The Beginning of a Dream
Forever Mine
A/N: Hey there, guys! Hope you enjoy Chapter 2! Roll it!
Chapter 2
The Beginning of a Dream
Ladybug couldn't believe what she was doing. She was actually kissing Cat Noir! This time, he wasn't under the spell of an Akuma, so he will definitely remember it this time. And even though back then, when she had kissed him the first time, she didn't count that as her first kiss; because one, she was still madly crushing on Adrien Agreste, and two, she was just trying to free her partner from the hate-inducing spell instead of solely wanting to make out with him.
But if she could tell the Ladybug from four years ago that she would actually give her first real kiss to her pun-loving cat of a partner instead of the handsome model, she would've told her that she was crazy. However, she was not the Ladybug from four years ago anymore. This time, she knew that, without any question whatsoever, she was deeply and irrevocably in love with Cat Noir, that this is what she really wanted, and that she will always love him, no matter what.
Despite the blissful euphoria she was feeling, she could sense that he was pretty rigid, most likely taken aback by her surprise kiss. For a moment, she thought that he didn't like it and began to pull away. But right as she gently removed her mouth from his, she heard a barely audible growl coming from her partner that caused a sudden pool of warmth to develop in her stomach. Ladybug could hardly register it when Cat quickly pulled her back to him, crushing his lips against hers. They were even softer than she had briefly remembered.
Kissing him back just as vigorously and passionately, she quickly lost all sense of time as she firmly pulled him closer to her by the neck, her fingers playing with the ends of his wild blonde hair, while his own hands found themselves holding her by the waist. They kept pulling the other closer until they were flushed against each other, and deepened the kiss even further. Soon, they pulled away to actually breathe, panting slightly.
"My Lady, did that... really happen?" He asked her, breathlessly. Ladybug could hardly feel smug at the effect her kiss had on him, because she was feeling the same way.
"Yeah." She whispered, placing her forehead on his, making his emerald cat eyes meet her bluebell ones. "It seems you finally got me to fall for you."
A glimmer of pure joy flashed in his emerald green eyes, and a matching, dazzling white smile came on his face before he quickly brought her back to him, his lips once again pressed to hers. As much as Ladybug wanted to keep having these wonderful kisses with him, her Miraculous rang out its first warning. She pulled away, Cat slightly leaning after her for another one. She placed two gloved fingers over them, smiling happily at him.
"As much as I would want to keep doing this, there's still something I have to say, and I'm running out of time." Ladybug took a deep breath and then cleared her throat. "Cat Noir, I, uh..." She trailed off for a few moments before speaking again. "I know that I've been pushing you away for so long, and I know that I probably don't deserve your forgiveness, but, um... I learned that... I can't imagine my life without you in it. I want this. I want us to be... partners... in more ways than one."
His green eyes widened at her. "That is, if this is what you still want." She quickly added.
"I'm happy with whatever choice makes you happy, Ladybug." Cat answered her sincerely. "I just want to know if this," he points to her and then himself, "will make you happy."
Ladybug took his hand in hers. "More than you can even imagine, kitty." She said, looking at him straight in the eyes.
Cat Noir just held her hand tighter, joy shimmering in his eyes and smile. It was the most wonderful sight for Ladybug to see. He then pulled her into a loving hug, his grip tight but gentle. Ladybug returned it, relishing in the warmth of her partner. She had a feeling that he didn't receive very much love in his life apart from being a superhero, and he just wanted to have that feeling of being loved by someone who meant the world to him. She was grateful that she can finally give it to him in full now, without any regrets.
Eventually, they broke the hug and just gazed at each other lovingly. "So, what do we go from here now?" Cat asked her.
"Well, I think we should keep this away from the public." Ladybug said.
Cat slightly pouted. "But I want to let all of Paris know that I have finally won the heart of Ladybug." He said, almost sounding like a hopeful child.
The spotted heroine giggled at his admittedly cute pout. "Maybe one day, kitty." She assured him. "And as much as I also want to shout it from the rooftops, I'm worried about what Hawk Moth might do if he knows."
Cat gently held her closer to him. "Well, we can handle anything that that despicable villain can dish out against us." He assured her.
Ladybug briefly smiled at him. "I know." She said. "But still, if he knew, he might use it to cause our downfall. As much as I care about you, I don't want Hawkmoth to manipulate this as a way to get us weak, or worse, akumatize us."
Cat pulled her into an embrace. "My love for you has never been a weakness for me, My Lady." He said. "It makes me stronger, because it gives me a reason to fight for."
