Chapter 21
John's POV
As Alex and I walked down to Angie's room, we whispered things back and forth, careful not to wake them.
We got to her door and I pushed it open slightly. I peeked in to see Nathaniel and her cuddling while asleep. I smiled at them.
"Baby, come here. Look at this." Alex peeked into the room and his face went red with anger.
"They better not be together. Angelica knows better." He whisper-shouted. I ran a hand through his hair which calmed him down.
"Angelica would tell us if they were together. Now, I'm sure Laf and Herc want their son awake and Angelica needs to get up." He nodded and I walked into her room. I walked to her side and moved a piece of her hair out of her face. "Angelica, honey you need to get up." She stirred but woke up.
"I'm up. Good morning father." Nathaniel fluttered his eyes open and saw that Angelica was awake. He cuddled her side tighter but became aware of my presence.
"Oh, good morning Uncle John." I smiled at him and kissed Angelica's head.
"Angelica, we have to be at the airport at 7 and it's already 6, so you need to get up. I know you want to sleep but you can sleep on the plane." She whined while pulling Nathaniel's arms off of her. He immediately grabbed her comforter and wrapped himself in it. I chuckled and tapped his shoulder.
"Must I get up Uncle John?"
"Yes. Your dad's are downstairs in the guest room." Angelica got up to go to her bathroom and I turned to Nathaniel once she closed the door. "So, would you like to explain why you were in a bed with my daughter?"
"She asked me stay. I promise I'm not lying Uncle John." I nodded and Angelica walked out with her hair up and some comfortable clothes on. "I should go change." He left and I tossed Angelica a bag.
"Here's your carry on. Put your phone, charger, camera, a change of clothes, earbuds, and anything else you may need on the plane." She nodded and started putting the items in the bag. "Are you excited?"
"Of course I am! We're going to Disney Father! I can't wait." I smiled.
"Dad!" Phillip yelled down the hall. I sighed and walked into his room.
"Yes Pip?" I noticed he had his blanket around hid neck. He pulled the blanket down to reveal dozens of hickeys. "Phillip!" I ran over to him and touched his neck to make sure they were real. "Was George here last night!"
He nodded and hid under his covers. "I'm sorry dad. But can I have some Advil? My legs are sore!" I chuckled.
"You remind me of your dad." He fake gagged. "Alright, let's go downstairs. Your bag is ready right?" He nodded and rolled out of his bed. I laughed as he walked with a limp. "George really did a number on you."
"Y-yeah." I pushed him slightly before walking to the guest room. I burst open the door and entered very loudly.
"Alright Lafayette's! Get your stuff to the car so we can leave on time!" Herc appeared from the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth, Laf stopped triming his beard, and Nathaniel shot up from his book.
"Mon ami. Why must you be so loud?" Laf commented setting down his razor. "We 'ave everything and we are ready."
"I know, it's just you know how Alex is. He has to be on time for everything." I said leaning against the doorway. "Also he wants to eat lunch before we leave. We're eating in the airport. So we're leaving at 6:30 and it's 6:13."
I left the room, closing the door behind me, and walked into the living room where all our bags were kept. Phillip was eating an apple on the couch and Alex was reading.
"Where's Angie?" Phillip asked.
"Upstairs." I heard her coming down the stairs. "Never mind. Lex." He looked at me. "Herc and Laf should be ready in 5 minutes." He nodded and walked over to me.
"I can't wait for this." He kissed me softly and I kissed back. "You have the tickets right?" I nodded and pulled them out of my wallet.
"Laf and Herc have theirs and Nathaniel’s." He smiled and I checked my watch. 6:25. Eliza then texted me.
Liza:Hey I'm here.
TooGayforThis:Okay. We'll be out in a minute.
"Alright everyone! Eliza is here! Get your stuff and let's go!" I yelled. The Lafayette's ran out of the room, bags in hand, Phillip and Alex grabbed their things, and Angelica casually walked out the door. We loaded everything into Eliza's car and got in.
Time Skip
Angelica's POV
We waited outside our gate and I hid my nervousness. First class passengers were called so we boarded the plane. The seating was my parents in one row, my uncle's across from them, Nathaniel and I behind my parents, and Phillip behind our uncles.
It's not my first time flying but I was still very nervous. I flew when I was very little, maybe 3, appearantly when we went to my grandfather's house in South Carolina.
"Angelica, you want anything in the overhead?" I shook my head and he waited for me to get in. "You're getting the window seat so scoot over." I did as I was told and opened the shade to the window. It was fine right now but soon I would get nervous.
