Unlikely Friends
~Merida and Hiccup~
Merida happily smiled as she headed towards the hospital. Luck was finally on her side. Hiccup had been making progress and doctors figured he would be out in a couple of months. He could actually greet her by name now.
They had finally finished the first season and wished that they would have made more. They would have come in handy at this point. He actually asked her if they had any more. Sadly, Merida wasn't one to record her life on a daily basis.
She wasn't afraid to enter his room anymore. Besides the fact that the last four years didn't really click in his mind, he was the same Hiccup she grew to love. He was still sweet, caring, and a slight smart ass.
Merida entered the hospital, heading towards the room she had memorized. Since she had been coming here, she had seen multiple people come and go. All of them had different lives, different stories, and yet, they were all here in the same building and didn't know a single thing about each other.
As she walked down the hallway, she noticed a familiar blonde. Her braid was in a mess and she looked like she hadn't slept all night. As badly as this sounded, Merida slightly enjoyed seeing her a wreck.
The blonde lifted her head at the sound of footsteps echoing in the hall. "Merida." Astrid spoke, quickly rising to her feet. Merida softly smirked, knowing she had the upper hand at this point.
"Astrid, long time no see. How's it going?" Merida asked, propping her hands on her hips. She glared down at the blonde, wanting to see her cry. Merida hadn't seen Astrid since the first few videos. In fact, she hadn't even heard her name slip out of Hiccup's mouth since that day.
"Merida, I have to tell you something." Astrid quickly replied, ignoring Merida's snarky reply. Astrid knew she deserved it after all, but she had to get this off of her chest before it was too late.
"Like what? Let me guess, does it involve Hiccup?" Merida asked, tapping her chin and glared off to the side, fluttering her eyelashes. She was going to annoy Astrid hard. Merida finally had a reason to.
"Well, yes, actually," Astrid replied, shrugging her shoulder. She stopped and quickly shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows. "But that has nothing to do with what I'm going to tell you now."
"Really? Then what where you going to tell me, Asturd?" Merida asked smugly. She smiled down at Astrid, hoping her name calling would make her snap. She loved seeing her enemy crumble.
"I wanted to say that I'm sorry!" Astrid shouted, stomping her foot. Merida's blue eyes widened as Astrid's response echoed in her head. Did Merida really just hear her right? Thee Astrid Hoffersen was apologizing?
Astrid groaned, looking to the floor. She didn't want it to come out so rude. She ran her fingers through her messy blonde hair and took a deep inhale. "Look, I'm sorry for what I've been in the past few weeks."
Merida arched her eyebrow, confused about what was happening. "I shouldn't have tried take Hiccup away from you. I mean, he's literally your husband, the idea that I could actually snatch him was a very far stretch." She continued, beginning to pace back and forth.
"So you're apologizing because you realized that you couldn't actually steal him away?" Merida questioned. This wasn't making any sense to her. Astrid would never admit defeat. Like Merida, they couldn't take the embarrassment of losing.
"No. I'm apologizing because I feel guilty!" Astrid exclaimed, clutching her chest. "The guilt has been eating away at me for the past couple of months! But I'm too stubborn to admit defeat and had to continue."
"That doesn't give you an excuse to literally steal him away. You should have just told me the truth and we could have made these past couple of months a lot easier on the rest of us!" Merida shouted back. This was why Astrid continued on her stupid mission? Merida began to feel her heart rate rising as she stared at the blonde.
"I couldn't let my only friend walk out on my life again!" Astrid declared. They stared at each other, their face now inches away. Astrid was slightly panting as tears began to build behind her blue eyes, "I couldn't lose him again." She whispered.
Merida shook her head softly, unsure what was unfolding right now. Astrid let out a little sigh, knowing she would have to explain herself. "After Hiccup married you, I was cut from the picture. He was my only friend and since you and I don't get along he stopped talk to me."
"I know that I once told him that I loved him, but I out grew that. Besides, I could only see him as a friend now, but he doesn't see that anymore. I hoped that maybe I could get him back to be my friend," Astrid explained as she plopped down on the seat outside of his room. "I know that's not an excuse for the pain I've caused your family, but-"
"I'm sorry too." Merida interrupted. If only Astrid and her had learned how much they had in common with each other years ago. Maybe they could have been closer friends and wouldn't have been rivals.
"For what? I'm the one who caused you pain. If anything, you should be hating my guts and screaming at me. At least that's what I would be doing right now." Astrid replied, staring her blue eyes at the ground.
"I'm sorry that I just assumed you were a heartless bitch. We were quick to judge each other instead of seeing what we had in common. I'm not going to forget what you've done to me for a long time, but I want to eventually become your friend." Merida stated, looking down at the blonde. Merida held out her hand, offering it to Astrid.
