Chapter 95

After the match, people sat at the hospital, waiting on word of Ronson's condition. Callie sat with Sweet Pea, across from Josie, Archie, and Veronica.

" Ms. Ronson?" the doctor asked, walking over to her.

" Yes," she said, standing up with the other girls.

" We did everything we could, I'm very sorry," The doctor apologized.

" How did this happen?" Elio demanded.

" We'll know more after the autopsy comes back," Dr. Patel answered

" We need to see him," Ms. Ronson requested.

" Of course," Dr. Patel said. " The nurse will show you." They walked towards the back, sobbing, Dr. Patel turned to follow them.

" Dr. Patel," Archie called getting up.

" Yes," He said.

" Listen, there's something you should know," Archie informed. " Randy was juicing."

" Excuse me," Elio demanded as he walked over.

" You gave it to him," Mad Dog said as he and Veronica stood up.

" I would never give one of my fighters drugs," Elio declined. " What Randy chose to put into his body, unbeknownst to me, is not my responsibility."

" Well, aren't you manager of the year," Veronica sassed.

" His blood is on your hands," Mad Dog growled.

" No, his blood is all over Archie's hands, literally," Elio informed. " Better lawyer up, Andrews, you killed him in that ring, and you know it."

" Just so you know any lawyer you have, will be no match for my sister," Archie informed.

" We'll see about that," Elio growled before walking away.

" You have been out of the hospital for two days, and they are already working you," Sweet Pea whispered to her.

" I wonder how they got by without me," Callie grumbled back.

They all left the hospital, Sweet Pea went home for the night. Dad and Callie were being told everything by Archie; he was pacing back in forth in the kitchen.

" Arch, from everything you've said, it's clear that Randy died from those drugs," Callie said. " An autopsy will support that. You're innocent."

" I'm not, Cal," Archie panicked. " I knew. I knew Randy was juicing. I could've stopped the fight, but I didn't wanna forfeit. If I had...I'm never stepping into that ring ever again." He leaned against the counter. " I can't." He then walked away. Dad and Callie looked at each other.

" What are we going to do?" Dad asked.

" What we have been doing," Callie answered. " Stay by Archie's side; don't let him stray down another dark path."

" Are you up for this lawyer work?" Dad asked her.

" I'm not an actual lawyer," Callie admitted. " Well, not yet." She leaned against the counter. " Maybe we should call mom or Ms. Keller."

" Two very go ideas," Dad agreed.

The next morning Callie woke up from a call from Veronica.

" Ronnie?" Callie yawned into the phone.

" Your brother and Mad Dog are both currently locked up at the sheriff station," Veronica informed. 

" Time to bail them out," Callie groaned as she sat up. Minutes later, Veronica pulled up, and they went to the station.

" I posted your bail as soon as I could," Veronica informed as Callie opened the cell.

" Thanks, Ronnie," Archie breathed.

 "We'll pay you back," Mad Dog promised.

" Gentlemen, that's the least of our worries," Veronica said. " Elio's been a busy bee." All four of them went to Pops and watched the news, Alice was interviewing Elio.

" Now that Randy Ronson's autopsy has revealed the ugly truth."

" And what truth is that?" Alice asked.

" That he was indeed taking performance-enhancing drugs provided by his competitor Archie Andrews," Elio answered.

" Alice Smith..." Veronica turned off the tv before Alice could finish. 

" This is nuts," Archie stated. " Elio's the one who gave Randy the drugs."

" That may be impossible to prove," Callie admitted.

" He's setting me up to the fall, Callie and Ronnie," Archie said. " Am I screwed?"

" With me in your corner? Never," Veronica answered. She leaned over to him. " I'm going to dog walk that lying cad."

" But we do need to play defense," Callie informed.

" How do we do that?" Mad Dog asked.

" Glad you asked," Callie smiled at him as Veronica pushed two water glasses to the two boys. " Drink up." Hours later Callie stood in front of Pops surrounded by camera people, standbyers. Veronica stood in front of Pops with Mad Dog and Archie behind her.