"Good Aftertoon passengers, this is your captain speaking-" The Captain drew out his speech and soon we started to move towards the end of the runway. My palms got sweaty and my heart raced. My breathing picked up slowly. I felt something warm enter my hand and I looked down to see Nathaniel intertwining our fingers.
"It's okay. I got you. Look out the window, trust me." I did as he said and opened the shade to reveal a beautiful blue skies painted with fluffy white clouds. "Pretty right?"
"Yeah." I smiled softly. I placed a quick kiss to his cheek. "I think I might like you." He looked to see if anyone was looking before kissing me.
"Well I love you." He said, smiling as he pulled away from my lips. "I can't wait to get to Disney. Have you seen the hotel we're staying at?" I shook my head. "Oh my god it's huge! We’re staying at the Grand Floridian Resort. I overheard my dad's and our rooms are $1,300 a night." He said the last part quietly.
"Oh my Lin. That's a lot of money." He nodded and I pulled up the movies on the small TV after swiping my card. "Wanna watch the Phantom of the Opera?"
"Umm yeah." He said and I laughed. He took his earbuds and plugged them into the duel connector I had. I plugged mine in and started the movie. "It's been a while since I've watched this." He added softly.
I hummed in response as the first scene was starting. (Spoilers if you haven't seen the movie) The auction at the Opera house was happening and they lifted the chandelier into the air which takes you back in time to before the disaster that the Phantom caused.
Time skip
Nathaniel’s POV
After watching the Phantom of the Opera, we watched Sweeny Todd. The plane was supposed to land in 10 minutes and Angelica is still sound asleep on my shoulder. I had pulled the blanket she brought over her and allowed her to use me as pillow. I had taken the earbuds out of her ears before I lightly kissed her forehead.
"Angelica, you have to wake up. We're landing soon." She groaned softly before fluttering her eyes open. I smiled seeing the green orbs that lit up in joy. "You ready?"
"Yeah. I wanna go in the pool the minute we get there." I chuckled.
"Hey Angelica, start getting your stuff ready." Her dad turned around. "You okay, dear?"
"Yep. I'm just excited to get there." He smiled and sat back down. She then leaned against me. "You know, I think I finally have feelings for you." She whispered, grinning even wider.
My eyes lit up with happiness and I internally squealed. "Really." She nodded and I hugged her tightly. "That's-oh my god." Just the intercom came on alerting us that we had landed. "Come on. We're here."
"Thank God. My legs are weak." She replied standing up with he bag. I grabbed my small bag and we followed our parents off the plane. Her parents called her name and she kissed my cheek very quickly. "I have to go see what they want. Bye." I whispered a quick bye before walking to my dad's.
Angelica's POV
"Yes dad?" I asked walking behind them.
"Oh I just wanted you to walk with us so you can get your bag and stuff." I nodded and walked over to Father.
"Hey there girlie." He threw a arm around my shoulder. "I love you, you know that right?"
"I love you too Father." He kissed my head and we arrived at baggage claim. It was quick to find our luggage so we were out of there quickly. We were getting a rental car so that's where we were headed. "Papa?" It was rare I called him that but I did it just to mix things up.
"Yes darlin."
"Thank you." I grinned leaning against him. "I'm really excited for this."
"I know you are doll." He smiled lovingly at me as dad called him. "Yes Lexi?" Father answered as dad walked to his side. "Sorry Angelica, your dad wants me." I nodded sadly and walked over to Phillip. I noticed the hickeys on his neck and laughed.
"Did George give you those hickeys?" My voice must've startled him as he jumped a little and hid his phone. "What are you doing?" I asked being nosy.
"N-nothing. I'm just texting George." I hummed and smirked. "Really I was. Can we just let it go?"
"Fine. We're talking at the hotel though." Phillip groaned but sighed.
"Children! Come. We're leaving and going to the hotel." Dad said with a grin.
We were led to our rental car and we all climbed in. "John are you driving?" He asked Father to which Father said yes. "Perfect. Well then, to the hotel!"
I squealed happily and bounced in my seat. Thankfully it was a short drive from the airport to Disney and we got there quickly. I nearly gasped when I saw the hotel come into my view. It was massive and gorgeous.
"We're here." Phillip said excitedly. "Angie look! Isn't it amazing!"
"It is, Pip. Calm down some." I replied taking a picture. I got on Snapchat and sent it to Theo. She replied jealous but was happy that we made it here safely.
