Chapter 36
Phillip’s POV
"Daniel, you didn't have to get me anything." We were sitting on his bed. It was Christmas Eve and Pops allowed me to go to his house for a bit.
"Just open it." He smiled.
I took the wrapping off the box and gasped. He had wrapped a Kay box. "Daniel-" he shushed me and made me open it. "Oh my god."
It was an absolutely gorgeous ring. "You didn't." He nodded. "Daniel, it must've cost you a fortune."
"For you, money doesn't matter." He smiled and slipped the ring on my finger. "A stunning ring for a stunning man." Daniel kissed me gently. I kissed him back.
"I love you so much." I said into the kiss.
"I love you more." We pulled away. "Sleeves up, pants down." He said.
"Now?" I groaned and he nodded. I sighed and did as I was told. Every time we hang out, he checks my cuts. It's really sweet of him
"No fresh cuts, and the old ones are healing." His lips grazed my thighs and kissed each cut. "I'm so proud of you." He kissed my lips and kicked off my pants the rest of the way.
I shuddered from the cold a little but soon found his warming touch. His hand ran up and down my leg, softly caressing my thigh.
"Daniel." He hummed in response. "How much did you pay for the ring?"
"Now, baby, I can't tell you that."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because you'll be mad." He smiled.
"It can't be that-" I started
"$400." He flat out said. "I paid $400 for the ring. Ever since I met you back in September and we started dating, I've been setting money aside to buy you something special. And every time we walk past a jewelers, I can tell you want something."
"Oh Daniel." I hugged him tightly. "I don't deserve you. Thank you so much."
"You're welcome, baby. Oh, this is also for you but don't open it till you get home and you're alone in your room." He smirked and handed me the box.
"What in the world are you up to?" I cocked my brow.
"You'll find out." He kissed my neck.
"Daniel, Angie found the last hickeys you gave me there. Please, leave them somewhere else." I quietly begged.
"How about your collarbone? Or your chest? Or, your thighs and legs. What about on your dick?" As he listed off each place, he left a hickey there. He smirked and slipped his fingers under the waistband of my boxers.
~Smut ahead~
"Daniel~" I begged. "Please." He pulled down my underwear and kissed the tip.
"So beautiful and erect, so big." He praised. Whimpers fell out of my mouth. "You want my mouth on you huh, princess?" I nodded, unable to speak.
Daniel smirked before he slid down my length. He hands cupped my balls as he deep throated me. "Oh my god." I moaned in pure ecstasy.
He sucked hard and fast. "Daniel, please you feel so good." I moaned. My toes curl as my breathing picked up. "Oh god, oh god~" I was getting close.
Daniel pulled off. He stripped himself and slid a condom on. He entered me, causing me to moan and grip the sheets.
"You're so big." My back arched. He pushed it down. I whimpered and moaned. My arms found their way around his neck, pulling him down for a sloppy kiss.
"I love every ounce of you." Daniel said before connecting our lips together. He squeezed my ass which made me gasp, allowing him to slip his tongue into his mouth. He rocked his hips into me, hitting that one spot.
My head flung back as I moaned loudly. "Hush, my parents and brother are here." Daniel growled. I nodded but closed my eyes.
"Right there. Please." I moaned. "It feels so good." I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He picked up his pace until I was gripping the sheets so hard my knuckles turned white.
Daniel smirked and could tell I was about to cum. He took my dick in his hand and jerked me off. Within a few seconds, my body shook and I came all over his hand and my stomach. He came in the condom moments later.
He pulled out of me, took off, and tied the condom up. He tossed it in his trash can and kissed me. "Merry Christmas, baby."
~Smut over~
"Merry Christmas." I smiled and wiped myself down. "I should get going. My dad is gonna want me home for dinner. He always makes Christmas Eve dinner." I got dressed and tied my hair back up.
"Can I walk you to the subway station?" He asked. I nodded with a smile. He grabbed and jacket and handed me one.
"Your letterman jacket." I gasped and put it one. The sleeves were big. "It smells like you." I sighed in content.
"I want you to have it. All the other guys gave them to their girlfriends but I don't have one, so guess my boyfriend gets it." Daniel wrapped his arm around me.
"Let's go you goof." I said as I opened his door. We walked to the station together.
"Well, this goodbye for now." He hugged me. "I'm gonna miss you. I wish we could spend a whole week together."