" I am pleased to announce that the results of the drug test taken by Archie Andrews and Mad Dog Moore have both come back negative. And as the investigation into the horrific death of Randy Ronson continues-"

" He murdered our brother," Ms. Ronson shouted. Everyone looked to see the Ronsons siblings walking up with Elio and his bodyguards.

 " Ms. Ronson, I assure you Archie didn't-" Veronica tried to argue.

" You should fry for what you did," Ms. Ronson growled. Archie stepped up to her.

" Ms. Ronson, believe me, if I could take back what-" Archie began before getting slapped across the face, everyone gasped.

" Oh, did you get that?" Alice asked the camera guy.

" I'm so sorry," Archie apologized. " I wish it were me and not him."

" I think you're not alone in that sentiment, Andrews," Elio said as he pulled Ms. Ronson away.

That night Callie sat in a booth at Pops with Sweet Pea, he was looking a lot better then he has in the past couple of days. It was storming heavily outside, so they took her car.

" How's Archie doing?"  Sweet Pea asked.

"He feels bad," Callie said. " He knew Randy was juicing, but he didn't want to forfeit."

" The ref should have just called it in the first place," Sweet Pea said. " If he did then Randy would still be alive."

" I just wish there was something I could do for the Ronsons," Callie wished.

" I'm sure you'll figure something out," Sweet Pea assured as he grabbed her hand and rubbed it. " Speaking of juicing has Kurtz been caught?"

" I'm not entirely sure," Callie admitted. " I haven't heard any of the Jones since that night, to be honest." The doors then busted open, three people in Serpents masks walked in.

" Everybody, on the ground, right now!" a voice shouted, it sounded familiar.

" I think we found the Jones family," Sweet Pea said as the two of them got on the ground.

" Get down!" Jughead shouted.

" Or they found us," Callie said. Two serpents pointed guns at both sides as another robbed the cash register. There was a gub shot, one of the serpents fell and the glass shattered. The other two went to the fallen serpent.

" Pop!" Jughead shouted, putting his hands up and ripping off his mask. " Pops, don't. This isn't what you think."

" Go! Go! GO!" Fp ordered.

" Go!" Gladys ordered. " We gotta go! We gotta go!"

" Dad!" Jughead shouted. " Dad! Dad!"

" Damn it, we gotta go!" Gladys demanded as she tried to pull Jughead away from Fp.

" Go, go!" Fp shouted as he took off his mask. " Save Jellybean." The other two ran out of the place.

" Well the Jones sure do know how to make an entrance," Sweet Pea noted. 

" And an exit," Callie added. " Mr. Jones." The two crawled over the Sheriff.

" What are you two doing here?" Fp panted.

" I think the more important question is why are you robbing pops?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Long story," Fp panted. They looked at him. " Kurtz's associate has Jellybean. And we can't get he back until the Jones wins a final round of G&G."

" We have to save her!" Sweet Pea insisted as he stood up. " I'm gonna kill that psycho."

" If Kurtz dies, so does JB," Fp said as he sat up, Pops gave Callie a First Aid Kit, and she began to tend to the Sheriff as they wait for an ambulance. " Don't you dare interfere." He then looked at Callie. " You recalled it being a final round; you just couldn't remember it was for the Jones family."

" I'm sorry, Fp," Callie apologized.

" You don't need to be sorry," Fp said. " You had memory loss, I was prepared for a final round, but I wasn't prepared that my family would be the only players in the final round."


The next day, Callie was cleaning up the gym with Archie, she was sweeping as Archie picked up things.

" Slow day?" Elio asked they looked to see him walking in with his capo.

" What the hell are you doing here, Elio?" Archie demanded,

" We have some unfinished business," Elio said as he reached into a coat pocket. He pulled out an envelope.  " $50,000, courtesy of the Gilded Gloves." He held it out. " Despite what happened to poor Randy, you did win. It's yours."

" I don't want your blood-money," Archie denied.

" Don't be a fool, Archie," Elio warned as he walked forward. " You went 12 rounds in your first fight. You're a winner." Callie walked over to them. " I could take you all the way to Vegas. I'd call you the "Riverdale Reaper." People'll pay a lot of money to see you in the ring. After all, you're a killer now." Archie marched forward, Callie put the broom in front of him as Elio's guys stepped forward.

