What's wrong with Michael

I continue to drink swig after swig of the "wine". Later the group is walking across a railroad track. "Perfect timing." David states as the fog starts rolling in.

"What's going on?" I ask completely confused.

"Michael wants to know what's going on." David states as the group laughs. "Marco what's going on?"

"I don't know. What's going on Paul?" Marco asks.

"Wait a minute who wants to know?" I laugh nervously.

"I think we should let Michael know what's going on." David replies. "Marco."

"Bombs away. Bottoms up Michael." Marco states as he jumps through a hole in the tracks and disappears. Then one by one the others join him.

"Come with us Michael." David whispers as he walks off the ridge. I look down to see them all hanging upside down on the steal below. How is that even possible? Suddenly the group hears the sound of a train coming and the bridge was beginning to tremble.

"Hold on." David states. As the train begins to go past each of the boys let go yelling as if they are falling to their deaths. "Your one of us now. Let go." David states.

Now I am more confused then ever as I watch David let go and slowly fade into the fog below. At first, I begin to panic but then I hear the sounds of the guys having fun screaming my name from somewhere down below me which makes absolutely no sense. They had all jumped to their deaths hadn't they? "David!!!"

I yell. I try to pull myself back up on top of the tracks but I know that I don't have the strength too do so. I try a few times and then eventually my fingers give way and I drop. I scream as I begin to fall but then sort of realizes that I'm not falling at all, I am floating in mid air.

Stacy POV

Meanwhile, back at the pier Catherine and I begin to realize how late it is getting. No matter how much we look we can't see Michael anywhere. We had ridden most of the rides and ridden the Ferris wheel and carousel at least twice.

I began to notice that their were less and less people around and that the lights were slowly going off. The boardwalk was going to close soon and Michael was still no where in sight.

I began to try and find help as the lights on the rides and games slowly began to turn off signaling the boardwalk closing for the night. I notice Catherine shiver as a cold wind blows over the ocean. Upon having no luck receiving help I decided that it was best to try and find a telephone to call home.

I had turned my back on Catherine for only a few minutes to try and call home and when I turned around  Catherine was gone. I shook my head frustratedly. Could this night get any worse? If only I had known my nightmare was only beginning.

I had rounded a corner to search for Catherine when suddenly, a strange man grabs my my coat while a guy with a lot of tattoos grabbed Todd and laughed intentionally keeping him out of my reach.

"Give him back!"

"I think I'll keep him."

At this, I got mad and stomped on the guy who was holding me foot and then kicked the guy who was holding Todd causing him to drop him. I quickly grabbed Todd and began to run pausing to catch my breath when I thought I had gone far enough away from those mean men. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

The man who had grabbed my coat glared at me angrily. "That wasn't very nice little girl." He states grabbing me. I tried biting him but his gloves were too thick.

"I think you need to cool down." The guy says with a laugh dragging me towards a nearby fountain. He then dunks my head under the water multiple times.

Just as I am about to black out I thought I heard the sound of screams and then gentle but somewhat rough hands holding onto me. I coughed trying desperately to breath.

"It's alright your safe now." I heard a voice saying as they gently patted my back to help me expel the water from my lungs.

My vision was blurry but I could make out a guy with long dark hair. "Michael?"

"Good guess but no." The person holding me stated. I couldn't help but begin to shiver. Partly from being soaking wet and partly because I was still very afraid.

The person holding me noticed me shivering "that's not good."

"Here Dwayne you can use my jacket to try and help warm her up." A guy with long blond hair states. The guy holding me who I could only assume was Dwayne looked surprised for a moment but then took the jacket and wrapped me in it.

"Thanks Paul."

"No problem."

I hear another guy swear under his breath and then felt Dwayne quickly cover my ears. "Watch your mouth!" Dwayne hisses at the guy who swore.

I couldn't help but wiggle and Dwayne spoke to me in a soothing voice one more. "Relax." I don't know why but for some reason I felt comfortable and safe in whoever's arms I was in and so I let myself relax. Giving in to the exhaustion that I was trying to fight off.

I awoke to find myself in a strange place. I could hear voices nearby. I wanted to try and see who was talking but was afraid to open my eyes. What if they were dangerous and wanted to hurt me? Something told me that wasn't the case though. Whoever they were had saved me from those bad men.

I couldn't help but whimper causing the guy with the tattoos to spot me. He hands Stacy over to one of his buddies. "You know what to do." The guy nods.

"What do we have here? Why it's another little girl. What's a cute little thing like you doing out in a dark alleyway all by yourself at this time of night?" I don't  reply causing the man to frown.

"Go way. Leave me alone."

"That's mighty big talk little britches. What's your name little one?"

In response I slap the punk across the face and he frowns. "Alright that's it. Time to teach you some manners little girl. Boys you keep an eye out. I'm going to have a little bit of fun with this one."

"Don't you dare lay a hand on this sweet little girl." One of the other Surf Nazi states.

