Chapter 31

Angelica's POV
I sat on the bed in the hotel room, staring at the pregnancy test. I still couldn't believe it.

Nathaniel had talked me into going to the pool for a bit so here I was, sitting in my bathing suit. "Ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I snapped out of my trance and stood up, slipping my flip flops on.

We held hands as we walked down to the indoor pool since it was late out. I stepped into the hot tub, the warm water relaxing my muscles.

Nathaniel joined me. He laid back on the wall and sighed in relief. "This feels so good."

"Yeah I guess." I splashed the water a little.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just." I paused. "I'm not cut out to be a mom. I never had a mom growing up so I don't even know how to be one." I sighed.

"Angelica listen. You're only a week pregnant. We don't have to worry right now. You are going to be an amazing mother. Okay?" He put a hand on my cheek.

"Okay." Nathaniel kissed my forehead. He placed a hand on my stomach. "I love you."

"I love you too." I layed my head on his shoulder, placing my hand over top of his. "I'm gonna wear your sweatshirts a lot. I'll have to hide the bump for a while once I start showing."

"That's fine with me. You look cute in my clothes." I laughed.

"Nathaniel do you even want a kid?"

"Yes. I've always wanted kids. It just seems we're getting one early." Nathaniel said.

"I won't get to go to prom with you. I'll be too pregnant."

"But just think about how goregous you'll look in all the photos. It's my junior prom. Baby you gotta come."

"Okay okay. I guess I'll come. But that's nine months away so we don't have to worry about it right now." I smiled.

"You'll get to go to prom 3 times. My junior prom, my senior prom which is also your junior prom, and your senior prom."

"Uncle Herc will be happy. He'll get to make lots of dresses!" I laughed so did Nathaniel.

"See, we're gonna be fine." He flashed his signature smile at me.

~Back in the room~

Alex's POV
I was currently on the phone with Eliza.

"Liz, shut up for moment will you. Let the man speak." Maria chimed in.

"Sorry. What did you call for Alex?" Eliza spoke.

"So this trip just took a major turn. Angelica's pregnant."

"I'm sorry what?!" Eliza was shocked. "Oh my god it's Nathaniel's isn't it?" I nodded. "Have you told the rest of the group? Peggy and Angelica and their families are all together right now."

"No but I'll do that now. Bye Liza." We both waved and I hung up the phone.

Time to call the woman whom my daughter is named after and the woman who birthed her.

"Hey Alex!" Peggy smiled brightly.

"Hi Uncle Alex!" I could hear all the kids call. I saw Thomas and Angie off to the side.

"Hey guys. Umm. Do I have your attention for bit?" He asked, biting his lip.

"Yeah totally. What's up?" Sally answered.

"So we found out today that Angelica's pregnant...."

"She's what? You're joking right?" Angelica asked with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm not. She's really pregnant."

"Holy shit. I'm gonna kill Nathaniel when y'all get back!" Thomas growled.

"Language Thom." Angie scolded.

"Angelica's pregnant." Peggy was the most shocked. "Oh my god." She breathed. "Our little girl is gonna have a baby." She said quietly.

"Peggy honey, take a breath." Sally put her hand on her back.

"I hope everything goes well. It'd be awful for Angie if it doesn't." Peggy frowned.

"I know. And it will." I reassured everyone. "Look I have to go. I'll keep you guys updated. Bye." I hung up and laid back on the couch.

"Grandpa." I said to myself in a whisper. "Man it's too early." I chuckled.

Angelica's POV
"Nathaniel!" I screamed as he threw me in the pool. "It's cold!" I grabbed his ankles and dragged him in with me.

"You little fucker!"

We started playing around and acting like 5 year olds. After a few minutes, we stopped and sat back in the hot tub.

"How's school been?" He asked as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"It's been fine." I smiled. Nathaniel pulled me out of the hot tub, got down on one knee, and held my hand.

"Angelica Hamilton, will you go to homecoming with me?" He asked, grinning widely.

"That's not even a question!" I jumped into his arms and giggled. "Of course I'll go."

"Yes!" Nathaniel cheered. "I can't wait for you to see me play and then I get to dance with you."

"You're gonna be amazing." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Come on. Let's go back so we can get some rest." He helped me stand up. We both dried off and walked back to the room.

We walked in to find the room empty. "Phillip must be at the gym." Nathaniel commented.

"Or just taking a walk. He does that a lot." I shrugged, flopping onto the bed. "It helps him stay sane." I joked.

Nathaniel crawled on top of me. "Nath, this is how I got pregnant in the first place." I rolled my eyes.

"Relax." He chuckled, kissing me softly. He moved his head down to my stomach and laid it there. "Hi little one."

"Babe there's nothing in there yet." I laughed but smiled.

"I know." He kissed my stomach.

