Chapter 15
Angelica calls John Father and Alex Dad. Phillip calls John Dad and Alex Pops.
Phillip's POV
I was startled when I woke up to find arms wrapped around me. I smiled when I remembered it was my sister. I played with her hair and allowed her to cuddle into me. She stirred in her sleep and woke up a bit.
"Pip?" Her voice was groggy from just waking up.
"I'm here Ange. Did you sleep well?" She nodded and smiled snuggling into me more. "You seem happy. What's on your mind?"
"Nothing. I'm just happy. Can't I just be happy for once?" I shot her a look she knew too well and she sighed. "They're announcing who made the cut for the cheer team today! I'm so excited. I think I made it."
"I hope you make it. It'll be nice to see you at my games." She giggled and nodded. "You're cute enough to be a cheerleader." I messed up her hair and she groaned.
"Philly! Stop." I put a finger over her mouth and shushed her.
"Be quiet Angie. Theo and Nathaniel are still asleep." I looked over to the wall where my dad's had built bunk beds into the wall. I often had friends over so they figured a space for them to sleep was a good idea.
"Oh yeah. Let's let them get some sleep. Come on, let's go downstairs. Surely someone is awake." For a fifteen year old, she was very intelligent. That's what I love about her.
We walked downstairs and sure enough, our parents and our uncle's were awake. "Ah, my offsprings! Good morning!" My Pops smiled at us and sipped his coffee.
"Morning Dad." Angelica sauntered over to the counter to get coffee I assume.
"Hey Pops." I took a seat beside my uncle and was passed a plate of cinnamon rolls. "Thank you." I took two off the plate and set them on a smaller plate for me.
"'Ow they? I 'aven't made zeese in a while." Angelica stole one from my plate and bit into it.
"It's really good! I love it!"
"These are amazing!" I finally got to eat one after my sister ate my first one. "Thanks Uncle Laf!"
"Ah neveu, it is nothing! 'Ave you met me? Cooking is my favorite thing to do. Besides, your dad cannot cook! Mon ami's do you remember a few years ago?!" My Uncle smiled and laughed while my Pops scolded him.
"Marquis, we agreed not to talk about that! Especially in front of the children!"
"Wait now I want to know! Tell me!" My sister leaned over the table smirking. I chuckled and leaned back in my seat. "Please dad! It can't be that bad!" She begged.
"My goodness Angelica, it was awful! I might as well tell it." My dad leaned back comfortably in his seat and took a sip of his coffee. "It was about six years ago. You had just turned eight and your brother was nine. Alex wanted to cook dinner for once so we let him. He ended up catching the stove on fire and burnt the food! Never again can he cook unsupervised."
We all laughed while my Pops pouted. "It's not funny! Not everyone has the talent of cooking."
"Oh but it is dad! Stick to teaching" my sister smiled her signature smile as we heard footsteps approaching the kitchen.
Nathaniel's POV
When I woke up, I rolled over expecting to be in my own room.
I was startled when I realized I wasn't and fell off the top bunk. Ow! I rubbed my head and mentally cursed seeing that Theo was still sleeping. I'm just glad I didn't wake her up.
I walked downstairs and heard laughing. It was coming from the kitchen so I figured someone had to be awake. Surely my uncle's had Advil or something for my pain.
"Morning guys." The laughing stopped when they noticed my presence. A lot of good mornings were said before my dad gave me a plate.
"Good morning mon fils!"
"Nathaniel would you like anything to drink?" My Uncle John offered.
"May I have a cup of coffee? And if it's not too much can I get some Advil? I kinda fell off the bed when I woke up." I took a seat beside Angelica and a steaming mug was set in front of me. Soon pills on a napkin were passed. "Thank you Uncle John."
"It's no big deal. Did you sleep well?" I nodded and took a bite of my food. "That's good. Herc! Your son is awake!" My Pa came running into the kitchen from the living room. He hugged me and then went to kiss my dad.
Angelica squealed and we all turned our head towards her.
Angelica's POV
"Guys I have some news!" I squealed and looked at my phone.
"What is it my dearest?" I double checked to make sure it was really true. I'm a freshman! They never take freshmen unless you're really good.
"I made it! I'm on the team!" My dad gasped and smiled.
"Angelica that's amazing! I'm so proud of you!"
"Wait you made what team?" My father cocked and eyebrow and looked at my confused.
"I made the cheer team! I'm the only freshman!" I was tearing up now while smiling. My uncle's grinned brightly while Phillip hugged me.
"Angie, I knew you could make it. If only you cheered for baseball." His face fell but I smiled ar him.
"Oh Philly! I'll always come to your games. I would never miss one! I'll be there. Everyone, I promise." Now it was his turn to smile. "Where Theo? I want to tell her the good news! She'll be so proud!"
"I'll be so proud of what?" Theo leaned against the doorway smirking with her arms crossed.
"I made the team!" She grinned and hugged me.
"I knew you would Ange."
"We will go out and celebrate when your aunts and cousins wake up." My dad was still very proud and happy. "Although, Peggy may never wake up." I laughed softly and shoved a cinnamon roll into my mouth.
"Hopefully they get up soon. Henrietta and Madison are probably already awake." Phillip shrugged after his sentence. "How cone we aren't that close to them?" I nodded.
"Well Sally was my best friend a long time ago and eventually we just weren't as close as we used to be. Her kids are also two years older than Y'all. They're great kids, they really are but Sally and I don't want you guys to have to worry about family members. In a way, Sally is your mom."
"What?!?!" Phillip and I shrieked.
Alex's POV
Oh no. John wasn't so quiet when saying the last part. I slapped his arm and whispered in his ear. "Babe! You just said that Sally is like their mom! We haven't told them yet! Remember?!?!"
"Oh shit. I'm ignore that last part."
"No way. How is Sally our mom!?" Angelica stood up and put her hands on the table. Yep, definitely my daughter.
"Ugh. Go to the living room. I'll go get Sally and Peggy." John left for the first room and quickly came back with Peggy and Sally. The kids took their spots on a couch and John sighed. I placed a hand on his knee reassuring him.
"When we wanted kids, Peggy surrogated for y'all. Philip you look like me because we used my sperm. Angelica, you got both of ours however mine overlapped your dad's a bit." Both kids were shocked to say the least.
"It's okay. You're still our true parents. Besides, calling Aunt Peggy mom, would be weird." Angelica giggled a little making me chuckle.
"Come here my lovelies!" I outstretched my arms and my children ran into them. I hugged them tightly and kissed their heads.
"Did we miss something?" Maria came into the living room bouncing Little E on her hip.
"We told them." I stated. She let her mouth fall and I nodded. "Yeah. They took it well." I gestured to my kids who were now clinging onto John.
"That's good." She sat Little E down on the ground and she ran off. Maria sat beside Theo and talked with her. I walked over to John and kissed him.
"I'm glad that's off our chests now."
"Me too babygirl." He smiled and kissed me once more. "Nobody is upset at least." I nodded.
"Well, let's go celebrate Angelica's success!"
Hey y'all. I'm alive don't worry. Nobody probably was worrying though. I've been so busy lately writing has slipped my mind some days. I have to present a speech at a state convention next week and I'm so stressed. As I write this I'm listening to the beautiful voice of Daveed in clipping. I now have a joint account called MusicalsAndFunerals. Go check it out! Au revoir my beautiful turtles.🐢❤
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