Chapter 99

Soon they stood out of the bunker; the lost boys had their sticks pointed at them.

" Stand down lost boys," Ethel demanded. " The Red Hair Princess and The Hellcaster are on our side, and they've come bearing good news. Our quest is complete.

" Where's Rickey?" Callie asked as she scanned the boys.

" He just took off," the of the boys answered.

" He's probably reporting back to the Gargoyle King and the Black Hood," Jughead suspected.

" Jack?" Ethel asked. " Where's Jack?"

" He went back to the bus to get his carving knife," the boy answered.

" We can't leave Jack behind," Ethel insisted as she turned to the other two. " He's the youngest."

" We'll find them," Callie assured as Jughead sighed. 

" He's never gonna trust you on your own," Ethel warned.

" Well, then, come on," Jughead ordered, they set off to the junkyard to find Jack the Adventure Scout.


" Jack?" Ethel called out as they walked around the junkyard. " Jack?" She looked back at the other two. " Maybe he's on the bus." She opened the bus doors; they climbed on the same bus that Fp showed them a while back. " Jack, are you here?" A boy popped up suddenly.

" I can't find my knife," Jack informed.

" Okay, I'll get you a new one, but right now we have to go right now," Ethel said.

" Why'd you bring the Red Hair Princess and the Hellcaster?" Jack asked.

" It's okay; you can trust them," Ethel assured. Jughead rubbed his shoulder as they heard the sound of metal scrapping. Callie looked out the window to see a man in all black appearing...It was the Black Hood.

" Get down, right now," Callie ordered as Jughead shoved them all down.

" Shh," Jughead ordered as he put a hand over Ethel's mouth. " Don't say another word." Soon there were more metal scraping sounds, and soon on the bus. The Black Hood pounded on the hood of the old bus.

" Go, go, go, go," Callie ordered as she ushered everyone to the back.

" Get the back door. Back door!" Jughead shouted as he put Callie in front of him. Ethel lifted the emergency handle, but the door wasn't opening.

" It won't budge!" Ethel panicked.

" Ethel, open the back door," Jughead ordered as he watched the main bus door.

" It won't budge!" Ethel shouted.

" Ethel, open the door!" Jughead shouted. 

" God!" Ethel shouted as the Black Hood stepped on to the bus.

" Move, move," Callie ordered as she pushed Ethel to the side. She kicked it a couple of times before it could open.

"We gotta go," Ethel told Jack as she helped him off the bus.

" Go!" Jughead and Callie shouted as the Black Hood made his way down the bus aisle. They all got off, Jughead closed the back door, Callie raced over to the front and closed those doors, she held her back against it.

" He's going to the front!" She heard Ethel shout.

" Step forward," Jughead said as he picked up a pipe, Callie stepped forward as Jughead slid the tube through the door handles.

" That's not gonna hold him," Ethel said. " We have to go." They ran far away from the junkyard as fast as they could.

Callie gets home to find her mom and Archie getting ready to leave the house.

" The fight's tonight," Mom told her as she wiped dirt off her cheek.

" Count me in," Callie smiled.

" Well, duh," Archie ruffled her hair. " Wouldn't it be suspicious if you're not there?"

" We don't want to raise any suspicion," Moma added.

" Of course not," Callie smiled.

" Where were you when Veronica went to go to talk to her dad."

" I had to help Jug with something," Callie answered. " Is Pea still here?"

" Upstairs I believe," Mom answered. " No fooling around, and get to the match."

" Of course," Callie smiled. They left the house and Callie went up to find Sweet Pea writing down the conversation between Veronica and her dad. " Look at you taking notes." Sweet Pea's head jolted towards her.

" Where have you been?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Jughead dragged me to Fox Forest, stopped Ricky from drinking from those cups, hid in Dillion's bunker as a bunch of Lost Boys tried to kill us, then found an Adventure Scout on a bus at the Junkyard, looking for his knife, and then the Black Hood showed up," Callie explained.

" The Black Hood!" Sweet Pea exclaimed as he jolted to his feet.

" Come on tree topper, we have a match to catch," Callie said as she held out her hand.