"Daniel, I live in the Upper West side. you live in the Upper East side. It's not that far." I giggled. "We're gonna be fine."
"I'm gonna miss you, that's all. Your sister gets to see her boyfriend everyday and I don't." He frowned.
"My sister is also pregnant. Look, distance doesn't matter. All that matters is that I love you." I kissed him.
"I love you too. You should probably get going." I nodded. "Bye baby."
"Bye babe." We kissed one last time before I swiped my card and disappeared into the maze we call the subway system.
I sighed as I got on and headed home. It was only twenty minutes from his place to mine by subway. I fiddled with my ring and smiled.
~Time skip~
"Perfect timing!" Dad said as I walked through the door. "Dinner is ready." He placed dishes on the table.
"Nice ring." Angie complimented.
"Is there anything you don't notice?" I asked as I sat down.
"I'm pregnant, I have super senses." She laughed. I smiled and helped get her a plate. "It's okay, Pip. I can get my own plate."
"No, no, sit. I wanna help." I put everything she wanted on the plate and handed it back to her. She hugged me and I hugged back. "You're poking me with your bump."
"I heard Angie say something about a ring. Let us see it." Our dad's sat on the other side of the table. I put my hand out, blushing as they examined the ring.
"Awwww. It's so pretty. Daniel really loves you." Angie said, shoving a forkful of mashed potatoes into her mouth.
"If that boy ever wants to marry you, he has my blessing." Pops stated. "I'm so happy you found someone." I smiled and ate.
"Dinner is delicious, dad. As always." I told him.
"Thanks bud. I made chocolate pie for dessert. Your dad has been begging for it." He chuckled.
"Because you're a good cook and the pie is fucking amazing!" Pops defended himself.
"Alright alright. Let's eat. We have a tradition to follow." Dad intervened.
Every year, we get to open our pajamas on Christmas Eve. Then, we make hot chocolate and cookies and sit in front of the fireplace while we talk. Angie normally falls asleep and Dad has to carry her upstairs.
"Angelica, could you pass me the rolls?" She nodded and handed Pops the basket. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." I smiled at my family and continued eating.
Once we were done and the good had been put away, we started baking cookies. Dad makes the dough during the day that way all we have to do is cut them and put them in the oven.
"Tonight we're doing gingerbread, sugar, and of course, the famous Laurens family chocolate chip cookies." Dad said as he rolled out the dough. "Pip you and Angie can cut the gingerbread and sugar cookies into whatever you'd like."
Angie had all the cookie cutters in her hand. She put them on the island and put some flour on her hands.
I put some flour on my hands as well as on the counter of the island. We started rolling out the dough and cutting them into shapes.
"Merry Christmas sis." I smiled at her.
"Merry Christmas." She smiled back. "I'm gonna put these two sheets of cookies into the oven." She took the sheet pans and carefully placed them in the top oven. The bottom oven was for the chocolate chip cookies.
"Can I?" I gestured to her stomach.
"Sure. Just let me sit down." She sat at the island and I rubbed her stomach. "Easton, that's your uncle."
"Hi baby. I can't wait to hold you and meet you. I've always wanted a nephew." I kissed her stomach and then hugged her.
She hugged back. "You're gonna be a great uncle, Pip." She pulled away. "How are you and Daniel?"
"We're great. He's so amazing and loving and hot." Angie giggled. "I honestly wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with him." I looked at my ring. "I wish this was a wedding ring."
"Maybe one day it will be." She smiled. "Just keep hoping." She stood up. "I have to pee." She held her stomach. "Please don't kick me right now." She grumbled as she walked towards the bathroom.
I laughed and heard my phone go off.
Daniel❤: Missing you😏. [1 image attached]
I blushed and closed my phone quickly. I'll look at that more later. Daniel truly was my everything. I finally have a stable relationship and it's so much better than when I with George. I hope he fucking rots in hell.
Angie came back from the bathroom and pulled the cookies out. "Father! All the cookies are done!"
He came into the kitchen and smiled. "They look great. Let's go eat them and drink hot chocolate."
We carried the mugs and the cookies into the living room. Angie sat in front of the fireplace. "It's so warm." She smiled and sipped her drink.
"Merry Christmas everyone." Dad said and kissed Pops. "I love y'all so much."
"We love you too." Angie and I replied.
"I'll eat some cookies but I don't think I'll be able to last long. Easton makes life really tiring." She said with a small frown.
