Reyna's POV
Reyna sat in her room, blaring her music. Everything in her life was just so close, yet so far out of reach. Piper being in a coma? Perfect time to comfort Jason. But he always shrugged her off. Did he not understand her feelings towards him? She had always liked him, ever since they met. He was kind, gentle, but above all else, brave. Sure, he may not admit to it, but he really was one of the bravest people Reyna had ever met. He always did the right thing, regardless of what the outcome would be for him. Not going to lie, that was attractive. And he was so patient, never forced anything. Reyna thought they had had something back before this whole stupid prophecy of the Seven started, which is obviously why he was with Piper. Gods, she hated that girl. Who does she think she is, stealing Jason from her when she had him right where she wanted?
Reyna was stunned by the amount of hatred she could muster. Reyna didn't know why, but these feelings of hatred had sparked just recently. It was odd; she had never had such strong, negative feelings about anyone. The more she was around him, the more she realized that she and Jason could've been such a powerful couple. In a sense, they were. Only as friends, sadly. She had tried everything to send him the signal that her feelings were more than just buddies. Either he somehow didn't understand, or he did and choose to ignore her. And recently, she had begun to lean towards the second option.
When Novocaine by Fall Out Boy came on, Reyna lost it. She grabbed anything and everything that she could throw or break, and destroyed her room. She screamed, but the music was far too loud to be heard over.
Reyna was about to throw her lamp when she sensed someone standing in the doorway. Thalia. They had become very close since meeting each other, almost like sisters. And plus, she was Jason's sister. It all worked out perfectly.
Reyna slowly set down the lamp as Thalia said, "Hey. Simmer down, honey buns." They always had silly nicknames for each other; honey buns being Reyna's.
"Sorry, sweet cheeks. I just have a lot of pent up anger that needed to come out. I'll clean this up... later." Wow. Reyna really did know how to make a mess in less than 5 minutes. Papers were littered all across the floor, making the purple carpet seem white. So many photos and old memories laid on her bed, torn to shreds. Her bed sheets were nowhere to be found.
"Nah. I'm helping you, whether you like it or not. You're welcome." Thalia bent down and started clearing up the mess in which Reyna called her room. Reyna was so grateful for Thalia, always keeping her temper in check for her. Without Thalia, she would be a bomb that exploded every 5 seconds, destroying everything in its path. Reyna gave Thalia that thank you for dealing with me look and started on cleaning up her room.
Thalia and Reyna had finished the room in an hour. They had joked around, singing along to the music. Although they were doing chores, it was the greatest fun Reyna had ever had. It took her mind off of... Well. Everything. She felt relaxed and relieved she didn't have anything to worry about for this short amount of time. Until it came time to sleep. Her mind swam in a river of never-ending thoughts. At some point and time, she did fall asleep. That's when the nightmare occurred.
She found herself standing back at Camp Jupiter at the highest point there was. She could oversee everything there was; the camp, houses, and towns. All happy places, with happy people.
"Reyna, face me." The strong, commanding voice had so much power, Reyna felt as though she should bow after facing the person. And she did so, once seeing it was Bellona, her mother.
"M-Mother." This came as a shock to Reyna. She hadn't had a dream vision from her mom since the whole Gaea-take-down situation. But that didn't encourage her to let her guard down. Bellona only did this if it was for a very imperative reason. Her mother had a disproving look plastered across her face.
"My daughter, I am not pleased with you. You should know better than to let a silly little crush get in the way of what really matters! I mean, let's face it, Reyna. Jason has feelings for Piper. You cannot change that. Did it ever occur to you what Jason might want? What makes him happy?" Reyna couldn't even come up with a response. Of course, she wanted Jason to be happy, she just hoped that involved her and maybe some cuddling. Before she could even react, Bellona chimed in.
"He wants to be with her. I know you despise her, but other than Jason, why? Has she ever given you a reason to hate her so? My dear, if you want Jason to be happy, then let him be. You interfering with his relationship could ruin him. Could ruin her. A true warrior does what is necessary, not what is wanted of themselves. Do what is necessary to make Jason happy, my child. I love you, Reyna. Just remember, you can't let your emotions get in the way of your judgment towards others. Stay fierce, warrior."
Bellona then disappeared in a shimmering haze, leaving Reyna on the peak, feeling all too guilty towards her actions. Before she could even let it sink in, the ground began to rumble. Hands started to emerge, clawing around for something to grasp ahold to. The hands were not human though, they were a blackish-gray, almost see through. Tips of wings sprouted barely above the surface as the creatures searched for a way to come back. Many latched onto Reyna, dragging her down to the depths of who knows where.
Reyna sat up, fast and shakily. Sweat was drizzled on her face, but she was shivering under her thick coat of warm blankets. Her mother was obviously trying to tell her that she had to put the needs of others before her own. It was true, warriors had to sacrifice in order to reach the ultimate goal. But when did she get the reward of sacrificing so much? She thought about Jason so much, but she had never thought that she could ever make him unhappy. She would never try to, never. It was just her time to find a happy ending. But heroes never get happy endings; just continuous pain, and sorrow.
Reyna scolded herself for thinking so selfishly. Heroes were there to help, and by helping that spread happy endings for others. Knowing that Reyna had played a part in saving the world was rewarding enough. But the one thing that threw her off was the hands sprouting up from the ground... They were most definitely not human. Why though? Reyna pushed that thought aside, knowing it would only lead to a dead end. She got up out of bed, ready to fix everything. And now she knew what she had to do to fix it all. She had to provide another happy ending, another happy ending she would not be apart of.
Ahh, finally an update! I love how Reyna's character is evolving into... Well. More of a hero in this story. She was originally gonna be the villain but I decided against it since her pain is already enough :)))))) but it's my birthday so yay! I got so many new books yes😍 thanks for all of the reads and votes! Keep it up (;
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