"Let's get some sleep. I'm exhausted." I yawned, stretching out on the bed. Nathaniel brought me some shorts and a tank top. "Thanks." We both changed and crawled in our bed.

"I love you." He kissed me.

"I love you too. Goodnight Nath." I said.

"Goodnight baby." Nathaniel responded. He turned off the light and we fell asleep.

~The next morning~

I woke up groaning. I rubbed my eyes and blinked them open. The spot beside me was cold and empty. I rolled off the bed and wrapped myself in a blanket.

I heard voices in the other room.

"Where's Nathaniel?" I said sleepily, my eyes adjusting to the bright light.

"I'm right here." I walked over and snuggled into his side. "Watch the coffee."

I nodded and moved my legs so I wouldn't knocked it over.

"Good morning mon beau." Uncle Laf greeted.

"Good morning Uncle Laffy." I smiled a little.

Nathaniel played with my hair, softly kissing the top of my head. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good. I'm still tired though." I mumbled into his chest.

"My sister was like zhat while she was pregnant with Nathaniel." Uncle Laffy commented. "Always tired but so full of 'appiness."

"Babies are hard work." I said. Nathaniel nodded and Uncle Laffy muttered in agreement.

"Zhat is why 'Ercules and I only 'ave one." He chuckled a little. "But you are younger zhan we were. A baby shouldn't be as 'ard to 'andle. You will be full of energy and your back won't 'urt as bad."

"Hopefully." Nathaniel sighed. "We should go get dressed. I think everyone wants to leave after a quick bite to eat."

"I will let you guys be." Uncle Laffy smiled and left the room.

Nathaniel and stood up and he rubbed my back. He pulled me into a tight hug.

"No matter what happens, I'm here for you." He mumbled, caressing my hair and placing soft kisses to it.

I melted under him. "I know." I said into his chest.

"Let's go get dressed."

We walked into the room and started changing. I stood over the mirror in the room as I put on mascara. Behind me, Nathaniel was stripping everything.

"Babe you could've given me a warning." I laughed.

"Sorry." He laughed and smiled but put fresh clothes on. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You're very clingy today." I smiled and giggled a bit.

"Is there something wrong with that?" He asked, rubbing my stomach.

"No." I sighed. "How did everything change so quickly?"

"I don't know." He turned me around to face him. "But we have each other. We have our families. We're gonna get through this, no matter what."

"I love you so much."

"I know baby, I know. Let's go join the others."

He led me out if the room and we walked next door to our parents'. We were let in and we both sat down on the couch.

"Morning kids." Uncle Herc came by and ruffled Nathaniel's hair. He also placed a kiss on my hair.

"Morning Uncle Herc!" I smiled. "Dad! Father! Morning!" I shouted. Dad came running towards me.

"G'morning my child!" He kissed my cheek.

"Lexi, why are you so happy to see Angie?" Father laughed. "She's our daughter, you see her everyday! But good morning Angie." He smiled at me and dad.

"I don't know. I'm just happy today. How are you feeling?" He asked, holding my hands.

"I'm fine. Just a little headache." I reassured him. Nathaniel smiled.

"She didn't budge all night. She slept good." He nodded.

"Good." Dad replied. "She needed it. We had a long day yesterday." I nodded in response. "Well, let's go get some food in our bodies so we can go. We're going to Hollywood Studios today."

"WE'RE ALL RIDING TOWER OF TERROR!" Uncle Herc shouted from the room.

We all laughed as Uncle Laffy dragged him out, both fully dressed and ready to go. Phillip emerged from our parents' room and smiled.

"Morning Angie." I smiled back and replied with a 'good morning'.

Everyone walked down to the breakfast area and started filling up our plates.

"Angie, I'm sorry for taking food from you yesterday. Now I know why you were eating so much." Phillip apologized.

I giggled. "Philly, it's okay. I promise." I smiled and sat down at the table. Once again however, my plate was piled high with food.

Nathaniel was already shoveling pieces of pancake down his throat. I just shook my head and bit off part of my bacon.

Dad was drinking his coffee, his hand intertwined with Father's on the table. Uncle Laffy and Herc were talking to Nathaniel. For once we actually looked like a normal family. What even is normal?

Suddenly, Uncle Herc smiled. "Oh my god yes!" I turned my head towards my boyfriend and cocked a brow.

"I told him you agreed to go with me to homecoming." Nathaniel shrugged.

"Angelica I have the perfect dress in the store for you. Of course it's in the France location but I can get it shipped to the store back home. Do you trust me?"

"Yes!" I squealed. Uncle Herc smiled and nodded. Nathaniel reached for my hand under the table.

I took it and he squeezed it 3 times. A way of saying "I love you." Suddenly, I jumped up, covering my mouth.

"Room key!" Dad gave it to me and I darted off.

I hunched over the toilet, puking my guts out. "Why me?" I groaned.

I finished throwing up and slid down the back of the door. "Baby? Can you open the door?"

