Annabeth's POV
Everything was a disaster. Horrible things were happening at the worst possible time for Annabeth. First, Piper not telling anyone what was wrong. Now she's in a terrible state, and for once Annabeth couldn't figure out how or why.
Then, the fight with Percy. It broke her heart because their fight only happened due to their love for each other. Coincidentally, Percy suddenly started being glued to his phone. He was never on his phone that much before, and now the only place you could find him was in his room, his face down and phone in hand. This worried Annabeth since she had no idea why this sudden spark of addiction started. Was it an excuse to avoid another fight with Annabeth?
And then there was the whole Rachel, Nico, and Thalia incident. Yes, Annabeth noticed them attempting to sneak in at early in the morning. Yes, Annabeth noticed them all acting jumpy, especially Rachel. And guess what? Annabeth couldn't figure out why.
The one thing she did know was about Calypso and her.. Sickness? Annabeth wasn't even sure if you could call it that. She knew it was getting worse and worse as the days went on. Calypso had to be quarantined and that drove Leo mad. He couldn't have any contact with her and you could tell it was taking its toll on the son of Hephaestus.
All of these things were thrown at Annabeth within a few days, and it could not have made leaving worse. She started packing her suitcase, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. Annabeth hated leaving, and especially for so long, but her dad needed her. Her dad had all of the sudden called her one evening, talking like a crazed person:
"Annie? Are you there? I-I need you. Your stepmother left me and I just found out that... Well, I just need you to come stay with me for a while. My health is slowly going downhill to the point where I can't take care of myself. When can you come? If you can.. Can you?" Annabeth was shocked. A little relieved that the step-monster was out of their lives, but sad that she was out in such a terrible way. Just another reason to despise her.
"Um, I can come in.. A week? I have exams all this week, Dad. But what did you just find out? Why did she leave? And how long do you need me-"
"Annabeth, please! Just ace your exams and get on the next flight here. Don't bring anyone or tell anyone why. Thanks, Annie. I really need you right about now." And he hung up.
As this memory invaded her mind, another one emerged. The fight with Percy. Annabeth had gone to talk about the situation with him when it all escalated too fast.
"Wise Girl, let me come with you! I can help with whatever your problem is, I think. I don't want to be apart from you for who knows how long!" Percy begged her to let him come.
"Seaweed Brain, I can't. I'm sorry. I have to go alone. Please, don't make this harder than it already is. We can always find time to visit each other!" It hurt to say that she didn't need him. He looked desperate and hurt, which burned Annabeth's heart.
"Why do you have to go alone? Bad things always happen when you do things alone. Remember?" The memory of Arachne came to mind, singeing her brain. He had a point.
"Please Percy, let me go. I'll be back in umm... A year?" She tried to make it seem less horrible than it sounded. She knew that her dad would need her for that long to get back on his feet, no matter how long he actually said. 12 months; 4 months longer than Percy had been taken away from her... How could Annabeth survive this when she almost died several times of worry and stress within those 8 months?
Percy looked up at her with those pleading sea green eyes, but not so much pleading. Anger and frustration had filled them.
"Why can't you just tell me anything, Annabeth! Why can't you just let me help you! A lot can happen in a year! What if you find someone-" Percy stopped himself. He balled his hands in fists but ran out the door before Annabeth could reach him. She walked to her bed, grabbed a pillow, and screamed. She hated not letting Percy in but she had no choice. After hours of screaming, crying, and endless stressful thoughts flooding her head, she fell asleep, wishing this was all just a bad dream.
Annabeth came across her invisibility cap, bittersweet memories coming to mind. She packed it in her backpack and zipped it up. She was all done, ready to leave tomorrow morning. Percy and Annabeth hadn't said a word about it since the fight, and Annabeth wasn't quite sure they were going to. The worst part about it all was their last words were words of anger, yet overflowing with love. She wanted to talk to him but didn't know what to say.
All of these thoughts of Percy really depressed her, so she decided to go pay Piper a visit. She was "sleeping" but Annabeth suspected there was more to it. She started to make her way towards her room when she was interrupted. Annabeth saw Rachel walking down the hallway, looking terribly worried. Her hair was a bunched up mess. Her clothes didn't match whatsoever. She had bags upon bags under her eyes, unhealthily looking. Annabeth was about to say hello when Rachel rushed past her and into her room. She acted as if she had just killed someone... Annabeth sighed and wished that all of this would be resolved when she came back.
She finally got to Piper's room. Jason was there, holding her hand. Even though the nurses strictly told them to keep him away from her, Annabeth didn't have the heart to do it.
For some weird reason, Piper was mad at Jason, which never happened. He had been by her side the entire time she was out, 2 days so far. He hadn't slept, eaten, anything. He didn't want to miss her waking up. Annabeth walked over to him, put a hand on his back.
"Can I steal her for a few minutes? You'll be the first to know if she wakes up, I promise." Jason looked up at her and Annabeth saw so much concern in his expression. His eyes were bloodshot, his face lacked it's usually happy glow.
