Chapter Thirty-Three

a/n: Remember the essay? Well, apparently I was only given two days to write the rough draft and I'm screaming because I have to give her the rough tomorrow at the beginning of class and I still have to write 4 1/2 more paragraphs out of the six and each paragraph has like... ten sentences that are really long on my outline and I'm just not feeling it so I'm not going to do it until last minute. Whoops. 

chapter question: What are you the most hype for out of all the things I'm going to do after this is over? (Neverseen ending, hunger games fanfic preview, list of awesome kotlc fanfics, list of amazing chapters in my fanfic, the amazeballs epilogue, or the new advice book I'll be writing [ps, y'all should ask me for advice on stuff if you want]) 


"I want it," Adela said, grabbing the toy from Kenric's hand. 

He looked at the toy and then looked at his empty hands before looking at Sophie. "MOM!" He wailed, tears coming out of the corner of his eyes.

She dropped the plate of food in her hand and walked over to where Adela had Kenric trapped on the couch. He still couldn't walk and his talking wasn't nearly as advanced as Adela's was when she was one, but he could still move around and yell at words like, "Mom!", "Dad!", and "I WANT THE TOY!". She let out a sigh before sitting on the couch and pulling Kenric on her lap. "You need to calm down," she scolded him immediately, stopping his shouting. Instead of shouting he sniffled into her shoulder. She rolled her eyes as she pat his head affectionately. She looked at Adela. "Please, for the love of all that's holy, give the toy back," she tried not to growl. 

"But Aunty Sophie," Adela whined, "it's my toy!"

Sophie took it from Adela and stared. "Adela, I gave this to Kenric last week," Sophie stated. She let out a sigh, glad Kenric had finally calmed down. She placed Kenric on her lap facing Adela. She frowned at Adela. "Tell Kenric you're sorry," Sophie demanded. 

Adela's lip quivered and she barely got out, "I'm sorry," before she jumped up on the couch and started to cry. 

Sophie let out a loud groan and lifted Kenric off her lap as she stood up. She put him on the couch and pointed to Kenric. "Comfort her while I go get your father. Wherever he is," she instructed, shouting the last part so Keefe would hear. After those words he ran downstairs, a toothbrush in his mouth. 

"What?" He asked, his voice muffled by the toothbrush. 

"Hurry up and finish that," she ordered. "I have to get to work within," she looked at her watch, "five minutes go." She closed her eyes and rubbed them before looking back at Keefe. "I can't stay here. I have to be there in time to set up Kammy's session before doing Julia's." About three weeks after Julia, Kammy Smith, a level five, had manifested in infliction. With Bronte preparing for retirement, there was no time for him to teach her. Sophie agreed to take on two prodigies. She had Kammy in mornings and Julia in afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She held lunch detention on Mondays, picked out the locker DNA strips on Wednesdays, and ran study hall on Fridays. Somehow after only one year of working there she was one of the most involved. She knew the council must have had some involvement, since there's no way just any teacher picks out the DNA strips. She appreciated it though and learned to love her job. Of all the jobs she thought she'd have one day, she never thought teacher. 

When she got to the school, her eyes had bags under them and her hair was messed up. Her shoulder also had a wet spot and she was pretty sure Kenric's snot as well from when he cried into her shoulder. All in all, she didn't feel like an elf.

"Hello, Lady Sophie," a Mentor who helped run Ability detecting greeted when Sophie entered the school. 

Sophie let out a loud sigh. "Just Sophie," she corrected. Then she let out a loud sigh. "Announcements start yet?"

She shook her head. "Just about to start. You should get to your classroom quickly."

Sophie nodded her head in thanks before quickly running to her floor. She noticed that there was am extra minute to spare and stopped by Elwin's office. "Hello," she greeted, walking in. 

He looked up in surprise, especially at her appearance. "What happened?" He asked curiously, looking her over. 

She scoffed. "My son is a monster when it comes to his toys," she said. "And apparently he's rather cry mom instead of dad. Usually that's amazing but in this case, I was late for work and also had to take care of Adela as a apology to Fitz and Ashla for ruining their chance at winning base quest."

"Late for work?" Elwin frowned. "Your first class doesn't start for another five seconds."

She rolled her eyes. "I had a special inflicting thing planned out for Kammy but I didn't get here in time to do it." She shrugged. "Oh well. I should probably head to my classroom."

"Bye Sophie," Elwin shouted after her as she left the room. She waved him off as she officially got into the hallway. 

When she entered the classroom, Kammry was sitting there patiently before turning and looking at Sophie in surprise. "Uh.. Mrs. S, how's the new look going?"

Sophie chuckled before setting down her bag at her desk. "You can blame this on the Vacker family," she stated. She looked up at Kammry and seriously stated, "You can't trust any of them."

"What happened?" Kammry asked curiously. 

"They made me watch their daughter who decided to take my son's toy and made him cry into my shoulder while ruining my hair in the process." She took out a mirror and gasped at the appearance. "Keefe let me leave the house looking like this and Elwin let me walk into here looking like it?" 

"You just make me want to get married and have kids more," Kammry said sarcastically, laughing a little to add to the words. 