I got up and let Nathaniel in. "Are you okay?"

"No." I cried into his chest. "I hate this Nath. I hate it. I want this baby out. I can't do this."

"Angelica Frances Hamilton. You are one of the strongest women I know. Yes, you're only 16 but that doesn't mean you aren't capable of being a mother. I've seen how good you are with kids. I've said it a million times, I'm not gonna leave you. I'm gonna be right by your side the whole time."

I pulled my face out of his chest and looked up at him. He grabbed my face and held it.

"I love you Angelica." He then leaned down and kiss me, gently and sweetly.

I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you too." I mumbled into the kiss. We pulled away, his eyes meeting mine.

"Let's go back to everyone." I nodded and he lead us down. Our parents were talking to each other and Phillip was getting more food while talking to a guy who looked around his age.

Phillip's POV
"Yeah I got dragged here. It's my little brother's birthday." Last night, I met Daniel.

Daniel was a bit taller than me, with gorgeous brown eyes and tan skin. He was my age and get this, he lives in Manhattan.

"It's better than my family. My sister just told us she's pregnant." I said in a whisper. "My baby sister."

"Oh my. That's something. Hey, how about I text you and we can do something together later? Maybe hit up the pool?" Daniel said with a smile.

I smiled back. "Yeah totally." I said goodbye and walked back to the table.

"Pip, did you find yourself a new boyfriend?" Angie teased.

"Aren't you with George though?" Dad asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He's been um, different." I picked at my food. "I might break up with him." I sighed.

"So who's the mystery man?" Nathaniel questioned.

"His name is Daniel. He goes to Lincoln High in Manhattan." I blushed a little.

"Aww! Pip is blushing!!" Angelica squealed. "He's cuter than George." She shrugged.

"I know." I chuckled and smiled at my sister. "Did you get sick?"

"Yeah. Pregnancies suck." She groaned as she put a forkful of pancakes in her mouth.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but it only gets worse." Uncle Herc informed.

"Ugh." Angie buried her head in Nathaniel's shoulder.

"Relax girly. You're gonna be fine." Uncle Herc smiled.

We all kept eating and eventually finished. "Hey Pops, I'm gonna go say bye to Daniel." I cleaned up my plate and walked over to Daniel.

"Hey, we're going to the park now. I'll see you when I come back." I smiled at him. He turned around and smiled back.

"Of course." He then pulled me down so he could whisper in my ear. "Why don't you come over for a good time afterwards? My parents and brother are gonna be out of the room." He smirked a little making me blushed.

"I-I'll be there." I nodded.

"Phillip! We're gonna leave you!"

"I have to go. Bye Daniel!" I smiled and joined my family.

Time skip to when they get back~

I knocked on the door of Daniel's room. He opened it, wearing only a pair of sweatpants.

"Hey." He smiled. "Come in." I was practically drooling. He was so much hotter than George....and nicer. I walked in, Daniel closing the door behind me.

He pressed me against it and kissed me. My hands flung to his hair, tangling my fingers in it. "Daniel, wait. I need to do something."

I whipped my phone out and texted George. I had to do it.

Me: We're done.

I put the phone away and kissed Daniel. He tapped my legs, signalling me to jump up. I did and he carried me to the bed.

He kissed my neck, sucking on various spots causing me to moan.

"Please, take me Daniel."

Angelica's POV
"I'm exhausted." I laid on the bed. Nathaniel sat next to me, rubbing my back. "Exhausted and hungry. I want McDonald's."

"I'll be back. I'm going to get the car keys from my dad. Normal order?" Nathaniel said as he got up.

"Yep. Thank you babe." He smiled and nodded.

He left leaving me alone in the room. I decided to FaceTime Theo.

"Hey girl. How's it going down there?" Theo smiled.

"It's going good. We have two more days left here and then we're going home. Nathaniel asked me out to homecoming!"

"Oh my god! You said yes right?!" I nodded quickly. Theo squealed. "My Angie is growing up!" She wiped away faked tears.

I laughed. "Yeah. He just left to go get ne McDonald's. I love him so much." I gushed. Theo smiled. I wish I could tell her but she needs to hear it in person.

"Hey Angie, I gotta go. Joseph is calling me. Bye!" I waved and hung up.

After about 20 minutes, Nathaniel came back with my food. "Foooood!" I smiled and made grabby hands. "I'm starving."

"You're welcome." He kissed my forehead and sat on the bed with me as I ate. I was nice and let him have some of my fries.

We ended up watching a movie on his phone and cuddling. I fell asleep halfway through it.

The last thing I remember was him kissing my head and turning off the light.
Hello! Yes, I know it took me a while to write this but writers block is a bitch sometimes. I'm picking up the pace of the story because I need to get it moving. I have 2 years of high school to get Angie through. So, for now, bye lovelies!

*this is unedited

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