#introduction to life in the house.

Captain Nathan and Captain Natasha lead the way to the house and they open the door for us to enter. We are welcomed to the lounge room where everyone throws themselves on the white leather sofa since we were all exhausted. After a rest if about seven minutes, the Captain couple cleared their throats ready to start talking.

Captain Nathan began," hello guys once again. So we have now reached the house where you will be staying up for your research and projects."
Then Natasha continued to explain the way forward," so as you already know that Nathan and I will be supervising you guys and also offering the necessary help you'll need with your stay. The trip is two weeks and the two weeks begin officially from tomorrow ao today you will be free and you can go round the place or if you are fatigue you can go rest."

"I am the owner of the house here in this island and your school have been hiring it for it's students to come over not only because most of the students have to carry out the research here near the water but also to give space and peace for the rest whose projects have nothing to do with water life like Pinky here cause we all know how busy life on the main city is." Captain Nathan explained.

"As I said earlier, we'll be helping you guys cope with the life here, so the house has exactly eleven rooms where ten of them are bedrooms with their bathrooms and change room inside while the eleventh one is a game room where we have baseball, tennis and also a section with board games like ludo, snakes and ladders, monopoly and many other board games. There are also music instruments in the end of the corridor upstairs for those who have music as a talent like Jack who plays piano well." Natasha explained it with a sweet voice that could suit a baby to sleep as she placed her hands over Nathan's thighs.

"So for the ten rooms it means each student will have his or her own room and there is a closet in the room for your clothes, a bathroom and changing room where there is both shower and bath tab in the toilet. There is also a studying room within the room where you will find a studying table with a lamp on it, a wall to wall shelf with books, a board pinned on the wall for your schedules and graphs of work done. But we are also facing a problem. One week ago there was a big rock that come with with the water and it landes on a small house that I and my spouse stay whenever we are here with students and it's know broken and we are yet to repair it. So one of the ten room will be used by us and one student will have to volunteer to share a room with her mate. Who is ready to share a room and leave hers or his of us?" Nathan explained and asked for the volunteeror.

I raises my hand and waited for the reaction from everyone. When I saw that everyone was staring at me," yeah am ready to leave my room for you couple. And since my project deals with the dry land on the shores of this island, that means I don't have much to do here on the island but just sleeping, looking around and helping the rest. So I'm really fine giving my room and am ready to share a room with someone." I finished with a smile on my face as I looked at everyone waiting for the one who is ready to share her room with me. And just then I felt two arma around my shoulders and a head over mine just as I realize who it is from the scent of jasmine and I knew it's Sophia who uses only jasmine fragrances.

Sophia also volunteer to share her room with me as I stood up and gave her a big hug. In fact I admitted that I've misses her a lot since I've been busy with all the drama going around from the yatch to the rocks and now here in the house. She hugged me back and kissed my forehead and said, "am always there for you buddy!"

"So it's not settled that Pinky and Sophia will be sharing a room and Pinky's room will be used by I and Nathan, thanks both of you," we nodded our heads as the Captain continued, "so with all the cooking and kitchen matters will be handled by Ajit buddy over there. So dear, you'll have to take a look at that place and am sure we already have things for at least four meals a day that will take us so three days but still go and see what we lack and we'll need and Nathan will get the things from the dry land we he takes Pinky for her project. You'll need to prepare for us breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks that will be available to everyone for the whole day since brains will be at work. Hope it's okay with you?" Ajit nods his head in agreement as Natasha continues," and whem the meals are ready, Jane you'll be serving us and making sure that the table is made for the meals before ringing the bell in the kitchen. So this means you'll be working closely with Ajit. Ajit whenever you finish cooking you'll inform Jane to make the table and then you can press the blue button on the left wall in the kitchen that's a bell that will ring un everyone's room to notify them that they are summoned downstairs."

We were also explained that Ajit will be cooking meals on different themes and together with Jane they'll be making the dinning room. Jane will be decorating the room into different styles, themes and culture for her project on decor. They will have to take photos of their work and label them and also save them because we'll have to submit our first half of the project on the fifth dat on the island. Jane was also told to do the house keeping  whereby each of us will clean our room in the morning when we wake up, sweep, dust the room, mop it, make the bed, arrange our clothes well in the closest, arrange our school accessories well in the study room and also clean the toilet and change room then Jane will choose different themes to decorate the rooms. She will have to sit down with the owner of the room and decide in the theme and decor the owner wants, then she'll do the make over for the room, take the photos and save for her submittion. She had two weeks to do the make over for the eleven rooms , the kitchen, the dinning room and also the lounge room.

