Chapter 20
^^^I changed Angelica's dress
Angelica's POV
My morning started with my feet being tickled. I shuffled under the blanket and smiled in my sleep. The person stopped and kissed my head. I then felt fingers run through my messy hair.
"Sweetheart, happy birthday. It's time to get up." I slowly opened my eyes to see my dad sitting on the edge of my bed. "You're up." He chuckled.
"Good morning dad." I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and checked today's date. September 25. September. 25th. "Oh my god! It's my birthday!" I stood up on the bed and jumped on it. "I'm sixteen. Oh. My. God!"
"Yes you are. Come hug me!" He pulled me down and brought me into a tight embrace. "My little girl is growing up." He said wiping away fake tears. "Come on, your brother and Father are already downstairs. He made breakfast."
"Carrying me!" He groaned but let me climb on his back. He carried me downstairs and ran into the kitchen.
"ANGIE! Happy birthday lil sis!" Phillip hugged me and kissed my head. "Feel any older?"
"Not really. I'm already WAY too mature for my age." I giggled sitting at the island. My Father noticed me and immediately ran to my side.
"Happy birthday darlin. Oh, look at you. I love you so much. You're so grown up." He kissed my temple and put a mug of coffee and plate of French toast in front of me. "So, you have time because are going to the ballroom at 5 but you need to be in your dress by 4:30."
"That corset kills me but I'm the one that decided to wear it. And the dress is so pretty!" I admired my dress in my head. "I can't wait!"
"We can't wait either." My dad said taking a sip of his coffee. "Nathaniel will be walking you in. We're doing this 1700s style. He's your suitor and you will stick with him throughout the night." I nodded and blushed. Why are they doing this to me? "Well, I say we enjoy this time as a family. Happy birthday dear." He kissed my head and I giggled into my toast.
Time skip
After breakfast, I showered and now I was laying on my bed scrolling through my phone. "Knock knock." Phillip rapped the door with his knuckles and came in. "What are you doing?" He asked.
I sat my phone down and leaned up against my headboard. "I was scrolling through Instagram." I looked at my Playbills on the wall and smiled. "It always makes me smile everytime I see those." Each one was framed along with the ticket. Dear Evan Hansen, Anastasia, In The Heights, Waitress, Cats, Phantom of the Opera, Les Mis. I pretty much had them all.
"I have no clue where the tickets went for mine." He chuckled. "Are you ready for tonight? It's gonna be amazing!" He smiled brightly.
"Philly, of course I'm ready! It's my birthday. I'm so excited. Can we, go out and have some sibling time?"
"Let's go ask dad. Pops had to go do something and left." I nodded and threw a blouse over my tank top before heading downstairs. Phillip walked ahead of me. "Dad? Can I take Angie out for a bit?"
"I guess so. Please be careful. Phillip take your card, Angelica take yours too. Are your phones charged? Angelica are you bringing a charger?"
"97% and yes I'm bringing my charger. Phillip can use it too." He nodded and sent us off.
"Be safe!" Was the last thing we heard as we walked down the street. New York was chilly in the fall and the wind was crisp making me shiver as it blew. Phillip saw this and handed me a sweatshirt. My favorite one too.
"I thought you might want this." The sweater was dark blue with specks of shimmery gold across it. I threw it on quickly and was relieved at the warm fleece on the inside of it. "Warm now?"
"Yeah. Thank you." He pulled me close and held me by my waist. "So. How are you and George?"
"We're good. I really like him. He's so sweet." I rolled my eyes but Phillip didn't noticed. "Oh we're at the station. Angie hold my hand." I giggled.
"Pip, I'm 16. I can walk on my own." He sighed sadly letting go of my hand. He frowned.
"Don't say that. I don't want you to get older. You're my baby sister."
"Phillip, I'll always be your baby sister." I smiled and leaned up against him as we got on the subway. Thankfully there was two seats so we sat instead of stood.