"Don't tell me to calm down when you keep squealing." He sassed. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Angie, Phillip, Nathaniel, out." Uncle Herc said pulling the seat back. "We're here." I giggled climbing out of the car. "Someone's excited."
"Why of course I am! Come on." We went inside the lobby and checked in. Our rooms appearantly had an amazing view.
The rooms were the teens in one and the adults in the other. "Angelica! Let's go find the pool after we've settled down." Nathaniel said.
"That's fine by me." The elevator stopped at put floor and we got off. Thankfully the two rooms were right beside each other.
"Angelica, I'm giving you the key. I don't trust your brother." I laughed. "Be good. Laf and Herc and your dad and I are staying in our room. You can rome the hotel but keep your phone on you." I nodded. "I love you darling."
"I love you too Father." He entered his room and I dragged my suitcase into mine where the boys were already picking beds. Nathaniel and Phillip were sharing while I got my own. "Who's down for the pool?"
"Me!" Nathaniel bolted upright.
"I promised George we'd facetime when we made it to the hotel. Sorry Ange." I nodded sadly but grabbed my bathing suit and changed in the bathroom.
When I came out Nathaniel had my towel and his around his arm. "Come on." We left the room and took the elevator. At least the pool wasn't hard to find as we found it in five minutes...with help.
"Oh my god it's gorgeous." I said running towards a chair to set my stuff down. "I'm going in the hot tub." I added stripping myself of my dress and flip flops and walking in it.
"I'll join you." Nathaniel pulled his shirt off making me blush. He sat beside me and connected his lips to mine. Our lips danced together as his hands snaked around my waist. I brought my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer into his lap. His teeth grazed my bottom lip asking for an entrance.
"Nathaniel." I gasped as he moved to the skin behind my ear and bit down. He pulled away, smirked, touched the spot he just bit, and chuckled.
"You're going to have to keep your hair down. I may have left a mark." He replied.
"Nathaniel!" I slapped his bare chest. "My dad's will kill you if they see this!"
"It's fine princess." Nathaniel said hugging me. "Why do you let me do this to you yet we aren't even really together?"
"I don't know. Maybe it's because I love you?" I smashed my lips into his and roughly kissed him. After a moment I needed to catch my breath. "Your hair looks nice wet." I said running a hand through his dry hair.
He raise a confused eyebrow. "My hair's not-ah!" I stuck his head underwater and he pulled me down with him. We both popped up completely wet. "Gotcha."
"Nathaniel." I groaned but smiled. "Your hair does look good wet though."
"Why thank you. We should head back." I nodded and we got out to dry off. Once my towel was wrapped around my body, he held his hand out. "Come my lady." I giggled but took his hand.
"Georgie." I heard a female voice say.
"Who's that?" I asked.
"My cousin. I'm babysitting her." He quickly replied. I nodded suspiciously. "I have to go Phillip. Bye baby."
"Bye babe." I smiled as George and I said goodbye while he waved. I ended our call and grabbed my water bottle. I haven't done my daily workout since we've been flying and it's throwing me off.
"Philly!" My sister yelled bursting into the room. Her hair dripped every once in a while with water. She took one look at my clothes and chuckled. "Let me guess, gym?" I nodded and kissed her cheek.
"Yeah. I have to go. Bye Ange. Dad knows where I am so. Yeah, bye." She waved bye and I left the room.
Angelica's POV
I walked over to my suitcase once Phillip left and grabbed a pair of shorts and a crop top sweatshirt. Without realizing Nathaniel was still in the room, I started taking my bathing suit top off.
"Getting undressed for me I see." I gasped and covered myself as Nathaniel stood against the doorway to the bathroom. "Sweetheart, you don't have to cover yourself." He walked towards me and bit down on my neck.
"Nath," I used the old nickname I had given him and moaned. My hands flung to his neck, uncovering myself in the process. He smiled against my skin and gently laid me on the bed. "Nathaniel? Are we?" I blushed and asked nervously.
"If you don't want to princess, we won't." I looked around the room before meeting his eyes.
"You know what, let's do it." I said happily. He nodded and caressed my cheek. "It's okay. I want to do it." He sighed.
"O-okay." He said.
~Smut ahead. You can skip it if you don't like this stuff~
He took my bottoms off and placed them on the towel on the floor. He then spread my legs and ran his hands over my skin. His hands were cold yet inviting. I self consciously closed my legs only to have him kiss me.
"Angelica, don't be scared. I won't hurt you I swear." He mumbled against my skin. He left faint red marks along my stomach and eventually made his mark on my thighs.