"Of course, honey. If you need to sleep then go sleep." Pops said.
"Okay." She kissed all of our cheeks. "Goodnight. Merry Christmas, see you in the morning!" She smiled and left.
"Guys, can I talk to you?" I asked my dads.
"Of course. What's up, bud?" Pops asked.
"I-I wanna get tested....for HIV. I just wanna know my status. Daniel and I have talked about it and we both wanna be alert. We don't wanna jeopardize anything. It's just, I don't know if George was clean or not." I played with my fingers.
"Phillip, I'm so glad you're being responsible. After the holidays, we'll make you an appointment, okay. And this gonna sound weird coming from your dad, but do you and Daniel used protection?" Dad asked.
"Yes. Every time." They both nodded. "I don't know why I was so embarrassed about asking you guys."
"It's normal to be embarrassed." Pops ruffled my hair. "I'm glad you talked to us."
"You told Angie and I that we can tell you anything." I smiled and they hugged me. "I think I might go to bed too."
"Yeah us too. Alex, you ready for bed?" Dad asked.
"Yeah." He stood up and helped carry everything into the kitchen. "Goodnight Pip."
"Goodnight Pops. Night dad." I smiled and went to my room. I thankfully remembered to get the present from Daniel.
I sat on my bed and opened it. "Oh dear god." I blushed as I read the note.
I figured we were gonna be apart for a bit during break. I thought I'd get you something to make the most of the wait. Miss you and love you~ Daniel♡
Inside the box was a big purple dildo. I tucked it into my bedside table and put the note along with it.
After I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I climbed in bed and messaged Daniel.
Me: I got your little gift
Daniel❤: 😂I love you, Phillip. Have a good Christmas. Tell Angelica I said hi!
Me: Will do. Night❤. I love you too
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep, tangled in a mess of blankets.
~Time skip~
Angelica's POV
What's the best way to start Christmas? Not puking your guts out, that's for sure.
I wiped my mouth and brushed my teeth. "Why do you hate me?" I said to Easton. "6 more months. That's all I gotta do." I put my slippers on and made my way downstairs.
"Morning Angie." Everyone was sitting on the couch, Dad under Father's arm. "Sleep good?" Dad asked.
"Yeah. Can we open presents?!" I smiled and squealed.
"Yes. Pick one out and you can open it." Father said.
Pip and I both grabbed a presented and started opening it. "I love it!" I squealed and held blanket in my hands. "It's so soft." I rubbed it on my cheek.
"I got one too." Phillip said. I smiled at him and wrapped my blanket around my shoulders.
"Open my present!" I handed it to him. He grinned and then chuckled.
"Thanks sis. A Naked Cherry palette. I love it." He hugged me. "Here's mine."
I teared up as I opened the present. "You didn't have to do this." A couple of footy pajamas for Easton and a some gift cards.
"Angie, I had no clue what to get you. And the next person that crossed my mind was the baby. I just wanna be a good uncle." I hugged him.
"You're gonna be a good uncle, no matter what. You're a great brother." I said, wiping my tears.
"Thanks sis. But I really did get you something." He handed me a small box, inside was a locket. "Go on, open it."
I did and I smiled. "It's me and you. I love it." I hugged him tightly.
"You're welcome Angie. I love you." I smiled and pulled away.
We continued to open more presents. I got my Mean Girls tickets and my car! I absolutely loved it. "Who's hungry?" Father asked.
"Me!" I shouted. "And Easton. We're both hungry." I giggled.
"I'll start cooking." He laughed. "The Lafayettes are coming over for breakfast. Alex, do you wanna make mimosas? I'll help you."
"Sure." Dad and him walked into the kitchen which left Pip and I in the living room.
"Are you happy with your gifts?" He asked. I nodded happily and smiled. We both laughed. "Good, I'm glad."
Easton kicked me causing my face to show a bit of pain. "Hey it's Christmas. Be nice to your mommy." I rubbed my stomach. I just want to meet him now.
A knock came on the door. I got up and opened it. "Nathaniel." I smiled and hugged him tightly. He laughed and hugged back.
"Hey baby." He kissed my head. "Merry Christmas." He smiled.
"Merry Christmas. Hi Uncle Herc, hi Uncle Laffy. Come in." I moved out of the way after letting go of Nathaniel.