" Two against one," Elio noted. " Bad odds, even for you."

" Get the hell out of his gym," Callie demanded.

" Consider my offer, Reaper," Elio said before leaving. 

Later that day Callie sat at La Bonne Nuit with Veronica, Josie, and Archie.

" I talked to Randy's sister earlier," Veronica brought up. " On top of everything else, Elio denying them Randy's insurance money. They got nothing."

" He can't do that," Callie grunted.

 " Well, I was hoping we could make your show tonight a benefit, Josie," Veronica wished. " With the proceeds going to the Ronsons."

" Absolutely, Veronica, whatever you need," Josie agreed.

" I'll do my best to make it back in time for your set," Archie told her.

" Back from what?" Josie asked.

" Settling up with Elio," Archie answered. He gave her a kiss, tapped Callie on the back and left. She flinched a little, it still hurt back there. They all separated till the night came. Callie came home to Sweet Pea in the room with Vegas.

" Hey," Callie greeted him as she leaned against the wall.

" Hey," Sweet Pea looked up at her with a smile. She walked over and sat besides Vegas. She started to pet him, he happily wagged his tail. " Want to go out on a date tonight?" 

" Want to go La Bonne Nuit?" Callie asked. " Josie singing and all the proceeds go the Ronsons. Elio is denying them insurance money."

" Yeah, that sounds fun," Sweet Pea agreed. He stood up, he opened the closet door and pulled a dress shirt, pants, and a tie.

" So you invade my closet space now?" Callie asked as she paused her hand on Vegas's head.

" Might as well," Sweet Pea said as he started to undress. Vegas

" Hello!" Fred's voice called from downstairs as the door opened. Vegas jumped off the bed and trotted down the steps as Sweet Pea quickly put his clothes back on.

" Hey dad," Callie said as she stepped out.

" Got plans tonight?" Dad asked.

" Going on a date with Sweet Pea," Callie answered as she walked downstairs. Her dad filling a glass with water.

" Where to?" He asked as Vegas jumped on the couch.

" La Bonne Nuit," Callie answered. " Josie is singing tonight."

" Well, I'm working late tonight," Dad said. " Just thought I would stop by."

" Don't work too hard," Callie told him.

" I won't," He smiled, he kissed her on the cheek before leaving. The door closed, Callie looked to the side to see Vegas asleep and she headed back up to her room. When she reentered she found Sweet Pea in the clothes he grabbed.

" Looking snazzy," Callie complimented, he turned around with a movie winning smile.

" Gotta look good for my girl," Sweet Pea smirked.

" You always look good," Callie said as she leaned against the door.

" As you do Princess," Sweet Pea said he walked toward her. " Get dressed."

" Yes, Sir," Callie agreed. She shooed him out of the room, she closed the door. She looked into the closet and grabbed the dress she wore to the back to school semi-formal last year. Once she put it on, she opened the door.

" Somebody is looking a little dangerous," Sweet Pea looked up and down at her.

" Dangerous is my style," Callie stated. He cupped her face before kissing her gently.

" Let me do your hair," Sweet Pea insisted as he pulled away from the kiss."

" I want to leave it down," Callie told him as he dragged her to the chair. He sat her down and then opened many drawers. " Top left. He then began to make it look extra straight, suddenly a finger touched one of the marks on her backs and she sat up straighter.

" You are hiding your scars?" Sweet Pea asked as he traced it.

" Yeah," Callie said softly.

" You shouldn't," Sweet Pea told her. 

" Just more now till they are healed," Callie told him, she saw him neal down in the mirror. Then she felt his lips on her back.

" There now they are healed," Sweet Pea said as he stood up as he put a hand on her shoulder. She smiled lightly at him the mirror.


The night came, the two sat at a table at La Bonne Nuit, Josie had taken the stage.

"He left no time to regret

Kept his lips wet
With his same old safe bet
Me and my head high
And my tears dry
Get on without my guy
You went back to what you knew
So far removed from all that we went through
And I tread a troubled track
My odds are stacked
I'll go back to black
We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to
I go back to us
I love you much
It's not enough
You love blow and I love puff
And life is like a pipe
And I'm a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside
We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to
We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to
I go back to
I go back to
We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to
We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to black"

When the song everyone cheered happily, the claps ended and soon it was only one person clapping. They looked to see that it was Josie's dad. Everyone then started to talk among themselves as the music started playing.

