You would think they would answer, its not like they're busy...


Both boys groaned. They were both years older, and yet the little 18 years old managed to sound threatening enough to get them to move. Despite the hassle to move, they were pleased when they found out she had made Tacos. 

"Has Keith called yet?" Shiro asked as he adorned his tacos with condiments.

"Nope. I expected his phone call a few hours ago but I haven't gotten anything." she shrugged. 

After dinner, they settled to call the boys. They crowded around Pidges laptop in her room and waited for Keith to answer the Skype call. But it didn't go through. Pidge shrugged it off and called again. Phone call failed again... Odd. 

"What's wrong?" Adam asked.

"They're not answering... "

"Maybe they're asleep." Shiro shrugged.

But PIdge didn't believe it. Something was wrong, she could feel it. She clicked away, tapping into the trackers on Lance and Keith's phones (Not paranoid, just secure). Keith's phone was still at the university. But Lances was 30 miles away from the dorms. He was still moving, which meant he was in a car. 

"Where is Lance going?" Pidge questioned.

Shiro looked over Pidges shoulder and almost fell out of his chair. LAnces phone tracker had just stopped on the coast in the middle of nowhere. Or so it looked like.

"Pidge... Pidge that's where the facility is," he whispered as if he was afraid.

"What? How are you for sure? You don't remember a lot I mean-"

"Pidge. That's where it is. I just know it."

PIdge bit her lip. They were in trouble and it was only the first day.

Keith was the first to wake up out of his daze. Everything was foggy and the side of his head ached. The van went over a bump and his head hit the floor again. He realized the situation and looked around very quickly. It didn't look like any van he knew, the ceiling was too tall for that...

It was a truck.

The truck bumped up making Keith annoyed. He sat up and tried to look around in the darkness. His senses were cut off by the darkness and the fact his hands and legs were bound. He leaned against the wall, resting his head firmly against it so it would bang against anything again. He was forgetting something... Oh no.

"Lance!" he tried to yell through the tape, but it came out as muffled.

He moved his lips and tried to get the adhesive off the tape so it would peel off.  It worked eventually and he got it to peel off partially.

"Lance!" he called out again.


Keith wanted to get close to the noise, but he found it almost impossible to crawl or walk over. He managed to roll painfully across the truck until he hit a glass pane. He tried to see through the glass, but the lights were dim. 

"Lance are you okay?" he asked, leaning himself against the glass.

"Mmhmhmh!" was the reply.

"Try to get the adhesive off," Keith suggested.

It was quiet for a few moments before Lance responded.


"You idiot. You know how all those times when you were a kid, you'd find tape and slap it over your mouth just because? And then you would try to move your mouth but then your lips would get wet and end up making the tape peel off? Yeah well, that's what you're gonna do." 

A few more moments and Keith received a crystal clear reply.

"4.0 GPA and I didn't get that the first time." Lance chuckled.

Keith smiled when he heard his boyfriends voice.

"You alright?"

Lance sighed.

"I'm alright. My head hurts though, I think I hit it against something when they tossed us in here." 

There was a small 'meow' from the corner of Keith's side of the glass.

"Leroy?" he questioned, of course, the cat didn't respond. "Here kitty, where are you?"

Keith tried to move around, but the zip cord around his wrist dug deeper into his flesh. He could feel blood at this point. Suddenly a thought came over him. "This is how you escape a zip cord. You never know when you'll find yourself in the position, you know?" Shiro told him years ago when Keith was still in middle school.

He brought his arms from behind him and crunched himself so he could get his arms around his legs and now in front of him.

"Keith?" Lance called out for his boyfriend, now concerned with all the grunting and noises coming from the opposite side. 

Keith then propped himself up against the wall and brought his arms up over his head. Making sure his wrist was pressed against the zip tie, he quickly brought his arms down in a swing. The zip tie snapped and stung his wrists. 

"Aha! I'm free!" Keith said loud enough for Lance to hear. He took the duct tape off his legs and walked into the shadows and found Leroy. 

Lance squinted through the glass and saw what Keith had done. He followed his boyfriend's moves. After several painful trys, he snapped the zip tie. He went right up to the glass and pressed his hand against it.

"You're okay, right? Nothing was broken or anything?" he said concerned.

Keith smiled and shook his head. 

"I'm fine. My wrist is a bit cut up but other then that im fine." 

The moment was interrupted with a ding. It came from Lance's side of the glass. 

"Was... Was that your phone?" Keith asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Was it?"

Then the ding came again. Lance searched his pockets and found his phone in his coat pocket. 

"I guess they didn't search us!" Lance said joyfully.

"See if you can call someone!" 

Lance tried to see if he could call 911, but it didn't go through.

"Looks like calls are being blocked..." he pointed out.

"Try texting PIdge. Her computers pick anything up."

So there went Lance, texting Pidge.


Lance 8 40

Stay cool, I've got your location. What happened? Where are you?

Pidge 8 40

"That was quick"

"Just text!"

Some dudes barged into our apartment with some wack bomb that seems to only work on people with odd marks from what I heard. 

We're in some truck.

Lance 8 41

Uh oh. Your location just went dark... Brace yourselves, try and keep your phone hidden. I'll keep in touch.

Pidge 8 41

Just as PIdge texted that the truck came to a quick stop. Keith stumbled back into the wall, holding Leroy close to his chest. Lance put his phone on silent and shoved it down his pants, his only good hiding spot. The doors to the truck opened and light streamed in. Both boys blinked quickly to adjust to the new light source. It was clear to see they were in glass cages with other cargo in the truck. 

"You got out of your bonds aye? Won't be a problem." commented A guard with an accent. 

He took out a remote of some sort and pressed a blue button. Suddenly the pulsing feeling from the bomb from earlier came over them and made them very weak. The guards that took them didn't mind Leroy who cowered in Keith's coat pocket. Lance was immediately knocked unconscious by the pulse but Keith stayed conscious enough to see they were in some sort of secret base. Just as they made it through the white sterile hall that led to two grey doors, he passed out.


Hi im back! I know I know, you missed me... You probably didn't but look! I updated! Also, im working on this new exciting book (I find it exciting i mean.. ANyways) its called "Fake it till yah make it" and yes it may be Generic but its like a DEH spin off almost and its CORBYN BESSON FANFIC OK LOOK IM OBSESSED. Like the title may be generic, but the fanfic is not. Im gonna try to work more on my writing, but school has been a bitch so. 

Hope you have a great dayyy!

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