"Yea. Your taking things way too far." A younger Surf Natzi who looked a lot like Laddie states.

"Now you listen here you insolent pups! I'm the leader of this group. I make the rules and what I say goes. And I say I'm going to have some fun with this sweet little thing." The leader replies. With that he grabs me and drags me further down the alleyway a creepy smile on his face. While his brother continues to try and drown Stacy.

"Oh and boys feel free to teach those insolent pups who dared challenge my authority a lesson while I have my fun." A few or the other members of the gang then grabbed the two young men and forced them to watch as the leader had his "fun" with me.

They struggled to get free to no prevail and tried to turn their heads away from the gruesome scene that was unfolding before them. It filled them with despair to know that there was nothing they could do to stop the assault on me my screams of pain broke their hearts.

"Someone please put and end to this..." They whispered.

Once the leader was done he wiped his blade and then turned to the other members of the gang. "You know, I shouldn't have all the fun. So who wants a go at the kid?" He asks stepping aside. Several of the boys laughed and one by one they took turns having "fun" with me.

The boys were out hunting when they heard laughter from a small group of Surf Natzi's. They were holding a small child's head under the water of a fountain. David let out a low growl.

"Is that?" Marco whispers.

"Michael's little sister if she's here then where's?"

"Searching for Star." The boys said in unison.

Just as I was about to black out from the pain I heard screams and then felt myself being lifted up by gentle hands. "Mousy?" I groan unable to make out anything except a silhouette.

I awaken to find myself my bed. "Mousy get up." My little sister Catherine states jumping on my bed and into my lap. I can't help but groan in frustration.

"Mikey get up. It's mom." Sam states.

"What time is it?" I ask half awake.

"It's 2:00pm"

"Moms home?" I reply groggily.

"No moms on the phone." Sam replies as he opens the shades to reveal the sun.

"Give me those shades." I state pointing to my sunglasses that are on the table.

"Mousy need shades to talk on the phone?" Catherine replies looking at me in confusion.

"Are you free basing inquiring minds want to know." Sam states as I pick up the phone to speak with our mom.

"Hello?" I state still feeling extremely tired.

"Michael are you still in bed?"

"No I'm up." I reply wishing that I was still asleep.

"Michael could you do me a favor? Max has invited me to dinner after work. Would you stay home with Sam and Catherine?"

"Sams old enough to stay by himself." I reply warily.

"I don't need a babysister Michael." Sam semi-whines.


"Look you come home in the middle of the night. You sleep all day. I work all day. Sam and Catherine are always alone. You know it's been a long time since someone's invited me to dinner I'd like to go ok?"

"Ok mom." I reply with a slight sigh. I really hate it when she plays the guilt card.

"Thanks honey it's a real favor."

"Hay did you see anything around here that might pass as aftershave?" Grandpa asks us later in the day.

"How about some windex?" Sam states as he smells it and makes a nasty face. Grandpa smells it.

"Yeah." With that he squirts a little on his hands and then pats his cheeks with it causing Sam and Catherine, Cathy or Cat for short, to laugh.

"You got a big date tonight Grandpa?" I ask.

"Yup. I'm gonna bring some of my work to the Widow Johnson."

"What did you stuff for her? Mr. Johnson?" I reply semi jokingly.

"Why would Gampa stuff Mr Johnson?" Catherine asks with a puzzled look on her face.

"Yeah, we'll, I'll see you guys later tonight." Grandpa replies grabbing a few things and heading out the door. Catherine and Sam can tell that my comment and her question had hurt Grandpa's feelings.

"That wasn't funny Mike."

"Yeah. Dat was mean Mousy."

"I'm gonna make you a sandwich." Sam says to Me.

"Don't bother." I reply.

"Mousy do you want to play dolls with Stacy and me ?" Catherine asks holding out her doll.

"Not right now. Ask Sam. I'm busy." I reply and Catherine pouts.

"Loose the earring Michael it's not you. It's definitely not you. You know, all you have is attitude lately. Have you been watching too much Dynasty?" Sam states.

"Catherine it's time for your bath." I reply choosing to ignore Sam's statement.

"I don't want to. I want to play tea party and dollys with you and Stacy Mousy."

"I said, go upstairs and take your bath! I won't tell you again Catherine!" I reply angrily causing Catherine to whimper.

Sensing something isn't quite right with Me Catherine's dog Baltogo and Nanook let out a low growls in warning.

"What's gotten into you Michael? You've changed and not for the better. You've never yelled at Catherine before."

"Just do as I say ok? I need to clear my head." I reply. "And take those dogs outside. They are starting to annoy me."

"Come on Cat, let's get you your bath and then ready for bed ok." Sam states.

"Mousy no love me no more." Cathrine whimpers her eyes filling with tears once more. I can't help but feel a twinge of regret for having yelled at her the way I had. Sam was right, I was way out of line. However, I wasn't about to admit that.

