Chapter 4
After taking final photos, Harry locked Draco's shirt in his locker, and led him to the underground walkway back to the building.
"Can you people not afford better lighting?", Draco muttered, peering down the dark corridor.
"Scared, Draco?"
"You wish."
Still, Draco looked hesitantly down the hall.
"Can you hold something for me Draco?"
"Yeah, of course."
Harry held out his hand, and Draco placed his, palm facing up, under Harry's to grab whatever Harry wanted him to hold. Instead of receiving an object, Draco felt Harry intertwine their fingers, and lightly pull him forward.
"Thanks. I'll take it back before we go in."
"That was smooth as hell", Draco whispered, shaking his head.
"I'm pulling out all of the stops for you. You're good with the plan though?"
"You check in with Ron to see where Pansy and Blaise are. You come back to get me and direct me to the chair. You'll be keeping an eye on me, and once they get freaked out enough, you'll come in for the kill. Literally."
Draco couldn't believe that he was wearing makeup and Halloween prosthetics, holding the hand of essentially a stranger, who was swinging their hands lightly as they walked. This is not the type of man Draco would typically go for, but maybe that's the problem. He was having a great evening, all things considered.
"Wait right here Draco, I'll be back in two minutes."
Draco looked at the text that just came in from his mother, and decided to respond to it later. He thought she would like Harry. Being with Harry was the equivalent of taking a breath of fresh air after being underwater for a bit too long. She would be proud of Draco for doing something so out of his comfort zone.
"Ready Draco?"
"I'm honestly excited for this."
"If you enjoy it, maybe you can be my partner", Harry replied, a small smile on his face as he bumped his shoulder into Draco's.
"I like the sound of that."
They paused briefly outside of the door to get back into the building.
"Good luck Draco. It'll be worth it. If you change your mind though, you know how to get back into the building. Security will let you in."
"I'm not backing down, partner", Draco said confidently, opening the door and slipping back into the building.
It wasn't so scary, knowing that nobody would touch him now that Harry was trailing behind him. All he had to do was sit in his chair, look miserable, and wait. That wasn't hard. Pansy Parkinson could be a very off putting woman, especially when she's mad at you.
Draco had waited for about 10 minutes before he heard Pansy's voice. His head was slumped in his left hand, elbow leaning on the table before him as he pretended to feel ill. It wasn't hard when Pansy grabbed his chair and spun it around so quickly his vision swam.
"Draco! Where the hell have you been?!"
"You left me. Fainted... woke up... unknown room. Someone... me... water. Blacked out.... then chair, waiting for you", he said pathetically, speech purposely slurred.
"What's wrong with your eyes?" And your speech?, Blaise asked, crouching down, holding his face in his hands.
"Do you need water, or was there something in your water?"
"Blaise I told you these places weren't safe! Didn't you see that horror movie where that guy stalked and killed off that whole friend group at a place like this? What if he was drugged? What do we do?", she asked shrilly.
"Maybe we should speak to a worker."
"But we don't know who did it! It could be anyone."
"Don't... feel good", he gasped out.
"Look, here comes an actor now. Excuse me-"
"Draco, how did you get out of the room?", Harry asked, tutting and shaking his head. "Do you want some more water?"
Draco nodded, taking some and drinking some before Pansy could object.
"Let's get you up, yeah?"
He let Harry help him up, and on wobbly legs he fell back into Harry's chest.
"You smell so good", Harry whispered huskily, burying his nose in Draco's neck.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!", Pansy yelled, taking a step forward, walking right into Blaise's outstretched arm.
"Feeding", Harry replied, baring his fangs in a wild grin before sinking his teeth into Draco's neck.
Draco let out a hoarse cry as Pansy screamed, and Blaise pulled her back as blood shot out of Draco's neck, spraying them.
"Help", he whispered, activating the blood capsules in his mouth, allowing the blood to drip down his face, before he collapsed into Harry's arms.
"Who's next?", Harry asked, spitting the piece of prosthetic at their feet.
Hands over her face as if she was going to be sick, Pansy ran out of the room.
"I'm still thirsty", Harry said, licking the blood off of his fangs.
"Oh fuck no!", Blaise yelled, running the way that Pansy had gone.
Once the door slammed shut, Draco stood up.
"How did I do?"
"You did brilliantly! Their faces were absolutely perfect! We have security cameras in here, I'll have to pull up the footage so that you can see them. They should be with Hermione now. Do you want to make them sweat longer, or do you want to tell them it was an act?"
