Chapter 23
This chapter is partially a flashback.
Angie's POV
We got out of the car after parking and Nathaniel cheered before running ahead. It reminded me of his soccer practice a week ago.
"Havana! Pass!" I heard Nathaniel yell from the side. Since he was a coach and captain of the team, he didn't practice sometimes that way he could coach. His whistle hung from his neck and his forehead glistened with sweat.
A good friend of mine, Amy, cheered for her best friend. We both had agreed to watch today's practice. Amy brought a blanket so we could sit on it on the bleachers and I brought snacks and water.
Nathaniel jogged his way over to me and took the granola bar out of my hand. "Hey! I was gonna eat that!"
"Too bad." He sassed. Amy laughed at us.
"Please tell me you guys are together." She giggled and I choked on my own spit. I mean sure I have a major crush on him but we could never be together.
"No. She's just my cousin." His words hurt and said one thing, but his eyes said another. Just then we heard Cameron yell from the field.
"Watch where you rainbow the fucking ball, bitch!" He screamed at Havana. She jumped on him and slapped him across the face. Nathaniel sprinted towards them yelling and blowing his whistle.
He grabbed Cameron by the ear and dragged him to the sideline. "We do not use profanity on MY field! Do you understand!?" Cameron nodded. "If I hear it again, especially towards a girl, you're off the team! Five laps. Now!" He roared.
Nathaniel then looked the rest of his team dead in the eye. "This is how my team is run. Miranda has had countless victories and won several championships. I do not tolerate misbehavior understood! I can and will kick you off the team. Locker rooms, now!" He shrieked. The team dropped their gear in fear and ran. Havana chuckled as she walked towards Amy.
"Nice one out there." I heard Amy say as she and Havana walked away from the field. I smiled and walked towards the field. It was peaceful and quiet with the exception of Nathaniel’s cleats hitting the soft grass as he kicked the balls into the goal. One by one they made it in.
I don't think he noticed I was here and I didn't realize how loud I was I singing.
Wishing you were somehow here again
Wishing you were somehow near,
Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed,
Somehow you would be here.
I hit every note perfectly. "Some voice you got there." Nathaniel flashed me his signature smile. I blushed and played with the grass. He sat beside me on the grass. It was a warm autumn afternoon. I was wearing shorts and a plain tee due to the warmth.
"Thanks." I finally breathed out. "Do you wanna come with me to the Disney store?" I asked squinting my eyes due to the sun.
"Is that even a question? Of course I'll come." He chuckled and leaned forward. He kept leaning until his soft lips touched mine. They lingered for only a second before he stood up. "I'll change then we'll head out?" I nodded. "Alright then."
~Flashback Over~
Yeah, that was my first kiss, not the one in the car. Romantic right? A sweaty soccer player kisses the singer.
Phillip was in front of me so I jumped on his back. "Angie what are you doing?" I grabbed my phone and pulled up Julian's facetime contact.
"Julian. I need Julian." I giggled and facetime him. Once he answered, I shrieked. "Juls!"
"What Ange? What?" He asked with a smile.
"Look at where I am!" I flipped the camera around as Phillip held onto my thighs.
"She's at Universal!" Julian's sister exclaimed as she came into view. I chuckled.
"Yes I am." I giggled as Savannah squealed.
"Angelica, phone away. We're here." I pouted.
"I have to go Savannah. Bye Juls! Buy Savvy!" I waved and closed the call. "I want down Pip!" I whined. He chuckled and carefully set me down. "Thanks." I kissed his cheek as we walked to the park entrance. We skipped the little village thing and went straight to the park.
Uncle Laffy and Herc had Nathaniel's ticket and my parents had mine and Phillip’s. We checked in and I started squealing.
"Calm down Angelica." Dad chuckled. "Let's grab a bite to eat first." He smiled as we walked towards a little cafe.
~Meanwhile back in New York~
Angie's POV
I sighed as I set my folders down. I was head doctor at the hospital and it was insane. My office was a wreck but Thomas denied it saying it was fine.
I had just finished helping a young man with a broken knee. It wasn't super stressful but the overall setting of the hospital wasn't fun.