" So, uh, I wanted to talk to you about the hospital," Callie brought up, Veronica was passing by, she then stopped, and listened in.

" What about it?" Sweet Pea asked.

" When you said that you loved me, did you mean?" Callie asked as she looked at him. Veronica put her hands to her mouth. He leaned against the table and kissed her passionately.

" Does that answer your question?" Sweet Pea asked. 

" Yeah," Callie breathed.

" Did you mean it when you said you loved me?" Sweet Pea asked her, staring into her eyes. This time she kissed him passionately. " I'll take that as a yes. Give me your ring." Callie took it off and put it in his hand. " You know I started to crush in you last year right?"

" Obviously," Callie said, he playfully glared at her.

" Well, with this ring, I promise that I will always be around," Sweet Pea said. " This ring was a promise between you and the Serpents, but now its also one between you and me." Callie opened her mouth. " Wait till I'm finished." She closed it. " You have changed my life the moment we met, and with this ring, it's only the beginning of our love story...Hell, I never thought I would get a love story. Your face always lightens up my day, from all the serious faces to all the goofy faces. Please never take this ring off, while you wear it, it will remain a reminder for you that I will always be there and I will always love you. I was a complete ass a couple of months ago and I will never make that mistake again, serpents honor. Do you Callie accept this ring?" 

" Yes," Callie breathed. " Yes, of course." He slipped it back on to her finger before kissing her, Veronica's mouth dropped open, her eyes were wide. Callie broke from the kiss, she then pulled out a mini box and revealed a ring for him.

" I was just about to give you one," Callie laughed, Sweet Pea smiled really big. " I don't drop my morals for a lot of people, but you...You seem to make those moral seem moral. I'm silly putty around. And I want to be around someone that makes me feel that way all the time. I will always be there, to clean you up, love you. I don't plan on ever walking away from this relationship again. Will you Sweet Pea, wear this ring?" 

" Yes," Sweet Pea smiled more, he hasn't smiled this much in a long time. She happily put the ring on his finger, he then looked closely at it. " Forever and Always."

"Forever and Always," Callie repeated. Veronica walked away completely swooned by what had happened. She Mr. McCoy get up and go to the bathroom, she then took a seat across the table and spilled the tea.


The next morning Callie was at the gym with her brother and Mad Dog. He was moping up the place as Callie was in the ring with Mad Dog.

" Archie, get in here," Mad Dog requested. " I need a different sparring partner."

" Am I not a good one?" Callie asked.

" I don't want to hurt you," Mad Dog said they sparred.

" You won't," Callie said as she gently punched him in the chess with her glove.

" Oh, it's on Andrews," Mad Dog playfully threatened as he playfully punched her in the side.

" Archie," they heard Veronica's voice came in. " You need to get back on the horse soon, or you never will."

"Yeah, well, maybe that's exactly the way it should be," Archie stated, Callie gently punched Mad Dog in the face. " I don't want to be known as the Riverdale Reaper."

" You made amends with the Ronsons the best way you could," Veronica reminded him. " And, now, it's time to look to the future. You're not Riverdale's Reaper. If anything, you're its Red Hope." He looked at her, Mad Dog dropped his gloves, then picked up and Callie and gently threw her down. He then held her down and started counting. She then wrapped her legs around him and swung, now he was on the bottom. " Please. For me." Veronica batted her eyes at Archie. Mad Dog flipped so Callie was back on the ground.

" Thanks, Ronnie," Archie smiled.

" Anytime, champ," Veronica smiled.

" 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20," Mad Dog counted speedily. " And you are out Andrews."

" Your turn Archie," Callie laughed as Mad Dog helped her up.

 " Give me those gloves," Archie said he held out his hand.

" Gotta fight for it," Callie offered. The three of them got into a playful fight as Veronica watched with a smile. Everything was pretty good at the moment for Callie. Her and Sweet Pea are highly devoted to each other, Archie is stepping back in the ring, and she's now just being a normal teenager for once and way playing around.

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