"They can sweat longer. I say we make it look like you dragged me out of the room, into the one where Ron was. I'll lean against the door so that when it opens I fall out, landing at their feet."
Harry looked at Draco intensely, as if he held all of the answers to the universe. Shivering excitedly, Draco took his new position, only pausing to swipe some blood off of his chin to apply to the corner of Harry's mouth.
"Someone is a messy drinker", Draco teased, grinning at Harry.
Harry thought no one should look attractive in such a gruesome state, but Draco still looked positively stunning. After leaving Draco, Harry picked up the piece of prosthetic, and tucked it into his pocket. He busied himself with "cleaning up", and not even a minute later Hermione charged inside, with Pansy and Blaise on her heels.
"Crowley, we have a complaint about you."
Hermione was irritated. She had to clear out the room to go along with Harry's plan, and the guests would not be amicable for long.
"I'm sorry Annabelle. Did I do my job a little bit too well?"
"If your job is being a murderous sociopath, then yes!", Pansy accused, pointing a sharp finger in his face.
"You do know this is a horror attraction right? If you're scared then that means I've done my job properly."
"Cut the bullshit, where is Draco?"
"Who's Draco?", Harry asked, feigning confusion.
Blaise took a menacing step forward, but Harry didn't even flinch.
"The blond whose throat you ripped out. You still have his blood on your mouth."
Harry snorted, wiping the corner of his mouth and licking the "blood" off his finger.
"You ever seen Carrie? It's corn syrup."
"Are we done here"?, Hermione asked impatiently. "I do have a job to do."
"We'll be done as soon as we find Draco", Pansy insisted.
Hermione looked at Harry, and his eyes flicked to the door Draco was behind. She tilted her head slightly, and he answered with a slight inclination of his head.
"Check the rooms then. I'll give you five minutes."
Harry and Hermione watched as Pansy and Blaise poked about the room.
"It went that well?", she whispered quietly.
"Better than I could have ever imagined", he replied with a grin.
Pansy was the one to open the door Draco was behind. For his part, he did wonderfully, falling limply at her feet, milky eyes wide open.
She screamed, before dropping to the ground to feel a pulse. Her fingers went into the gash in Draco's neck that Harry had created, and she fell backwards as she started to cry.
"Blaise!", she wailed, looking absolutely terrified.
Blaise came over, trying to control his trembling hands, and reached out for Draco.
"Boo", Draco whispered, contorting his body and grinning up at Pansy and Blaise.
They both fell backwards as Draco and Harry started cracking up laughing. Pansy and Blaise were gaping like fish, so Harry walked over to help Draco up and brush him off.
"Are you okay?", he murmured quietly.
"I've never felt more alive than right now", Draco replied with a wicked grin.
"We are going to sue you for everything you have and get this place shut down! Come on Malfoy, we're leaving", Pansy said menacingly.
"You won't do anything of the sort actually. You came here for a horror experience, and they delivered. We signed waivers. I'm not leaving."
"What the fuck happened to you in the hour we lef- lost you?"
"A lot. Leave, I don't care. I'm staying here."
"Find your own fucking way home then. Let's go, Pans."
The two left in a huff, and Draco started laughing again and shook his head.
"Can I get my phone back Harry? I need to text my mother and let her know I'm alright."
"Yeah, here."
Harry had held onto Draco's phone so he didn't break it when he fell.
Draco: I'm alright Mother, I had a lot of fun tonight. Ignore whatever Parkinson and Zabini say to you. They're no friends of mine
Narcissa answered immediately.
Mother: you're sure you're alright dear? Pansy keeps trying to call me
Draco: I just had a bit of fun, they didn't enjoy the result
Mother: what did you do?
"Everything alright?", Harry asked, dropping his chin on Draco's shoulder.
"I don't know how to tell my mother what I did", Draco replied with a snort.
Harry plucked Draco's phone out of his hand. Opening the camera, he positioned his teeth back over the prosthetic on Draco's neck, and snapped a picture.
"Here. A picture is worth a thousand words."
With a raised eyebrow, Draco sent that picture.
Mother: I guess the question should have been "who did you do?"
Draco groaned and shoved his phone back into his pocket as Harry just laughed.
"You two. Go somewhere else. I have to clean up your mess once again", Hermione chastised.
"I'm still on shift for another hour aren't I?"
"That didn't stop you from leaving your post now, did it? I'll catch up with you later once I send the last group through."
Smiling softly, Harry grabbed Draco's hand and led him back through the tunnel, as Draco talked nonstop about how much fun he had scaring Pansy and Blaise.
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