With that being said and done, we got up with our luggage and all went upstairs where each of us was allocated their room. The first four room from the staircase were for the girls and then the next five rooms belonged to the boys amd the last one was for the Captains.

We were given ten minutes to go into our respective rooms and check them out and also arrange our clothes in the closest and school accessories in the studying room. After exactly tem minutes a soft  bell went through and we rushed downstairs. The Captain couple were waiting for us and they showed us around downstairs. We were shown the kitchen, the dinning room, the games room but I think ita should have been called a hall since it was very large and had playful colors which were very inviting. We were also shown a garden and pets section. And then went back to the lounge room which we come to find out was attached to a working area with sofas and a large table.

" So guys, that was a general tour around  the house. Whenever you are free or tired and need a rest, you can go round each place and explore it yourself. To add on that, the house has internet connectivity and there is also charging sockets in your respective rooms but also in the working area there are sockets in case your laptops go off while you are still working. And I reminded you that your projects are officially begging from tommorow at five am. And you will have to submit your first half of your work on the fifth day from tomorrow to your respective experts." Captain Nathan explained to us after the tour.

"Ok and I have an interesting thing to share with you guys. Every year we usually play a game to make the stay interesting. And this year we decided to choose a queen from the five girls we have," she looked at where we girls were standing and gave us a big smile, " there are five girls and ten students so the one with most voted and likes will be the queen of this lot. The voting thing will be done at day after your submission. This will give you time to get to each other well. Doesn't it seem interesting?" Everyone gave a confirmation nod and she grinned like a kid gifted an ice cream by her parents.

"Ok it's been a long day buddies and I'm sure you also need rest as much as I need one. Especially when all day I haven't had the chance to romance my beloved wife since she's busy with you guys. So we ask but no why ask we demand time to romance and may be little kisses here and there but you don't need to know more than that as to where I'll kiss her," captain Nathan started to bring out his charming mood and his wife was busy shushing him as she was blushing and her cheeks turn as reddish as tomatoes. We all laughed our ribs out at that and she finally accepted to go away this Nathan to their room as we also made our way to our rooms. I threw a look at the wall clock and saw that it was eleven in the morning so i hurried away after Sophia and went woth her to our room as we are now roommates.

Hello 😁 what do you think of this chapter?
What do you have to say about all the exhausting moments of a long day but it's still eleven in the morning. That's what the clock says, lol😂😂😂😂.

On a serious note 🤨🧐 what do think of Pinky?? We've seen that she openly volunteered her room for the Captains. Lemme tell you that is just the beginning. You'll see more and more and more of Pinky ♥️♥️. These are like........ I won't tell you 😆😆😈 am I mean 🥴☠️😜😜 don't worry you'll have to read the next chapters to explore it yourself 😉.

Don't forget to comment and vote dearest ones ♥️🤭😻.


When we all curious about the life on the island, we saw captain Natasha come to ask and seek our attention by clearing her throat. We all gathered where she was standing and we paid attention to what she was about to say to us. " Guys I think am lucky to be your captain  as well as the supervisor. This is my eleventh time to come with students on the island but my heart says that this lot will be the beat of all so I hereby wish you all the very best in your searches. Now can you guys enjoy out there as we are just twenty minutes away from the island" she waved at us and showed us the way to the open surface where we could see the ocean and enjoy there before ahe turned away and went back to the cabin.

Each one was silent and it seemed like everyone was in an internal meeting with themselves. I saw that Sophia was talking to Arya and Jack joined them and they started laughing when jack threw a joke. Then I spotted Sneha was just standing alone but had a smile on her face as she stared at the water as she was admiring it. On the other end I could see that Robert was taking photos of Jane as she was posing like a professional modeler. Ajit and Mohan were sitting on the wooden benches with their phones and I thought that Mohan was taking photos of the vast ocean. I was happy seeing everyone coping with the situation and accepting the fact that we'll be leaving together for two weeks. But just then I turned around to count everyone and discovered that plus me that's add up to nine so one us was missing.