Ladybug slightly blushed at his loving words before leaning further into his embrace. "Me, too." She added. "So please promise me that we keep this a secret from the public, at least until Hawk Moth is defeated."
"I promise, Bugaboo." He assured her, making her smile despite the cheesy nickname.
Just then, his own Miraculous beeped out its first warning, while hers gave out their second warning. Ladybug didn't want to leave him, but as much as she loved him, she still wasn't ready to show him who she really is.
"What about our identities?" He asked before she could move out of his gentle hold. "Would we know who we really are?"
Ladybug lightly bit her lip. Master Fu did say to never tell anyone her secret identity, even Cat Noir, and she was a little afraid of what he might think if he knew that behind the spotted mask was just Marinette Dupain-Cheng, an ordinary young woman with two left feet and having not very much to give him, being the daughter of humble bakers.
But she remembered that Cat would visit Marinette from time to time, and they would talk for hours while snacking on some macarons or croissants, talking about anything and everything; without Cat spilling possible information of his true identity. He seemed to really enjoy her company, even calling her a good friend. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he knew who she was. But there was still Hawkmoth to worry about.
"When Hawk Moth is gone for good, then we'll know." She said. "Until then, the rules basically stay the same."
Cat Noir nodded in understanding before lifting her hand to his lips and placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. "I'll look forward to that day, My Lady." He said. "Then, nothing can stop us from being together in public."
Ladybug blushed, but smiled at the notion. "Yeah." She said.
Their Miraculouses once again both rang out another warning, reminding them that they are still on a time limit. The two superheroes shared one more brief and loving kiss before Ladybug quickly got out her yo-yo and swung gracefully away, heading back towards her home, feeling as happy as she had ever felt before. Cat Noir watched her leave with a smitten gaze before he turned in a different direction and began pole vaulting away.
Ladybug had seconds to spare as she landed on her balcony and then headed back inside her room, landing on her bed gracefully. Pink sparkles and light briefly flooded her vision as she felt her superhero suit change back into her normal clothes.
Tikki flew out of her left earring in a swirl of pink light and landed in her owner's hands, slightly panting for breath. As Marinette handed her a chocolate chip cookie, she fell back on her head, a huge grin on her face and swooning.
"I really am happy for you, Marinette." Tikki said, almost cooing joyfully at her charge's happiness, having her love truly reciprocated. Well, it was possible that Cat Noir never really stopped loving Ladybug, but still, people do change.
"He actually loves me." Marinette swooned, her eyes glued up to her trapdoor, seeing the darkening twilight sky above her. "He still loves me. And I love him. Oh, how I love him."
Tikki giggled. Back when she used to daydream about Adrien, it was either kind of funny because of her antics and freak-outs, or really annoying because she would sometimes go, "He loves me, he loves me not." But now that she is with Cat Noir, she can relish and bask in the feeling of being in love and having that love returned with equal amount.
But now, she realized that Marinette has another problem. "Um, I hate to spoil the mood, Marinette, but how are you going to explain to Alya that you have moved on from Adrien?"
That snapped the girl out of her lovesick daze as she sat straight up, frozen stiff. "Oh, no!" She exclaimed.
That Alya is much too observant for her own good. She already knows that something is up when she didn't stutter to Adrien today at school, and she promised her that she would explain to her what had been bugging her when she was ready. Eventually, she will start poking her nose around to figure it out on her own if Marinette doesn't give her a good enough explanation soon.
Marinette placed a palm on her forehead as she tried to think of something. "How am I going to explain to her that I'm over Adrien?" She asked aloud.
Tikki finished her cookie and then came over to her charge. "I know you'll think of something, Marinette." She assured her, gently patting her cheek. "I think she might not like it at first that you're over Adrien, but once she sees how truly happy you are with Cat Noir, although she must not know about that, she'll eventually respect your decision and be happy for you."
Marinette smiled gratefully as she cupped her Kwami in her hands and gave her a grateful kiss on her head. "Thank you, Tikki." She said.
"Marinette! Dinner time!" Her mother called down.
"Coming, Mom!" Marinette answered back. She then got off her bed, with Tikki zipping to hide in her jacket, and headed downstairs to have dinner with her parents.
Meanwhile, Cat Noir was on the final rooftop before he would jump into his bedroom window. With a leap and a flip, he landed inside his enormous room just as his Miraculous timed out. Black bubbling specks mixed with neon green lightning trailed up his body as Cat Noir became Adrien Agreste once again.