I hated the subway sometimes because it took so long and it was always busy. Men and woman stood with briefcases and fancy suits reminding me of my parents. My parents take their cars to work though.
"Angie, how was last night?" Phillip asked turning his head towards me.
"It was fun. Theo and I hung out all night and Mr.Burr was really nice. He danced with me." I smiled. "It was a bit weird being in a room with a bunch of lawyers and doctors and important people."
"You're important too. One day you'll be a famous and on Broadway. And I'll come see you the moment your show opens." He said hugging the side of me.
"Thank Pip. Love you!"
"I love you too Angie. Hey how about we go see Usnavi? I'm sure Tia Nina and Tia Vanessa want to see you on your birthday." I grinned widely and bounced in my seat.
"That sounds like a great idea. Even though they'll be at my party, I want to see them early."
"Okay well. To the Richard Rogers." He pulled me up from my seat and we got off. It was definitely busy in NYC this time of year. With the cool weather, people often came to visit Central Park and if you're anything like my family, this is when you see musicals.
After walking to the theater, we slipped backstage through the stage door. The guard knew who we were so he didn't question it. We both took off towards Usnavi's dressing room that he shared with our Tio Benny.
"Navi!" I yelled bursting into the dressing room. Benny and Usnavi turned their head and Benny can running towards me.
"Mi sobrina!" I giggled as he spun me around. "Feliz cumpleaños! Oh Angelica, you're growing up."
"Hola Tio. Miss me?"
"Of course I did. I missed you Phillip." He hugged Phillip which he returned.
"Uncle Navi!" I jumped into his arms and hugged his neck tightly. "I missed you."
"I missed you too Angelica." He ruffled my hair which he always did when he saw me. "You know that no matter what, you'll always be a little girl to me."
I giggled. "I know. I'm everyone's little girl."
"Yes you are. Come on, let's go find your Tia's"
John's POV
I didn't even hear Alex come in the house. All I heard was the sound of his office door slamming open and him groaning. I sighed and set the papers I was grading down. Our offices were right next to each other so it was a short walk.
"Alexander? Are you alright?" He didn't even look up at me, just furiously wrote on a piece of paper. I noticed he had his glasses on.
"No! Remember when George was president and I was Treasury secretary a long time ago? Well some asshole said that George was an awful president."
"Who was it this time?" I groaned.
"Francis Kinloch." My eyes grew wide. No. It can't be him.
"F-Francis? Kinloch. Oh my god no. This isn't happening." Alex finally looked at me and saw my worried and horrified expression.
"What's wrong babe?" I gulped.
"Alex, I never told you this but Kinloch used to be my boyfriend. Back in high school, I was in love with him. I fancied him and had the biggest crush on him ever. When we finally started dating, he was so sweet and caring but he soon got bored of me. He would hit me and beat me. He only used me for sex. I thought I'd never find love again until I met you. You saved me Lex." Tears were rolling down my face now.
"Hon, why didn't you tell me? That's awful! No one deserves that." He hugged me as best as he could since he was small. "I love you John. He isn't going to hurt you now." He kissed me while standing on his tiptoes.
"I love you too. I have to pick up Angelica's dress. Do you want to come?"
"Sure." He took his glasses off and set them on the desk. "We're going to Herc's shop right?"
"Yeah." We walked out to my car and got in. I drove downtown to Herc's shop and Alex playfully danced in his seat to the music. I chuckled at him and grabbed his hand. "Darlin, why are you so adorable?"
"Because I'm basically a child." He laughed. I pulled in front of Herc's store and put the car in park.
"I love you." I pecked his cheek and got out.
"I love you too." As we entered the store, I began to head towards the 'hidden' stairs that lead to his office. It wasn't the first time Alex and I had come here. It made me laugh as I heard Laf and Nathaniel the closer we grew to the office.
"Laf!" Alex yelled bursting into the room. Laf quickly opened the door and hugged us both.