The blonde looked up, tears beginning to trail down her cheeks. "I get it," she sniffed. "I wouldn't forgive myself for a long time either. But, I will take you up on that friend offer." She laughed as she took Merida's hand. This was the start to an endless friendship.
~Elsa and Jack~
Elsa took a deep breath and closed her eyes. This was going to be okay. Everything would all get worked out and feelings would be sorted. They would frankly be on the same page.
She exited her car and flipped her hair over her shoulder. She walked towards Jack, a smile gently resting on her face. He grinned, lightly tapping her arm. "Are ya ready?" He asked.
She let out a little sigh and nodded her head. "I suppose."
They walked up the stairs and entered the small building. This therapy would be a good thing. Jack would finally see that they weren't meant to be together and she would finally show herself.
The past few weeks had been, well, complicated. Ever since they helped watched the Fitzherbert kids, Elsa had been lost on her feelings. She wanted to divorce Jack years ago, but now, she was changing her mind.
Jack, well, he figured Elsa didn't love him the same anymore. He could tell by the way her eyes looked into his. They weren't the same bright blue eyes he grew to love. They were now dull, making him feel empty.
After signing in, they were brought into a small, but cozy, room. They took a seat beside each other, both of them sitting in their hands. Neither one wanted to be the first to speak.
Their therapist let out a little sigh and checked off a few things on a piece of paper. She glanced up at them and wrote a few more things. Elsa could feel her heart rate beginning to rise. "So, I just need to clear up a few questions quick, okay?" The therapist started.
Jack and Elsa nodded their heads, both of their throats starting to clamp up. "Okay, are you two still living together?"
"No." She roughly answered quickly. She cleared her throat and gave a slight glance at Jack, who slightly shuddered. Jack hated hearing that. He hated watching her slip away from his fingers.
The therapist nodded her head and quickly wrote it down. Elsa let out a long exhale and stared at the ceiling. This was taking forever and was completely pointless. Jack and her weren't meant to be. "Okay, I think we're ready to go. Now, I want to start off simple, okay?"
Jack and Elsa nodded their heads. "Good, now, we're going to say three positives about each other," she explained. They nodded their heads, thoughts still swarming their minds. "Jack, would you please go first?"
Jack ruffled his hair and cleared his throat. He sat up and faced his body towards Elsa. "Elsa, I love how considerate you are. I like how you work hard at everything you do and try to give me a heathy like lifestyle."
"Good, good. Elsa, your turn."
Elsa straightened up, slightly turning her body towards Jack. "Well, I like how you always have fun. You have always done what's best for me and you have always supported me." She replied.
The therapist smiled and nodded her head. This was turning out wonderfully. This couple would be an easy fix. They seemed to be on the same grounds, which would help a lot. "Very nice. Now, Jack, I want you to say one negative about Elsa."
Jack looked up at the ceiling. Hm. What should he began with? "Well, what I hate about Elsa is how everything has to be perfect." He answered. Immediately, Elsa scoffed.
"That's not true." She replied. Jack fake laughed and nodded his head.
"You have to be in control of everything and make everything perfect in your eyes. If something goes wrong for some reason, it's my fault! You have to everything exactly the way you had it planned in your head." He exclaimed.
"At least I'm responsible! You don't care about anything! You are so laid back that it drives me insane!" She fired back, raising her voice louder than his. Okay, maybe the therapist thought too soon.
"At least I know how to have fun! All you want to do is work your life away!" Jack shouted, getting closer to her. He couldn't believe this was happening right now.
"Because I want a future! Unlike you, I actually want to have nice things!" She declared. She couldn't believe him. Her face was beginning to turn a shade of pink. She was fuming.
"A future? Elsa, you're like 36! At this point, I don't see why you can't have any fun!" He snapped. Things were starting to unravel in front of the therapist. She had to put an end to this.
"Elsa," she started, watching them shout at each other again. "Jack. You guys need to take it down a notch." She softly commanded. But they couldn't hear her over their shouts. For some reason, it was like they had forgotten all about their positives.
~Rapunzel and Eugene~
Rapunzel wandered around the kitchen, her question still rattling inside of her brain. She wanted to answer Mr. Renaldo, but she couldn't do that until she and Eugene had made a decision.
Speaking of which, Eugene would be home any second. Things had been a little tense in their relationship, but it was nothing they couldn't handle. They were both just at different points.
A loud noise came from the boys' room, but Rapunzel didn't really want to deal with it at the moment. She wanted to sit down, by herself, and think about what to do with her life. Zach was colorblind and she was offered a huge job. She didn't even know what to do anymore. "Momma!"
She let out a groan and wiped her hands on the white towel. "I'm coming." She replied, heading towards their room. When she entered, she found the place completely trashed. Toy and clothes were littered everywhere.