Nathaniel quickly got off of me and dug around in his suitcase. He then climbed back on top of me with a small aluminum square in his hand. "We'll need this." I laughed very softly.
"Why do you carry condoms?"
"My dad makes me carry some just in case. There's lube in there too." He blushed a little but pulled out the small bottle and applied the lubricant to his fingers. "Now, if this hurts too bad, tell me."
He slid a finger in me and I winced. "I know Angelica. It's gonna hurt for a second. Just look at me. Don't focus on the pain." I did as he said and stared into his captivating blue eyes. "That's perfect." He said as his fingers began to move in and out while moving them in a scissoring motion.
My face scrunched up a bit but I exhaled finding a small amount of pleasure rising. The warmth of his fingers left me and I tensed up a little bit as he undressed himself. I felt another warmth enter me but this time it was his tongue. "Nathaniel." I moaned gripping the bedsheets. My breathing picked up and my back arched as I tightened around him. "Nath!" I moaned.
Nathaniel came back up and wiped his mouth off. He then put the condom on and held my hips.
"Listen to me, Angelica. This will hurt, but only for little bit then it will be over. If it gets too much, you have to tell me." I nodded. "Ready?" I nodded once more. "Okay then." He pushed himself inside of me and I gasped. I didn't notice it but I tear rolled down my face. He kissed it away and slowly thrusted himself in and out.
He continued like this until I felt my self tighten around him once more. "Nathani-"
Nathaniel's pace became fast. It was becoming harder to control myself. He kissed me, silencing my moans as I came. He pulled out after cummig inside the condom. I noticed blood covered it.
"I'm bleeding." I said panicky. Nathaniel rushed to me.
"Hey, calm down. It's normal, I promise. Your hymen was breaking. That's all. It's okay ." He wiped me off with a towel and layed beside me, kissing my hair.
~Smut over~
"My insides are on fire. Reminds me of when I first got my period." I chuckled.
I sat in the nurses office waiting for my uncle to pick me up. I had a pounding headache and intense cramps. "Angelica, you're free to go. Your uncle is here." I sighed happily and ran to greet him in the office lobby.
"Ma chérie." He chuckled as I hugged his side. We started walking out to his car and I got in the front. "Your father said you'd be okay 'ome alone for bit. Oui?"
"Yes Uncle. I'll be fine though. Thanks for picking me up." I smiled at him which he saw a glimpse of it.
"It is fine Angelica." We finally pulled into my driveway and I kissed his cheek. "Bye chérie."
"Bye Uncle Laffy!" I ran inside the house and into my bathroom. I sat over the toilet as my stomach was churning. I ended up having to go to bathroom and I screamed when I saw the blood. So that's why I have cramps. I messaged my dad which was very awkward.
Dad:My dear are you alright?! The school called and said Laf picked you up early.
Angelica:Yes but, I started my period.
Dad:Oh. Ummm, okay then. Uh there might be a heating pad in the downstairs bathroom and do I need to get you pads?
Angelica:Yes please.
Dad:Alright then. See you after school squirt.
~Flashback Over~
"Will you regret this one day?" Nathaniel asked me softly.
"Hopefully not." I sighed and rolled over onto my side. "Thank you for that." He kissed me gently, pushing a piece of hair back.
"Anytime Angelica, anytime. I'm going to run the tub for you and I'll wash your hair. How does that sound?"
"Its sounds lovely but my hair is uncontrollable." He chuckled yet picked me up and walked into the bathroom. He placed me in the tub and turned it on. The hot water felt good against my sore body. I instantly relaxed and laid back.
"Lean your head back Angelica." I did and he added the shampoo into my hair. Nathaniel rinsed it out and then added the conditioner. Once it was in, I sat back up and played with my fingers.
"Nathaniel?" He hummed in response. "Do you mind, uhh covering up?" I motioned to his completely bare body.
"Oh sure. I'll be right back." He left and came back dressed. In his hands were my clothes. Instead of some shorts, he brought a sundress. It made me blush when I saw that he was holding my bra and underwear as well.
"I washed my hair out. Can you get me the towel?" Nathaniel nodded and gave me the towel. "I need to get dressed before Phillip comes back."
"You probably should. I'm going to clean up the bed." Nathaniel left the bathroom and I got changed sighing once I was done. I turned my head and got a glimpse of the small hickey he'd left. "What are you doing to me Nathaniel?"
And it's out! This took me a while. I'm sorry for the smut but it doesn't effect the plot if you skip it. Until later. Au revoir my beautiful turtles.🐢❤
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