Usually, on a night like this, Thomas, Alex, John, Herc, Laf, and my sister's and I would all go out and get some drinks. We have all been quiet since they left. Alex isn't here to run his mouth and it's just...awkward.
"Darling, are you on your way home?" Thomas' voice spoke over the phone.
"Yes Thomas." I smiled at the reassurance. "I'm leaving the hospital right now."
"Good, I made us dinner." I smiled against my phone. "I miss you and I can't wait till you get home."
"I miss you too. I have to go. Bye baby."
"Bye Darling."
I hung up and sighed. This was going to be one long ass week.
~Back in Florida~
Angelica's POV
As we approached the Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket, I started to feel sick. I loved roller coasters but this one made my stomach twist into knots.
"Daddy." I tugged on his arm. He looked down and hummed. "Do I have to go?"
"Dear if you don't want too, then you don't have too." Dad smiled at me. "I'll make sure Nathaniel keeps an eye on you. He's staying out too." Now I smiled.
"Okay. Go have fun. I'll be with Nathaniel. Do you mind if we walked around this area a little?"
"Sure just don't wander too far." I nodded as he walked into the queue with everyone else. I turned to Nathaniel who smirked.
"And now we're alone." He smiled as he pulled me by my waist making me squeal. "How was your rest? Sleep okay? Did I leave you sore?" He smirked.
"Yes. I was very sore. But I slept well knowing I was in your arms." My eyes glowed with adoration. "How did you sleep?" I ran my hands over his biceps that stood out in his muscle shirt.
"I slept amazing because the most beautiful girl was beside me." He kissed me gently. "I'll never get used to calling you my girlfriend." Nathaniel smiled.
"I'll never get used to calling you my boyfriend." I replied, giggling. "Do you wanna walk around?" I asked.
"Sure." We started walking and he slipped his hand into mine. "Your hands are soft." Nathaniel said softly.
"Thank you." I giggled. "Does your aunt have light skin?" I asked out of the blue.
"Yes she does. A very gorgeous color too. You would love my aunt. Aunt Adrienne is amazing." He smiled. "My dad always said that I looked exactly like her and him combined. I miss her." He frowned.
I looked at him with loving eyes. "Hey." I smiled at him. "I love you."
"I love you too." Nathaniel pulled me closer and held me by my waist. "You know, I've liked you ever since middle school." I giggled.
"Really?" He nodded. "That's cute." I booped his nose and snuggled into his side. "Can we sit down?"
"Of course." We spotted a picnic table near the exit of the ride and sat down. He sat beside me and put his head in the crook of my neck. "You smell good."
I laughed. "Thanks?" He chuckled against my skin making me shiver. "Don't do that."
"Why? Is it turning you on?" He whispered on my skin. His voice sent vibrations down my spine.
"Yes, so please stop." I whined and he chuckled as he pulled away. Our hands were still intertwined so he gave me a squeeze. I squeezed back and gave him a smile.
"A little birdie told me you're trying out for Mimi." He smiled.
"And a little birdie told me you're trying out for Roger." I said with the same tone and smile as him. "It'll be nice to act with you." I suddenly had a thought. "Nathaniel?"
"Yes dear?" He looked at me.
"I want to make a deal. We can date and be a couple until my senior year. Then we need to break up because senior year is a big deal for me. I'll need to focus on school and not boys. Is that okay?" I nervously said.
"Angelica, as long as I get to be with you right now, anything's fine." Nathaniel weakly smiled as he put a hand on my cheek. "Mon amour, you know I love you and I would do anything for you."
"I know, and I love you too." I smiled as he kissed me. Once we pulled away, I spotted everyone walking towards us. We separated our bodies and I pulled out my phone and pretend to do something on it.
"Well that was exciting." Dad pulled his hair back into a neater ponytail. Phillip took his out which made me laugh.
"Pip you look like Father." He smiled and shook his head to get his hair down.
"I know." Phillip replied. "Can we go to Diagon Alley now?" He asked.
"Why not?" Father said. "Get up Angelica." I complied without a fight. "Hey Laf, if we were at Hogwarts, do you think you would've gone to Beaubaxton?"