Bastian crawled out from under bed, his eyebrows furrowed. "Where are our trucks?" He asked. Rapunzel didn't reply, still in shock from how much of a mess two little boys could do in ten minutes. "Momma?"
"Huh? What?" She asked, blinking as she looked back at her child. He looked up at her with his big, brown eyes.
"Where are our trucks?" He repeated. Zach nuzzled out beside of him, his brown hair a complete mess. He smiled and giggled at Rapunzel. He was having fun crawling under the beds with his brother.
"They're in the closet." She answered, heading towards their little closet. She stepped over the toys, hopping in the open spaces. She pushed open the door, shoving everything into a little pile.
Rapunzel forced her way into the closet, reaching down and grabbing the box full of their trucks. She placed the box on the desk, watching the boys scramble to get their favorite.
She let out a sigh and left the room. This house was a complete disaster. Everywhere she looked, she saw dirty clothes, toys everywhere, and things they didn't even need anymore. She knew she had to clean this place up, but it seemed impossible. Every time she tried to tidy up, it somehow got worse.
Just as she passed the office, she heard Rosie stir. Just great. The cries began to fill the house. Rapunzel groaned and opened the room, quickly picking up the baby. Immediately, Rosie quieted down.
As if on cue, he her husband entered the house. Little did he know what was going on inside her head. "I'm home!" He declared, kicking his shoes off at the front door. Usually, the boys would come running up to greet him, but today, they didn't. "Hello?"
Rapunzel walked out into the living room, seeing Eugene. "Hey," he quickly greeted. He rushed to her side. She sent him a small glare as she bent down and placed the baby in the playpen. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, gripping her wrist.
He quickly noticed the black circles under her dull green eyes. Her blonde hair was a tangled mess and she was wearing dirty clothes. It looked like she had been through hell and back. "I'm fine." She answered.
He looked her over, knowing she was lying, but he knew his limits. He didn't want to push her and get into a fight in front of the kids. "Okay." He replied, biting his lower lip.
She walked back into the kitchen, loudly exhaling as she ran her fingers through her hair. He followed her, wondering if there was anything he could do to help her. He knew they were in a small fight, but he didn't want to just completely shut her out. "Need help?" He offered.
She sighed, placing her hands on her hips. "It would be great if you could wash the dishes. They've been in there for who knows how long because the dishwasher is broken." She explained.
"Still? I thought I fixed it." He stated as he started the water in the sink. She shook her head as she grabbed a pan out from under the stove.
"Yeah, well, I think we would do better off if we got a professional. I mean, no offense, Eugene, but you're a much better writer than a repair man." She replied, making him softly smile.
"Hey, I'm a man. I should be able to do the manly stuff around here." He grinned, making her gently smile. She started the stove as she grabbed a cartoon of eggs out of the fridge.
"So, how was work?" She asked, trying to make small talk. She smashed the egg against the pan, making scrambled eggs for supper. She still had to make the French Toast, but that wasn't high on her priorities right now.
"Actually, I wanted to tell you this at a better time, but since you asked, I got a promotion." He answered, not looking her in the eyes. He knew she wouldn't want to hear about this now. The topic of moving up in the ranks for both of them was a difficult subject.
"Really? So what are you doing now?" She questioned, a hint of anger present in her voice. Just great. Before, they could hardly get any money, and now, both of them were going to be earning more.
"Ah, well, I'm glad you asked," he started. "They want me to be writing on the family section. Multiple coworkers have gossiped about how crazy my life is at home and they figured everyone else would want to hear about our hilarious experiences." He explained.
Rapunzel softly smiled. Okay, she had to admit, it sounded perfect for Eugene. Besides, the comics were starting to get old anyways. No one really read them anymore. A new family section would be great. "I'm proud of you." She smiled.
"Thank you," He replied, turned to look her in the eyes. They grinned at each other before he smashed his lips against hers. "Love you." He added, looking down at his wife.
"I love you too, Eugene." She replied, showing off her white teeth. Just because they were in a fight didn't mean they didn't love each other. They still supported each other through thick and thin, they just both knew they had to make a decision about their next step in life and fast.
~Anna and Kristoff~
"Okay, you can do this, Anna. It's gonna be okay." She prepped herself up as she stood outside of the building. Inside, was a monster she didn't want to see again. But she just had to talk to him, maybe get him to change his mind.
She slowly entered the building, thoughts racing in her head. She headed towards the front desk, her heart beginning to race, actually, it began to burn, but that was common for a pregnancy, right? "How may I help you today, ma'am?" A woman asked.
"Um, may I talk to Hans Isle?" Anna stuttered, hoping she didn't sound like a complete fool. It had been a while since she had been a place this fancy. Since Elsa and Jasmine's job took off, they didn't really need Anna anymore, and she was okay with that. She had never been good with proper people.