"Mon ami! Mon fils! Please come in. Mon amour Hercules is with a customer." He allowed us in and we saw Nathaniel laying on the floor on his phone. "Nathaniel! Get off the floor! You're going to ruin your suit!"
^^Nathaniel's suit
"Sorry Pa." I laughed and sat on the small couch Herc had in there.
"Are you here for Angie's dress?" I nodded. "I 'ave no clue where Hercules put it, so we will 'ave to wait." I chuckled.
"That's fine. So Nathaniel, are you ready for tonight? You get to be the suitor to the person this whole ball is for." I said as Alex sat on my lap.
"I'm nervous but Angelica is the one that should be nervous, not me."
"It's okay to be nervous. I'm nervous too." Alex chuckled after his sentence. "The only thing that matters is that you're going to be fine. Just stay by Angie the entire time and everything will go smoothly." The door then burst open and Herc came in.
"Sorry I took so long baby. It took forever to tailor that-John! Alex!"
"Hey Herc. We need to pick Angie's dress up."
"Ah. It's right in here." He walked to a closet in the corner of the room and pulled out the dress. It was absolutely stunning. "I altered some things that way it fit perfectly."
"Thank you so much Herc. We need to get this back to her." My phone buzzed and it was a text from Phillip. "Speaking of Angie, her and Phillip just made it home. We will see you guys in a few hours."
"Bye!" The family said. We carried her dress to the car and carefully laid it across the seats. The drive home was short and when we got back, Angelica ran to us.
"Daddy! Did you get my dress?" She asked Alex.
"Of course." He handed her the dress bag and she squealed before running upstairs with it. I laughed and so did Alex. "She's your daughter." I rolled my eyes playfully.
A few hours later
"Ugh!" I groaned attempting to tie my corset.
"Need some help?" I turned to the door to see Nathaniel in his suit. I nodded sheepishly and blushed. He made his way to me and started lacing it. "Is that too tight?" He asked tugging it a bit tighter than I had it.
"No. Actually, that's perfect." He finished tying it and stepped back to look at me.
"You look gorgeous, Angelica." He said bowing to me and kissing my hand. "Are you ready?" He asked playing with a curl that rested on my shoulder.
"Yeah. Shall we?" I held an arm out to which he took.
"We shall." We walked down the stairs and stopped at the bottom to see our parents waiting for us. They all gawked over us making me blush and smile.
We were soon in my parents car driving to the ballroom. I nervously fiddled with my dress which Nathaniel caught onto.
"Hey, it's okay. You look amazing and you'll be fine." He said hugging the side of me. "And there it is." He pointed out the window. The ballroom came onto view making me more nervous. I already knew Nathaniel and I had to stay in the car until they called us.
"Angelica. I'll see you in a bit. I love you my girl." Dad kissed my head and so did Father. "Take care of her Nathaniel." He nodded and they left. The minute they were out of sight and earshot, Nathaniel turned to me.
"Angelica. I need to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"How about I show you." He pressed his lips against mine softly. When he pulled away, my red lipstick had left a taint on his lips. "Angelica, I love you."
"Nathaniel, I-I don't what to tell you." I stuttered. "I have feelings for you, I think. I don't know-" He cut me off with another kiss.
"It's okay. I understand if you don't like me, I'm just your "cousin."" I took his hands and held them.
"Yes and no"
"Wait what?"
"I can't date you, even in secret. My dad's cannot know about this. We can just be together." I smiled at him wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Oh my. Yes! Of course I'll be with you." He kissed me to which this time I kissed back. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. "I really like you Angelica." He pulled me into his lap and put his head in the crook of my neck.
"I kinda like you too." I said hesitantly "Look, I don't want to call you my boyfriend or partner just yet okay. I need some time to be sure I want to be with you." I played with my fingers in my lap. "I need to make sure you won't hurt me."