"Non. I'd fight to go to 'Ogwarts." He said with a smile. "Besides, that's probably where I'd end up meeting mon amour, 'Ercules." Herc pecked Laf's lips. "Oui, definitely 'Ogwarts." He smiled.
"Stop being so coupley." Phillip groaned. "The Knight Bus!" He suddenly exclaimed.
Father chuckled and dad laughed at Father. "Lex, we need a picture!" He said.
"Of course, my dear." I giggled as Father grabbed me and pulled me in front of the bus.
"Angelica stand in front of John. Phillip stand in front of Alex." Uncle Herc exclaimed. "Perfect. 1...2...3!" We all smiled, well Phillip and I did. Our parents just kissed each other.
"Here, give me the camera, I'll take a picture of you guys." Father took the camera from Uncle Herc.
He took their picture before we entered Diagon Alley. We went through the wall and everything.
"Dad! We have to get butterbeer!" I shouted, clinging onto his side. "Can We? Please!" I whined.
He chuckled. "Of course my dearest." I giggled and smiled with joy.
John's POV
"She's your daughter." Alex said. I put my arm around his waist and held him. "Are we going into Ollivander's to get wands?"
"Lexi, of course we are. That's a rhetorical question." I sassed. He rolled his eyes but held onto me tighter. "See, you love me."
"You're right, I do." He smiled and pecked my lips. "Let's go get in line before it becomes too long." Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the line.
I heard the kids and the Lafayette's laughing behind us.
"Shut up." I yelled to them as they followed us. "I hope one of you is chosen to do the wand selection." Angelica hid behind Nathaniel. "I hope it's Angelica."
"Papa." She playfully whined. I chuckled and kissed her head. "Don't do that." She said.
"Why not?" I questioned.
"Because we're in public." She said as she reached for something in her bag. She pulled out a water bottle and drank from it.
"It's not that hot here, doll." I laughed. "Laf, Herc, you coming in with us?" I asked as our group was called. They nodded and stepped in with us.
"Ollivander" made it to the wand selection part and scanned the crowd. I laughed at who he chose.
Angelica's POV
"You, miss. Please." I internally squealed but physically acted shy. I stepped in front of the group and was handed a wand.
"Come on, try it out now." I swished it and drawers flung open. Papers flew out of the drawers. "Oh no. That one won't do." He handed me another wand. "Try this one." I nodded.
Once I raised it up to flick it, the room turned to a golden glow and the papers circled me. "The wand has chosen." He smiled and examined it. "Quite and excellent choice as well. Thank deary."
I walked back to my parents and my dad immediately hugged me. "You are one lucky girl, Angelica." I giggled into his chest as we were led to the room where you could buy wands.
"I want Ron's." Phillip exclaimed.
"Go find it and we'll get it. I think I'm going to get Albus'. Lexi, I think you should get Snape's." Father said. "And Angelica, we'll get Ginny's for you." I smiled and nodded.
Herc’s POV
"Nathaniel, you should get Harry's." Nathaniel, who was looking at Draco's wand, looked up. "I'm just saying. You don't have to get it if you don't want to."
"It's fine Pop." He smiled at me. "Who's is that?" He motioned to the wand box in my hand.
"Viktor Krum's. And I think I'm going to get it. Your dad wants Fleur's." Nathaniel chuckled. "You know, sometimes it shocks me that you're 17. You're growing up so fast." I ruffled his black hair.
"Pop, quit it." He joked with a smile.
"Never, I'm only doing this because I love you." This time I smiled. "Your father and I love you so much. Never forget that son."
"I won't dad. I love you guys too. Even if you're weird sometimes." I placed a hand on my chest and scoffed.
"Weird? When are we ever weird?" Nathaniel gave me wide eyes.
"Just the other day, you were at work and dad just ran around the house screaming in French. Then when you came home, you made a mess in the kitchen while Pa was trying to make me cookies." I pushed him slightly.
"Nathaniel, you love us because we're weird. Don't even try to deny it." I sassed.
"You're right." He sighed. "But I didn't get my cookies because you didn't let him finish." He faked pouted. "So I believe you owe me a batch of cookies when we get home."
"You run a tough bargain kiddo. But I'll see what your dad can do." Nathaniel chuckled and fist pumped in the air. "Now let's pay because I think the Hamilton's are already done. Go get your dad."