I watch as Sam carries Catherine up the stairs to the bathroom and I sigh. Running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

It doesn't take Sam long to get Catherine's bath ready and soon she's all clean and ready for bedtime. "Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?"

"No. Me want Mousy."

"Mikey's not himself right now Catherine. He needs some time alone ok?"

"Me want Mousy." Catherine replies stubbornly and Sam sighs.

"Ok fine. Go downstairs and say goodnight then it's right back up here and into bed." Sam replies.

As Sam follows Catherine downstairs they see Me rummaging through the refrigerator. "Hay Mikey, Catherine wanted to say goodnight before she goes down for the night."

The next thing the group hears sounds of engines reving and bike lights shining through the windows as the group begins chanting my name over and over again. As David and his crew ride in circles around the house. "What is that?"

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing. Go take Catherine upstairs and tuck her into bed." I reply.

"Michel what's going on?" Sam asks in confusion.

Meanwhile, outside Baltogo let's out another low growl as the sounds of the bikes approaching gets louder. He rushes out the door as does Stacy's cat Grace. "Baltogo!"

"Grace!" Stay calls to her cat.

"Come on Catherine, Stacy let's get the two of you to bed." Sam states but Catherine and Stacy have disappeared.

"Catherine? Stacy? Now where did they run off too?" Sam groans.

"Catherine get back here!!" I call as I see her running after Baltogo. I can't help but swear under my breath. Likewise my other little sister Stacy runs after her cat Grace.

I turn to grab my coat and David calls to me leaving me with a strange riddle. "Hay Michael, we have found a very special very important treasures of yours. If you want it back you know where to find us. Catch ya later."

Just as I open the door David and his entire gang and his new prize disappear without a trace.

Thinking nothing of earlier Sam goes upstairs to take a bath and I rummage through the refrigerator for something to eat. As I pull out a container of milk I feel an intense pain in my chest and I drop the container spilling milk all over floor. I'm ok after a few minutes and I slowly turns my head to glance upstairs. Unable to stop myself I rush up the stairs and to the bathroom I hit the door in frustration.

Sam is in the bathroom taking a bubble bath singing to the songs on the radio he doesn't even notice the bathroom door open. Sams dog Nanook is lying on the floor near the tub. Spotting Me he begins to growl at me. As
I go to take a step forward Nanook lunges at Me biting me on the hand. Angrily I toss Nanook aside and he lets out a yelp of pain.

Sam immediately gets out of the tub to go check on the strange noise. He walks downstairs nervously calling to me. "Mike, Michael are you there? Nanook?" When he reaches the bottom of the stairs He sees blood on my hand. "what happened?"


"What about him? What did you do to my dog?" Sam demands.

"Nothing. I didn't do nothing to Nanook. He's fine. This is my blood. He bit me."

"Why would he bite you? What did you do to him?"

"I don't know. To protect you."

Sam's eyes go wide in shock as he looks at his brother. My reflection is quickly fading from the mirror. "Look at your reflection. Your a creature of the night Michael. My own brother's a bloody vampire just like out of the comic books. Just wait till mom hears about this."

Sam states rushing up the stairs. His first instinct is to run and hide but then he thinks of something. Catherine doesn't know. Someone has to protect her from Michael. He goes to her bed room and finds it empty.

"Catherine? Stacy? Now is not the time to play games. Where are you?"

"Sam! Sam wait!" I call after him.

"Stay away from me! Stay away from us!" Sam calls back.

Upon realizing that Catherine and Stacy are no where to be found Sam locks himself in his room. His own survival instincts overriding his desire to protect his sister. "Sam! Sam I just want to talk to you. Come on Sammy let me in."

I demand as I bang on Sam's bedroom door. "Come on Sammy, let me in. If Catherine and Stacy hear you panicking they will become frightened. Come on Sam. If not for me, then do it for them."

"Go away!" Sam shouts as he continues to panic searching frantically for the number on the back of the comic the guys had given him.

Knowing that he needs to calm down or he will make things worse Michael goes to his room to try and steady his thoughts. "Breath." He tells himself as he closes his eyes.

Meanwhile, Sam in on the phone with the guys from the comic book store. "Does your brother sleep a lot?"

"Yeah all day."

"And does sunlight freak him out?"

"He wears sunglasses in the house."

"Is his nails longer? Does he have bad breath?"

"Yes his nails are a little bit longer but he's always had bad breath."

"Yup. Your brother's a vampire alright. Is there anything else your worried about?"

"Yeah. My baby sister has gone missing."

"And did this happen before or after you discovered that your brother is a vampire?"


"You did the right thing by calling us. So here's what you need to do. Get a nice sharp steak and drive it through his heart."

"I can't do that he's my brother."

"Ok. We'll come over and do it for you."


"Alright. Then get yourself a nice garlic shirt because otherwise it's your funeral."

"What about my baby sister?"

"If I were you I'd focus on your own survival." With that the boys hang up.

Downstairs in my room I awake to find myself floating towards the top of the ceiling without a way to get down. I try not to panic.

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