" But I'm not done," Sweet Pea said as he pointed at the paper. Callie looked to see a ton of paper.

" Are you rewriting it?" Callie asked as she raised her eyebrows.

" I wanted it to look neater for you," Sweet Pea admitted as he looked at her shoes.

" Thanks," Callie smiled as she walked over. " I love all versions of your handwriting, now come on, the match is going to be thrilling." She grabbed his hand, and soon the two went down to El Royle.

Late that night the boxing match was starting, Callie sat in between her mom and Sweet Pea. They watched Archie dancing around on his feet in the ring, with his robe over his head. Hiram walked out in blue robes and crowd cheered louder.

" I hope Archie beats him," Sweet Pea wished.

" A lot of Riverdale folks do," Callie stated.

" He deserves it for all that he's done to my family," Mom shook her head. Hiram got into the ring, soon the two took off their robes and met in the middle.

" Touch 'em up," the referee ordered. 

" Had this date a long time, you and I," Hiram said before the two pounded gloves. The referee got in the middle as the two went to their corners.

" Box," the referee demanded, the bell dinged, and the match had officially started. The two began to get at each other. Archie landed a couple of punches, but soon Hiram began to get more on Archie. Then Hiram grabbed him by the side illegally and began to pound on Archie.

" Ref!" Archie shouted, but the ref ignored him. They separated, and Archie stared down Hiram. " That how it's gonna be? The two took off their gloves, and the second match started. " Lets' go!" Hiram pounded on Archie till the boy stepped back and collapsed onto his chair. Not too long after that, the bell went off. Archie was starting to look very worn down. Hiram swore a fist into his stomach and then head-butted him.

'Hurrying up Vee," Callie wished nervously, a hand grabbed her, she looked down to see it was Sweet Pea's hand, she looked at him, he searched her eyes to see if she was alright. She then grabbed on to her mom's hand, they squeezed hands. The bell dinged fives times before Hiram would stop. He then threw the ref out of the way.

 " He can't do that!" Callie blurted angrily.

" The ends now!" Hiram shouted. He poinded Archie till he was on his knees.  He grabbed Archie by the hair. "Just remember, you asked for this." He raised a fist.

" Archie!" Mom cried out as she jumped to her feet.

" Daddy, stop!" a voice cried out; they looked to see Veronica. He let go of Archie.

" I beat you," Hiram panted. " I'm the better man."

" No," Archie panted. " You lost. I was just keeping you busy."

" Hiram Lodge," Sheriff Jones said as he walked into the building, Sweet Pea and Callie looked at each other and smiled, Callie then let go of Sweet Pea and her mom, before slowly made her way down towards the ring. FP then stepped into the ring. " It is with great pleasure that I say; you're under arrest."

" For what?" Hiram demanded as FP put handcuffs on him.

" For conducting illegal activities at your establishments," Veronica answered as she and Callie entered the ring. Callie went down to Archie and held him up. " El Royale boxing club and La Bonne Nuit speakeasy."

" You betrayed me?" Hiram asked as he got taken away.

" Archie," Callie breathed.

" Are you okay?" Mom asked she looked up to see Mom and Sweet Pea standing outside the ring. He nodded his head.

" Hey, hey," Veronica said as she knelt on the other side of Archie.

" Did we do it?" Archie asked.

" We got him," Veronica smiled. Archie then put his head onto Callie's lap.

When they got home Sweet Pea went up to his trailer as Callie and her mom tended to Archie.

" So you and Veronica are quite the dynamic duo," Mom said as Callie held an ice pack to Archie's eye. " Are you...I don't know."

" Back together?" Callie asked.

" Sometimes, it feels like we're gonna get back together," Archie explained. " But then..."

" Well, personally, I think you're endgame," Mom admitted.

" Endgame?" Archie asked.

" Oh yeah," Callie nodded.

" But it doesn't really matter what I think. Maybe you should ask her what she thinks," Mom suggested. Archie got up.

" You really think we're endgame?" Archie asked.

" Callie and Sweet Pea are endgame and so are you and Veronica," Mom said.

Then Callie's phone rang, it was Jughead. 

