was sitting on a chair right beside my bed and watching TV. Phillip and Daniel had left to get everyone else lunch except for me. I can't eat or drink.

"How are you feeling?" Uncle Laffy asked me.

"Tired. In pain. I wanna get this over with already." I groaned. I placed a hand over my stomach and looked down. "I wanna hold him so badly."

"Soon, darling. Don't worry." Father reassured.

"I know." And then there was another contraction. I screamed in pain. Nathaniel held my hand and let me squeeze his.

After a few minutes, the contraction settled down, and I was at ease.


"Angie, it's time." Aunt Angelica came in the room with her team of assistants. Phillip and Daniel had gotten back and Pip was squeezing Daniel's hand.

Nathaniel held my hand and smiled at me before kissing my head.

My water had broken a couple minutes ago and I knew it was time. "When I tell you, I need you to push hard." I nodded.

She got me situated and propped my legs up, setting the sheet over them.

It was a painful 4 minutes before I heard the beautiful words "she's crowning!"

I screamed and pushed once more hoping it was finish the job. "One more baby girl, he's almost here." Aunt Angelica said.

I gave one last push and soon a cry filled the room. "You did it." Nathaniel was crying. I laid my head back, trying to catch my breath as some tears slipped from my eyes.

They cleaned the baby up and handed him to me. I immediately let all the tears fall. He's here, he's really here.

"Hi, Easton." I sobbed and kissed his head. He was so beautiful. He cried in my arms and they laid his head on my chest for skin to skin. .

I watched his every move. The way he moved his hands and arms, the way his breathing pattern was. I studied him.

Eventually, he stopped crying and he opened his eyes. "Hi. Hi, baby." His goregous blue eyes stared into my green ones. "You look like your daddy." I giggled.

"Angelica, oh god. He's adorable." Nathaniel said, wiping his eyes. He kissed me gently. "That's our son." He beamed.

"Mom, dad, I need you to sign the birth certificate." Aunt Angie handed me the paper with a smile. She took Easton out of my arms so I could sign.

And then Nathaniel signed. Auntie gave him Easton and I swear his smile went behind his ears.

"Easton Quinn-Marquis. Vous êtes si belle. Papa t'aime tellement. Oh mon fils." He rocked Easton gently.

"Do you mind if we change and swaddle him real quick?" A nurse asked.

"Absolutely not, go ahead." He handed Easton to the nurse. They changed him into his duck onesie Phillip had given me for Christmas.

Nathaniel then carried Easton over to his grandparents and uncles. "Who wants to hold him first?"

Immediately, everyone started fighting over him. "Daniel! You get to hold him first since you're being very quiet."

Daniel smiled and took Easton before sitting down. "Hi there." Easton stared at him with big blue eyes. "You're so cute."

I smiled. Nathaniel walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "Look at him."

"He's precious." I responded as our family gathered around Daniel to look at him.

"I'm so proud of you." Nathaniel hugged me gently and kissed me.

"Welcome to the world, Easton Mulligan de Lafayette." I smiled widely.

He's here!!!!! I've been waiting for this moment for so long. I'm so excited for you guys to meet him and him to become a major character in the book! I love you guys! Until next time, au revoir my beautiful turtles🐢❤


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