"Hey sweet pea. Where's your dads?" Uncle Herc asked. I pointed to the kitchen. "Thanks." He smiled and went to go greet them. Uncle Laffy followed him.
"How are my babies?" He smiled and my stomach and kissed it.
"We're good. He kicked me this morning." I sighed.
"I'm sorry." Nathaniel rubbed my back. "But once he's born, we'll both be getting kicked." He joked and I laughed a little. "I have a little present for you."
I raised an eyebrow. "With the help of my dads, I got us a house." My eyes widened.
"Let's go sit down." I led us to the couch and sighed. "Nathaniel, I want to raise Easton together too, but we're only in high school. I'm only 16, I'm not ready to move out of the house yet. I can't leave my parents now. I love you so much for buying us a house, but maybe we should wait a bit to move in. At least let me finish high school."
"I understand. I just thought it would make things easier to live together." He held my hand.
"I know. Tell you what, once you graduate next year, you can move in and start getting the house ready for Easton and I. Okay?" I negotiated.
"Okay." He smiled and hugged me. "I love you."
"I love you too. Drink one of my dads mimosas please." I said. "Tell me how it tastes. They bought sparkling grape juice so I could have one without alcohol." I giggled.
"Sure thing. Now if we were in France, I could go to a bar. Their drinking age is 16 for beer and wine, and 18 for liquor." He explained with a chuckle. Hand in hand, we walked into the kitchen.
Uncle Laffy was helping Father make breakfast. "What are we having?" I asked, sitting at the table.
"Strawberry cream crepes, sausage, bacon, eggs, grits, and mimosas. I'm making hashbrowns right now." Father answered.
"Yummy. I can't wait to eat." I smiled. "It smells amazing in here."
"'Zat is because I am zhe most amazing chef." Uncle Laffy responded. He responded as he flipped a crepe.
Nathaniel laughed at his dad. "I mean, he's not wrong. He is a really good chef. I've been eating his food for 17 years."
"And you love it." Uncle Laffy added.
"Yes, Pa. I do." Nathaniel smiled. He held my hand, his thumb caressing it gently. I smiled and pecked his cheek.
"Here are the hash browns and the meats." Father placed 2 plates on the table. "Angie could you get plates?"
"Sure. Nathaniel wanna help me and get the silverware?" He nodded and we both stood up. I got seven plates and grabbed some napkins too.
After I had neatly set them down, I decided to get the glasses too. It took two trips but I got all glasses on the table.
"Thank you so much." Father smiled and placed a bowl of grits down. Uncle Laffy was carrying the crepes and Dad had the pitcher of mimosa. Uncle Herc had a plate of eggs.
"Phillip! Time for breakfast!" Dad called out. Everyone sat down at the table and started filling our plates up, my plate being the most full of course.
"Mhmmm. These crepes are delicious, Uncle Laf." Phillip exclaimed.
"Zank you, Phillip." Uncle Laffy was holding Uncle Herc's hand.
"Surprisingly, Alex you did a good job on the mimosas." Uncle Herc laughed. "Considering that in college, you mixed vodka and tequila together along with whiskey."
"God, I hated looking after your ass when you did that. Always puking in the morning. And then you made your Redbull-coffee contraption. Y'all, don't be like Alex in college. I'm surprised he isn't dead."
Dad blushed a little and rolled his eyes at Father. "You love so me so zip it."
Father laughed. "Oh Lex, you're so adorable." He kissed him briefly. I could see Dad smile a little. I hope Nathaniel and I have a love as strong as our parents' when we're older.
"How's Easton?" Uncle Herc asked.
I sighed. "Tiring. I'm ready to have him already."
"Life isn't gonna be the same with him here. There's going be a screaming, crying baby in the house." Phillip said.
"Oh shush. You're gonna love him and smoother him in attention, don't even try to deny it." I told him. "But that raises some points. Nathaniel and I both have to go to school. Dad and Father work. I need a babysitter for him."
"We can watch him. Hell, we'll make a room for him." Uncle Herc suggested.
"Really? Oh thank you guys. Why didn't we think of that before? They are his grandparents." I looked at Nathaniel.
"Don't look at me." He put his hands up in defense. "You're the one in mom mode."
"It's still unreal to me, even though I'm almost 4 months." I picked at my eggs. "I'm just not sure if I'm ready for a baby."
"Angelica, listen to me. You can't ever be fully ready for something. A baby is a big thing to prepare for. And you never know when they will arrive so you could be completely unprepared to welcome a child into this world. But what I can tell you, is that you are gonna be okay. I promise." Dad said, smiling at me.