"Angelica, I'd never hurt you. I swear. I understand though that you want more time." I saw my dad appoarchcing the car and I scrambled out of Nathaniel's lap. He opened the door and we got out.
"Follow me," was all he said. We were led up stairs and into a room. "Now, I'm have to go back down but they will call your names and you'll walk down the staircase that you see when you open this door. I love you and I can't wait to see you make your entrance." He kissed my head and ran back down the smaller hidden staircase we came up.
"You got this. Just hold my arm and you'll be fine." I nodded and we heard our names being called. Apparently everyone was given a job and Nathaniel was a general.
"General huh?" I whispered as we made our way down the stairs. "Suits you." I held onto his arm, waving with my other hand.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, General Nathaniel Mulligan de Lafayette and Mademoiselle Angelica Hamilton." We bowed and stepped onto the dance floor. His hands flung to my waist and I placed my hands on his shoulders.
"Everyone thinks this is an act." He chuckled silently as we danced. I noticed my dad's dancing as well as Phillip and George, and my uncles.
"I'm glad this isn't an act." I smiled as the music ended a few minutes later. "I saw a balcony earlier. Do you wanna come with me? I need some fresh air."
"Do I have a choice?" He laughed. "I'll walk you out." We walked out and I was relieved at the cool air.
"God this dress is hot." I groaned. "And this corset is killing me."
"I can help with that later." He smirked kissing my neck.
"Nathaniel, don't you think it's a little too early for that?" I crossed my arms at him.
"You're right. I'm sorry." He placed a wet kiss to my cheek making me stick my tongue out.
"My makeup!" I playfully yelled. "It's ruined." He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist. I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled.
"Can you believe we're only high schoolers? I can't wait to go to college."
"I don't want to leave home. I'd miss my parents too much." I chuckled. "I do wanna go to King's however."
"King's is where our parents went right?" I nodded. "That's definitely a good school." He then hugged me which I melted into. "Happy Birthday Angelica."
"Thank you Nathaniel. We should head back now. We've been out here a while." He nodded and we walked back in and were greeted by my Aunt Peggy.
"Aunt Peggy!" I hugged her. "Oh you look gorgeous."
"Look at yourself! You're getting so big. I remember the day you were born just as it was yesterday." I giggled and pulled away from her. "You and your brother are growing up so fast."
"Everyone is saying that to me." I rolled my eyes. "I loved seeing you Auntie but I have to go. Can we talk later?"
"Of course. Bye Angelica." I waved bye, so did Nathaniel and we walked over to the table my parents were sitting at.
Nathaniel's POV
Once Angie seated, I sat down besides my Pa. He must've noticed something other than Phillip and Georges being annoyingly cute across the table as he leaned down in my ear.
"Everything alright? You zeem bit 'appier zan before non?"
"I'm fine dad. Can we talk at home?" He nodded and sat back up. "Merci." He smiled at me. My Pop noticed us and looked at us raising an eyebrow.
"What are you two doing?" He asked mischievously. "Laf honey, do you want a glass of champagne?"
"Oui, merci amour." Pop left and dad turned to me and chuckled. Someone called Angelica's name. "Excuse me." She stood up.
Angelica's POV
I stood up and walked towards the sound of the voice. I saw Julian walking with a girl on his arm. I smiled and ran to him and huggegd him.
"Hey Julian!" He smiled and I noticed the girl as Savannah, one of my best friends.
"Hey Angelica. Have you met my twin sister? Savannah?" He gestured to her and my eyes widened.
"Y-your sister! That's why you didn't tell me your last name! Because it's Tallmadge!" He nodded, guilty of his actions. "Julian, she's like my best friend! Why didn't you tell me!"
"It was my fault, Ange. I didn't think you'd want to be my friend if I was Julian's sister." She said sadly.
"Savannah, your brother is one of my best friends. I'm happy you're his sister." I hugged her tightly. I took this moment to take in her features. The blue dress she was wearing complimented her brown eyes that made her small bit of freckles stand out. Her dark brown hair was pulled back and curled neatly. She was a bit shorter than her brother and I.