A black swirl came out of his now silver ring on his right hand as his Kwami, Plagg, landed and slid onto the bed, moaning in exhaustion. "Man, I'm beat!" He exclaimed. "I'm dying! I need Camembert!"
Adrien just rolled his now human-like green eyes at his Kwami's dramatic antics and reached into the nearby mini fridge, pulling out a good-sized portion of the pungent cheese. He then gave it to Plagg, who immediately perked up, snatched it away and flew over to Adrien's couch to gobble it up.
Normally, Adrien would be grossed out and annoyed by the less-than-normal eating behavior of his Kwami, but after what had happened with Ladybug, he couldn't care less. This was the best day of his life! He laid down on his bed, facing the ceiling, a dopey smile on his face.
"Someone looks happy." Plagg teased, seeing the lovesick grin on his charge's face.
He would normally be grossed out by his owner's mushiness and romantic thinking that he would almost lose his appetite, but now, he could see that the boy was truly happy, and the kid needed it. There was only so much that a Kwami, a little constant companion, could give.
"Plagg, this is the best day of my life." Adrien sighed, placing a finger on his lips. Ladybug actually kissed him! He had always wanted to know what his Lady's lips were like, and how they tasted. And now, he knew. They were softer and tasted sweeter than he could ever imagine.
A brisk knocking sequence suddenly came on his bedroom door. Plagg quickly hid behind the couch, along with his Camembert, as the door opened. Adrien quickly sat up straight as Nathalie, his father's assistant, came in.
"Adrien, dinner will be ready in a few minutes." She informed, sounding as monotonous as ever. But the blond-haired teen knew that she cared. "Will you be coming to the dining room?"
Adrien opened his mouth to answer her, but then he paused. On the slight chance that his father would be joining him, he might notice that there was something off about Adrien. And he wasn't sure if he was ready to explain to his father that he was in love, and that he had that love returned. Then he would like to know who she is. It might only get worse from there.
"Actually, Nathalie, I still have some studying to do." Adrien said. "May you please bring dinner up here?"
"As you wish." Nathalie said while bowing her head before exiting the room. Once the door closed behind her, Plagg came out of hiding and came over to his charge.
"So how are you going to court Ladybug?" He asked teasingly.
Adrien blushed and just looked over at the window. "Maybe once in a while, we can do something really nice, like a rooftop dinner. But I think for now, until we're used to the idea of us being together, just us hanging out after patrol would be good enough."
Plagg smiled genuinely as he took another bite of cheese. "Whatever makes you happy, kid." He said. "But I do have one question for you. And this is a serious one for once."
"Really?" Adrien asked, his brow quirked up. He actually wondered if his glutton of a Kwami does have an actual question this time.
"What were you doing to do about your Princess?" Plagg asked him, a barely raised line mimicking an eyebrow above his eye.
Adrien did feel something beat in his heart when he heard the little nickname that he sometimes calls Marinette when as Cat Noir. He wouldn't lie, during the past few years since he had met her, he had developed a bit of a.... soft spot for her. He certainly cared about her more than he was willing to admit. Even for a little while, he wondered if he should move on from Ladybug and see if he could give Marinette a chance. Or possibly even as Cat Noir, since she seemed much more open and sassy around him as his superhero self; even if they would have no idea how a relationship like that would work.
But now that Ladybug had said that she was in love with Cat Noir, he must remain loyal with his Lady and first love. He didn't want to hurt Marinette, and she was a really great friend, but he knew that she deserves someone who would truly love and care about her with everything that he had. And unfortunately, that guy isn't him.
"If Ladybug hadn't said that she wanted to be with Cat Noir, I might've given the Princess a chance." Adrien finally admitted. "But Ladybug already beat her to the punch, and I know that any guy will be lucky to have Marinette. He just better be treating her right, or else I will clock him in the jaw."
Plagg cackled. "I can already picture it!" He said. "And I am really happy for you, kid. Just one little condition."
"What's that?" Adrien asked.
"I now would like two whole wheels of cheese after you have your little hangouts or dates or whatever with Ladybug when we get back home."
Adrien rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Whatever you say, Plagg." He said.
That night, both teenagers just looked up at their bedroom ceilings, too happy with the day's events to fall asleep. They were finally dating the love of their lives, and they couldn't be any happier. It was like a dream, no, better than a dream.