I nodded and smiled back. "Okay." Nathaniel smiled and touched my stomach.
"I'm here, every step of the way. I'm not gonna leave you. We're gonna raise this baby together." He kissed my bump and then my forehead. "I love you two."
"We love you too." I kissed him.
"Alright that's enough. Finish eating. The Washington's wanna video chat." Dad said happily. "They wanna catch up with all of us. Martha misses her grandchildren."
"Washingdad!" Uncle Herc said while laughing. "Man, I can believe he still teaches."
"He's a professor at King’s still. I think he's waiting for our kids to go through and then he'll retire." Father responded to Uncle Herc.
"That sounds like something he would do." Dad chuckled.
We all nodded and laughed. "Well I'm done. Meet you guys in the living room." I put away my dishes and laid on the couch, sighing as I rubbed my stomach.
"Hey. You okay?" Uncle Herc asked me as he sat on the floor in front of me.
"I'm just overwhelmed." I admitted. "With school and the baby, it's a lot." Uncle Herc ran a hand through my hair.
"I know. But, you have everyone on your side." I nodded.
"I know but I just want a normal high school experience. I wanna go to parties and I wanna drink and I wanna be around my friends." I frowned. "I can't even do that. Only Theo knows I'm pregnant."
"Well sweetheart, let me tell you something. Not everyone's experience is the same. Look at Laf and I and your parents. Laf was an immigrant, John was gay and not normal at all, Alex didn't even live here." He smiled a little. "Not all experiences are the same. Even Nathaniel. He's been all over the world traveling and he even studied in France for a semester."
I hugged him. "I love you, Uncle Herc." I felt him hug me back. His hugs were warm and inviting.
"I love you too, Ange." He squeezed me a little and pulled away, smiling. "You're gonna be okay. Little dude is gonna be okay too." He looked at my stomach. "Wow, I'm really gonna be a grandfather. I'm not old enough for this."
"That's what Grandpa Henry said when I told him." I giggled.
"You guys alright?" Everyone else entered the living room.
"Yeah. We're good. Angie just needed to lay down for a minute." Uncle Herc responded. I nodded. "Let's call Washington."
~Time skip~
"Merry Christmas, Angelica." Nathaniel put his hands on my waist and kissed me.
I was a little surprised at first but I happily kissed back. "What do you want?" I asked suspiciously.
"Come with me to your room." I put the dish down that I was cleaning and sighed. He led me to my room and I gasped when he opened the door.
"Oh Nathaniel, it's beautiful."
My fairy lights were turned on, all the pillows and blankets I had were fluffed and laid out, food and drinks sat on my dresser, and Netflix was pulled up on the TV.
"We haven't had a date in a while so I figured, why not have a date and not even leave the house?" He pulled me into the room and kissed my forehead.
"It's absolutely beautiful, Nathaniel." I hugged him. "Thank you." I said into his chest. I pulled away and sat on my bed.
"Hey little guy." Nathaniel lifted my shirt and kissed my bump. "How are you? I hope you're doing good. I hope you're just as excited to meet me as I am to meet you."
I ruffled Nathaniel’s hair and smiled.
"I love you already, bud." He kissed our child one more time and put my shirt back down. "And I love you too, my goregous girlfriend."
We both decided to change into our pajamas since it was nighttime. We cuddled under the covers, my head nuzzled into his neck.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked, breaking the silence in the room.
"Us, what a future with you might be like." I looked up at him.
"Like, marriage?" I nodded. "Tell me about it."
"Well, I love you so much and I always will. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to get married and have possibly another kid." I explained, tracing his abs with my finger.
"I wanna watch Easton grow up, I wanna die with you, Angelica." Nathaniel said. I snuggled into him more. "You're my everything."
"You're my everything." I kissed him and he kissed back. His hands pulled me on top so I was straddling him. He grabbed my face as we made out and I giggled a little as I felt him get harder under me.
"I love you." He said, pulling away a little. We both took off our clothes and our night began.
Hello hello. I'm back. This chapter is 4312 words long. It took a while to write this but I got it finished! I've got a lot on my plate right now guys so I'm sorry I'm not updating more frequently. I'm trying y'all. Until next time, Au revoir my beautiful turtles.🐢❤
*unedited 1/11/19
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