" I'm gonna take this," Callie said as she walked away answering the phone. " Um, hey."

" Are you two ready to hear the craziest thing ever?" Jughead asked.

" Well, I think I might have you beat on that one," Betty admitted.

" According to Ethel, Jason Blossom is the Gargoyle King," Jughead said, Callie made an unsure face. " That's not possible, is it?"

" It's impossible," Callie said.

" Normally, I would immediately say no, but there's only one way to find out definitively," Betty said. " A way that would make Dr. Curdle Jr. proud."

" I'm going to have to dig up Jason's body, aren't I?" Jughead asked.

" Not alone," Callie sighed.

" Call me afterward," Betty requested before hanging up.

" Meet me at the cemetery with a shovel," Jughead ordered before hung up the phone.

" One normal night," Callie groaned, she went up to her room snuck out and went to the cemetery with a shovel. The two dug up Jason's grave, using the motorcycle and lamp for light. They spent hours digging, soon they finally came across the coffin, they opened it to find nobody inside.

" This is impossible," Jughead panted as they stood up and shut the coffin.

" We all saw the video of Jason being shot," Callie added. 

" Then where's the body?" Jughead asked.

" How should I know?" Callie snapped as they got to put the dirt back.

" I mean Cheryl says when she's at the farm she gets to talk to...Holy shit."

" Are you saying the Farm stole Jason's body?" Jughead asked.

" It's a possibility," Callie said.

" That's insane," Jughead denied.

" Is insane enough for a Riverdale? A town where fathers killed their sons, serial killers, a game that is like a drug?" Callie asked.

" Then who is portraying as the Gargoyle King if it is not Jason?" Jughead asked.

" Chic," Callie said.

" Impossible," Jughead denied. " Betty handed him to the Black Hood last year."

" But how can we be so sure the Black Hood killed him?" Callie asked. " Besides I saw him like last week."

" And you didn't want to tell us?" Jughead demanded.

" I tried," Callie remembered him. " But neither of you thought I was telling the truth when I said the Black Hood was alive." Jughead looked at her.

" And Penelope?" Jughead asked.

" Behind it all," Callie answered. " She has this game planned, but I don't know what is, or who is involved."


After they finished fixing Jason's grave, Callie went to the Sheriff station, she wanted to talk to Hiram. 

" I don't have to talk to you," Hiram denied when he saw her walk in.

" Good," Callie rolled her eyes. " Your fight with my brother."

" I would have won if my daughter didn't step in," Hiram said.

" No," Callie denied. " I was in the audience, so was my mother and Sweet Pea. If you killed my brother, you would have murdered a minor with your bare hands,no lawyer would have saved you, the Feds were already on their way with the Sheriff. You still would have lost."

" This is going to affect my family," Hiram informed.

" You are the main reason your family is falling apart," Callie said. " I wasn't the one to put your wife as Mayor, I wasn't the one to build a prison, nor did I put an innocent boy in juvie for something one of your hitmen did."

" Maybe you're the Andrews I should have locked up all this time," Hiram said. " I'll keep that in mind."

" Mr. Lodge, you lied to Veronica, you gave her a fake deed," Callie said. " You are seen as the most dangerous and corrupt man in this town. As for me? I'm the red hair princess, who's word do you think they will take?"

" I would be careful young Andrews," Hiram warned.

" Your days are over Mr. Lodge," Callie said. " If you come for my family ever again, I will be afraid to strike back. I will not be speechless. I hope you enjoy prison for practically for the rest of your life." She turned to leave.

" Whatever you have planned, you won't win," Hiram warned. 

" I have friends by my side," Callie said. " We will win together."

" Not against what could come next," Hiram said, " My empire may be up for grabs, but I will win t back."

" Your empire is the least of my concern," Callie said. 

" Ms. Blossom would not let it go," Hiram informed.

" The fact you teamed up with Ms. Blossom is foolish," Callie said turning to him. " She killed her husband before he was hung, she killed Mr. Doiley, she has the Black Hood under her control."

" What?" Hiram asked.

" You better hope she doesn't visit you tonight," Callie warned before leaving.

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