Sophie let out a loud breath. "It's worth it. It really is," she assured. "There's nothing better than the feeling of knowing you're together with someone who loves you almost as much, if not more, than you love him and then having a kid together and looking into that kid's face and knowing that the kid is yours and you're that kid's mother. It's just sometimes I want to inflict on both of them."

Kammy laughed. "Is that why you had me practice inflicting on your husband last week for a 'school assignment'?"

Sophie nodded. "He didn't know it was going to happen," she said with a short laugh. She sat down ad took a brush out of her bag before starting to brush through her tangles. "So, did you do the homework?"


"Then he let me read his mind," Julia finished her story. "I swear, he's my soulmate."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "You're talking about your boyfriend, right?" Sophie clarified. "Callia's brother."

Julia nodded. "Yeah. We've been dating since we were level ones and-"

"Wait, are Callia and her brother twins?"

Julia shook her head. "No. Callia is the youngest. It goes Caine, then Jensen, then me, then Callia in age."

"Jensen... Callia's boyfriend." Sophie nodded. "Right. Anyways, what does this have to do with your transmitting homework?"

"Well, I didn't feel right reading his mind so I transmitted to him but I couldn't hear his thoughts and he had to reply out loud and then he. . . He told me that if I didn't just read his mind already he would conjure up a baseball bat and hit me in the head."

"That's... romantic."

Julia laughed. "What he was thinking is the romantic part. When I started reading his mind I didn't just catch his recent thoughts- I caught some of his non-recent ones and one of his thoughts was that he loves me. My boyfriend loves me. When I got out of his mind I looked him in the eyes and told him I love him too and then we kissed and it was just amazing." Julia grinned. 

Sophie let out a small squeal. "That's so adorable. I'm happy for you guys. You know, if you practice well enough, one day you won't need to touch his temples or your own to read his mind."

She frowned. "But that's my thing," she said.

Sophie shook her head. "It's not a good habit," she stated honestly. "How about this, if you learn how to read thoughts without touching anyone's temples, including your own... I'll give you a 100% on your midterm."

She bit her lip. "What if I don't?"

"Then you'll have to do all the tricks I've planned originally for your midterm. Don't worry though, it's easy. I know you have harder things to worry about for midterms, no need to worry about a telepathy one."

"If I do that can you not only give the 100%, but also bring in Kenric sometime?"

"I don't know..."

"I love your son though. He's adorable."

Sophie sighed. "We'll see. I just don't like to bring him here that often in case he makes too much noise."

Julia grinned. "I'll take that answer."

Sophie nodded. "Speaking of kids, I'm going to tell you a secret," Sophie said, sitting up in her seat. 

"Is it really important?"

"My entire future rests upon in," Sophie stated dramatically. She bit her lip.  Sophie took in a deep breath. "Okay... So, I haven't told anyone yet since there's always someone around and I need to tell somebody before I tell Keefe. Your mind is very strong and I see myself in you a lot."

"What about Kamry?" Julia asked, confused.

Sophie smiled. "Kamry is an inflictor and very talented, and amazing... But her mind isn't strong enough to hold back this knowledge from the front of her brain like I taught you last week."

"This type of information? You said that's for keepers!"

Sophie shook her head. "It's not... Okay, you're thirteen, right?"

"I'm fourteen as of yesterday," she stated proudly. 

Sophie smiled. "Well, that's amazing. Anyways, I'm telling you this because I want you to babysit Kenric for me if possible on Saturday."


"Because somehow, someway, I need to tell Keefe... I'm pregnant again." Sophie bit her lip.

Julia's eyes widened and she squealed. "That's amazing, Mrs. Sencen!" She shouted, giving Sophie a huge hug. "Of course I'll babysit Kenric." 

Sophie nodded. "Thank you."


By the time Saturday rolled around Sophie was a nervous wreck. The doorbell rang and Keefe answered. "Hello?"

Sophie walked down, Kenric on her hip. "Julia, thanks for coming," Sophie greeted. She handed Kenric over to Julia, who put him on her hip. 

"Thanks for asking Mrs. S," she replied, walking inside fully. She changed what she called Sophie depending on situations, but always stuck to the no-lady-sophie rule.

"What are you talking about?" Keefe asked curiously.

"Me and you are going out into the world, Keefe," Sophie explained. "Julia is babysitting."

"I have plans-"

"No you don't," Sophie said. "I talked to literally everyone you know and explained to them in great detail that you were forced to spend one day out of the year to, oh no, hang out with your wife." Sophie raised an eyebrow. 

Keefe frowned. "What?"

"When's the last time we hung out just you and me for an entire day?"

"Sunday," he said, raising two eyebrows. 

"Kenric was with us," she argued. He bit his lip and she groaned. "Come on, Keefe. What's so bad?"

"It's just... One of us is always with Kenric at all times. Even when he's being babysat one of us stays behind anyways."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "This is exactly why we need this. Hear me? We need this. Kenric can't just be our entire lives."

Keefe ran a hand through his hair. "I guess-"

"Yay, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She jumped up and kissed his lips for a second before pulling away and looking at Julia. "Thanks again," she said before tugging him out of the house.


I wasn't going to do this but then I watched the Josh and Colleen proposal... and the wedding vlog from her channel.... and the wedding vlog from his channel... 

and ugh so much inspiration. I LOVED IT!

you guys should go and watch all three of those videos on YouTube. You don't even have to know them to get the tears rolling. 

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