Chapter 11
Guys, I want to fast forward eight years. Phillip is now nine and Angelica is seven. I have no inspiration until they're older so yeah. Onto the story!
Alex's POV
January 22nd rolled around once again. Sadly John and I had work. Angelica came running in my room while John was showering.
"Daddy! Good morning!" Angelica was a third grader and she was very smart. She actually liked school which is why she was happy in the mornings.
"Why good morning my dearest. Are you dressed for school?" She nodded and stroked my beard. She always did that I don't know why though.
John walked into the room with a towel around his waist. Once he saw Angelica he smiled. "Good morning my love. Ready to go to school?"
"I'm always ready Father!" He chuckled and told her to make sure Phillip was up. She ran out of the room and I kissed John once she left.
"Do we have to go to work? They make me wanna rip my hair out sometimes."
"Yes babygirl. You're a wonderful teacher the students just hate coming to school. Now get dressed we have to take the kids to school and then go to work." I sighed but put on my work clothes. I wish I could just show up in sweats but no, I had to look professional. John changed and we walked into Phillip's room to see our children cuddling and reading the same book silently together.
"Alright kiddos! School time!" I handed them their backpacks and their lunch boxes. Phillip and Angelica both put their books in their bags and got off the beanbag they were on. "Ready Freddy?"
"Ready steady!" They said in unison. John drove to Miranda Elementary and we told the kids goodbye and I love you when we got there. They climbed out of the car and found Nathaniel and Theo. I smiled as John drove towards the high school right around the corner.
"Let's go to work." Ugh work.
Time skip
I heard piano keys as I walked to the door of my house. We had put a piano in the corner of our living room so the kids and John could play it. I walked in and Phillip ran towards me.
"Pops! Look I got to write in class today! Wanna hear my poem?"
"Of course I do!" I sat on the couch as John sat beside me.
He leaned over and whispered in my ear. "He's been practing ever since he got home." Phillip cleared his throat before shyly singing.
"My name is Phillip. I am a poet. I wrote this poem just to show it. And I just turned nine you can write rhymes but you can't write mine!"
"Whaaaat!" I screamed and John gave him a thumbs up. It seemed to have boosted his confidence as he grew louder.
"I practice French, I play piano with my Father."
"Uh huh."
"I have a sister and I really really love her!"
"Okay." I laughed a bit.
"My daddies are really really great! Un dieux trois quatre six!"
"Bravo!" I hugged him and gave him a high five. "That was amazing Pip! I'm proud of you! Where is your sister?"
"She's reading in her room." She really was my daughter.
"I'm going to go say hi." I walked upstairs to the room beside mine. I knocked before entering. "Hey Angelica. Whatcha reading?" I glanced over and saw that she was reading Harry Potter. Dammit John!
"Harry Potter. I love this series!"
"I'm glad you do. Did you tell your brother happy birthday." She nodded.
"Yep! He was just up here before you came home."
"Let's go downstairs with your father and brother." She stood up on her bed and put her arms out. "Alright fine." I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. "You're getting big. Stop growing!"
"Never! Onwards!" I trudged down the stairs and saw Phillip helping John cook dinner.
"Father!" Angelica leaped out of my arms and down to him. He turned around and scooped her up.
"Hi sweetheart. Are you hungry? I made us burgers."
"Yay! Where's Philly?" Philly became her nickname for Phillip because when she was younger and learning his name, she couldn't pronounce it properly.
"Right here Ange!" He hugged his sister and then hugged me.
"Happy birthday Phillip. I can't believe you're nine! You're getting old!" I ruffled his curly hair.
"Angie will be eight this year, she's getting old too!"
"Hey I'm not old! Dad and Father are!"
"Oh please, Angelica I'm only 33 and you're dad is only 31. We're not that old." John came into the kitchen holding four plates.
"That's old to me. I still love you guys though!" She climbed into her chair at the table after getting herself a glass of water. "Thank you Father." She said as John placed her plate in front of her.
"You're welcome darlin'. Now, let's eat."
Our seating arrangement for the table stayed the same every night. Angelica insisted on sitting next to Phillip so we put them on one side of the table and John and I on the other. I kissed John before eating a bite of my burger.
"Eww!" Angelica made a gagging noise and pretended to throw up. "Not at the table guys!"
I laughed. My kids hated when we kissed in front of them at dinner. "Pops, I'm trying to eat!" Phillip rolled his eyes before shoving tater tots in his mouth.
"You guys love us. Now eat because we're going to the movies after this!" Both kids eyes widened and they quickly ate. John and I laughed as they did so. Phillip paused for a second to look at us.
"What movie are we seeing?"
"I was thinking maybe Wonder. Sound good?" They nodded. They had both read the book a couple weeks ago when they found out it was movie. "Alright then. Put your plates away and we'll go."
John's POV
I drove to the theater and of course the kids wanted popcorn and candy. We walked up to the cashier and she looked at us with awe.
"Let's see here. Let me guess. Two kids packs and a medium popcorn and drink for the two of you?"
"Actually a large popcorn and drink for us."
"Of course. What type of drink for the kids and for the large?"
"Father I want Sprite." Angelica looked up at me and I nodded. "Philly what do you want to drink?"
"Can I get coke?" I shrugged. It is his birthday.
"A Sprite, a Coke, and a Coke for us." She nodded and the kids picked out their candy choice. As I gave her my credit card to pay, she saw my ring.
"What a lovely family you guys have. You're so brave and bold being out in the real world as a couple." She swiped it and handed us the drinks.
"I really love them and I don't care what other people think. But thank you. You got someone special?"
She slid the popcorn and kids packs across the counter and nodded. "I've got a girlfriend."
"Well I wish you guys the best of luck. Bye and thank you again!"
"No problem." Alex had already stolen our popcorn and was drenching it in butter how we like it. The kids stood quietly to the side and I walked over to them. "Ready to see it guys?" They nodded and we walked into theater number 8. This theater had reclining seats so we had to pick them ahead of time. They were right in the very back, my favorite spot.
"Alright kiddos. Angelica wanna sit beside me?" She nodded and sat beside me. Phillip sat beside Alex who was next to me as well. The seating went Phillip, Alex, me, and Angelica. She tapped my arm and I looked down at her. "Yes?"
"I can't open my candy." She held up the box with a bag in it and I laughed but took it from her. "You can have some." I took a few pieces and gave her the box. "Thanks Father."
"No problem sweetie. Now we need to be quiet so we can watch the movie." She nodded and I helped her recline the seat. Alex held my hand throughout the movie.
After the movie finished, we took the kids for ice cream. We went to Coldstone and I let the kids order what they wanted. Angelica got a milkshake and Phillip got a cone. Alex and I got a sundae to share. While we were eating, Phillip and Angelica talked to each other. It really cute.
Eventually they finished and we drove home. When I opened the door to the car, I found Angelica asleep against Phillip who was also asleep. I picked them both up and carried them inside to their beds. After tucking them in, I went my bed. Alex was reading a book with his glasses on and I took them off.
"Time for sleep love."
"Alright. Night hon." He kissed me before we cuddled under the covers, falling asleep against each other.
Yay two chapters in one day. I jumped ahead in time because I'm have some things I want to get in and they don't happen until further on in their lives. There will be a lot of chapter from when they're in high school however. Au revoir my beautiful turtles.🐢❤
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