^^Savannah's dress
"Thanks Angie. I should go, mom wanted me back at the table." She waved bye and I smiled while waving back. Julian turned to me.
"Happy birthday girlie." I giggled as he hugged me.
"Thanks Julian. Are you having fun?" He smiled brightly and nodded. "I'm glad you are. Care to dance?" I said in a fake British accent making him chuckle.
"Why, it would be a pleasure." He said in the sane accent.
We walked out onto the dance floor and began ballroom dancing. He hesitantly placed his hands on my waist. "Hey, if you're uncomfortable, we can stop. I know you like Sammy." I winked at him and he blushed furiously.
"It-it's fine." He softly smiled and we made the proper formation and started dancing again. "How do you know about Sammy?" He asked as we swiftly moved.
"I have my ways." Sammy Lee was the younger brother of Jon Lee, another one of my close friends. I met Jon through a student council meeting and Sammy through Phillip. Jon is a Senior while Sammy is a Junior. "You should ask him out. A little birdie told me he likes you too."
"There's no way. He's too cute for me." The music ended and he bowed to which I returned a curtsy. We walked off the floor and he led me back go my table.
"Just think about it. Bye Juls." I smiled and walked back to my seat. When I sat down Nathaniel placed his hand on my thigh, well as best as he could over my dress.
"You're not a thing right?" I snorted a little.
"No. He's just my friend. And he's gay. Stop worrying." I said before taking a sip of water.
"Angelica, are you going to cut your cake?" My dad asked standing up from the table. I nodded and stood up as well. "Follow me." I did and so did my Father. My cake was huge and elegant. Uncle Laffy made it for me so I know it will be good.
"Everyone!" My dad yelled taking me under his arm and holding me. "I want to thank you all for coming and celebrating my daughter's 16 birthday. Angelica, you have the honors." He handed me a knife and smiled. The candles were lit so I blew them out.
I took the knife and walked over to the bottom level of the cake. I sliced a perfect triangle into it and put it on a plate. Nathaniel walked over and fed me the first bite. After he did so, I wiped a bit of frosting on his nose which made everyone laugh.
"Happy Birthday Angelica!" They all cheered. Phillip hugged me tightly and I hugged back. I was ecstatic when my dad yelled, "PRESENTS!"
I giggled and sat down in the chair he had pulled up. He handed me the first one and I smiled while opening it. This is what it was like for all of them. The last gift was a small box.
"Angelica, this from your Uncles and your father and I." He handed it to me and I carefully untied it. I dropped it when I saw what was inside.
A plane ticket to Orlando, Florida and a mint green Disney band. "Are we really going!" My parents nodded and I jumped up and hugged them while crying and smiling. "Thank you so much!"
Time skip
The rest of the night went by really fast and soon I was in the car riding home. Nathaniel was sitting beside me so I layed my head on his shoulder. My eyes drooped closed and I quickly fell asleep.
Nathaniel's POV
Angelica fell asleep on my shoulder and when we arrived at her house, Uncle John opened the car door to get her. "I got her." He nodded and I carried her out of the car and to her room. I flipped on the lamp and layed her on the bed.
I sighed realizing she was still in her dress. With shaking hands, I took it off leaving her in corset and petticoat. I threw a nightgown over her and pulled the covers over her. I placed a sweet and small kiss to her forehead before whispering a good night. She grabbed my arm as I started to walk away.
"Stay? Please." How could I say no to her? I climbed in her bed and she immediately cuddled into my chest. I smiled at her and cuddled her. "Goodnight Nathaniel."
"Goodnight Angelica." She smiled softly and soon we both fell asleep.
Welp. A cute fluffy ass chapter!!! This was 4022 words not including this A/N. Also I now own amazing fanart by my bestie hurricane_tortilla_. Au revoir my beautiful turtles!🐢❤
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