"Okay." Was all he could manage. He reluctantly got up and went into the hallway, quietly closing the door behind him. Annabeth sat down and took her friend's hand.
"Pipes, you gotta wake up soon. I doubt you can even hear me unless we're dealing with an If I Stay situation, but it's worth a shot. First off, Jason is a good guy. He loves you so very much. I'm not quite sure what happened between you two, but I'm sure it's all a big misunderstanding. I, being someone who is obviously an expert on love, can assure you that he only has eyes for you. Guaranteed. He cares so deeply for you. It breaks my heart to see you fall apart over this." Annabeth took a deep breath.
"And now the really hard part. I can't believe I have to leave at such a terrible time. So many things are going on all at once. I know there's something wrong with Percy. I just know it. But, my dad needs me. Please get better soon. Fix this thing with Jason and whatever it is getting to you. Just know that you are one of the strongest people I have ever met. You have been through a lot. Neglect, heartbreak, tragedy after tragedy. Things will get better, I promise. I love you, girl. Stay safe and make sure to keep these boys in check for me." Annabeth let a tear fall down her cheek before leaving to go back to her room and attempt to sleep.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Annabeth slammed her hand down on her alarm clock. Ugh. It was 4 in the morning. Her flight was at 5:30 so she needed to get going. Even though her dad lived in Cali as well, she couldn't drive to where he lived. She didn't really trust taxis either. So, airplane it is. The flight wasn't even that long, but she knew it would feel that way. Annabeth got up out of bed and started to get ready.
She walked down the hallway, looking at all of the rooms. The only door opened was Piper's, Jason was still there, still awake. He gave Annabeth a smile and waved goodbye, Annabeth returned the gesture. She continued walking. Then she came upon Percy's door, so many emotions arising. Anger, sadness, regret, and most importantly, guilt. She stood there for a minute, staring at the door. Percy didn't even bother to say goodbye nor did Annabeth. That was the worst kind of sadness. Regretting not doing something. She finally walked on downstairs and ate a quick breakfast. She brushed her teeth, did her hair, grabbed her suitcase and off she went.
Lucky for Annabeth, the airport was only a mile away. She could just walk it. And she did, taking in the scenery. The sun was just about to rise, colors all cascading from orange to yellow to blue. It was breathtaking; always a great way to start off the day. But this time, it only made Annabeth think of Percy. They always watched the sunset back at the house and would end up falling asleep together. It had gotten to the point where you could always find them out on the roof, sleeping. The others didn't think anything else was going on. Nobody did. The couples these days just enjoyed each other's company, keeping each other warm and protected. It felt good to have someone that cared for you so much. Annabeth longed for that feeling, but couldn't reach it. She was so close, yet so far away from her happiness.
Annabeth snapped out of her deep thoughts once she realized that she was at the airport. Wow, that was fast. She made her way through security, got to the gate, and waited to be boarded on. It was a short wait, thankfully. Annabeth got up, grabbed her stuff and walked over to the lady boarding. She was just about to give her the ticket when she heard yelling. Someone was yelling somebody's name. No, not just somebody's name. Her name.
Annabeth whipped around to see Percy running full speed towards her, urging her to stop. Annabeth dropped her stuff and ran towards him. They finally got to each other and slammed their bodies together. They hugged for what felt like hours, Percy's warmth seeping through Annabeth's cold body. Percy pulled back and looked into her eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Annabeth. I shouldn't have been such a jerk. I was being selfish and I'm so so so sorry. I love you, Wise Girl." He kissed her, although it was quite hard since Annabeth couldn't stop smiling.
"You're going to have to stop smiling so I can kiss you." Annabeth laughed and tried to suppress her smile. They kissed, and people all around them sighed and clapped. Annabeth pulled back, blushing, but Percy pulled her back in. They kissed each other passionately until they heard the last boarding call for her flight. Annabeth pulled back, gave Percy the biggest hug she could give and walked back. Percy came with her and helped her with her bags.
"Thanks, Seaweed Brain. I love you so much. I'm going to miss you even more." Percy kissed her one last time.
"I'll find time to visit you, I swear. Go help your dad." Percy said. Annabeth gazed into those beautiful sea green eyes. She really was going to miss seeing them every day.
"Bye, Percy. Don't find another girl while I'm gone." She teased. Percy smiled.
"I never could." The flight attendant had come out and was telling Annabeth she needed to get on the flight. She started boarding the plane but turned around. Percy was still there, watching her leave his life for the next 52 weeks. She mouthed 'I love you' and he returned, smiling the whole time. Annabeth finally turned around and went onto the plane, found her seat, and slumped into it. Oddly, Annabeth was... Happy? Yes, happy. Her love had come to say goodbye at the last second, literally. The airplane took off, leaving Annabeth daydreaming about seeing her Seaweed Brain again.
Ayeeeee so what do y'all think? And I have wifi at my beach house yayayyayyay. I haven't had much time to write tho): but I hope you liked this chapter! Percabeth is so adorable ahh😍 vote and comment if you want more chapters like these! Have a good day y'all(:
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