The next morning, Marinette woke up, the smile from last night still on her face. She hummed cheerfully as she quickly washed her face, brushed her teeth, changed into clean clothes and grabbed a croissant and a blueberry muffin as she headed out the door of the bakery. Tikki was already in her purse, munching on some strawberry macarons from last night.
Marinette practically skipped into the school, feeling like she was flying. She was actually dating Cat Noir! The man who had stolen her heart away, piece by piece, until she realized too late that it was ready for the steal. And honestly, she didn't mind. He made her happy, and she wouldn't change it for anything.
"First the no stuttering in front of Adrien, and now, actually here for school on time?" Alya's voice snapped her out of her little daydream as she turned to face her best friend. "What's going on with you?"
Before Marinette could answer her, a different voice spoke up. "Hey, Marinette! Alya!"
Both girls turned to see Adrien and Nino coming their way. Adrien's eyes, however, were focused on Marinette. "You look cheerful today." He said.
She smiled at him, seeing that he had a bright grin on his face that actually reached his eyes this time. "So do you." She said. "Anything good happened?"
Adrien slightly blushed as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, actually." He said shyly. Alya and Nino shared a quick look of excitement as they eagerly leaned in closer. "Can you guys keep a secret?"
They all nodded as they headed over to a much quieter corner of the school, away from prying eyes. "I just learned that this girl I've liked for a while actually likes me back." Adrien whispered with glee.
Alya's jaw dropped in pure shock and slightly glanced over at Marinette, expecting to see a shaken and heartbroken look on her best friend's face. But instead, Marinette looked overjoyed.
"Really?" She quietly squealed. When Adrien nodded, she threw her arms around him. "That's great! I'm so happy for you, Adrien!"
Adrien returned the hug joyfully. "Thanks, Mari." He said as he released her.
Nino then pulled him into a bro-hug. "Way to go, dude!" He said. "Who is the lucky girl? Is it Kagami?"
Adrien shook his head. "No, it's not." He said. He was really good friends with Kagami, and she was a great sparring partner; one of the best on the fencing team. But she wasn't his Lady; not by a long shot.
"Then who is she?" Nino asked.
Adrien shook his head again, this time with a smirk. "Not telling." He said. "We agreed to have this on the down-low for now. Otherwise, it will be mayhem in Paris."
"You got that right." Alya finally chimed in. "'Heartbreak in the City of Love: Adrien Agreste is Off the Market.' Hundreds of girls will be prime for getting akumatized."
"Yeah." Marinette agreed, fighting back a shiver. Then, she turned back over to Adrien. "I'm happy for you, Adrien. She's a lucky girl. Give her the love that she deserves."
Adrien smiled. "Oh, I plan to." He assured her. Just then, the bell rang. "We better hurry and get to class."
"You boys go on ahead." Alya said. "I need to talk with Marinette about something." She wrapped an arm around her best friend's shoulder, keeping her from trying to sneak off again, which was what Marinette had tried to do. "Girl to girl."
"Whatever you ladies say." Nino said, not thinking much about it. He had given up trying to understand girls a long time ago, especially since he had Alya as a girlfriend for almost their entire high school years. "See you in class."
Both girls waved to the guys as they headed up the stairs towards their classroom. Alya then spun around and faced Marinette. "What was that?!" She demanded.
"What was what?" Marinette asked, confused.
"You actually HUGGED ADRIEN AGRESTE when he said that he LIKES SOMEONE ELSE?!" She squawked. "And YOU'RE OKAY WITH THAT?!"
"Alya!" Marinette shouted at her, cutting her off. "If that mystery girl makes Adrien happy, then I'll support him. Besides, I've moved on from him."
"MOVED ON FROM HIM?!" Alya shrieked, looking ready to have a panic attack. "But-but, you have been so in love with Sunshine Boy, ever since the beginning of high school, it was almost sickening to watch you trip over your feet and talk gibberish around him and come up with absolutely crazy schemes just so that you can ask him out! What changed?!"
Marinette narrowed her eyes at her best friend. "I learned that I've been obsessing over him, not actually in love with him." She said calmly, making Alya freeze in her place. "I've spent so much time idolizing him that I forgot that he's a real person, with flaws and quirks like everyone else. I've come to love those about him too, but I also learned that it's probably for the best ,for the both of us, that we remained friends only. He is one of my best friends, just like you and Nino, and if this other girl makes him happy, then I'll be happy for him. Now will you please understand and respect my decision?"
Alya was silent for a moment, and then nodded her head. "Sure, Marinette." She said. "When did you decide to move on from Adrien?"