He took off to the other side of the small store and came back with Laf. "Find which one you wanted, Laf?"
"Oui." Just as I suspected, he handed me Fleur's box. I chuckled.
"Go take Nathaniel to meet John' and Alex outside while I pay. This place is so small." Laf nodded and kissed my cheek before leaving.
I sighed and got in line to pay. It surprisingly didn't take long and I reached the front of the line. I gasped at the lady in front of me with a young, maybe 13 year old, girl.
"Elizabeth Sanders?!" My eyes widened at the familiar girl.
"Hercules Mulligan!" She replied with a smile. "It's been so long. Senior year was the last time we talked." She frowned as she saw my ring. "Who's the lucky girl?" She smirked.
"It's actually 'lucky guy'." I nodded as her eyes grew big. "You remember Lafayette?"
"Oh my god." Elizabeth breathed out and nodded.
"Well that's my husband. We have a son, Nathaniel, but he walked out with Lafayette to join the Hamilton's."
"Hamilton's?" She questioned.
"Yeah. John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton. They're married. They have two kids, Angelica and Philip." I nodded and smiled, proud of my best friends. "Who's this little girl?" I crouched down to the girl.
"This," She hugged the girl. "Is Abigail. Abi, this is Hercules. Say hi."
"Hi Mr.Hercules." Her voice was absolutely angelic.
"Is there a father in picture?" I asked trying not to invade her privacy that much.
Abi nodded. "My dad is in the Navy. He's on deployment right now." She held her mom tighter. "He's fighting somewhere. We don't know where." I frowned and hugged her.
"My mom was in the Navy. I know how it feels to miss a parent." I stood back up and turned to Elizabeth. "Would you like to come meet everyone?" She nodded.
"Come Abi. Let's go meet some people." I smiled at the cap Abigail was wearing. It was the cap her dad would wear. Dark blue with yellow letters of the ship name and number. This poor girl.
Laf's POV
I stood talking to Alex and John while Hercules payed. Once he came out, I frowned seeing a girl with him. I quickly realized who she was.
Herc walked over and kissed me. When he pulled away, he smiled. "Laffy, baby you remember Elizabeth right?" I nodded.
"It is nice to zee you again." A hint of jealously was present in my voice.
"Gilly, this is Abi. Elizabeth's husband is in the military, like my mom was. I saw her in line while checking out and brought her over here. Alex, John!"
The married couple walked into the conversation. "What Herc?" Alex asked annoyed.
"Guys, this is Elizabeth Sanders. I'm sure you remember her. Maybe not but anyway, this is her daughter Abigail." Hercules smiled and suddenly remembered something. "Nathaniel!"
Nathaniel got up from his talk with Angelica which made me smile. Little did he know, I saw them holding hands. I'll have to ask him about it later.
"Elizabeth this is my son, Nathaniel."
"Oh my. He looks so mature. How old are you?" Nathaniel smiled.
"I'm 17." Elizabeth gasped.
"He's getting older Herc." Hercules chuckled at her sentence.
"Before we know it he'll have a girlfriend. It better be a better choice than Emille." I mentally gagged at my son's partner choice.
Emille was a lovely girl in appearance. Nathaniel met her last year while doing school in France. He fell in love with her and it didn't end well.
"Well, it was wonderful to see you guys again but I promised Abi we'd go to the waterpark." Elizabeth smiled and waved. As she left, I let out a small sigh.
"Hercy, you love me right?" I asked worried.
Hercules chuckled and kissed my head. "Baby, I love you and only you. I just ran into her and wanted to say hi. You're my husband. I wouldn't dream of being with someone else."
"Je a'ime aussi, mon amour." I smiled.
"Okay lovebirds. Let's go get Angelica her butterbeer before she explodes." John chuckled. Nathaniel smiled at the mention of his 'lover'.
"Finally!" We heard Angelica cheer. I laughed and held onto Herc.
It's here! Finally. Sorry it took me so long. I've been sick and busy. Someone, shinyquartz*glares* has been distracting me. I'm kidding. I love you, hun. I've also been babysitting so that's been taking up my time. I love you guys and happy Easter! Au revoir my beautiful turtles.🐢❤
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