I went back to the room that we were there before to see if Regan was back there. I double checked but could see anyone in there. But as I reached the door and was about to leave, I heard someone making sounds as if puking. I followed the sounds and come to find Regan sitting down on the floor and was in a bad condition were he seemed like he will puke at any minute and he had a hand on his stomach. He looked up and tried to talk to me but couldn't say a word. I rushed to the Captain's cabin to ask for any medicine that could helo him because he was sea sick. Natasha come to the open deck and and asked if anyone had carried a lemon or anything made from lemon because it could help Regan but none had the lemon. So everyone rushed to see him and he puked out there just as we entered the room. Everyone stopped fron stepping ahead and just looked at him and not knowing what to do. And just then an idea popped up in my mind. I had once heard mom saying that when it was her first time traveling on a ship she was sea sick and the ship's doctor told her to look at the sea and it will help her when she just started at the moving water.

I quickly pushed my way forward to see him and he seemed weak. I was about to take a step to him when Ajit cought my hand and refused me from going saying that it was dirty and the vomit was really smelling awful. I removed his hand fron mine and without thinking went to grab Regan. He was refusing even to look up but still, I grabbed his hand and placed it on my shoulder and asked him to stay strong and follow me to the open space out there. Everyone started speaking at the same time saying that I shouldn't take him out there because he'll just puke again and make the whole place dirty but I asked them to trust me with the choice I made.

So I picked him up and we limped to the open ocean. I asked him to sit down in the floor and lean his back on the bench where Ajit and Mohan were sitting before. I also asked him to stare into the ocean and try his best to focus only on the moving water instead of anything else. And in about five minutes his condition improved and that was evidence when he removed his hand from his stomach and pulled himself to sit well. And after another five minutes he smiled back at me and said, "It worked. Thank a lot dear." I sat down feeling relieved as he could now be happy and we hae gotten rid of the sea sickness.

And just then I spotted the rest of the students together with Captain Natasha standing about fifteen feets away from where we both were sitting. They come forward towards us and Captain Natasha began saying," that was amazing to see. I like your sense of responsibility and ready to help others even when you haven't gotten to know them and also don't care if anyone supports you or not" and with that, she started clapping for me and the rest joined her. The clapping was stopped by Captain Nathan clearing his throat and saying,"that was well done Pinky and for that I give u two thumbs up,"and he did his thumbs up and continued," but for now guys, we've arrived at the island and I would ask you all to grab your belongings and make your way out to the shores. And I insist no instruct you all to be very careful. Come on let's get moving."

With everyone standing with their suitcases and luggage, the long wooden ramps was let down for us to wake over it to the shores with our bags. We walked over to the island and could see a big house on the hills. The island was just a small land with only one big house on it. It also had a water at that seemed to be pumped since we all could clearly see the water tower.

" Okay guys, we are now officially on the island and I know you teenager have plenty questions to ask but before the Q&A settion I ask you to be extremely careful when going up to the house as you all can see it's very hilly on the island." Captain Nathan said as if reading our minds on the list of questions in each of us.

We found our way up there as we stepped on the rocks and those who were up and already stable gave a helping hand to the one who was behind him or her.  I was in middle of Robert, who was in front of me, and Sneha, who was behind me. I tried taking a step in front without looking if Robert had moved and with that sudden movement, Robert tried moving to make space for me but he became unstable and lost control. Everyone shouted and closed their eyes when they saw how Robert had lost stability and was almost falling down on the rocky and sharp rocks.

When they didn't hear any sound of someone falling or shouting, they opened back their eyes only to find me completely laying flat of the rock and extended both my arms to catch Robert's arm and help him from falling. And Captain Nathan come up to where Robert was but from the lower side and he tried to push him up and also Jack and Ajit come to help me pull Robert up and with all the help, Robert was back standing on the rock and gave me a big tight hug and tears escaped his eyes.

" You saved me Pinky. I thought I wouldn't see the world again when I lost stability. I even closed my eyes when I was falling saying my last prayers and just like a miracle you got my hand and grabbed it tight. You owe me my life and I don't think I'll ever be able to make it to pay the debt but I'll always remember this moment when you saved my life." Robert gave the speech which I interapted by saying," but I caused the accident by not looking where I was stepping. If I had been careful all this wouldn't have happened. So am really sorry that my carelessness almost costed your life." He hugged me and left a peck on my cheeks and said," it's ok coz all that carelessness is worth it cause you saved my life dear."

Captain Natasha interapted and asked us to make our way up to the house and we will speak when we made it to the house.


Hey!!!! How was it? Don't forget to comment and vote.

What do you think of Pinky's encounter with her fellow students. First it was Regan on the yatch and then it was Robert on the rocks???? 😝😝😝
What can you say about her carelessness??🙄 What if it really costed Robert's life 😪😱😱😱 could she have forgiven herself??

Stay tuned for the next chapters to get to know Pinky well 🤭😆😝

Yours faithfully

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