"About a few months ago." Marinette replied.
"And you didn't think to tell me?" Alya questioned.
"It's because I knew that you would react like this, or even worse, if I had told you earlier." Marinette answered. "Not that it made much of a difference than telling you this now. Besides, I needed to come to terms with it myself. I didn't need anyone else's opinion about it. It would've only made it a whole lot harder. If I had told you before this, then I actually would've been heartbroken by Adrien telling us that he likes someone else and is seeing her, and I would be crying my eyes out now."
"I see what you mean." Alya said. She then linked her arm with Marinette's. "Come on, let's get to class."
Marinette nodded, and they headed towards their classroom. But before they entered, Alya turned to her friend with a smirk. "So, who's the new guy?" She asked.
Marinette froze in her tracks as her face turned as red as a cherry. "Wh-what are you talking about?" She asked, attempting to play cool.
Alya laughed. "I thought so!" She said. "There is someone else! So, who is he? Is it Luka?"
Marinette's blush receded to glare sternly at her best friend. "No, it's not. Luka is just a friend, nothing more."
Her thoughts briefly went to the blue-haired musician who apparently might have strong feelings for her. Back then however, Marinette was very hesitant to accept his affections because of her love for Adrien. But now that she's with Cat Noir, Luka will just have to find someone else to play his songs for.
"Are you sure?" Alya continued to goad.
Marinette's glare narrowed further, making Alya stumble in how serious her friend was. "I'm sure." She said. "There's nothing going on between Luka and me, and there won't be, ever."
Alya almost got chills down her back by how fierce her normally shy friend looked at her. "Okay, okay. It's not Luka." She said, before a smirk came back on her face. "But I'm still convinced that there's someone else."
Marinette rolled her eyes, her cheeks bright pink, as they entered the classroom. "Keep telling yourself that." She said in annoyance. "That's all I'm saying."
"I'll get it out of you yet, girl." Alya said as they got into their seats. "Even if it takes me the rest of the school year, I will find out eventually!"
"Find out what?" Nino asked as he and Adrien turned over towards them.
"Nothing!" Marinette hissed, her blush starting to turn red. "It's just another one of Alya's so-called 'suspicions'."
"Enough said." Nino said as both he and Adrien faced the front of the room again.
Adrien nodded in agreement. Sometimes, Alya is too intuitive for her own good, and the things she comes up with are either too close to home, too uncomfortable, or too weird to even be true. It sent chills down his spine at the thought.
"It's called 'reporter's instinct'." Alya defended.
"Keep telling yourself that, babe." Nino said, not wanting to hear anymore. Luckily for all of them, the reporter didn't say another word as their teacher came in to start the lesson.
Marinette was relieved, though. She had thought to tell Alya that there was someone else in her heart, but then she would ask who it was, and then things will just head downhill from there. It was probably for the best that she just kept quiet about that.
Maybe after Hawk Moth is defeated, and she and Cat Noir revealed their secret identities to each other, then maybe she could introduce him to her friends. She would rather handle Alya's freaking out about her having a secret boyfriend for all that time and not telling her about it than telling her about it right now, when she was not sure how she could even explain it. Then after that, she'll finally have that happy future life that she had at first planned with Adrien, but now, she could easily see it much better and clearer with Cat Noir.
Adrien was also quite relieved that he didn't have to lie much to his friends about his new relationship with Ladybug. He was telling the truth that they were keeping it a secret for now, and then, he could introduce her to them after they defeat Hawk Moth. Then, they can finally come clean with their relationship and tell everyone they love about them being together and they can live happily ever after. Luckily, he didn't have to tell the others about who she is. All he had to say was that the whole thing was a secret, and everyone understood. He couldn't have asked for better friends.
Both Marinette and Adrien had bright and fond little smiles on their faces as the lesson continued on, but their minds were obviously elsewhere, thinking about their newfound romantic relationships with their superhero partners. Their lives just got a whole lot better. What could possibly go wrong now?
A/N: Both of these chapters so far had been basically teeth-rotting fluff. In the next chapter, that's when we'll not only have a bit of a minor time-skip, but that's when things will finally start to get more interesting.
Forgot to mention that this diverges from the first couple of episodes in Season 3, so no, Marinette isn't the Guardian and is still in training. And Kagami and Luka haven't told Adrien and Marinette about how they really feel about them. I will say this much though, those feelings will cause quite a few problems later in the story.
Until next time! Please leave a comment about what you think. They are highly appreciated.
Got to fly! ;)
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