"Sorry, he's currently with a client. Please come back later or make an appointment for a later day." She replied, her voice dry. She acted like she spoke these words everyday from memory. She slid Anna a card as the woman tapped her earpiece.
She picked it up, seeing that the date was in two months. Anna couldn't wait that long. "Actually, this is very important so it would be great if I could talk to him today, well, right now, actually." Anna rambled.
The woman glared at Anna as she wiped her blonde strand behind her ear. "Ma'am, please come back at another time. Mr. Isle is busy at the moment." She repeated, her blue eyes showing she was getting annoyed.
"I know, I know, but just tell him that I'm here. I promise I'll get out of your hair if you just call him up quick." Anna replied, pointing towards the telephone. The woman blinked at her as Anna sent her a shy smile.
"Ma'am, please, just let me do my job." She calmly replied, though Anna could tell she was pissed off in the inside. All Anna had to do was push a few of her buttons, wait, maybe some actual buttons.
"Okay, you tell me to come back later while I call Hans myself." Anna mumbled as she bit her tongue, trying to reach over the counter for the phone. It wouldn't be so hard to call his office.
The woman grabbed Anna's hand, not taking her blue eyes off of her. "Fine. I'll call him," she growled. The woman didn't want to do this since she knew Hans was very impatient, especially if it involved client. "Name?"
"Anna Bjorgman." She quickly answers,d leaning towards the counter as best as she could. What? It's hard when you're extremely pregnant. Just anyone.
The woman rolled her eyes, thinking this was going to end up with shouts and screaming, but to her surprise, Hans actually wanted to see Anna. To be honest, he slightly begged for her to come up.
She watched Anna penguin march towards the elevator. Anna gently rested her right hand on her stomach as her left hand gripped the handle. Slowly, the doors closed behind her and Anna was quickly sent up to the top floor.
Anna waddled out, heading towards Hans' office. She was so nervous to see him. She really hoped that he wouldn't flip out on her, not only because she was pregnant, but because he kind of hated her.
She knocked on the door, letting out a small sigh. "Come in, Anna." His voice called, sending shivers up her spine.
She entered the room, a fake smile plastered on her face. "Hello, Hans." She greeted, walking towards his desk. Hans grinned, rolling away from his desk and walking towards her.
"Well, well, if it isn't the great Anna Bjorgman with a bun in the oven. Is this your second child?" He asked, looking her over.
She gently nodded her head, slightly nervous about how much he knew about her. But, to be honest, she wouldn't be surprised if he was stalking her. After all, he bought Kristoff's company just to fire him. All of that work just for her. Disgusting, yet, flattering.
He led her toward his desk, giving her his best seat. Slowly, she sat down across from him, wondering why he was being so nice to her. After all, she broke up with him and yet, he let her back into his life. "So, whatcha doing here?" Hans asked.
"Well, I just wanted to ask you a few questions." Anna began, brushing her strawberry blonde hair behind her ears. She was anxious about what he would say, but she just had to know. There was no other option.
"Fire away, baby." He replied, resting his feet on his desk as he pretended to fire guns at her. He rested back, his head resting in his hands. He knew why Anna was here.
"Hans," Anna started, looking towards the floor. "Did you fire Kristoff out of revenge for me?" She asked, laying it all out on the table. She wasn't going to waste time keeping feelings safe. She was pregnant and wanted to be home.
Hans fake gasped as he placed his hand on his chest. "Anna, why would you think that?"
Anna shrugged her shoulders, still not looking into his green eyes. She didn't want to be intimidated by him. She wouldn't fall for his sick mind games. "Well, last time we talked, you acted like you wanted both of us dead, so I just figured you were behind the whole thing."
Hans ticked his tongue, sitting up as he shook his head. "Anna. Sweet, sweet, Anna. What took you so long?" He grinned, placing his head in his hands.
Her jaw dropped as she looked up to see his face. She couldn't believe it. He had actually done it. "You bastard." She whispered, staring at his face.
He innocently smiled, tilting his head. "Don't you just love revenge? Because I know I sure do. It's so sweet and sour all at the same time. It leaves you on a high with your limbs all tingly with power."
"What have you done, Hans?" Anna growled, shaking her head.
"What have I done?" He repeated, glaring into her blue eyes. "No, Anna. It's more like, what have you done?"
QOTC: What's your favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
Personally, mine is Tangled.
I'm sooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in over a month! School registration is in less than a week, I still haven't done anything productive this summer, and I need to update all of my books. I know, I don't have much of an excuse besides the lack of motivation, but I really am sorry. To be honest, it was all of your comments that finally got me to finish this chapter. I want to thank you guys for helping me out and reading and voting on this book. Can't wait to see you again soon! (Hopefully!)
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